Stats Questions

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Question No 1

An advertising company wishes to plan its advertising strategy in three

different media- television, radio and magazines. The purpose of
advertising is to reach as large a number of potential customers as
possible. Following data has been obtained from market survey:

Televisi Radio Magazine I Magazine

on II
Cost of an advertising Rs. Rs. Rs. 15,000 Rs. 10,000
Unit in the particular 30,000 20,000
No. of potential 2,00,000 6,00,00 1,50,000 1,00,000
customers 0
reached per unit
No. of female customers 1,50,000 4,00,00 70,000 50,000
reached per unit 0

The company wants to spend not more than Rs. 4, 50,000 on

advertising. Following are the further requirements that must be
(i) at least 10,00,000 exposures take place among female
(ii) advertising on magazines be limited to Rs. 1,50,000
(iii) at least 3 advertising units be bought on magazine I and 2
units on magazine II
(iv) the number of advertising units on television and radio should
each be between 5 and 10.
Formulate a linear programming model for the problem.

Question No 2
A firm produces 3 products P, Q, and R; each of which passes through
3 stages of production A, B, and C before being converted into the
finished product. The relevant data are given below

Time required in minutes per Stage

unit capacity
per day in
A 1 2 1 430
B 3 0 2 460
C 1 4 0 420
Profit Per Unit
3 2 5 -
In Rs

i) Using simplex method, determine the optimum production

ii) Which resources are fully utilized and which are not fully
utilized and to what extent
iii) Present a sensitivity report relating to changes in the stage

Question No 3

A firm makes 2 products X &Y and has a total production capacity of 9

tons per day, X & Y require the same production capacity. The firm has
a permanent contract to supply atleast 2 tons of X and atleast 3 tons of
Y per day to another company. Each ton of X requires 20 machine
hours and each ton of Y requires 15 machine hours. The daily
maximum possible number of machines hours is 360. All the firm’s
output can be sold and the profit made is Rs 80 per ton of X and Rs
120 per ton of Y. Find out the optimum mix using graphical method.

Question No 4

A) Write short notes on the following:

a) Duality in linear programming problem
b) Multiple optimal solutions
c) Sensitivity analysis
d) Applications of linear programming problem

Question No 5

BJP is preparing for assembly elections in Rajasthan. In a constituency

1 million voters have been categorized in one of four states, along with
the percentage who would vote for BJP shown against each state.
Percentage who vote for BJP
1. A. hard core BJP supporters
2. B. Liberal BJP supporters
3. C. Fence Sitters / Dalits/Minority group
4. D. Independents/Others
BJP is planning to run a special campaign in this constituency in an
attempt to move the voters into the more favorable categories.
However, without, this special campaign, the following transition
probability matrix now applies for an ongoing switch in voter
sentiments in coming months.
State transition in next period/

Current states A B C
A 0.95 0.05 0
B 0.10 0.80 0.10
C 0 0.15 0.70
D 0 0 0.30
a) Election day is a long way off. With no special campaign, how
many votes can BJP expect for Rajasthan Constituency for BJP?
b) The special campaign will focus on fence sitters (C) making them
more favorable to BJP. This will result in a transition matrix
identical to the above except for the new row C of transitional
probabilities matrix as follows

C 0 0.40 0.50 0.10

How many votes BJP can expect from this constituency with its
special campaign, assuming that a steady state (equilibrium)
would set in soon before the election?

Question No 6
A pharmaceutical company produces three products X,Y and Z which
are partially used in manufacture of these products. However, none of
the products is used in its own manufacture. The quantities of the
outputs of each product which are used as inputs in the manufacture
of one unit of each of other products are:

Input Products


X 0 0.3
Output Products 0.4

Y 0.2 0

Z 0.1 0.5

The production targets for each product are worth Rs. 1, 50,000 for X,
Rs. 2, 00,000 for Y and Rs. 1, 00,000 for Z. These products are to reach
the final consumer. Using Leontief’s input-output analysis determines
how much of each of the products should be produced?

Question No 7

a) Find matrix A such that

1 -2 3 1 -2 3

A X 0 2 -1 = -4 5 2

-4 5 2 0 2 1
b) A box contains 10 light bulbs two of which are defective. If three
bulbs are selected in succession without replacing those already
selected, then
(i) What is the probability that all these bulbs selected will be
(ii) What is the probability that the third bulb selected will be
(iii) What is the probability that two are good and one is the
(iv) What is the probability that at least two are good?

Question No 8

The following information is known for a project.

Activity A B C D E F G H I J K L

Duration 30 7 10 14 10 7 21 7 12 15 13 15
Predeces -- - A B,C D E B,C F F,G H,I B F,G,K
sors -

Draw PERT network for this project and find its critical path. Determine
the duration of project and tabulate the total float, free float,
interfering float of all non critical activities in resourse mobilization?.

Question No 10
1. Find the limit of the following functions :

a) Lim x2 + 8x + 7 b) Lim x3 + 4x2 + 7x + 5

x→-1 x+1 x→∞ 2x3 + 7x2 + 6

c) Lim a1x + b1 d) Lim x

x→∞ a2x + b2 x→ 0 √1 + x - 1

e) Lim 2x2 7x +6
x→ 2 5x2 - 11x + 2
( B ) An automobile manufacturer finds that his car can be assembled
at a total cost
C(x) = 200 + 30x, where x is the number manufactured.
Assuming that the price at which the automobile manufacturer
can sell each unit of car is given by
p = 150 – (x/5). What level of production will maximize the total
profit? What is the corresponding selling price per unit and what
is the total profit at this level of production?

