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Founded 1944. Vol. 18 No. 3 March 2020

Visit us at www.backtogodhead.in

Contents THE TASTE OF KÅÑËA 6 10





Disclaimer: BTG does LETTERS 4

not endorse any claims
made by advertizements EVERY TOWN 26
in the magazine. We
recommend reader VAIÑËAVA
discretion and due CALENDAR 33

• To help all people discern reality from illusion, spirit from matter, the eternal from the temporary. • To expose the faults of
materialism. • To offer guidance in the Vedic techniques of spiritual life. • To preserve and spread the Vedic culture. • To celebrate the
chanting of the holy names of God as taught by Lord Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu • To help every living being remember and serve Çré
Kåñëa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

GODHEAD WHY ARE YOU Kåñëa. Even if you occasionally
The Magazine of the AGAINST THE MOVIES? remember Kåñëa while watching a
Hare Krishna Movement I have read amazing articles by movie, the practice of Kåñëa
FOUNDER Hare Kåñëa devotees about amazing consciousness is to do things
(under the direction of His Divine Grace
Çré Çrémad Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté movies like Star Wars. I even read directly connected to Kåñëa, such as
Prabhupäda) His Divine Grace A. C. an article about the 2009 film hearing about Him and chanting His
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda -
Founder-äcärya of The International Avatar and an editorial from an holy names. Mundane movies are
Society for Krishna Consciousness Indian BTG issue in English that not in that category. With few
BTG INDIA: EDITOR Çyämänanda Däsa
was about Harry Potter. At the same exceptions, going to movies is
• SUB-EDITORS Mukunda Mälä Däsa, time, you write articles that attack sense gratification, pure and simple,
Nanda Duläl Däsa • EDITORIAL
people’s love for going to the and serious devotees are diligently
CONSULTANT Caitanya Caraëa Däsa
• PROOFREADERS Revaté Vallabha movies, thus forcing them to stop. trying to replace sense gratification
Däsa, Gautam Saha • PUBLISHER Why are you against this fun and with Kåñëa consciousness and
Yudhiñthira Däsa (Ujwal Jajoo)
exciting experience of going to the devotional service. The practice is
Däsa (Rajendra-kumar Pujari) movies? Are you against bhakti-yoga, and it requires
• PRODUCTION Saccidänanda Däsa
entertainment or something? Please discipline. Neither Çréla Prabhupäda
(Sanjiv Maheshwari), Sundar Rüpa Däsa
(Sudarshan Sapaliga) •ACCOUNTS write back. And please don’t give nor any of his disciples with
Manjaré Devé Däsé (Mira Singh) me a “What do you think?” Because
• CREATIVE STAFF Manish Waghela,
disciples of their own would
Mukundamälä Däsa, Çyämänanda Däsa, I don’t have a clue. recommend going to movies. You
Sundar Rüpa Däsa
• SUBSCRIBER SERVICES Sangeeta —Narottam Cecil might think it’s enjoyable, but that
Lunagariya. Via the Internet enjoyment is harmful to your real
OFFICE Back to Godhead, 33 Janki Kutir,
Next to State Bank of Hyderabad, Juhu,
Our reply: As the editors of self-interest, your progress in
Mumbai 400 049, India. BTG, we’re always somewhat spiritual life. Here’s one example of
uncomfortable when devotees the many times Çréla Prabhupäda
SUBSCRIPTIONS Back to Godhead is
published twelve times a year. Subscription submit articles about movies. Çréla spoke against movie-going: The
charges (by courier): One-year—Rs. 600,
two-year—Rs. 1200, five-year—Rs. 2800
Prabhupäda clearly did not want his materialistic persons, they are
(by Indian post) One-year—Rs. 300, two- disciples to go to movies, and when simply busy for satisfying the
year—Rs. 600, five-year—Rs. 1400.
You can start your subscription from any
a devotee writes about a movie, senses. Go to the hotel, satisfy the
month. Send the amount to: that suggests he or she went to see tongue, go to the cinema, hear the
Back to Godhead, 302, Amrut Industrial
Estate, 3rd floor, Western Express it, whether or not that’s true. We cinema song, see nice girls, and so
Highway, Mira Road (E) 401 104. Tel: know that at least one article you on, so on. But these devotees are
9372635665(Whatsaap No.), 9372631254.
E-mail: indiabtg@gmail.com
mention was written by someone not interested at all. The cinema is
who didn’t see the movie but only here, a few steps away, but you
To change your address or clear up any
questions about your subscription, write to read about it. In any case, your will never see a student or a
BTG Service Center & Marketing Office at letter suggests that our concerns are disciple of Kåñëa consciousness go
the above address.
We can answer your questions faster if warranted, since you seem to have to that nonsense place. . . . It is
you send a recent mailing label or invoice. taken devotees’ writing about
Allow eight weeks for changes to show up
practical. The more you engage
on your mailing label. movies as possible justification for yourself in devotional service, the
PRINTING SAP Print Solutions Pvt Ltd.
going to movies. One could argue more you will forget your sense
that seeing a movie to write a Kåñëa gratification process. And as soon as
© 2019 The Bhaktivedanta Book
Trust International. All rights
conscious article about it is ok. Still, you become completely detestful of
® reserved. ISSN: 0005-3643. Pub-
the general rule is that everything sense gratification, then you are a
lished for The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust by
Ujwal Jajoo , 33, Janki Kutir, Next to State in a devotee’s life should be liberated person, fit for going back
Bank of Hyderabad, Juhu, Mumbai, printed directly connected to Kåñëa. The to home, back to Godhead. This is
by him at SAP Print Solutions Pvt Ltd.. 128 ,
Lakshmi Industrial Estate, Hanuman Galli, purpose of the rules devotees the process. (Lecture, Bombay, 26
S. N. Path, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai- 400 follow is to always remember
013., India. Editor: Çyamänanda Däsa, Çré Çré
November 1974) If you find these
Rädhä-Gopénätha Temple, Chowpatty,
Mumbai- 400 007, India.

