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This program is divided into week by week plans.

Each week is unique with its own food guidelines specific to how much fat,
protein and carbs you should be consuming in that week.

That said, each week will come with its own set of guidelines, supplement list
and even optional recipes!

Speaking of those recipes, they are completely OPTIONAL.

You don’t have to utilize them; They are simply there to act as a way to give you
a sneak peek into how we eat at the DeLauer house when we are doing our
own Keto Infusion!

If you choose not to use these recipes, no problem!

We have provided you with alternate meal options and have listed out the
important parts of the meal that you can build around by yourself.

There are a few recommended products that I think you can get some benefit out
of during this program, so I have listed them below so that you can order them
before you get started.

Please note, they are NOT REQUIRED, however they can greatly increase the
effectiveness of the program by giving you the reduction in inflammation that is
required for your body to function better.

You can CLICK on any Page to NAVIGATE to that PAGE
Things To Consider .................................................... 4
Supplements ............................................................. 4
Caffeine ..................................................................... 6
Apple Cider Vinegar .................................................. 6
Water Consumption .................................................. 7
Cardio and Fasted Cardio .......................................... 7

Ketogenic Nutrition ................................................... 9

Food Portions ............................................................ 9
Post Workout Meals ................................................... 10
Re-Feed Meals ........................................................... 11
Calorie Refeed vs. the Carb Refeed ........................... 12
Ketosis Snacks ........................................................... 13
Approved Seasonings ............................................... 16
Dressings/Sauces ...................................................... 17
Keep it in the Pantry: ................................................ 17
Items to ALWAYS Have On Hand

Weekly Diets ............................................................. 19

Week 1 ....................................................................... 19
Week 1 Sample Recipes ............................................ 21
Week 1 Summary ...................................................... 22
Week 2 ...................................................................... 22
Week 2 Sample Recipes ............................................ 22
Week 2 Summary ...................................................... 25
Week 3 ...................................................................... 25
Week 3 Sample Recipes ............................................ 26
Week 3 Summary ...................................................... 28
Week 4 ...................................................................... 28
Week 4 Sample Recipes ............................................ 29
Week 4 Summary ...................................................... 31
Week 5 ...................................................................... 31
Week 5 Sample Recipes ............................................ 32
Week 5 Summary ...................................................... 34
When you see this icon,
Week 6 ...................................................................... 34
click it to jump to the
Week 6 Sample Recipes ............................................ 35
full recipe.
Week 6 Summary ...................................................... 37
Sweet Treats .............................................................. 38
Helpful Products ........................................................ 38
A-Z Recipe Guide ....................................................... 39
Thank You .................................................................. 62


So first, let’s talk supplements.

Recommended Supplements This Week:

· 2000 mg Fish Oil evening
· 500 mg Curcumin evening
· 1-2x probiotic
· 500 mg Magnesium - jigsaw

Remember, these are not REQUIRED, but are recommended!

If you decide to opt-in and get these supplements, any brand will do.

However, I have provided some links for you to the brands I know and trust.


Omega~3 Fish Oil: Western diets do not consist of very much Omega~3 fatty

This is due to the lack of salmon and other fish.

Instead, we consume more red meat which are high in Omega~6 Fatty acids.

This specific Omega~3 supplement is high in DHA which helps to give you mental
clarity, lower stress response and also increases your brain energy.

Tumeric Curcumin: Tumeric is one of the few scientifically proven supplements to

helps the body to reduce inflammation.

This is also likely to help with energy and brain clarity.

Probiotic Formula: When you are running your body through a detox it produces more
bile and generally runs at an increased digestive rate.

This increases the chance of removing healthy bacteria from the system.

This will help to reduce bloating and this particular supplement features 3 different
strains of healthy bacteria.


Up to 80% of Americans are deficient in magnesium.

That’s approximately 240,000,000 men, women, and children.

Standing shoulder to shoulder, that’s enough to stretch from New York to Los Angeles 37 times.

In other words, probably you.

How Does Magnesium Promote Movement?*

· Dissolves calcium buildup in joints, muscles, and arteries.

· Supports healthy breathing and a healthy heart.
· Relaxes muscles.
· Boosts energy production and reduces fatigue.
· Encourages regularity and healthy digestion.
· Promotes healthy, restful sleep.
· Increases calmness and lessens stress.
· Keeps blood pressure within normal limits.
· Maintains healthy blood sugar levels within normal limits.
· Lessens or even eliminates headaches.
· Builds normal bone structure.
· Reduces symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).

Why Jigsaw Magnesium w/SRT®?

Not all magnesium supplements are created equal.

There are many different forms of magnesium, each with a varying degree of absorbability and side-

For optimal health, many doctors recommend a daily intake of at least 500 milligrams of magnesium.

Cheaper forms of magnesium such as Oxide and Chloride — which are found at most grocery stores,
drug stores and health food stores — make it very difficult to take a full 500mg’s (let alone 1000mg’s)
without the terrible side-effect of diarrhea.

And let’s face it, diarrhea can be a strong deterrent to even the most important of recommendations.

The million-dollar question: Can you enjoy it? Yes!

You can drink coffee as usual, unless you are doing fasted cardio, in which you may have coffee, but
no cream.

More on this later! In the meantime, here is a list of approved creamers:

Approved Caffeine Sources: No more than 100mg (1 cup coffee) per sitting.
· Green Tea
· Coffee
· Bulletproof Style Coffee (GF Butter/Coconut Oil)
*Not Approved for fasted cardio
*Deduct 10g fat from breakfast

· Almond Milk
· Heavy Cream (use instead of half and half)
· Coconut Milk
· Coconut Cream
· Almond Milk Lattes with no sweeteners
· International Delight Brand Creamer (however the emulsifiers are not good long term)

Apple Cider Vinegar

You’ll want to start your morning with the same morning drink found in the ABB.

It is extremely critical that we set the gut biome and overall pH of the body properly.

This easy morning drink is going to help you with this process immensely.

Consume this on an empty stomach first thing in the AM:

Morning Start

· 12 Fl oz WARM Water
· 2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
· 1 Tsp Powdered Ginger (preferred Organic)
· 1⁄2 Tbsp of Coconut Oil (if you cant do coconut oil, you can do 1⁄2 Tbsp Olive Oil)

Water Consumption
The early great
For Every 1LB of bodyweight, consume 0.75oz of water. philosophers, thinkers,
and healers Hippocrates,
For example: If you weigh 150lbs, then you would consume 112.5 Plato, Socrates, Aristotle
oz, which is a bit less than a gallon. and Galen all praised
the benefits of fasting.
A general rule of thumb is that if your urine is still yellow and hasn’t They used fasting for
become pale yellow to clear, you could afford to drink more. health and as healing
Sample Exercises
Paracelsus, one of the
Exercise is important as ever with the Keto Infusion Program! three fathers of
These are our recommendations for exercise, but if you are more of Western medicine, is
a beginner in the gym, you may always invest in a personal trainer to quoted as saying,
help guide you through workouts to take you to the next level. "Fasting is the greatest
remedy--the physician
If you are more experienced in the gym, continue with your current within." Early healing
routine, but be sure to get that cardio in. arts recognized the
revitalizing and
Cardio and Fasted Cardio rejuvenating power
fasting promoted.
We recommend that you do a cardio sandwich.

That means, start with a 5-10 minute cardio warm up before moving into
any higher intensity workouts.

After your workout (as in the sample below), you will follow up with 15-20
minutes of slightly higher intensity cardio.

That means intervals, stair climber or faster walking pace at an incline,

depending on your level of comfort.

As long as you’re moving!

Because your body is fat adapted, the workout intensity does not need to
be nearly as high.

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training):

HIIT is a technique in which you give it your all-out 100% effort in quick bursts
of exercise, followed by short recovery periods, then giving it 100% again.

Some like to split the intensity/recovery by 30 seconds or a minute on

and off.

Doing cardio this way keeps your heart rate up AND burns more fat in a less amount of time.

We recommend that after weight training, you give HIIT a shot, or try incorporating it into the sample
home workout listed below! As a bonus, HIIT burns up excess carbs by nature, so if you accidentally
ingest too may carbs, HIIT is a great way to come back to base line.

Fasted Cardio is a technique in which you perform your cardio on an empty stomach (at least 4
hours from your previous meal or snack of any kind).

Exercising in a fasted state increases both lipolysis (the breaking down of fat cells for energy) and fat
oxidation (the burning of this energy by the cells).

We recommend you do fasted cardio on any of your cardio only days, or days where you aren’t
lifting weights.