Question No 11

a) If y = x/√1–x2, prove that x3 dy/dx = y3

b) If y = √x + 1/√x , prove that 2x dy/dx = – 1/(√x + 1.√ x )

Question No 12

i) Prove that E d = AR/(AR – MR), where AR is Average Revenue, MR

is Marginal Revenue and Ed is Elasticity of Demand. Verify this for
linear demand curve
P = a – bx

ii) If production function is Q=2L2K3 – 3L3K2, where L is Labour & K is

(a) Find average product and marginal product of labour and

Question No 13

(A) (a) The demand for a commodity is given by x = 48 – 3p2. Find the
point elasticity of demand when p =3. if this price of 3 is decreased
by 4% , determine the relative increase in demand hence an
approximation to the elasticity of demand.

(b) A demand law ids given by x = 100-2p, where x id the quantity

demanded and p is the price . If price elasticity of demand at p=10 is
increased by 60% , obtain the percentage decrease in demand.
(B) Suppose the demand q and price p for a certain commodity are
related by the equation ;
Q = 500 – 2p ,for 0< p < 250.

(i) Determine where the demand is elastic , inelastic , and of unit

elasticity w.r.t price.
(ii) Use results of part (i) to determine the intervals of increase and
decrease of the revenue function and the price at which revenue is

Question No 14

(a). Shradha hospital ‘WHERE CARING IS A WAY OF LIFE’, is an ambitious

project flourishing with an urge to give further impetus to the
community in the field of Health care.

Located in Qutub Institutional Area which comes in the close proximity

of Sanjay Van and the Historical Qutub Minar, is governed by a trust
founded in 1986 of which Shri Harpreet Singh is the Chairman. His dream
turned into actuality with the laying down of the foundation stone of
Shradha Hospital on the 27th June 2007.

Today, Shradha hospital is a multi-specialty hospital, with focus on

specialization with perfection. A diligent team of professional and
highly qualified doctors renowned in their respective fields of specialty
like Padmashree Prof. Dr. P.K. Dave (Orthopaedics) and Prof. Dr. M.P. Sharma
(Gastroenterology) are a part of the Shradha family.

The glory of the magnificent infrastructure and the warmth of the

ambience distinguish Shradha Hospital from the rest. The hospital
atrium surrounded with fountains and greenery adds a soothing and
healing touch of its own.

Strategically designed health packages are a noteworthy feature of the

hospital services. They have been planned keeping economy and the
highest standards of quality under consideration, with an aim to
benefit each and every stratum of society. Drills and camps for the
staff and community health check-ups are being organized regularly by
the hospital.

The hospital provides ambulance service and claims that it takes on

the average 8.9 minutes to reach its destination in emergency calls. To
check on this claim ambulance services has been timed on 50
emergency calls, getting a mean time of 9.3 minutes with a standard
deviation of 1.8 minutes. At 5% level of significance does this
constitute evidence that the figure claimed is too low?

b) A manufacturer of Mixi sets was trying to find out what variables

influenced the purchase of a Mixi set . Level of income was suggested
as possible variable influencing the purchase of a Mixi set. A sample of
500 households was selected and the information obtained is classified
as shown below:

Income levels Have Mixi sets Do not have Total

Mixi sets
Low income 0 250 250
Middle income 50 100 150
High income 80 20 100
Total 130 370 500

Is there evidence from the above data of a relation between

ownership of Mixi sets and level of income.

[ Given: the table value of chi-square for 1 degree of freedom at

5% =3.84, for 2 degrees of freedom at 5%=5.99 and for 3
degrees of freedom at 5%=7.81.]

Question No15

(a) The marks of the students are normally distributed. 15% get more
than 75 marks and 25% of get less than 40 marks. Find the mean and
standard deviation of distribution.

(b) The mean and standard deviation of the wages of 10000 workers
engaged in a factory are Rs. 2000 and Rs. 400 respectively. Assuming
the distribution to be normally distributed estimate:
i. Percentage of worker getting wages above Rs. 1,750.
ii. Numbers of workers getting wages between Rs. 1,100 and Rs.

Question No 16

a) For the following data, the coefficient of correlation is = + 0.92:

Advertising Sales
Expenditure (Rs. Crore)
(Rs. Lakhs)
Mean 50 100
S.D 10 20

i. Calculate two regression equations.

ii. Estimate the likely sales for an advertising expenditure of Rs.
60 lakhs.
iii. What should be the advertisement expenditure for attaining
sales target of Rs. 120 crores?

b) In a partially destroyed record the following data are available:

variance of X=25

Regression Equations: 64x-45y=24



I. coefficient of correlation between X and Y

II. standard deviation of Y

Question No 17

State with reasoning the correctness or otherwise of the following:

(a) In a normal distribution data the S.D. is less than QD & M.D.
(b) There is no difference between Variance and Coefficient of Variation.
(c) If one of the regression coefficients is greater than unity, the
other must be less than unity.
(d) There is no difference between variance and coefficient of
(e) The mean wage of two companies are equal, it means that
the workers of both the companies are equally well off.
(f) Delete numbers until the mean is between 46 - 47 for the following
data, whose current average value is 42.97. (Minimum no. of
deletions needed = 4; add any value between 0 – 99)

15 42 23 43 25 51 32 61 34 35 66 36 38 41 41
42 23 42 24 49 27 57 34 62 63 35 70 70 76 92

(g) Add nos. until the mean is between 43 – 44 for the below
mentioned data whose current mean value is 47.44. (Minimum no. of
additions needed = 4; add any value between 0 – 99)

1 3 4 1 8 4 6 5 8 4 9 1 6 4 3 3 7 6 9 9 1 1 2 6
4 8 4 1 0 7 7 7 4 4 0 2 2 2 6 2 5 4 4 8 1 2
4 1 1 5 8 8 8 8 8 7 5 9 8 4 6 4 3 8 3
5 1 6 6 4 9 3 4 1 0 6 0 8 3 8 9 8

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