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Islamophobia is the fear, hatred of, or prejudice against the Islamic religion or Muslims generally.

Islamophobia can be characterized by the belief that all or most Muslims are religious fanatics, have violent
tendencies towards non-Muslims, and reject as directly opposed to Islam such concepts as equality, tolerance, and
democracy. (RISC 2011). There are 4 myths about Islam; Islam promotes hatred; Jihad is synonymous with
terrorism; the hijab, or headscarf is oppressive; and Islam is oppressive women and to the LGBTQIA+ community.
Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that target expressions of Muslimness of perceived

The number of Muslims in New Zealand according to the 2013 census is 46,149, up 28 per cent from
36,072 in the 2006 census. New Zealand has a number of Mosques in major centres, and to Islamic schools. New
Zealanders do not have to be taught how to express their compassion and love to their Muslim
compatriots, because we have lived with these values for decades. Recently, On 15 March 2019, a terrorist
attacked worshippers at two mosques in Christchurch, killing 51 people, including 42 at the Al Noor Mosque in
Riccarton, 7 at the Linwood Islamic Centre, and 2 who died in hospital. The attacks took place on a Friday
afternoon, when worshippers inside the mosques were gathering for Jumu'ah. The accused perpetrator of the attack
was an Australian described as a white supremacist who intended to create an "atmosphere of fear" against Muslims.
The temptation is going to be to declare the suspect, who livestreamed himself on Facebook shooting dozens of
Muslims while they gathered for Friday prayer, a madman. It would be comforting to think so. Because then we
could put aside any recognition that the discourse he appears to have bought into, evident from the manifesto he
posted a link to on his now-deleted Twitter account, goes far beyond simply him.

An informal survey of 100 young Muslim women conducted by the Islamic Women Council New Zealand
(IWCNZ) showed 80 percent were harassed or discriminated within the previous year. But despite clear anecdotal
evidence of Islamophobic abuse, the Ministry of Justice has almost no convictions for racial or religious abuse in
New Zealand in the past 10 years. The young women reported that the abuse and discrimination was occurring not
just on the streets but within the schools they attended, and some of it came from teachers. Previous studies had
found that less than 10 per cent of the presentation of Muslims in the New Zealand media were domestic stories. In
essence, then, New Zealand's Muslims were hidden from public view to the majority of Kiwis.

New Zealand has long been considered safe from terrorism and the outside world in general. American
tycoons flocked to buy property here in the wake of the 9/11 and other terrorist attacks on the United States. In the
long-term, the government would also strengthen the current laws to ensure it responds more swiftly, and explore
how online providers should be regulated. Since the shooting, Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zaeland has talked
about requiring licenses for individual guns rather than for users and banning semiautomatic weapons.

Unfortunately, Islamophobia has unleashed a lucrative industry led by dangerous interest groups with
extremist political, social, and economic agendas. If unchecked, it threatens perpetual wars and destruction causing
immeasurable pain and suffering. Whatever strategy is used to battle Islamophobia, it will need to be strongly based
on education. By educating our citizens, New Zealand will no longer define Muslims as a national peril. Teachers
and educators have the leadership ability to dispel myths and educate students and peers. Integrating educational
assignments to discuss current misunderstanding and encourage cultural learning will help spread objective
messages and images of other cultures and worldviews.

 New Zealanders do not have to be taught how to express their compassion and love to their Muslim
compatriots, because we have lived with these values for decades. But as far as we concern, Islam is not
what some people assume.
 But despite clear anecdotal evidence of Islamophobic abuse, the Ministry of Justice has almost no
convictions for racial or religious abuse in New Zealand in the past 10 years.
 at two mosques in Christchurch his name is Brenton Tarrant
 Since the shooting she had talked about requiring licenses for individual guns rather than for users

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