Sample Full Body Gym Workout Sample Full Body Home Workout
(2 sets of 12-15 reps) (2 sets of 12-15 reps)

· Shoulder Presses · Bodyweight Squats

· Chest Flyes · Reverse Lunges
· Bicep Curls · Planks
· Tricep Rope Pushdowns · Wall Sit
· Back Rows or Lat Pulldowns · Chair Step-ups
· Squats · Tricep Dips
· Hamstring Curls · High Knees/Running in place
· Push-ups
· Side-Planks


Food Portions

If you use eggs, use 1⁄2 of an egg for every 50lbs of bodyweight.

Sliding Scale:
<100lbs = 1 Whole Egg about 2.5oz of Lean meat
101-150lbs = 1.5 Eggs about 3.5oz Lean meat
151-200lbs = 2 Eggs about 4-4.5oz Lean meat
201-250lbs = 3 Eggs about 5-5.5oz Lean meat
251lbs + = 3.5 Eggs about 5.5-6oz Lean meat

Coconut Oil:
1⁄2 Level Tbsp of Coconut Oil or KerryGold Grassfed Butter for Every 50lbs
of Bodyweight.

Sliding Scale:
<100lbs = 1 Tbsp
101-150lbs = 1.5 Tbsp
151-200lbs = 2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
201-250lbs = 2 Tbsp
251lbs + = 2.5 Tbsp

1/8 of an Organic Avocado for every 50lbs of bodyweight


Moderate Sized Portion of Protein at roughly 1- 1.5oz of meat for every 50lbs of Bodyweight.

Sliding Scale:
<100lbs = 2oz
101-150lbs = 3oz Grass Fed Ground Beef Burger,
151-200lbs = 4oz Turkey Burger or Chicken THIGH,
201-250lbs = 5.5oz Chicken Breast
251lbs + = 6oz

Additional Fats and Toppings for Burger (or protein source).
You can select TWO of the following toppings to put on top of your burger or protein source in the
following quantities (you can double up one if you like it):

· - Organic Bacon – 1⁄2 Piece of bacon for every 50lbs of Bodyweight

· - Organic Avocado – 1/8 of an avocado for every 50lbs of bodyweight
· - Goat Cheese – Slice or piece about the size of FOUR of your thumbs put together
· - Organic or Raw Cheese – Slice or piece about the size of THREE of your thumbs
(because you have 3 ;-) )
· - Organic CANOLA Mayonnaise (please no Soy) – 1⁄2 Tbsp for every 50lbs

Post Workout Meals

For those of you that are working out heavily, I highly recommend that you do NOT modify the program
to suit your needs too much.

The reason is simple…

Science is starting to show that the post workout window is NOT as important as it was thought to be.

What is more important is the overall level of ketones in your body during ketosis.

So this means, post workout, you can allocate a small snack or even one of your meals without an issue to
be your post workout meal.

See my example:

Mary works out early in the morning; she likes to train before work.

So she gets up, has her apple cider vinegar drink, then goes to the gym. After the gym, she has her
breakfast and her supplements.

Simple, right? Now for someone that works out in the evening:

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"We are all conditioned
Joe works out in the evening after work. to think that we need to
be constantly working
He already had lunch and a small high fat snack a couple hours before his our tails off to get the
workout. bodies that we want.

He doesn’t eat anything additional before going to the gym, but rather he Society wants us to
works out semi-fasted for more fat burning effect. believe that the more
that we exert and the
Then, after his workout, he enjoys his dinner as structured. Simple! harder we are on our
bodies, the more
It all has to do with insulin. results we will get…
Well, that’s not
And since we don’t have many carbs causing a massive insulin spike, we don’t entirely the truth.
need to worry about post workout timing as much!
Most of our healing
Re-Feed Meals and our senses of
well-being come
One of the most common questions that people ask when they are in ketosis from the recovery
is… “What can I have for a cheat meal?” process, and if our
recovery process
Well, it’s important to note that cheat meals don’t always need to contain isn’t operating at
carbohydrates. it’s full potential,
then we are always
Remember, the primary benefit from a cheat-meal, outside of the psychological swimming in a
benefit, is the fact that is restores your LEPTIN LEVELS. pool of our own
toxins and
You see, Leptin is a hormone that is secreted when you are full. byproducts of
daily life."
The secretion of this hormone not only tells your brain that you are not hungry,
but it also signals the release of additional hormones in your body to begin – Thomas, from
burning food again. The Vitality
This can quite literally reignite your metabolism.

Don’t be mistaken, at the end of all of this fancy science, the good old “Calories In
vs. Calories Out” rule still applies.

We are just getting more efficient and savvy with manipulating the way it works in
our bodies.

So this means, even with the magic of ketosis and low-carb eating, we are still
reaping most of the benefit because we are in a deficit, we just feel better and more
energized while doing it.

So for this sake, there are two types of re-feed meals:

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Calorie Refeed vs. the Carb Refeed
One is solely a calorie re-feed where you remain in ketosis but “overeat” when it comes to your
calories but never over indulge on the carbohydrates too much.
This is also known as a Ketosis Cheat Meal (see Sweet Treat Options).

This could be something like making some of the Ketosis Cheesecake (recipe in this program) and
just having a few big old pieces.

High calorie, sure, Keto-Killing… NOPE! So this way you are signaling leptin and triggering fat
burning but without ever stepping out of ketosis, which can be such a pain to get back into.

It also limits the amount of denovo lipogenesis, which is the fat accumulation from carbs.

You are going to consume a KETO CHEAT MEAL every 1 Week on this program.

That means, 1x per week, you will go to town on a burger with a lettuce bun, or go hog wild on a big
serving of rotisserie chicken with some extra cheese!

This will keep your metabolism on fire, and will allow you to stay in ketosis.

Keto and Carbs

Alright, I am sure all of you are wondering how often to have some carbs….

Well, it all depends on your activity level- and remember, when you’re cheating with carbs, you
should keep the fats as low as possible.

A great example carbohydrate cheat meal would be some nice LEAN white rice with some meat or
perhaps some big servings of sweet potatoes with that lean burger!

We do not want to spike our insulin and blood sugar at the SAME TIME as eating fats.

So, does this mean having greasy pizza is out of the equation?

Yep, for at least these 6 weeks.

But I will tell you, you will thank me later. Especially when you can still enjoy some amazing keto
recipes that taste quite similar!

So, rule of thumb with your cheat meals that contain carbs….

! !

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Muscle cell glycogen
The idea of the carb re-feed is to restore muscle glycogen to get you appears to function as an
through a workout, NOT to refill your entire tank. immediate reserve source
of available glucose for
If you keep to this metric, you should be able to get back into ketosis muscle cells. Other cells
within about 48 hours at the most. that contain small
amounts use it locally,
Time period? I highly recommend doing this carb re-feed every 14 days as well.
to refill glycogen (carbs in the muscles).
As muscle cells lack
BUT, if you are not working out much at all, push this to every 21 days. glucose-6-phosphatase,
which is required to
If weight loss stalls, it may be because your workouts are lackluster pass glucose into the
because of the low glycogen, so you are a prime candidate for needing blood, the glycogen
some carbs. they store is available
solely for internal use
Just keep in mind that you will go out of ketosis temporarily, so work very and is not shared with
hard at getting back in! other cells.

Getting back into ketosis after Cheating: This is in contrast to

liver cells, which, on
LAC = Life After Carbs demand, readily do
break down their
You’ll feel like an old donkey on a tight rope across a canyon filled with stored glycogen into
Doritos (nice analogy, Thomas!). glucose and send it
through the blood
Just a fair warning. stream as fuel for
other organs.
In order to kill the cravings and get back into ketosis fast, you’ll want to keep
your fats very high for the next 24 hours in order to get back into ketosis.

Go back to ABB style for a couple days.

Meaning, add some extra coconut oil, avocado, cheese etc, and don’t think
about calories too much.

Ketosis Snacks
Alright, so when it comes to snacking when in ketosis, we really do want to keep
it to a minimum.

“Why?” You ask….

It has to do with something called Glucagon.

You see, every time that we eat something, we secrete something called insulin.

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This insulin turns off fat burning temporarily until our friend Glucagon
comes into play.

Glucagon comes back into play about 2 HOURS after insulin is

released… soooo… what this means is:



How does this apply:

If you’re eating every two hours like you do in some general fitness or
bodybuilding plans, you may be able to put on some muscle, but you
won’t ever trigger the fat burning hormones to REALLY do their job well.

Not saying that snacking isn’t bad, it’s really quite good, we just need to
make sure our intervals are totally timed properly.

That would mean that we don’t ever eat inside of a 2 hour window unless it
is absolutely necessary.

We ideally would want to eat within a 3 hour window though.

“But this program has 3 square meals.”

This program is designed to be a lifestyle program, and ketosis in itself is

actually very muscle sparing and fat burning, so 3 square meals is just fine
and dandy.

But we also know you’ll get hungry from time to time. So here is what I

Morning Snack:

Protein only.

If you MUST eat between breakfast and lunch, do not consume any extra fats.

