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Moch Fadhli Zhafir Maftuh (20191336006)

Teknik Industri (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya)

Jurnal English Discoveries

English Discoveries is learning solutions for mediation interactive student and teacher,
there are many units to learn and apply in life, and effective english language and learning
Engdish can be implemented and add insight in communicating if you need English. Innovative
assessment tools make it easy for students to evaluate and improve their reading, writing and
listening to English.
In this study we need 10 units to increase our understanding of this English topic, but I just finish
5 units for now.
The five sessions in the class are:
1. Getting A Job
In unit Getting A Job it can be implement to learn how to communicate and interact with other people
who will and already have a working relationship. by using methods such as voice mail, telephone calls,
education plans, grammar points and communication for a meeting. and I like this unit because this unit
will help me someday, if the company or place of work that I want will have to use English for

2. Business Matter
In unit Business Matter it learn how to communicate english and this unit not much different from the
unit getting a job because both implement the implementation system for a job and business. We get a
new grammar points and some communicate, interactive with someone else, but we still get different
knowledge from each unit because we learn and we find someday to be used even if not now.

3. Planning A Vacation
In this section I learn how to a planning to a vacation, with new grammar points, in this section we learn
about planning a tour, and having fun seightseen in village or town, travel agency, round trip and etc. this
section will make our a interactive with some agency trip. I think it’s can be useful because yeah, I'm
really excited about going some trip, and tour. And I get new knowlegde with english discoveries.

4. Eating Out
In this unit I'm not interested about food, but it’s so great to applied in real life, I learn eating out and at
home with some party will better at home, seriously.
5. Traveling Aboard
In this unit I learn about a trip from the airport, learn to understand about flight an airport,
aboarding, passport, the immigration form, and round-trip ticket. I think it should be useful
because in an airport will must use English in communication and interaction with someone else,
and this unit make me understand about a traveling aboard,

In all sessions, students got a number of things about being kind to people around and the
environment. In the application there are various good ways of working for example by
completing sentences, matching true and false words, multiple choice, interacting with questions
through conversation dialogue. So I’m so thankful to engdish to provides this.

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