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Adding a volume control to a pedal that doesn’t have one

Adding a volume control to a pedal that doesn’t have one is an easy thing. You need a logarithmic
potentiometer with a resistance value of 100k or more, a piece of wire and some solder. And you need to
drill a hole for the pot at a suitable place of course. You also need to know where the guitar signal comes
out from the circuit or the PCB. This is how you do it!

1. Drill a hole for the new potentiometer. If you are using a 16mm Alpha potentiometer from use a 7mm drill (predrill with a 3mm drill if you want extra accuracy).

2. Break off the small tag next to the main shaft with a small pliers. The tag comes off easily if it is twisted
lightly to the side. Alternatively, drill an extra hole, next to the hole for the shaft, and fit the small tag in
there. You decide!

3. Position the pot in the hole and tighten the nut.

4. Find effects out that is the point on the PCB or in the circuit where the signal goes out. Normally this is a
wire between the PCB and the foot switch. If you are lucky the PCB will have a text written on it: “out” or
similar. We illustrate how it is done in Moody Phaser, see image 1. The PCB has a text “ut” written on it
(out in Swedish). This is the location in the circuit we shall focus on.

5. Remove the signal-out wire from the foot switch and solder it on the volume pot. You see from image 2
that a potentiometer has three solder lugs/pins. We assign them numbers according to the image. The wire
shall go on pin number 3.

6. Connect a new wire between the pot’s middle pin and the place the signal-out wire was removed from.

7. Connect a new wire between pin 3 on the pot and any ground point in the circuit. If you are uncertain
where the circuit’s ground is, you can use the ground solder lug on the output jack. In all cases I can think
of it should be ok.

8. The volume control is installed and ready to use! Find a knob that fits in well with the design and you are
ready to go! Just make sure the solder pins are not in contact with any conducting parts on the pedals and
there shouldn’t be any problems. If you are adding a volume pot on the Moody Phaser, note that there is not
much space for it in the box! The wall on the side next to the input jack?

Image 1. The green wire between “ut” on Image 2. When your work is done, the
the PCB and the foot switch is the “signal signal passes a pot before it reaches the this
in out” in this circuit. footswitch. We connected two new wires
and moved one that was there already.

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