points hard to accept, we suggest take to Kåñëa consciousness, wife herself chant, read
you read books by Çréla although I know this will help our Prabhupäda’s books, eat only
Prabhupäda and his disciples and problem and will eventually lead vegetarian food offered to Kåñëa,
become more convinced of their us to eternity. What do I do? and so on. The best solution is
essential message. Life is short, Please advise me. Please help always the spiritual one. May
and success in life – attaining me, O dear Lord Kåñëa. Lord Kåñëa bless you in your
pure love for God – is difficult to —Viron attempt to fully spiritualize your
attain. We don’t have time to Via the Internet home.
waste by watching movies. Our reply: We’re very sorry to
Besides, once you taste the hear about your wife’s problem Please write to us at: BTG, 3rd
spiritual pleasure of Kåñëa and its effect on your whole Floor, 302, Amrut Industrial Estate,
consciousness, the so-called family. While we can’t say for Western Highway, Mira Road (E)
enjoyment of anything this word certain that the cause is an evil 401104.. btgindia@pamho.net.
has to offer will pale in spirit, it might be. In principle,
comparison. any of us should be able to chase
away ghosts, because they do not
A GHOSTLY PROBLEM like to stay where Kåñëa’s holy
After reading the Bhagavad- names are chanted. Çréla
gétä, I’ve realized that Kåñëa is the Prabhupäda once chased away a
only goal of life. To reach His ghost from a house that no one
abode is the ultimate destination. would buy because of the ghost.
I am trying to make my family He walked all through the house,
(wife and three young daughters) chanting Hare Kåñëa. The ghost
Kåñëa conscious. I started left, he bought the house at a
chanting every morning, and we discount, and never had any
visit the nearest ISKCON temple problems with ghosts there.
whenever possible. We recommend that you try to
It is my dream and wish that permeate your house with Kåñëa
we are initiated devotees one consciousness and Kåñëa
day. My biggest problem is that vibrations as much as possible. FOLLOW US ON
there is always some evil spirit on We know it’s difficult to make
my wife. She’s had this problem changes like this, but if your
for the past fifteen years. We’ve house becomes filled with the
tried many people to destroy it, sound of devotees chanting the
but to no success. My children holy names (on recordings) rather Check our Facebook page on
sometime see black shadows in than the sound of the TV, for www.facebook.com/btg.in
our house, which scares them. example, that can make a big
Most of the time there’s a lot of difference. If the ghost is
negativity surrounding my wife, persistent, the only solution is to
which results in arguing amongst be more persistent. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR
us, creating a very dull Becoming a devotee of Kåñëa
atmosphere at home. Sometimes means we have to take shelter of
when we do pray together, her Him, which might require some
facial expression changes to like sacrifices on our part. If the CHANNEL
that of a demon with big eyes and atmosphere becomes highly
a grunting noise. It is very hard spiritual day and night, the ghost
for me right now to convince my will not be able to tolerate it. Most WEGOBTG
family to become vegetarians and important, of course, is that your