This will allow your body to preserve muscle without the extra calories in the

I recommend something like a simple protein shake or a small piece of lean

chicken breast.

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Here is the scale for a snack:

1oz Meat-Protein for Every 50lbs of bodyweight

5g of Protein from Shake for every 50lbs of bodyweight

Afternoon Snack:

During the afternoon, we do not want to add extra protein as it can

convert to glucose (gluconeogenesis). So what we want to do is have a
fat-only snack.

I recommend something like some macadamia nuts, a piece of avocado

or perhaps a tablespoon of almond butter.

Use the scale below to determine the fat quantities:

7g of Fat for every 50lbs of bodyweight

Approved Snacks

The following is a list of snacks that are approved within the Keto Infusion.

After doing the Adaptive Body Boost program, you may find that you know
most of these snacks fairly well.

You can use these snacks during the mid-afternoon periods during the
program, but you can also continue to utilize these after the program if you
choose to remain in a ketogenic state.

The amounts listed below are the MAXIMUM that you can consume in one

· Almonds –Do not exceed 1.5oz at any point
· Pecans – 1.5oz
· Brazil Nuts – 1.5oz
· Macadamia Nuts – 2oz
· Cashews – 1oz
· Pistachios – 1oz
· Walnuts – 1.5oz

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· Beef Jerky Sticks – We Like Paleo Valley brand
· Beef Jerky – No Gluten, Low Sugar- beware of teriyaki
(We like Krave brand)
· Pork Rinds – No more than 12 Pieces (We like Epic or 4505 Brand!)
· Kind Bars – NO MORE THAN 1⁄2 of a BAR!!
· Almond Butter – 2 Tbsp Organic Peanut Butter – 2 Tbsp
(watch the carbs on the label)
· Seaweed Snacks
· Protein Shake
· Cheeses (all should be organic):
· String Cheese – 1 stick
· Mozzarella – 2oz
· Jack – 2oz
· Cheddar – 2oz
· Brie- 1.5oz
· Goat Cheese – 2oz
· Feta – 1.5oz
· Ricotta – 1/8 Cup
· Cream Cheese – 4 Tbsp

Approved Seasonings
The following is a list of spices and cooking oils that are approved during this program.
There are very few spices that we discourage you from using, but we will list out the ingredients to

Cooking Oils Spices that we recommend to have on hand

· Coconut oil throughout the 6 weeks:
· Avocado Oil · Himalayan Salt
· Macadamia Nut Oil · Celtic Sea Salt
· Sesame Oil · Truffle Salt
· Olive Oil · Garlic Powder
· Grass Fed Butter (Interchangeable · Onion Powder
1:1 ratio to Coconut Oil) · Black Pepper
· Ghee · Cumin
· Chili Powder
· Italian Seasoning (Basil, Oregano, Thyme, Parsley)
· Any herbs (rosemary, sage, lemongrass)
· Any meat rubs that don’t contain sugar or MSG

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· Ranch
· Balsamic
· Blue Cheese
· Coconut Aminos (Great sub for soy sauce)
· Tamari (Men, exercise caution due to soy)
· Buffalo Sauce (We like Wing Time from Whole Foods)
· Low Sugar Ketchup (does contain sucralose, use in moderation)
· Mustard (yellow, Dijon, spicy, stone ground, NO SWEET)
· Mayonnaise (as listed in plan)
· Hot Sauces and Salsas (watch for any that contain sugar)

Avoid ANY products with:

· Gluten
· Grains
· Sugar
· Aspartame
· Overly Processed Ingredients

Keep it in the Pantry: Items to ALWAYS Have On Hand

Seasonings Fats
· Himalayan Salt · Coconut Oil
· Celtic Sea Salt · Grass Fed Butter
· Truffle Salt · Olive Oil
· Garlic Powder · Cheeses (Organic)
· Onion Powder · Avocados
· Black Pepper · Coconut Cream OR
· Cumin Highest Fat Coconut Milk
· Chili Powder · Mayonnaise
· Italian Seasoning (Basil, Oregano, Thyme, Parsley)
· Any herbs (rosemary, sage, lemongrass)
· Any meat rubs that don’t contain sugar or MSG
· Nutritional Yeast (optional, but we love its cheesy flavor!)
· Stevia/Truvia/Swerve/Xylitol

· Almond or Coconut Milk
· Heavy Cream (optional)
· Coconut Cream (full fat coconut milk, stored in the fridge overnight)
· Grass Fed Butter
· Ghee
· Organic Cheese (goat cheese preferred)

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Snack Foods:
· Nuts (almonds, cashews, pistachios, macadamia nuts)
· Beef Jerky Sticks – We Like Paleo Valley brand
· Beef Jerky – No Gluten, Low Sugar- beware of teriyaki (We like Krave brand)
· Pork Rinds – No more than 12 Pieces (We like Epic or 4505 Brand!)
· Kind Bars – NO MORE THAN 1⁄2 of a BAR!!
· Almond Butter – 2 Tbsp Organic Peanut Butter – 2 Tbsp (watch the carbs on the label)
· Seaweed Snacks
· Protein Shake

Proteins: Veggies:
*Tip- decide what proteins you will have for the · Spinach
week, then pick from the list below · Spring Mix
· Grass Fed Beef · Asparagus
· Ground Turkey · Artichoke
· Salmon (or high fat white fish) · Broccoli/Broccolini
· Chicken Breast, Thighs or Drumsticks · Cauliflower
· Bacon · Avocados
· Sausage · Lemons
· Canned Tuna · Ginger
· Canned White Meat Chicken · Garlic
· Canned Sardines/Oysters, for the daring! · Onions Tip* To make life easier,
· Naked Pea Protein get these precut
· Grass Fed Whey Protein Isolate
· Organic, Free Range
· Chicken Stock, low sodium
· Canned Tomatoes/Vegetables
· Any Sauces or Salsas You Desire

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Week 1
Welcome to your first week of the Keto Infusion.

We have done our best to make this as easy to follow as possible, but it may take
some getting used to! It’s a lot of information, so remember to breathe!

Below, we have provided you with an optional table to list out what your meals
for the day should look like to better help you stay organized!

Print this page out and keep a few copies available to track your progress.


Let’s Get Started!

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On the Menu:
Scrambled Eggs and Avocado

Simply scramble your serving size of eggs and spinach, and dice up your
serving size of avocado to mix in or put on top.

Just a reminder, your serving size will be as follows:

Coconut Oil: 1 Tbsp for cooking

Eggs: 1⁄2 of an egg for every 50lbs of bodyweight
Spinach: 1/4 Cup (raw) for every 50lbs of bodyweight
Avocado: 1/8 of an Avocado per 50lbs of bodyweight


On the Menu:
Burger/Protein Choice and Veggies

Pick the protein for your burger. You’ll want to add two additional fat toppings and
a side of veggies to make your meal complete! It is very important with this meal
that you have some veggies so that your body can absorb the minerals properly.

You can eat the same meal daily for the next week, or get creative and mix it up! We
have included portion sizes below to remind you about how much you should be
consuming until you get the hang of it.

Pick Your Protein

· Organic Bacon – 1⁄2 Piece of bacon for every 50lbs of Bodyweight
· Organic Avocado – 1/8 of an avocado for every 50lbs of bodyweight
· Goat Cheese – Slice or piece about the size of FOUR of your thumbs
put together
· Organic or Raw Cheese – Slice or piece about the size of THREE of your
thumbs (because you have 3 ;-) )
· Grass Fed Ground Beef
· Ground Turkey
· Chicken Thigh
(Fattier cut of meat here.
You can sub Salmon if you must swap)

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Choose One
Additional Fats/Toppings
· Organic CANOLA Mayonnaise (please no Soy) – 1⁄2 Tbsp for every 50lbs
· Asparagus – 2 Stalks for Every 50 Lbs of Bodyweight with 1⁄2 Tbsp
Coconut or Olive Oil on it

Choose Two
Veggies on the Side or Salad
· Artichoke – 3 leaves for every 50lbs of Bodyweight with 1⁄2 Tbsp
Coconut or Olive Oil
· Broccoli – 1⁄4 cup for every 50lbs of Bodyweight
· Small Salad – 1 Cup Mixed Greens with 1 Tbsp Olive Oil and Apple
Cider Vinegar

Moderate Sized Portion of Protein (Preferred Grass Fed Ground Beef (Burger) at
roughly 1- 1.5oz of meat for every 50lbs of Bodyweight.


Primary Dinner Options:

Remember, your portion sizes are listed in the Portion Size Key. You may be creative
with spices, however the serving size for the core proteins, fats and carbs must stay
the same.

