Teaching Practice Report Florianus Carmen

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As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Teaching Practice on English

Language Teaching






APPROVAL SHEET...........................................................................................ii

TABLE OF CONTENT......................................................................................iii




1.1 Teaching Learning Activities in the classroom ...........................................1

1.1.1 Observation Activities..........................................................................1

1.1.2 Evaluation Activities ............................................................................2

1.1.3 The Schedule ........................................................................................2

1.2 Administrative Activities ............................................................................3

1.3 The Activities During the Teaching Practice...............................................3


2.1 Problems of teaching learning process......................................................9

2.2 Problems of Class Management................................................................10

2.3 Problem of administration and teaching preparation ................................10

2.4 Personal Problems ....................................................................................10



3.1. The reflection in teaching process in class................................................11

3.2. The reflection of classroom management..................................................11

3.3. The Reflection of Administration and Teaching Preparation ...................12

3.4. Personal Development Plan to Reduce Any Deficiencies

That Have Been Realized..........................................................................12


4.1. Conclusion...............................................................................................14

4.2. Suggestions ............................................................................................14



This report is made as a requirement to finish the teaching practice. First of all,

the writer expresses his highest gratitude to God Almighty for blessing,

opportunity, health, and mercy to finish the teaching practice and complete this

report well. In this valuable chance, the writer intended to express his greatest

gratitude and appreciation to those who have supported him to finish this report.

1. The writer presents his sincere appreciation goes to Prof. Dr. Agustinus

Ngadiman, M.Pd as the head of English study program of PPG DALJAB for

allowing me to conduct teaching practice.

2. The writer gratefully thank to the coordinator of Teaching practice of Widya

Mandala Catholic University Surabaya M.G. Retno Palupi, M.Pd, who has

guided and helped him in discussing the problems occurred during the

teaching practice program.

3. My gratitude also goes to B. Himawan Setyo W., M. as the supervisor from

Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya who has helped him patiently

by giving crucial contribution in conducting the Teaching Practice Program

and also finishing this report.

4. The writer would like to express his greatest gratitude to the principal of

SMPK St. Vincentius Surabaya Sedya Trisno Pranoto, S.Pd for allowing him

to conduct the teaching practice. Also to the English teachers in SMPK St.

Vincentius Surabaya and the special one Emilia Ernesta, S.Pd as the mentor

for helping, guidance and allowing him to conduct his teaching practice in her


5. All students of SMPK St. Vincentius Surabaya, especially in the eighth grade,

who have been so faithfully and welcomed the writer well.

6. My wife, my son and my parents from the very early stage of this teaching

practice for their support.

7. All of my friends in PPG of English Education Program who cannot be

mentioned here one by one who used to ready to help me in every obstacle

during the teaching practice.

The Writer


In the information technology age teacher must embrace new teaching

strategies and more relevant to what students will experience in the 21st Century
workplace. The new role of the teacher in the 21st Century classroom requires
changes in teachers’ knowledge and classroom behaviors. In case of being
professional in teaching English, the teacher should upgrade his/her knowledge
through certain programs such as training, workshop, and teaching practice
handled by a particular institution. One of the main programs that had been
carried out by the writer was Teaching and Learning Practice program which is
handled by The English Department of Widya Mandala Catholic University in
Surabaya. This program allows teacher to improve professionalism as a teacher as
well as develop personalities, social relationships and pedagogic competence of
the teachers.
Teaching practice aimed at producing a professional English teacher,
increasing teacher’s skills of the 21st Century, and modeling these skills in the
classroom. Through teaching practice process the teacher will be trained to
experience the real students in a real classroom.
In this writing, the writer would like to reports his experiences during her
thirteen working days about the school. Therefore, the writer divides it into four
chapters in which the first chapter will be the introduction of having the Teaching
Practice program. In the second chapter, the writer will present the school
management, while the Teaching Practice activities will be showed in the third
chapter. In the last chapter, the writer will give the conclusion and suggestions of
this report that hopefully can be useful for the next students who join the Teaching
Practice Program and other readers.



1.4 Teaching Learning Activities in the classroom.

1.4.1 Observation Activities

The mentor for the teaching practice at SMPK St. Vincentius Surabaya is

Emilia Ernesta, S.Pd. Observation activities were carried out on students in

class VII B, IX A, IX B, and IX D. It was done into two ways namely

classroom observation and school environment observation.

Conducting classroom observations carried out during his teaching

practice every working days toward English teacher and teaching practice

teachers. The data collection showed that a teacher had to prepare a lesson

plans, instructional materials, and instructional media in order to support the

creation of a conducive learning process. The English teachers used students’

work sheet and group discussion in every meeting. The writer found that the

strategies helped the students to build up their language skills and language

components. For example, how students’ work sheet could help the students to

train their writing skill through completion exercise. When students presented

their work sheet it could train their communication skill, etc. In addition, the

writer observed how the teacher played an important role in facilitating the

student from the beginning until the last phase of the activities.