F O U N D E R’ S L E C T U R E E X C E R P T S Bhagavad-gétä 7.8, Mumbai, February 23, 1974

The Supreme Lord reveals Himself to us through His countless energies.

By His Divine Grace

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda
Founder-äcärya of The International Society for Krishna Consciousness

raso ’ham apsu kaunteya we are ninety-three million miles away from the
prabhäsmi çaçi-süryayoù sun, by the sun’s energy—heat and light—we can
praëavaù sarva-vedeñu understand the constitution of the sun globe.
çabdaù khe pauruñaà nåñu The Supreme Lord’s energy is working even in
Translation: O son of Kunté, Arjuna, I am the water, so you can perceive His energy within
the taste of water, the light of the sun and the water. We are daily using water. We are tasting
moon, the syllable oà in the Vedic mantras. I water. So you can perceive Kåñëa’s presence,
am the sound in ether and ability in man. Kåñëa’s all-pervasiveness, even while you drink
(Bhagavad-gétä 7.8) water. In the taste of water, Kåñëa says, “Here I am.”
That taste is Kåñëa’s impersonal feature,
This verse describes the all-pervasive but behind the impersonal feature is the
nature of the Supreme Personality of person. Kåñëa says mayädhyakñeëa
Godhead. We should mark the important prakåtiù: “Material nature is under My
word in this verse: aham. Aham (“I am”) supervision.” Water is one of the products
means that Kåñëa is a person. Kåñëa never of material nature, but behind the existence
says, “I am impersonal.” The impersonal of water is Kåñëa.
aspect is a feature of Kåñëa, which He You can understand Kåñëa by studying
refers to in the Ninth Chapter. Kåñëa says, His energy. Therefore Kåñëa says,
mayä tatam idaà sarvaà jagad avyakta- “Although you cannot see Me just now, you
mürtinä: “I am all-pervasive by My can see Me in these energies.”
energy.” Raso ’ham apsu kaunteya. You have to drink
Kåñëa has multi-energies. Paräsya çaktir water; you cannot avoid it. Apsu means any liquid.
vividhaiva çrüyate. The Vedic version is that the Whether you drink milk or even wine, you get some
Absolute Truth, the Supreme Person, has multi- taste in any liquid. So Kåñëa says, raso ’ham apsu
energies. The Viñëu Puräëa states that whatever we kaunteya. “My dear Kaunteya, Arjuna, I am the taste
experience is simply Kåñëa’s energy. We can in that liquid.”
experience Kåñëa by His energy, just as we can Just see how easily it can be done. No one goes
experience the sun by its heat and light. Although without drinking some liquid. Coca-cola or water or