Beef or Turkey Burgers with Cheese and avocados + Side Salad

Oven Roasted or Grilled Chicken Thigh, Roasted Almonds and Broccoli

Mixed Greens Cobb Style Salad with Chicken Breast, Ranch This is a quick and EASY
(or other low sugar dressing), and cheese of choice recipe and makes for an ah-mazing
dinner choice. This will keep in the
fridge and tastes even better the next
Sample Recipes: day as leftovers, so you can make a batch
that will last you the majority of the week.
Chicken Fajita Soup
“Tin Foil” Salmon
Again, this is an easy to make recipe that will
For your dinner, we have provided
allow for leftovers. If you prefer to not eat
you with sample recipes to try if you’d like to,
the leftovers, you may simply make
the sauce ahead of time and simply
coat and cook your salmon
each night.

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Remember, you don’t have to follow the recipes exact with the
seasonings and spices, this is merely a guide to give you some direction.
So long as your macros (fats, proteins and vegetable carbs) stay the same,
you can create your own dinners from the following options if you prefer.

You are at the end of the first week. Don’t forget to enjoy a calorie refeed!!
(See optional recipes in the Sweet Treats section)

As your first week comes to a close…

Be sure to look into next week and begin to outline what your meals will
look like so you are prepared for your grocery trip and how your meals will

Make sure to fill out your weekly summary.

Write down how you feel, what your weight is, what you noticed this week,
stress level, or anything you’d like...

Any questions for our coaches? We are here for you, feel free to ask!

Week 2
Welcome to week two of the Keto Infusion!

Now that you’ve gotten the hang of the first week, we are going to change
things up slightly, but not TOO much.

We know this is a lot of info, so we want to immerse you into it slowly to let
you (and your body!) get a good handle on your routine.

This week, you will continue with the same supplement regimen as last week.


On the Menu:

Eggs, Any Style


Naked Pea Protein Shake

This week, make your eggs how you like ‘em!

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Pair them with your portion size of avocado, spinach, and a side of your protein of choice.

We are hoping to help you find a rhythm with your routine, which is why we aren’t changing
breakfast up too much this week.

We know you have busy lives and we want to be sure to not confuse your routine too much!

Just a reminder, your serving size will be as follows:

· Eggs: 1⁄2 of an egg for every 50lbs of bodyweight
· Spinach: 1/4 Cup (raw) for every 50lbs of bodyweight
· Avocado: 1/8 of an Avocado per 50lbs of bodyweight
· Coconut oil: 1 Tbsp to cook Eggs (all sizes/weights)

And Choose One Side:

· Serving Size Organic, Nitrate Free Bacon (yes, bacon is okay, just get it Organic)
· Serving Size Organic Turkey or Pork Sausage that is Nitrite/Nitrate Free


On the Menu:
Mix and Match! Choose one of each:


For lunch today, simply mix and match your ingredients to make the meal of your choice!

Sample menu:

Ground Turkey, Mayo and broccoli

Pick Your Protein
Roughly 1- 1.5oz of meat for every 50lbs of Bodyweight
· Lean White Fish – Dover Sole, Haddock, Halibut, Cod
· Organic, Free Range Chicken Breast
· Chunk Light Tuna (responsibly fished) – NO ALBACORE (Higher Mercury)
· Grass Fed Ground Beef (as lean as possible, 93% or leaner)
· 99% Lean Ground Turkey (Organic)
· Shrimp

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Choose your fat
Portions listed again below for reference
· Avocado - 1/8 of an avocado for every 50lbs of weight
· Mayonnaise (Organic) - 1⁄2 Tbsp for Every 50lbs of weight
· Organic Jack Cheese - 1⁄2oz for Every 50lbs of Weight
· Almond Butter - 1Tbsp For Every 50lbs of Bodyweight
· Pecans, Almonds, or Brazil Nuts - 8 pieces for every 50Lbs of
· Organic Peanut Butter - 1⁄2 Tbsp for every 50lbs of bodyweight
· Ranch or Blue Cheese Salad Dressing (Organic and if using the
salad below)

Pair your Veggie

Portions listed again below for reference
· Mixed Green Salad with cucumbers (use dressing above)
· Cauliflower (about the size of 1.5 fists)
· Broccoli (About the size of 1.5 fists)


Primary Dinner Options:

Remember to use your portions from the portion key.

Wild Caught Salmon (skin on), coconut oil and bok choy (or other cruciferous

Chicken Thigh, Mixed Greens, Brazil Nuts (you can make this into a salad)
Steak and Asparagus, you can add a dollop of Sour Cream if you desire Follow the portion guide
for your appropriate amounts
of chicken, just NOTE that you would
Sample Recipes: NOT weigh your portion of chicken with
the bone.
Lemon Rosemary Chicken and Greens
Ribeye Steak and Asparagus

For your dinner, we have provided you with sample recipes to try if you’d like to,

Remember, you don’t have to follow the recipes exact with the seasonings and
spices, this is merely a guide to give you some direction.

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So long as your macros (fats, proteins and vegetable carbs) stay the same, you can create your own
dinners from the following options if you prefer.

Don’t forget to enjoy a Calorie Refeed OR a Carb Refeed, depending on your body!! (See Re-Feed
Meals Section)

As your second week comes to a close…

Be sure to look into next week and begin to outline what your meals will look like so you are
prepared for your grocery trip and how your meals will look.

Make sure to fill out your weekly summary.

Write down how you feel, what your weight is, what you noticed this week, stress level, or anything
you’d like...

Any questions for our coaches? We are here for you, feer free to ask!

Week 3
Welcome to week three of the Keto Infusion!

Okay, hopefully you are feeling a bit more confident on this program by now!

So that said, we are changing it up a bit, and this will be a higher fat week!

Higher fat means more fun (Is there seriously a recipe for pizza this week?!)!

Remember to reach out if you have any questions or get stumped so we can help you through it! So
first, let’s go over supplements.

This week, pay special attention to the supplement list, as we have changed some of the amounts
and added a new supplement!

Remember, these are not REQUIRED, but are recommended!

Recommended Supplements This Week:

· 1000mg Vitamin C
· 400mg COQ10 evening
· 2000mg Fish Oil morning, 1000 mg Evening
· 500mg Curcumin evening
· 1-2x Probiotic
· 500 mg Magnesium - jigsaw
· And lastly, 5g Glutamine if weight training

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This is a higher fat week, so we get to have a little more fun! For
breakfast this week, we’d like to get those fats in right away, so you have
the option of making yourself a little sweet treat in the mornings, or
sticking to eggs and adding in a bit more fats to them.

On the Menu:

Naked Pea Protein Shake

Coconut Cream “Yogurt” and Nuts
Scrambled Egg Hash


On the Menu:
Build Your Own!

For lunch this week, simply mix and match your meals by choosing your
preference of protein, fats and veggies from the list below.

Protein Options:
Choose One!
· Lean White Fish – Dover Sole, Haddock, Halibut, Cod
· Organic, Free Range Chicken Breast
· Chunk Light Tuna (responsibly fished) – NO ALBACORE
(Higher Mercury)
· Ground or Shredded Beef

Fat Options:
Choose Two!
· Organic Cheese
· Macadamia Nuts
· Sour Cream/Greek Yogurt- Tip* You may add seasonings to make a
dip out of this!
· Mayo

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Veggie Options:
Choose Two!
· Tomatoes
· Kale or Spring Mix Greens
· Broccoli
· Brussels Sprouts
· Artichoke Hearts


Primary Dinner Choices

Remember to use your portions from the portion key.

Baked or Grilled White Fish, Cauliflower, and Grass Fed Butter/Coconut Oil
(added to cauliflower or cauliflower mash)

New York Strip, Artichoke Hearts, Mayonnaise

This recipe is customizable!

Lean Ground Turkey, Asparagus, Almond Butter

You can add more or less to this
recipe! Make it how YOU like it.

On the Menu:
That said, be sure that you keep the macros
close to the same- meaning you will want to
Chicken Caprese Salad
keep the sausage and cheeses in the recipe,
or and simply add or swap out the veggies

Sausage & Mushroom Pizza Ramekins

(This is diet food?!)

For your dinner, we have provided you with sample recipes to try if you’d like
to, but you DON’T HAVE TO USE THEM.

Remember, you don’t have to follow the recipes exact with the seasonings and
spices, this is merely a guide to give you some direction.

So long as your macros (fats, proteins and vegetable carbs) stay the same, you
can create your own dinners from the following options if you prefer.

Don’t forget to enjoy a calorie refeed!! (See optional recipes in the Sweet Treats

As your third week comes to a close…

27 ^ BACK TO TOP ^
Be sure to look into next week and begin to outline what your meals will look like so you are
prepared for your grocery trip and how your meals will look.

Below, we have provided you with an optional table to list out what your meals for the day should
look like to better help you stay organized!

Make sure to fill out your weekly summary.

Write down how you feel, what your weight is, what you noticed this week, stress level, or anything
you’d like...