Another observation done by the writer was outside classroom

observation especially observed to the school administrator responsibilities.

The school administrator responsibilities were developing class schedules;

determining curriculum standards; monitoring student success with test results;

providing professional development opportunities for teachers; overseeing the

school budget, coordinating school security; and extra-curricular program.

1.4.2 Evaluation Activities.

Teaching evaluation was held on once by the writer. It was on

Monday, November 4th, 2019 in the class VIIIB. Teaching practice evaluated

by the writer’s tut\or. The writer taught the students under the topic

“Prepositions of Place”. It started with showing video which related to the

topic. The students payed more attention so they could interpret and took some

important point about the topic. In whilst activity, the writer found difficult in

controlling the classroom. The problems were the students made noise and

tended to disturb each other. To overcome the problems, the writer stand near

the noisy students and asked them whether the exercise finished or not. Then,

for the student who were not active in group, the writer asked them to prepare

their selves to present their exercise in front of the class. There were no serious

problems during learning process. Most student took part actively.

1.4.3 The Schedule

Teaching practice was conducted from Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019 and

ended Friday, November 8th, 2019.

Time Day
07:00-01:30 Monday to Friday

1.5 Administrative Activities

The writer carried out the administrative activities during teaching

practice at SMPK St. Vicentius Surabaya beyond the evaluation activity.

Most of the activities during teaching practice payed more attention for this

activity. In this case, the writer planned for the next day activities, found the

sources of teaching materials in library, prepared instructional activities that

facilitated active learning for evaluation activity by the mentor and develop

schemes of work and lesson plans. In addition, the writer took part in daily

routine such as daily prayers, Angelus, and Monday’s flag ceremony.

Besides, the writer took part in extracurricular activities such attended the

annual mass and speech contest.

1.6 The Activities During the Teaching Practice

The writer got many experiences during teaching practice at SMPK St.

Vincentius both academic activities and extracurricular activities. The

activities are as follows:

Journal 1

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019.

It was the first day, the writer arrived at SMPK St. Vincentius Surabaya at

01:00 p.m. with accompanied by his advisor Mr. B. Himawan Setyo W., M.

Hum. My friends and the writer were introduced by Mr. Himawan as the

supervisor to the vice principal, and Mrs. Emiliana as the mentor. At 02:30

the vice principal introduced all of us to the principal. Then, the headmaster

introduced the facilities and the school conditions generally. Then, about

03:00 my friends and the writer came into the teachers’ room to introduce to

all the teachers and the education Personnel. At 04: 00 p.m. my friends and

the writer went home.

Journal 2

Thursday, October 24th, 2019.

The writer took part into the Holly Rosary prayer in the hall of SMPK St.

Vincentius Surabaya that started at 06:30-06:45 and then at 06:45-07:00 a.m.

the writer followed the daily prayers. After that, students and teachers sang the

National Anthem Indonesia Raya and performed Pancasila. Besides, my

friends and the writer discussed all about the English administrative such as

the syllabus and the lesson plan with the mentor. In addition, the writer

walked around the school from the teachers’ room to another room. In this

case, the writer got more information about the school conditions through

interviewed the students who stand near the rooms. The last activity for the

second day was the writer started his observation for class IXA. The writer

gave chance to observe the students while she was teaching. Then, both the

teacher and the writer accompanied the students to work and play alongside


Journal 3

Friday, October 25th, 2019.

At 06:30 – 06:45 a.m. took part into the Holly Rosary prayer in the hall of

SMPK St. Vincentius Surabaya. At 06:45 – 07:00 a.m. the writer followed the

daily prayers in the office. After that, students and teachers sang the National

Anthem Indonesia Raya and performed Pancasila. In this activity, the writer

observed teaching and learning process in the class VII D. The writer was

asked to control the class by the English teacher. After the class, the writer

reported to the English teacher about the activities such as summited the task

or students’ work sheet. Then, the other activities were the writer made

learning administration in the library.

Journal 4

Monday, October 28th, 2019.

The writer took part in daily routines activities such as at 06:30 – 06:45 a.m.

took part into the Holly Rosary prayer in the hall of SMPK St. Vincentius

Surabaya and at 06:45 – 07:00 a.m. the writer followed the daily prayers in the

office with teachers and staff. The writer involved in the flag ceremony to

commemorate the youth pledge day. The writer started his observation for

class IX D. The writer gave chance to observe the students while she was

teaching. Then, the writer helped the students to work and play alongside

them. The writer participated in the dramatic process in order to stimulate

students’ thought, discussion and action.