F O U N D E R’ S L E C T U R E
this or that—you must drink nicely, consider, “This taste is to say, “The taste of water is
something. So Kåñëa says, “I am Kåñëa.” Is that a very difficult way Kåñëa,” that may be different. But
that taste.” to get Kåñëa realization? Kåñëa says, raso ’ham apsu
That taste actually is Kåñëa, kaunteya.
“HERE IS KÅÑËA” because water is Kåñëa in the So why not think of Kåñëa?
So where is the difficulty in sense that it is the energy of Thinking of Kåñëa is one of the
understanding Kåñëa? Kåñëa, just as heat is the energy of nine processes of devotional
People say, “Can you show me fire. Heat and fire are not distinct; service. If you remember Kåñëa,
Kåñëa?” they are the same. Still, heat is not you advance in your spiritual life
“All right. Here is Kåñëa. See.” fire. This philosophy is called and you become a perfect yogé.
We all use the word “see” to acintya-bhedäbheda: How?
mean direct perception in some simultaneous oneness and yoginäm api sarveñäà
way. When I say, “Let me see difference. Idaà hi viçvaà mad-gatenäntar-ätmanä
what this mango is like,” I mean bhagavän ivetaraù. The whole çraddhävän bhajate yo mäà
that I want to taste it—because I universe is Kåñëa, but it appears sa me yuktatamo mataù
am seeing it already. In this case different from Kåñëa, Bhagavän. “Of all yogés, the one with
“seeing” means tasting. We have You have to understand this great faith who always abides in
so many senses, and we “taste” point by purified senses. But this Me, thinks of Me within himself,
through different senses. By the is the beginning: raso ’ham apsu and renders transcendental loving
senses we get experience. So try kaunteya—”I am the taste of service to Me—he is the most
to experience Kåñëa by this water.” intimately united with Me in yoga
process: Whenever you drink Kåñëa says this. We have not and is the highest of all. That is
something liquid and taste it very manufactured this idea. If I were My opinion.” —Bhagavad-gétä
As soon as you
Kåñëa says, ”I am the taste of water.” drink anything,
simply think,
“Now here is
Kåñëa.” You must
drink so many
times each day. If
you remember
Kåñëa each time,
you gradually
become Kåñëa
conscious. Kåñëa
is prescribing
such a simple
way to remember
Kåñëa then
gives another
prabhäsmi çaçi-
süryayoù—”I am
the light of the
sun and the

