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Last weekend, SK Kuala Kurau organised (menganjurkan) a fund raising fair (pesta mengutip
dana). The students set up (memasang) the stalls (gerai). The stalls were under the canopies.

Many parents and students came to the fair. They bought many food and drinks. They enjoyed the
delicious food. They also took part (mengambil bahagian) in the games. They really enjoyed themselves.

The fair ended at noon. The teachers counted(mengira) the money. Then, they gave it to the
headmaster. He was very proud (bangga) of the school. Their efforts paid off(usaha mereka berbaloi).

(81 words)


Ahmad was a school prefect (pengawas) in his school. Many people liked him. However (tetapi), there
were three boys who were jealous (cemburu) of him.

One day, the three boys followed Ahmad home. They stopped him and pushed him into a drain
(longkang). Luckily, a teacher saw them. He scolded the three boys. Then, he took Ahmad home.

The next day, the teacher reported the incident (kejadian) to the headmaster. He was angry and he
punished the three boys. They apologised (meminta maaf) to Ahmad. He accepted it and they became
friends after that.

(87 words)


The pupils of 5 Mumtaz went to Tamn Sri Budi Orphanage (rumah anak yatim)last Saturday.They
went there by bus. They were very excited.

When they reached there, they helped to clean up the orphanage. Amin and his friend raked (menyapu
daun kering) and collected the dried leaves. (daun kering) Abu painted (mengecat) the wall. Halimah
and a few friends planted new plants. The orphanage became clean.

After they cleaned the place, they ate together with the orphans. The orphans and president were
grateful (bersyukur) for their help. After they ate, the students went home. It was tiring (memenatkan)
but they were happy. It was a memorable (bermemori) day.

(84 words)

Last week, it rained heavily. The village was flooded. Everyone had to move. They felt sad. They
waited for help on the roof.

The policemen and firemen came to rescue the villagers. They used motorboats. They helped the
victims. They brought the victims to the relief centre. The villagers were glad that they were saved.

The victims stayed in the relief centre for three days. The workers gave them food, drinks and other
things. The victims were very grateful for the help.

Vocabulary :

Rained heavily = hujan lebat

Flooded = dibanjiri

Flood = banjir

Roof = bumbung

Rescue = menyelamatkan / diselamatkan

Grateful = bersyukur

Victims = mangsa

Relief centre = pusat perlindungan

Saved = diselamatkan

Glad = gembira

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