Any questions for our coaches? We are here for you, feer free to ask!

Week 4
Welcome to week four of the Keto Infusion!

You are over halfway there!

Last week was a higher fat/more fun week.

This week we are drawing that fat back down a bit and hoping to give you a plunge of greens!

Again, remember to reach out if you have any questions or get stumped so we can help you through

So, as always, let’s go over supplements.

We are keeping your supplements for this week the same as last week and will stay the same
throughout the remainder of the program.

But, as a reminder, we have included the list below.

Remember, these are not REQUIRED, but are recommended!

Recommended Supplements This Week:

· 1000mg Vitamin C
· 400mg COQ10 evening
· 2000mg Fish Oil morning, 1000 mg Evening
· 500mg Curcumin evening
· 1-2x Probiotic
· 500 mg Magnesium - jigsaw
· And lastly, 5g Glutamine if weight training

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On the Menu:
We are leaving out the coconut cream this week!
Naked Pea Protein Shake
Scrambled Eggs and Sausage

This week, you can have your portion of eggs scrambled and mixed in
with your choice of protein.

We think sausage would be the perfect option, however if you’d like to,
you can choose something like ground beef or turkey!

Feel free to mix it up throughout the week.

We also want you to load up on those greens for this meal, so feel free to
pick one or more options from the veggie list to give you a boost!

*Remember to refer to your portion key for all of these ingredients!

· ½ of an egg per 50lbs of bodyweight

Choose Your Protein Addition:

Choose one!
· Bacon
· Sausage
· Diced Chicken Breast
· Ground Beef or Ground Turkey

Choose Your Veggie Side:

Choose one or more!
· Spinach
· Kale
· Asparagus
· Mushroom
· Broccoli

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Because we are cycling into a little less fat this week, we are lightening
our lunches!

Keep in mind: You can mix and match these lunch ideas. The recipe
option is listed below.

Ground Meat and Veggies

This is the quicker option if you are on the go.

Choose Your Choice of Meat (Remember to refer to your portion key!):

· Grass Fed Ground Beef (as lean as possible, 93% or leaner)
· 99% Lean Ground Turkey (Organic)
· Chunk Light Tuna (responsibly fished) – NO ALBACORE
(Higher Mercury)

Choose Your Fat:

· Coconut/Olive Oil - ½-1 Tbsp - Use this to cook/top your veggie
· Mayo - 1 Tbsp - Use this to top your veggies

Choose Your Veggie:

· Asparagus – 2 Stalks for Every 50 Lbs of Bodyweight
· Artichoke – 3 leaves for every 50lbs of Bodyweight
· Broccoli – 1⁄4 cup for every 50lbs of Bodyweight
· Small Salad – 1 Cup Mixed Greens with 1 Tbsp Olive Oil and
Apple Cider Vinegar

Sample Lunch Recipe:

Easy Chicken Avocado Salad

Recipe Options!
Primary Dinner Choices:
Remember to use your portions from the portion key.

Salmon and Brussels Sprouts or Broccolini

Ground Turkey/Beef, Sautéed Spinach in Coconut Oil, Goat Cheese/Feta

Chicken Breast, Avocado and Asparagus

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On the Menu:

Parmesan Herb Crusted Salmon

Chicken Stir Fry
You may substitute a store bought teriyaki
For your dinner, we have provided you with
sauce if you can find one that doesn’t
sample recipes to try if you’d like to, but you
contain gluten or sugar

Remember, you don’t have to follow the recipes exact with the seasonings
and spices, this is merely a guide to give you some direction.

So long as your macros (fats, proteins and vegetable carbs) stay the same,
you can create your own dinners from the following options if you prefer.

Don’t forget to enjoy a Calorie Refeed OR a Carb Refeed, depending on

your body!! (See Re-Feed Meals Section)

As your fourth week comes to a close…

Be sure to look into next week and begin to outline what your meals will
look like so you are prepared for your grocery trip and how your meals will

Make sure to fill out your weekly summary.

Write down how you feel, what your weight is, what you noticed this week,
stress level, or anything you’d like...

Any questions for our coaches? We are here for you, feer free to ask!

Week 5:
Welcome to week five of the Keto Infusion!


You are on a roll! Because you are an advanced “Ketosian” (that is an absolutely
made up term), we have provided you with a few more recipes this week in case
you want to give them a go!

31 ^ BACK TO TOP ^
This week we are continuing to push the greens, starting with a healthy
dose at breakfast.

Again, remember to reach out if you have any questions or get stumped
so we can help you through it!

As for supplements, we are keeping your supplements list the same as

last weeks and they will stay the same throughout the remainder of the

Remember, these are not REQUIRED, but are recommended!


For Breakfast this week, we are hoping to keep it as easy on you as


We have given you a few options below, and then we have included a
recipe option to help you meal prep ahead of time!

On the Menu:

Naked Pea Protein Shake

Greens, Eggs and Ham
This will keep in the fridge
Ready to meal prep breakfast for the WHOLE WEEK?
and can simply be reheated
in the microwave or
on the stove top.

On the Menu:

Ground meat and veggies

Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Keep in mind: You can mix and match these lunch ideas.

The recipe option is listed below.

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Ground Meat and Veggies

This is the quicker option if you are on the go.

Choose Your Choice of Meat (Remember to refer to your portion key!):

· Grass Fed Ground Beef (as lean as possible, 93% or leaner)
· 99% Lean Ground Turkey (Organic)
· Chunk Light Tuna (responsibly fished) – NO ALBACORE
(Higher Mercury)

Choose Your Fat:

· Coconut/Olive Oil - ½-1 Tbsp - Use this to cook/top your veggie
· Mayo - 1 Tbsp - Use this to top your veggies

Choose Your Veggie:

· Asparagus – 2 Stalks for Every 50 Lbs of Bodyweight
· Artichoke – 3 leaves for every 50lbs of Bodyweight
· Broccoli – 1⁄4 cup for every 50lbs of Bodyweight
· Small Salad – 1 Cup Mixed Greens with 1 Tbsp Olive Oil and
Apple Cider Vinegar


Primary Dinner Choices:

Remember to use your portions from the portion key.

Beef, Squash and Bolognese

Chicken and Broccoli Soup

White Fish and your veggie of choice

On the Menu:

Squash and Bolognese

Broccoli Coconut Detox Soup

For your dinner, we have provided you with sample recipes to try if you’d like to,

33 ^ BACK TO TOP ^
Remember, you don’t have to follow the recipes exact with the
seasonings and spices, this is merely a guide to give you some
direction. So long as your macros (fats, proteins and vegetable carbs)
stay the same, you can create your own dinners from the following
options if you prefer.

As your fifth week comes to a close…

Be sure to look into next week and begin to outline what your meals will
look like so you are prepared for your grocery trip and how your meals
will look.

Make sure to fill out your weekly summary.

Write down how you feel, what your weight is, what you noticed this
week, stress level, or anything you’d like...

Any questions for our coaches? We are here for you, feer free to ask!

Week 6:
The final week! You are on the home stretch!

Welcome to week six, your final week, of the Keto Infusion! Yahooo!

This week, we have put the fats back in to push you across the finish line!

As your week comes to a close, begin to consider next steps and whether
you are going to remain in a ketosis style diet or not!

Preparation is key!

Again, remember to reach out if you have any questions or get stumped so
we can help you through it!

As for supplements, they are still the same as last week, so no curve balls as
you wrap up the final week of the Keto Infusion.

Remember, these are not REQUIRED, but are recommended!

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On the Menu:

Naked Pea Protein Shake

Coconut Cream “Yogurt”
Scrambled Egg Hash

Since you get to add some more fats, this means a little more fun with
your eggs!

You can add any of the following fats to your eggs to make an omelette,
scramble or Hash!

Remember, use 1⁄2 of an egg for every 50lbs of bodyweight.

Add to your Eggs:

Fat Choices
Choose Two
· Organic Cheese
· Organic Cream Cheese
· 2 pieces of Lox
· 2 slices of bacon
· 2 pieces of Turkey or Pork Sausage
· 1/8 avocado per 5o pounds of bodyweight

Veggie Choices
Choose Three
· Tomatoes
· Spinach
· Mushrooms
· Asparagus
· Bell peppers
· Zucchini
· Onions

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On the Menu:

Mix and Match! Choose one of each:


For lunch today, simply mix and match your ingredients to make the meal of your choice!