moon.” As soon as you see has attained perfection in the MATERIAL OR SPIRITUAL?
sunshine in the morning, you can material world. Instead of What is the difference
remember, “Here is Kåñëa.” Or at envying him you can simply between spiritual and material?
night, when there is no sun, there think, “He has attained material Everything is spiritual. Sarvaà
is moonlight: “Here is Kåñëa.” success because he has received khalv idaà brahma. But when
Then, praëavaù sarva-vedeñu. a little power from Kåñëa.” Yad something is covered by mäyä, it
If you are a serious student of yad vibhütimat sattvaà … mama is material. That’s all. And what is
Vedic mantras, you will chant tejo ’àça-sambhavam. Anything mäyä? Forgetfulness of Kåñëa.
oà, because Vedic mantras wonderful done by any person is Water is spiritual, because it is
begin with oà, as in oà tad done by Kåñëa’s energy. Kåñëa’s energy. So how can it be
viñëoù paramaà padaà sadä It is not at all difficult to different from Kåñëa? And since
paçyanti sürayaù, or oà bhür become Kåñëa conscious. There is we have to deal with water in so
bhuvaù svaù tat savitur no expenditure, there is no loss. many ways, how we can forget
vareëyam. Oà, or the oàkära, is Simply by your daily dealings you Kåñëa?
Kåñëa. Many people are fond of can become Kåñëa conscious. The Kåñëa consciousness
chanting oàkära. That is also That is the program here. We movement is spreading the
nice, because oàkära is Kåñëa. are advising everyone, “Chant the knowledge of Bhagavad-gétä as it
If we simply remember, “This Hare Kåñëa mantra.” Kértanéyaù is. How can one become Kåñëa
oàkära is Kåñëa,” then we sadä hariù: the Hare Kåñëa mantra conscious very easily without any
become perfect, because the should be chanted twenty-four loss but with great gain? By taking
goal is to become Kåñëa hours a day. But if the chanting advantage of the Kåñëa
conscious. becomes difficult or hackneyed, consciousness movement. If you
So you can become Kåñëa then you can remember Kåñëa in become Kåñëa conscious in this
conscious while drinking, while other ways: while drinking water, way, the profit is very, very
seeing the sunshine, while seeing while seeing the sunshine, while great, because the more you
the moonlight, while chanting seeing the moonlight, while become Kåñëa conscious, the
oà. And—çabda khe—even if chanting Vedic mantras, or even more Kåñëa becomes revealed to
you hear any sound and while hearing some sound in the you.
remember that Kåñëa is that ether. Sevonmukhe hi jihvädau
sound, you can become Kåñëa We are hearing so many svayam eva sphuraty adaù. With
the blunt senses you cannot
understand Kåñëa, you cannot
You can become Kåñëa conscious while realize Kåñëa. Our present senses
are blunt because they are
drinking, while seeing the sunshine, while covered by forgetfulness of
seeing the moonlight, while chanting oà. Kåñëa, or mäyä. Therefore they
have to be purified. Our
forgetfulness of Kåñëa has to be
conscious. sounds, so we can remember removed. This is the process:
Also, pauruñaà nåñu—”I am Kåñëa by hearing any sound if we raso ’ham apsu kaunteya.
the ability in man.” You meet so remember this verse of the When you follow this
many men in your dealings with Bhagavad-gétä. The sound “Hare process—remembering, “The
the material world. There are Kåñëa” is transcendental, but if you taste of this water is Kåñëa”—
many very big, big men. Big, big don’t like the sound “Hare Kåñëa,” some percentage of your
industrialists, big, big scholars, take any sound and remember forgetfulness of Kåñëa is
big, big manufacturers, big, big Kåñëa. Any sound is also coming removed. Similarly, you can
bankers. A man in such a position from the original sound and is remember Kåñëa when you see
is called pauruñam—one who simply covered by mäyä, illusion. the sunshine or the moonshine,