Journal 5

Tuesday, October 29th, 2019.

The writer took part in daily routine activities. It was started by taking Holly

Rosary prayer in the school hall then followed by the daily prayer handled by

picket teacher. After that, students and teachers sang the National Anthem

Indonesia Raya and performed Pancasila. There were two events that was

involved by the writer. The fist activity, the writer attended the annual mass in

the church. After that, the writer involved in the speech contest to

commemorate the youth pledge day.

Journal 6

Wednesday, October 30th, 2019.

The writer took part in daily routine activities. It was started by taking Holly

Rosary prayer in the school hall then followed by the daily prayer handled by

picket teacher. After that, students and teachers sang the National Anthem

Indonesia Raya and performed Pancasila. The writer done his observation for

class IX C. The writer gave chance to observe the students while she was

teaching. Then, the writer helped the students to work and play alongside

them. The writer participated in the dramatic process in order to stimulate

students’ thought, discussion and action. After that, the writer did the learning

administration such as lesson plan.

Journal 7

Wednesday, October 31st, 2019.

The writer took part in daily routine activities. It was started by taking Holly

Rosary prayer in the school hall then followed by the daily prayer handled by

picket teacher. After that, students and teachers sang the National Anthem

Indonesia Raya and performed Pancasila. The writer done his observation for

class IX B. The writer gave chance to observe the students while she was

teaching. Then, the writer helped the students to work and play alongside

them. The writer participated in the dramatic process in order to stimulate

students’ thought, discussion and action. After that, the writer did the learning

administration such as students’ work sheet and learning instruments.

Journal 8

Friday, November 1st, 2019.

The writer took part in the daily prayer handled by picket teacher. After that,

students and teachers sang the National Anthem Indonesia Raya and

performed Pancasila. The writer wasted the time for non-learning classroom

for class VII D at 08:20 – 09:00. After that, the writer consulted lesson plan

and students’ worksheet to the mentor. Then, the writer came to the class VIII

B to list the name of the students.

Journal 9

Monday, November 4th, 2019.

The writer took part in the daily prayer handled by picket teacher. After that,

students and teachers sang the National Anthem Indonesia Raya and

performed Pancasila. At 07:00 – 08:20. the writer taught at VIII B and

supervised by the English teacher. It was 80 minutes, but the realization the

writer taught only 35 minutes. At 08:20 – 09:00 the writer and the mentor

observed teaching learning process that was conducted by Yosefina M. Lodan.

Journal 10

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019.

The writer took part in the daily prayer handled by picket teacher. After that,

students and teachers sang the National Anthem Indonesia Raya and

performed Pancasila. At 08:20-09:00 a.m. the writer taught at VIII B and

supervised by the English teacher. It was 80 minutes, but the realization the

writer taught only 35 minutes. At 08:20 – 09:00 the writer and the mentor

observed teaching learning process that was conducted by Maria Lusmiyati.

Journal 11

Wednesday, November 6th, 2019.

The writer took part in the daily prayer handled by picket teacher. After that,

students and teachers sang the National Anthem Indonesia Raya and

performed Pancasila. The school held the election of students’ organization.

Then, the writer observing the school administration to complete the teaching

practice report

Journal 12

Thursday, November 7th, 2019.

The writer took part in the daily prayer handled by picket teacher. After that,

students and teachers sang the National Anthem Indonesia Raya and

performed Pancasila. The writer made a report for the teaching practice.

Journal 13

Friday, November 8th, 2019.

This was the last day of teaching practice activities at SMPK St. Vincentius

Surabaya. The writer and friends got inputs and suggestions from the

principal, the mentor and tutor toward UKIN. The writer, friends and the

advisor said thanks and leave taking.



2.5 Problems of teaching learning process

Concerning about the problem faced by the writer during his teaching

practice. In teaching learning process, the writer pointed out the problems of

lesson whether run smoothly or interrupted by the student. The writer

experienced in working with the English teacher was the students difficult in

grouping them. There were no serious problems during learning process.

Most student took part actively. Besides, the writer found that there was a gap

among students’ knowledge during discussion process. It appeared when they

were asked to finished their worksheet. Some groups finished the tasks earlier

than the others. In this case, the writer neared the group and asked them to

reviewed the task that has been done. The problems were the students made

noise and tended to disturb each other. To overcome the problems, the writer

stand near the noisy students and asked them whether the exercise finished or

not. The purpose was to minimize disturbing among the students. Besides, in

finishing the worksheet was dominated by certain students so that it did not

provide an opportunity for other students to participate actively during the

discussion. Dealing with this problem, the writer asked each the group

members to take part through the activities such as asked them to prepare

their selves to present their exercise in front of the class.