Sample menu:

Ground Turkey, Mayo and broccoli


Roughly 1- 1.5oz of meat for every 50lbs of Bodyweight
· - Grass Fed Ground Beef (as lean as possible, 93% or leaner)
· - 99% Lean Ground Turkey (Organic)
· - Shrimp
· - Lean White Fish – Dover Sole, Haddock, Halibut, Cod
· - Organic, Free Range Chicken Breast
· - Chunk Light Tuna (responsibly fished) – NO ALBACORE (Higher Mercury)


Portions listed again below for reference
· Avocado - 1/8 of an avocado for every 50lbs of weight
· Mayonnaise (Organic) - 1⁄2 Tbsp for Every 50lbs of weight
· Organic Jack Cheese - 1⁄2oz for Every 50lbs of Weight
· Almond Butter - 1Tbsp For Every 50lbs of Bodyweight
· Pecans, Almonds, or Brazil Nuts - 8 pieces for every 50Lbs of bodyweight
· Organic Peanut Butter - 1⁄2 Tbsp for every 50lbs of bodyweight
· Ranch or Blue Cheese Salad Dressing (Organic and if using the salad below)


Portions listed again below for reference
· - Mixed Green Salad with cucumbers (use dressing above)
· - Cauliflower (about the size of 1.5 fists)
· - Broccoli (About the size of 1.5 fists)

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Recipe Options

Primary Dinner Choices:

Remember to use your portions from the portion key.

Steak, Cauliflower and Coconut Oil (added to cauliflower mash?)

On the Menu:

Shredded Chicken Chili

Fish Taco Bowls

For your dinner, we have provided you with sample recipes to try if you’d
like to, but you DON’T HAVE TO USE THEM.

Remember, you don’t have to follow the recipes exact with the seasonings
and spices, this is merely a guide to give you some direction.

So long as your macros (fats, proteins and vegetable carbs) stay the same,
you can create your own dinners from the following options if you prefer.

As your sixth week comes to a close…

Are you going to continue a ketosis style diet?

How will you organize your meals next week?

Make sure to fill out your weekly summary.

Write down how you feel, what your weight is, what you noticed this week,
stress level, or anything you’d like...

Any questions for our coaches? We are here for you, feer free to ask!

37 ^ BACK TO TOP ^

Missing a little sweetness in your life?

Check out these bonus dessert recipes that Amber created to satisfy her own
keto sweet tooth J

As much as we love muffins for breakfast, keep all of the following recipes
as dessert options only, and only choose one per day (unless you are having
muffins with frosting… that’s the exception!).

We want to keep the core program as is, but we know how it feels to need a
little sweet pick me up every once in a while… I mean, seriously.

This is diet food?

Ambers Double Chocolate Macadamia Muffin Recipe

Amber’s Fave Vanilla Coconut Cream Frosting/Whipped


Cheesecake Cupcakes

Helpful Products
Organic, Grass Fed Beef Sticks (Great Snack on the Program):
Get Them by Clicking Here:

Liposomal Turmeric (Turmeric that is

Absorbed Through Fat and works better)

The Yoga, Ab, and Foam Rolling Program that Goes with This:
The Vitality Protocol

Recommended Minerals (magnesium)

Sustained Released Magnesium HERE

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Almond Cookies/Crust for Cheesecake

Portion Size: 2 Cookies per Day

A-Z Recipe Guide

3 C. Almond Flour
½ C. Stevia (or sweetener of choice)
½ tsp. Salt
½ C. Melted Butter

Preheat oven to 325 and line a cupcake tin with cupcake liners, if preffered.
Mix all ingredients together, then spoon the mixture evenly to fill the cupcake
tin, and smash the mixture down, as if creating a crust.

Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until just slightly browned.

These will harden as they cool, so be sure not to overcook!

Set these aside to munch on as cookies (they have a great crunch!), or use them
as your crust for the following recipe, Cheesecake Cupcakes!

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Ambers Double Chocolate Macadamia
Muffin Recipe

Makes 12 muffins
Portion Size: 1 Muffin per Day

4 Eggs, beaten
5 tbsp Coconut Cream/Heavy Whipping Cream
5 tbsp Water
2 Cups Almond Flour
1 ½ tsp Baking Powder
½ tsp Baking Soda
½ cup Grass Fed Butter, melted (can sub coconut oil)
½ cup Cocoa Powder
1 cup Stevia
¼ cup Chopped Macadamia Nuts
¼ cup Lily’s Chocolate Chips

Preheat oven to 350.
Beat eggs in the mixer.
Add in the cream and water and mix until smooth.
Add in the almond flour, baking powder, baking soda and stevia.
Mix to combine.
Whisk together chocolate and the stevia, breaking apart any lumps.
Add this to the muffin mixture, a small amount at a time and mix until smooth.
Lastly, add in the butter or coconut oil and mix until smooth.
If it still seems like the batter is too thick, add in another tablespoon of water.
Fold in the chopped macadamia nuts and Lily’s chocolate chips.
Spray coconut oil spray into muffin cups, or directly onto a nonstick muffin tin.
Divide the batter evenly amongst the 12 muffins, being sure that each muffin gets a
happy mixture of the macadamia nuts and chocolate chips.
Bake for 15-18 minutes, or until the edges are slightly brown and the tops are firm.
If you used paper muffin cups - When cooked, remove from the oven and remove the
muffins from the tin.
Allow the muffins to cool on a cooling rack until ready to eat.

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Amber’s Fave Vanilla Coconut Cream
Frosting/Whipped Cream

Portion Size: 2 Tbsp per Day

1 14oz can of Coconut Cream (not milk!)
2 tbsp Labne (optional)
¼ cup of stevia
1 tsp vanilla
Add in 1 tbsp of cocoa powder for chocolate flavor

Place your can of coconut milk in the refrigerator overnight, or at least 8 hours
ahead of time.

Place a metal mixing bowl and your metal beater(s) in the refrigerator or freezer
around an hour prior to making.

When ready to make, take your can of coconut cream out of the fridge, being
careful not to shake it.

Scoop the solids from the top of the can into your mixing bowl.

Beat the coconut cream with your mixer until stiff peaks form, which can take 7-8
minutes on high speed.

Then, add your sweetener and vanilla extract and continue to beat for another

Taste, and add more sweetener, if preferred.

Spread it on your muffins and enjoy!

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Bomb Ribeye Steak and Asparagus

Portion Size: Follow the portion guide for protein portion, and for the sauce
use ½ Tbsp for every 50lbs of bodyweight

1.5 lb Boneless Ribeye Steak
2-3 Tbsp Olive Oil
Salt and pepper
1-2 Tbsp Lemon Basil Garlic Butter (recipe below!)
Lemon Basil Garlic Butter
8 Tbsp Grass Fed Butter, softened to room temperature
1 Tbsp Lemon Zest
1.5 Tbsp Chopped Basil
2 Cloves Finely Minced/Crushed Garlic

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Remove steaks from the refrigerator and let rest at room temperature for 30 to 45
minutes while making the Lemon Basil Garlic butter.
To make the lemon basil garlic butter, place the room temperature butter in a
bowl and and mix all ingredients into the butter with a fork.
Scoop mixture onto a piece of plastic wrap and roll it to create a cylinder shape.
Stick this in the fridge until needed.

Remember, you are only using 1 tbsp per steak, so this butter will keep in the fridge
for 2 weeks to use with other recipes!
Season both sides of the ribeye with salt and pepper. Using a cast iron (or oven
safe) skillet, heat the oil over medium high heat until hot.
Place the ribeye in the skillet and sear each side for two minutes each.
Place the ribeye steaks into the oven for 6 minutes for a rare steak, or 10 minutes for
a well done steak.

Remove the steaks from the skillet.

Let the steaks rest for 5 minutes before eating to make for a juicy steak!
After cutting your serving of steak, put ½ Tbsp/50lbs of bodyweight of the Lemon
Basil Garlic butter on your portion of steak and remove the steaks from the skillet.
Let the steaks rest for 5 minutes before eating to make for a juicy steak!

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Broccoli Coconut Detox Soup

1 tbsp Coconut Oil 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 White Onion, Diced 1 Tbsp Garlic Powder
1 Head of Broccoli, rough chopped Salt and Pepper
4-5 Cloves of Garlic, minced
1-1½ tbsp Fresh Grated Ginger
¼ tsp red chili pepper
1/8 Cayenne Pepper
1 can Light Coconut Milk
2 cups low sodium Chicken Stock (veggie stalk is ok too!)
Juice from ½ lemon
2Stalks Lemongrass, split down the center (can sub for lemon zest)
Pink Himalayan salt, to taste
Protein on the side:
We opted for Chicken!
3 Chicken Breasts

For The Chicken:
Preheat oven to 425. Place chicken on a baking sheet and coat with olive oil.
Sprinkle with the garlic powder, salt and pepper, and rub the spices into the
chicken breast.
Bake for 25 minutes, or until juices run clear.
While your Chicken is Cooking:
Heat coconut oil in medium to large pot over medium-high heat.
Add the diced onion and cook until translucent and golden, about 5 minutes.
Add in the minced garlic, ginger, chili pepper and cayenne, and sauté for 1-2
minutes to let the flavors combine, then add in the raw chopped broccoli, and
continue to sauté for another 2-3 minutes.
Pour the coconut milk and the chicken stock over the sautéed broccoli.
Squeeze in the the lemon, and add the lemongrass and a pinch of salt.
Let simmer for 20 minutes, or until the broccoli is fork tender.
Remove the stalks of lemongrass.
Move the soup to your blender, or use an immersion blender, to blend until smooth.
Add the soup back to the pot and let simmer on low until it reaches your desired
temperature and consistency.
Be sure to give it a small taste to check the amount of salt, and here you can add a bit
more, if desired.