when you chant oàkära, or in so understand what you hear or not, you gradually become advanced
many ways prescribed in later Kåñëa takes that hearing as a in Kåñëa consciousness. And
verses. Try to understand Kåñëa in pious activity on your part. And when you come to perfection,
these ways. That doesn’t require the more you become pious, the Kåñëa’s activities will be revealed
any advancement of education or more you can understand Kåñëa. to you. Svayam eva sphuraty
Vedic knowledge. Impious persons cannot adaù. When Kåñëa becomes
Devotional service means understand Kåñëa. But one free manifest, then you understand
purifying the senses. At the from impious activities can what Kåñëa is, what His name is,
present moment our senses are understand Him. Hearing about what His activities are, what His
covered by mäyä, and mäyä can
be removed simply by
remembering Kåñëa at every step. Even if you do not understand the vibration of
Sevonmukhe hi jihvädau. Simply the Hare Kåñëa mantra or the reading of
engage your jihvä. Jihvä means Bhagavad-gétä, if you simply chant you’ll be
“tongue.” Sevonmukhe hi
jihvädau: “The beginning of
purification is to use your tongue Kåñëa is pious activity. If you pastimes are. Everything
in devotional service.” understand, it is very good. But becomes revealed. Then you can
We prescribe therefore that even if you do not understand the understand perfectly. We cannot
you use your tongue for chanting vibration of the Hare Kåñëa understand Kåñëa perfectly, but at
the Hare Kåñëa mahä-mantra and mantra or the reading of least as far as our ability allows
tasting Kåñëa’s prasädam, food Bhagavad-gétä, if you simply we can know Him.
offered to Kåñëa. That is not at all chant you’ll be purified. And if we understand Kåñëa a
difficult. There is no need to little bit, then our life is
study higher Vedic knowledge. SEE KÅÑËA AT EVERY STEP successful. Tyaktvä dehaà punar
That knowledge will Simply try to understand Kåñëa janma naiti mäm eti. After giving
automatically be revealed. in every step of life. Many ways up the body, we go to Kåñëa.
You can also become Kåñëa of perceiving Kåñëa will be Ordinarily, we give up the
conscious by applying your ears. explained in this chapter. The body and accept another. Tathä
As stated in the Çrémad- beginning is tasting. Everyone dehäntara-präptiù. That we have
Bhägavatam, çåëvatäà sva- drinks water or something else. to stop. We are trying our best to
kathäù kåñëaù puëya-çravaëa- So try to taste the liquid while solve all the problems of life.
kértanaù: “Hearing and chanting thinking, “This taste is Kåñëa.” In The real problems are janma-
about Kåñëa are pious activities.” the morning you see the light of måtyu-jarä-vyädhi: birth, death,
Now you are hearing the words the sunshine: “Here is Kåñëa.” In old age, and disease. But you
of Bhagavad-gétä. These are the evening you see the can conquer them. No more
Kåñëa’s own words. moonlight: “Here is Kåñëa.” birth. “Then am I finished?” No,
There are nine methods of Whenever you hear any kind of you are not finished. Tyaktvä
devotional service, beginning sound you remember: “This dehaà punar janma naiti mäm
with hearing. We are opening so sound is Kåñëa.” Çabdaù khe. And eti. “You come to Me.” You go
many centers just to give people whenever you meet any very back home, back to Godhead.
the chance to hear about Kåñëa. If exalted, very extraordinarily able This is the process of Kåñëa
you simply hear about Kåñëa, person, understand, “This ability consciousness. It is very easy.
then Kåñëa becomes pleased: is Kåñëa’s mercy.” Everyone can adopt it. Why
“Oh, now he’s hearing about Me.” In this way, if you practice, if should you give it up? Take it
Then what does He do? Çåëvatäà you chant the Hare Kåñëa mahä- very seriously and be happy.
sva-kathäù kåñëaù puëya- mantra, and if you hear from Thank you very much. Hare
çravaëa-kértanaù. Whether you realized souls about Kåñëa, then Krishna!

Don’t just be
Good, be
Shrewd too
Sétä’s service attitude
exploited by Rävaëa

By Caitanya Caraëa Däsa

ew things cause us as much became the victim of a one, please take a seat on this
agony as when our good conspiracy hatched by the log. My husband will soon return
intentions backfire on us. demon-king Rävaëa. With the aid and offer you food.”
When we try to do something of the shape-changing wizard Rävaëa replied, “O fair lady, I
good for someone, but that very Märéca, he had Sétä’s two am hungry. Please give me
person exploits our goodness and protectors side-tracked. Then he whatever alms you have right
hurts us, we feel betrayed, approached her in a garb that away.” Sétä had been warned by
enraged, shattered. would lower her guard: the garb Lakñmaëa, “Don’t go out of this
of a sädhu, a wandering protective circle I am drawing
RÄVAËA EXPLOITS SÉTÄ’S mendicant. By asking Sétä for around the cottage.” He had
SERVICE ATTITUDE alms in that garb, he cynically infused that circle with mystical
Such was the situation that led exploited her service attitude and power so that anyone who tried
to the abduction of Sétä. She was her respect for sages. to step over would be burnt.
living in the forest in a cottage When Sétä saw a sage asking Remembering his words, Sétä
with Räma and his brother, for alms, she folded her hands in said, “O sage, I can’t come out of
Lakñmaëa. At that time, she respect and said, “O venerable this circle. Please wait.”