2.6 Problems of Class Management

One of the problems gained by the writer during teaching practice was

the classroom management. The firs, the writer found the students sleeping in

the classroom during learning process. It should not allow and was best

curbed up front by asking a sleeping student to stand up and jump with the

writer. The second, students too much chat during finishing their worksheet.

To overcome the problem, the writer gave instruction time limitation for each

activity on the worksheet. The third, there was a group of students have fallen

behind their discussion. Hence the writer helped the student by asking their

problems to cope with their problems and gave the simple instruction for each

activity which was not finished yet.

2.7 Problem of administration and teaching preparation

The problem for learning administration was students’ worksheet. The

students’ worksheet did not clear related to color of the pictures that

explained “preposition of place. Besides, there were so many activities on

worksheet so the students could not finish until the time finished. As far as

suggested by the mentor, students’ worksheet should consider with time

allocation and arranged based on the syntax of learning.

2.8 Personal Problems

The writer did not face personal problem which affected to the activities

during teaching practice.



3.1. The reflection in teaching process in class

In teaching learning process, a good teacher must be able to recognize

and find out the solution for the students' common problems. Teaching learning

process in classroom was the main target for the students teaching practice. In

this case it seems that the teacher plays an important role to spend much time

to achieve the target. Even though, in the previous chapter the writer stated

some problems during teaching practice. Take for examples, the problems

were the writer difficult to make the whole class active and there were certain

students did not take part during teaching learning process. In this point, the

writer finds out those obstacles comes from the writer’s knowledge and skills

to achieve the teaching target. After discussing with the mentor and advisor,

the writer got positive input such as gave explanation about the material to the

students, used realia or visual media rather than pictures for teaching

prepositions of place to make the class alive.

3.2. The reflection of classroom management

Classroom management can be run effectively if the teacher brings

various variables which support the process of teaching learning process in the

classroom such the roles of teacher himself, classroom space, and how the

teacher interacts with the whole class during the lesson. The successful of

students learning determined by the students active and reaction toward the

learning objectives that planned by the teacher. The writer eagerly stepped in

and always came up to the students when they disturb each other as well as

participated in every single part of the instruction that went on students’

discussion. When the students had problem with their worksheet, they could

call on me to assist them to get clear instruction.

3.3. The Reflection of Administration and Teaching Preparation

The success of teaching learning process depends on how the teacher

prepares the administration before come to the class. The writer constructed

the lesson plan based on the school syllabus in order to get the goals of KD

and KI successfully. Then, the teaching material constructed based on the

KD. It accessed on internet and other sources were taken from the printed

book in the school library. Instructional teaching material should consist of

conceptual, factual, procedural, and meta cognitive. In addition, the writer

used students’ worksheet to guide the students actively in learning process.

Even though, the writer still needs more practice in applying it. The writer

takes more effort to enrich the skill to practice it.

3.4. Personal Development Plan to Reduce Any Deficiencies That Have Been


Personal development that should addressed by the writer was speaking

skill. It was about stressing, pronunciation and dialect. Therefore, in order to

master in speaking skill, the writer should learn more through YouTube that

produced by native speaker. Besides, the writer should control whole the class,

not only focusing on the certain group and also the media chosen must be

instructional so the student easily to understand the materials.



4.1. Conclusion

Teaching Practice Program is important to enrich the writer’s knowledge

and skills. The Teacher competences such as pedagogical, personal, social and

professional can be learnt through this program. Here some points of this

program that the writer can be concluded:

a. This Field Experience Practice (PPL) is a means of developing teaching

skills for PPG students in their positions in order to form professional

behavior in accordance with their profession.

b. With PPL PPG students can see clearly the complexity of educational

problems in the field which are usually used as valuable experiences and


c. Field Experience Practices (PPL) become a standard for measuring the

ability and skills of a teacher in the teaching and learning process.

d. Through Field Experience Practices (PPL), PPG students gain experience

that is not gained in college.

4.2. Suggestions

Competencies are the skill and knowledge that enable a teacher to be the

real professional teacher. To maximize students learning, teacher must have

expertise in the real of teaching itself. Based on the experience during teaching

practice, the following advices can be given for all parties:

1. For PPG Daljab students should maintain good relationship with all the

school residents; prepare administration well and mastery all the materials

before teaching; and managing the classroom as good as possible to

achieve what you have planned.

2. For Widya Mandala Catholic University should maintain the relationship

among PPG Daljab and SMPK St. Vincentius.

Guide the student of calss IX C in practice their drama

Teaching Practice in class VIIIC

With the students joined the Socialization about science in the school hall

The PPL students with advisor and the principal of SMPK St. Vincentius

The PPL students with teachers of SMPK St. Vincentius

Annual Mass in the St. Vincentius De Paulo Surabaya


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