43 ^ BACK TO TOP ^
Chicken Caprese Salad

Portions: For every 50lbs of bodyweight, serve up about ¼ cup of caprese

salad. If you are working out heavily, you can add a bit more chicken to your
serving. Try to get equal parts of all ingredients in your serving.

1 lb Chicken Breast
2 Tbsp Olive oil
3 Heirloom Tomatoes
¼ cup Organic Mozzarella Cheese (You may use almond cheese)
1 bunch of asparagus, steamed
1/8 cup olive oil
1/8 cup balsamic
1 Tbsp Italian Seasoning
Pinch of each, Salt and Pepper
Spring mix lettuce

Preheat oven to 425.

Coat chicken breast in olive oil, then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake for 20
While the chicken is baking, steam or blanch your asparagus (whichever is
If steaming, cook until fork tender, then remove from the heat and put in the
refrigerator until ready to dice.

Dice your heirloom tomatoes and mozzarella cheese.

Place into a large bowl.
Pour in the olive oil and balsamic, then sprinkle the Italian seasoning, salt and
pepper over the top.
Dice the asparagus into 1 inch pieces and mix into the salad.
After chicken has cooked and rested for a few minutes, slice it up.
Serve the spring mix into your bowl, then layer on the caprese salad and top off with
the chicken!

Be sure to get some of that yummy olive oil dressing from the caprese salad.

44 ^ BACK TO TOP ^
Chicken Fajita Soup

Portion Size: ¾ of a Cup of Soup for Every 100lbs (roughly), you can add more
chicken if you need more protein, etc

1 Tbsp Coconut oil
1 bag frozen peppers/onions (You may use fresh- about ½ onion and 2 bell
1.5 pounds chicken breast, thinly sliced
2 cups Chicken Broth, low sodium
1 can light coconut milk
2 Tbsp chili pepper
1 Tbsp Cumin
1 Tbsp Garlic powder
2-3 Dried Bay leaves
Pinch of cayenne
Salt and Pepper, to taste.

Heat coconut oil in pot over Medium-high heat. Add in the peppers/onions and
saute until soft.

Add in the sliced chicken breast, and season lightly with salt and pepper.

Just when the pink coloring begins to leave the chicken, sprinkle in the seasonings
and give the chicken a quick stir.

Then, add in the 2 cups of low sodium chicken broth, the coconut milk and the bay
leaves. Let simmer for about 10-15 minutes and enjoy!

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Chicken Lettuce Wraps

2 leaves Romaine
Organic pre-cooked Chicken breast (You can use deli style, rotisserie.. more on
this below!)
Avocado (1/8 per 50 pounds of bodyweight)
Cheddar cheese (Or your preference)
2 slices of cooked bacon
Toothpicks, optional, for holding your wraps together

Lay your romaine leaves out on a plate or cutting board, cupped side facing
upwards so can roll the ingredients up in them.

Squirt your preferential amount of mustard down the spine of the romaine.
Layer the chicken breast, avocado, cheese and bacon down the center, along the

Wrap the leaves of the romaine around the rest of the ingredients and use a
toothpick to secure the wrap in place.

Pop these wraps in a Tupperware and you are good to go about your day!
You may also sub chicken for other cuts of lean meat, if preferred

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Chicken Stir Fry

Portion: Approximately ½ Cup of Stir Fry for every 50lbs of bodyweight, then
add ¼ Tbsp coconut oil or grass fed butter to your serving to ensure sufficient

1 Tbsp Sesame Seed oil (can sub for coconut oil)
1 lb Chicken Breast, thinly sliced or cubed
1 lb Frozen Stir Fry Veggies, organic
Teriyaki Sauce:
½ Cup Coconut Aminos
2 Tbsp Grated Fresh Ginger
4 cloves Minced Garlic
½ Lemon, juiced
1 Tbsp Arrowroot Powder
2 packets of Stevia

Heat the sesame oil in a skillet or wok over medium heat. (You may use coconut
oil, however the flavor of the sesame oil elevates this dish to the next level!).
Add in the sliced chicken and season lightly with salt and pepper.

While the chicken is sautéing, mix together your coconut aminos, ginger, garlic,
and lemon in a small saucepan and bring turn the stove on to medium heat.

When the mixture begins to steam, remove from heat and sprinkle in the arrowroot
powder and whisk vigorously until the mixture begins to thicken.

This will happen quickly and all of a sudden, so keep an eye on it! It is important in
this stage not to let the mixture get too hot, otherwise it will begin to clump.

One the chicken has cooked so it is just barely pink, add in your frozen vegetables
and begin to sauté.

Once the veggies have begun to soften, pour your teriyaki sauce over the mixture
and toss.

Note: Serve with a side of riced cauliflower!

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Cheesecake Cupcakes

Portion Size: 1 Cheesecake per Day

2 pkg Cream Cheese (room temperature)
2/3 cup Stevia (or sweetener of choice)
1 ½ tsp Vanilla Extract
¼ cup Greek Yogurt
2 Large Eggs

Preheat oven to 325 (if you haven’t already after making the crust!)
Use a mixer to blend your cream cheese and eggs.

Add in the remainder of the ingredients, then spoon the cheesecake filling
evenly over your almond crust cupcakes.

Bake for 20 minutes and enjoy!

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Coconut Cream “Yogurt”

½ cup Coconut Cream
¼ cup low carb Greek Yogurt
2 Tbsp Cocoa Powder (can use a pinch of cinnamon instead)
4-6 Drops Stevia (6 if you are using cocoa powder, less if not)
1oz almonds (30g / 1 oz)

If you don’t have coconut cream, simply take a full fat coconut milk and pop it in
the fridge overnight.

The thick portion at the top is known as coconut cream!

With an electric mixer, simply mix the Coconut Cream, Cocoa Powder (optional)
and Stevia together.

Fold in the almonds.

Voila! Coconut Cream “Yogurt”!

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Easy Chicken Avocado Salad

1-2 Cups Spring mix
Avocado (1/8 avocado per 50 pounds of body weight)
1 Can Tuna or White Meat Chicken Breast (You can use fresh, if preferred)
Hard Boiled Eggs (1⁄2 of an egg for every 50lbs of bodyweight)
2 Tbsp Lemon Juice or Balsamic
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
Pink Himalayan Salt

These ingredients are combined to create our favorite avocado salad! Simply
use your portions, mix it up, and enjoy!

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Fish “Taco” Bowls

Portion size: 1/3 cup per 50 pounds body weight

3 large fillets of Cod or Halibut
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 Tbsp Lime Juice
1 tsp each: onion powder, garlic powder, cumin
4 tsp. chili powder
Dash of Salt and Pepper
3 cups Coleslaw Mix (or 1 ½ heads of thinly sliced red and green cabbage)
½ cup Mayo or Greek Yogurt (You can do ¼ cup of each!)
2 Tbsp Lime Juice
2 Tbsp Cilantro
1 packet of stevia
Salt and pepper, to taste

Squeeze the lime juice over the fillets, then coat in olive oil.

Sprinkle on the onion powder, garlic powder, cumin, chili powder, salt and pepper.

Bring 1 Tbsp olive oil to medium high heat in a heavy skillet or grill pan.

Cook the fillets about 4 minutes on each side, depending on the thickness.

While fish is cooking, mix the mayo/greek yogurt, lime juice, cilantro, stevia, salt and
pepper in a large bowl.

Toss the coleslaw into the dressing.

When the fillets are cooked, let cool, and then shred using two forks. Serve and

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Garlic Rubbed “Tin Foil” Salmon
and Asparagus

Portion Size: With each serving, you may have 1.5oz of Salmon per 50 lbs of
bodyweight and about a fist sized portion of Asparagus (or broccolini)

1.5 pound Wild Caught Salmon
3-4 cloves Minced Garlic
1 Tbsp Lemon Zest
3 Tbsp Lemon Juice
2 Tbsp Grass Fed Butter (can sub for Coconut oil)
½ Tsp Italian seasoning
¼ Tsp Dried Dill
¼ Tsp Red Pepper Flakes
½ Tsp Salt

Preheat oven to 375.
On a baking sheet, place the salmon on a large piece of tin foil. The foil should
have 3-4 inches of length on either side of the salmon to allow for folding.
Set aside.
Add lemon juice and garlic into a saucepan and heat over medium until the lemon
juice begins to reduce.
Add in the butter and lemon zest, and stir until melted.
Once melted, remove from heat and use a brush or spoon to coat the salmon
Sprinkle the dill, Italian seasoning, red pepper flakes and salt over the salmon
Fold the sides of the tin foil together to meet each other down the length of the
salmon, and then fold the ends of the foil inwards, creating an “envelope” of foil so
that the sauce does not leak from the salmon during cooking.

