Rights of A S #2

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The Corporation Code

3. Remedial rights It is also used to apply to the holder of the authority

a. To inspect corporate books (CC, Sec. 74); or person authorized by an absent stockholder or
b. To recover stock unlawfully sold for member to vote for him at a stockholders’ or
delinquent payment of subscription (CC, members’ meeting.
Sec. 69);
c. To be furnished with most recent financial It also refers to the instrument which evidences the
statements or reports of the corporation’s authority of the agent (De Leon, supra).
operation (CC, Sec. 74, 75);
d. To bring suits (derivative suit, individual NOTE: A proxy is a special form of agency. A proxy
suit, and representative suit); and holder is an agent and as such a fiduciary (De Leon,
e. To demand payment in the exercise of supra).
appraisal right (CC, Secs. 41, 81).
Since a proxy acts for another, he may act as such
DOCTRINE OF EQUALITY OF SHARES although he himself is disqualified to vote his
shares. A proxy-stockholder disqualified to vote
Where the articles of incorporation do not provide because his stock has been declared delinquent may
for any distinction of the shares of stock, all shares vote the stocks of his principal which is not
issued by the corporation are presumed to be equal delinquent.
and enjoy the same rights and privileges and are
also subject to the same liabilities (CC, Sec. 6). Purposes of proxies

PARTICIPATION IN MANAGEMENT The purposes and use of proxies are as follows:

Under the CC, stockholders or members periodically 1. Assures the presence of a quorum in meetings
elect the board of directors or trustees, who are of stockholders of large corporations;
charged with the management of the corporation. 2. Enables those who do not wish to attend a
The board, in turn, periodically elects officers to stockholders’/ members’ meeting to protect
carry out management functions on a day-to-day their interest by exercising their right to vote
basis. As owners, though, the stockholders or through a representative; and
members have residual powers over fundamental 3. One of the devices in securing voting control or
and major corporate changes. management control in the corporation (Ibid.).

While stockholders and members (in some Who may be a proxy

instances) are entitled to receive profits, the
management and direction of the corporation are Any person whom the stockholder or member sees
lodged with their representatives and agents -- the fit to represent him.
board of directors or trustees. In other words, acts
of management pertain to the board; and those of NOTE: By-laws restricting the stockholder’s or
ownership, to the stockholders or members. In the member’s right in this respect are void (De Leon,
latter case, the board cannot act alone, but must supra).
seek approval of the stockholders or members (Tan
v. Sycip, G.R. No. 153468, August 17, 2006). Further, same person may act as proxy for one or
several stockholders or members.
Duration of proxy
Stockholders and members may vote in person or
by proxy in all meetings of stockholders or members 1. Specific proxy – authority granted to the proxy
(Sec. 58, CC). holder to vote only for a particular meeting on
a specific date.
However the right of members to vote by proxy may 2. Continuing proxy – authority granted a proxy to
be denied under the articles of incorporation or by- appear and vote for and in behalf of a
laws of a non-stock corporation (Sec. 89. CC.) shareholder for a continuing period which
should not be more than 5 years at any one
The term “proxy” designates the formal written time. By-laws may provide for a shorter
authority given by the owner or holder of the stock, duration of a continuing proxy.
who has a right to vote it, or by a member, as
principal, to another person, as agent, to exercise Extent of authority of a proxy
the voting rights of the former.



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