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Reduce the carbon footprint of logistics

To achieve cleaner operations from logistics, the following five measures

can be taken to reduce the carbon footprint of logistics:

1) New laws and regulations

 Set up restriction on carbon emissions- mainly for airlines. Can be
followed by carbon tax – which could bring income to finance
environmental protection initiatives.
 Heavy fines imposed by government for vehicles not compliant in
terms of emissions, both for private and public road transportation
particularly buses. For example, exhaust emissions tests can be
carried on vehicles or a yearly check can be carried out to ensure
emissions are within norms.
 Sear freight emissions monitoring with emphasis on sulfur
emissions. For instance, ships can only be allowed in a port if they
provide a certificate of operating with low sulfur fuels.
2) Use of technology and advanced design
 More efficient engines along with improved aerodynamics can
allow reduction in fuel consumption leading to reduced air
emissions, applicable for both air and land vehicles.
 Design of silent operating engines and moving parts.
 Use of computer programming for greenhouse gas emission
monitoring and mitigation and noise pollution control.
 Optimisation of routes – for all modes to reduce travel distance
and fuel consumption.
 Use of hybrid vehicles which are proven technology. For example,
hybrid cars use regenerative braking energy achieving up to 30%
more fuel efficiency.
 Heavy logistics equipment can be designed in ways which are
more efficient and use consume less fuels.
 Efficient onboard treatment of waste water prior to discharge
3) Use of renewable energy
 Uilisation of biofuels such as biodiesel or ethanol in vehicles
which will reduce fossil fuel consumption, while having cleaner
emissions. For instance, ethanol can be mixed with petrol (eg.
E10) to ultimately reduce our consumption of fossil fuel.
 Use of solar powered vehicles – zero emission
 Use of wind energy to power logistics machinery
4) Use of alternative means of transport
 Introduction and use of efficient mass transit systems to
encourage individuals to avoid using private cars. For instance, the
Metro Express project in Mauritius will allow for car users to
commute by metro which overall is less polluting compared to the
equivalent number of cars.
 Incentives for carpooling
 Cycles dedicated areas and roads
 Solar/ green energy driven drones for delivery of specific goods
5) Use of sustainable solutions
 Utilise most efficient packaging design and materials to reduce
waste – utilise of recyclable materials
 Green warehousing – For example using energy-efficient lighting,
LED technology, office occupancy sensors, on-site recycling
programs, and programmable heating and cooling systems.

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