Bake the salmon for 14-15 minutes, or until the salmon is firm to touch. *Hint, as the
salmon is baking, you can start steaming or sautéing your asparagus!*

Now, unfold the foil and allow the salmon to bake for an additional 2-3 minutes under
the broiler. Keep an eye on it here to ensure that it doesn’t begin to burn.

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Greens, Eggs and Ham Casserole

Portion Size: ¼ cup casserole for every 50 pounds of bodyweight

2 Tbsp Coconut oil
1 Small White Onion, Diced
1 lb. Greens (we like a baby kale and spinach blend)
1 cup chopped, cooked Ham
12 Large Eggs, scrambled
½ cup Mozzarella Cheese
¼ cup Feta cheese
Salt and Pepper
Optional Toppings:
Avocado (1/8 avocado per 50 pounds of bodyweight)
Sour Cream (1 Tbsp per 100 pounds of bodyweight)
Hot sauce

Preheat oven to 400 degrees, and spray a casserole dish with nonstick spray (we
like Trader Joe’s coconut oil spray!), or give it a rub down with a bit of coconut oil.
Set aside.

Heat coconut oil in a large pot over medium-high heat.

Add the diced onion to the pot and let cook for about 5 minutes, or until it begins
to become translucent.

Add the bag of mixed greens to the pot and toss until wilted.
Move the greens and onions to the casserole dish.
Sprinkle the chopped ham evenly over the greens mixture.
Pour the scrambled eggs over the greens, season with salt and pepper, then use a
fork to gently distribute the eggs throughout the greens.
Sprinkle the cheese over the top.

Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes, or until the mixture has set and the cheese is
slightly browned.

This will keep in the fridge THE WHOLE WEEK and can simply be reheated in the
microwave or on the stove top.

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Lemon Rosemary Chicken and
Mixed Greens

Portion Size: Follow the portion guide for your appropriate amounts of
chicken, just NOTE that you would NOT weigh your portion of chicken with the

1.5 lb Skin on, Breast, Thighs and Drumsticks
2-3 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 Lemons
2-3 Sprigs of Rosemary
2-3 Sprigs of Sage
Salt and pepper
Garlic powder

Preheat oven to 425 and cover your baking sheet with tin foil to make for easier
Place the chicken onto your baking sheet and then place one sprig of sage
beneath each piece of chicken.
Coat the chicken with olive oil, then sprinkle the salt, pepper and garlic powder on
top and rub the seasonings into the chicken breast.
Set aside.
Cut one of the lemons in half and juice both halves into a bowl. Slice the other
lemon into thin rounds to place on top of the chicken.
Pour the lemon juice over the chicken.
Then layer one of rosemary on or around each piece of chicken, just ensuring the
the herbs are touching the chicken breast enough to release the flavor into the
Then, layer one to two slices of lemon on top of each piece of chicken.
Bake the chicken for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the juices run clear.
Serve with a salad of mixed greens, baby heirloom tomatoes and balsamic vinegar.

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Morning Start

12 Fl oz WARM Water
2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tsp Powdered Ginger (preferred Organic)
1⁄2 Tbsp of Coconut Oil (if you cant do coconut oil, you can do 1⁄2 Tbsp
Olive Oil)

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Naked Pea Protein Shake

Choose Any (or None) of The Following Options:

1Tbsp Cocoa powder
6 drops Stevia
Vanilla Extract

Simply mix together your Pea Protein powder with some almond milk and 1
Tbsp coconut cream/canned coconut milk for every 50/lbs bodyweight to get a
yummy protein shake if you are on the go!

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Parmesan Crusted Salmon
and Asparagus

Portion: Follow your protein and asparagus servings from the portion key

1 salmon filet, about 2 pounds, left whole
Pinch of Salt
Parmesan Herb Crust:
4-6 cloves garlic, finely minced
¼ cup chopped parsley
1 Tbsp chopped Rosemary
½ cup chopped Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 425.

Place salmon, skin side down, onto a baking sheet lined with foil or parchment

Sprinkle the filet with salt, cover with another piece of tin foil and bake for 10

While the salmon is cooking, mix together the ingredients for the parmesan herb

Remove the tin foil cove from the salmon and sprinkle your parmesan herb mixture
over the top.

Return the salmon to the oven, this time uncovered, and bake for another 3-5
minutes, or until the cheese topping has browned lightly and the salmon registers
135 degrees on your meat thermometer.

Allow to rest for 3-5 minutes, and enjoy with your portion of asparagus!

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Sausage and Mushroom Pizza Bowls

Portions: Enjoy about ¼ Cup of Pizza Bowl Ingredients per 50lbs of

bodyweight. This is a slightly higher fat meal, so you can add additional protein
to meet your serving requirements based on the food scale.

1 tbsp Coconut or olive oil
2 cups sliced mushrooms
½ pound Organic ground sausage, chorizo, or ground turkey/beef
2 cups marinara sauce (No sugar added) or tomato sauce
2 cups organic shredded mozzarella

2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes

Heat medium sized skillet over medium-high heat.
Add mushrooms to the dry pan and cook for 5 minutes, until the mushrooms are

Add the sausage to the pan and break it apart as it cooks.

Saute for about 6-8 minutes, or until fully cooked.
Turn down the heat.
Add in the marinara and cook until warm.
Place four 8 oz. ramekins (or oven safe bowls) on a baking sheet.
Begin layering by placing 2-3 tablespoons of the marinara sauce mixture into the
bottom of each ramekin followed by 1-2 tablespoons mozzarella.
Top with more mozzarella.

Finish each ramekin with the rest of the marinara and sprinkle with remaining

Finish off the pizza bowls by sprinkling on the optional parmesan and red pepper
Place baking sheet with ramekins under the broiler for about 4-5 minutes, or until
sauce is starting to bubble and the tops are lightly browned.

Serve warm

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Shredded Chicken Chili

Portion size: 1/3 cup per 50 pounds body weight

1.5 lb Chicken Breast
4 cups of water (or chicken broth)
1 White Onion
2 cans diced tomatoes
1 can tomato sauce
1 can green chilis
4 cups Chicken Broth
1 package Cream Cheese (can sub coconut cream)
3 Tbsp Garlic Powder
2 Tbsp Cumin
2 Tbsp Chili Powder
Salt, to taste
2-3 Bay leaves (optional)

Shredded Chicken: In a large pot, place chicken breasts and either 4 cups of water
or broth to a boil.

Allow to cook until the chicken is just barely pink.

Remove chicken from broth and place in a large bowl.
Shred chicken using two forks to separate or (neat trick) in your Kitchen-Aid mixer,
using the paddle attachment.
Set aside.

Discard of the pot of water.

Add olive oil and onions to the pot and cook until translucent. Add in the diced
tomatoes, tomato sauce and green chilis.
Next, melt in the cream cheese or coconut cream.
When melted, add the remaining 4 cups of chicken broth.
Sprinkle in the cumin, garlic powder and chili powder, and add a dash of salt and the
bay leaves.

Let simmer for 15 minutes, then enjoy!

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Squash and Bolognese

2 Zucchini’s, steamed (may make zoodles!)
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 lb Grass Fed Ground Beef
Salt and Pepper
1 Tbsp Garlic powder
1 Tbsp Onion powder
Sauce: you may use store bought if you find one without added sugar
2 cans Tomato Sauce
1 can Diced tomatoes, undrained
Italian Seasoning
Lemon Juice
Salt and pepper
Pinch of cinnamon
2 Packets Stevia
Bay leaves (optional)

Steam your zucchini in a large pot.

While the zucchini is steaming, start on your beef and sauce.

Add the olive oil to a saucepan and bring to medium high heat, then add the
ground beef.

Sprinkle the salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder over the beef, and then
begin to stir and break down the beef.

Let sauté, stirring every so often while you start on the sauce.
To a pot, add all of the ingredients for the sauce and bring to a simmer.
Once the beef is cooked, you can add it right to the sauce, or keep them separate
and simply layer them over the squash.


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Whipped Cream

Portion Size: 2 Tbsp per Day

1 cup Heavy Whipping Cream
1/8 cup Sweetener (more or less, to taste)
1 ½ tsp Vanilla Extract

Add all ingredients to your mixer and beat until you have whipped cream. Easy

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We thank you for your support.

If you have any questions or need to get a hold of us, please email us here!

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