Impatient Rävaëa tried to step cheats behind the referee’s back, we act virtuously, we usually
over the circle and was then the opponent needs to expect to be appreciated, not
immediately scalded by the carefully guard against such manipulated. Even if we are not
flames that arose from the circle. tricks. ego-driven, we expect that our
Stepping back in alarm, he And what makes us especially good actions will produce good
paused and decided to exploit vulnerable to such manipulation is results for us and for others. But
Sétä’s tender sensibilities. “Will our vices. If we have vices such as the world is a cruel place — it can
you let a sage die of hunger? If lust or greed, we can be easily take advantage of our goodness. It
you don’t step out and serve me manipulated by those who promise is good if we are charitable, but if
some food, I will leave and you to gratify our base desires. We are we give charity indiscriminately,
will have offended a sage. Do all fighting a war against the forces then people may exploit us by
you want to do that?” of illusion, which try to delude, milking us for money. We may
In traditional dharmic cultures, degrade and destroy us. In this war, end up poverty-stricken, with our
offending a sage was among the our vices are like enemy wealth being exploited and
worst things that one could do; it strongholds inside our abused by those who abused our
could lead to severe reactions.
Virtuous people were trained to
respect sages and avoid
offending them at all costs.
Naturally, Sétä became
apprehensive on hearing the
sage’s words. “I can’t become the
cause of Räma having to suffer
the reactions of offending a
sage.” Thinking thus, she stepped
across the protective circle. And
Rävaëa soon pounced on her and
abducted her.
Rävaëa played ugly. Suppose
two boxers are playing a boxing
match. If one of them plays
according to the rules and the
other plays loose with the rules,
then the rule-abiding nature of the
first boxer makes him vulnerable Sétä had been warned by Lakñmaëa, “Don’t go out of
to their opponents’ dirty tricks. this protective circle I am drawing around the cottage.”
Usually, a referee is meant to
catch anyone who breaks the consciousness. If we don’t want to charitable nature.
rules. And in the game of life, the be sabotaged from within, we need Therefore, we need to be on
law of karma does act as a referee, to be cautious about not pandering guard not just when dealing with
giving everyone their dues. But to our vices. Fostering such our vices, but also when dealing
often karma gives people their cautiousness, wisdom-texts contain with our virtues.
dues in its own time. In the many directives and narratives
meantime, we might suffer at the about how dangerous even a minor WHEN GOOD INTENTIONS
hands of unprincipled opponents pandering to vices can be. ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH
if they are manipulative and we But what we often overlook is The virtue of Sétä that made
are naive. If a player is known to that we may be vulnerable her vulnerable was her uncritical
be unprincipled and cunningly because of our virtues too. When service attitude, a desire to serve

not regulated by caution. To the light of that experience and in death. Still, a mission of
understand how something as the context of her present compassion doesn’t alter the
noble as a desire to serve can vulnerable situation in the forest, disposition of those without
backfire, let’s consider a medical for her to step over the protective compassion. Robbers will still
metaphor. circle was inadvisable, even if it rob. And when that charitable
Suppose a doctor is treating was for serving a sage. person is robbed, the culpability
patients in an epidemic area. The Of course, the point here is not lies with the robbers. The police
doctor may have the best of to blame Sétä. “Victim blaming” is need to catch those robbers,
intentions to treat the patients. reprehensible. Those who exploit punish them and recover the
But if the doctor gets infected, and abuse others need to be money. Simultaneously, the
then they can’t help anyone. In condemned and punished in the police would advise the kind-
fact, those care-givers who could strongest possible way. And Räma hearted person to not walk again
have helped the patients will did just that by ending Rävaëa’s through those streets with so
have to spend their time and reign and life. Sétä’s abduction was much money showing so visibly.
energy in caring for the doctor. because of Rävaëa’s viciousness The point to learn from Sétä’s
Lack of caution on the doctor’s and deviousness. abduction is that just being good
part ends up reducing a giver of Simultaneously and is not good enough; we need to
help to a needer of help. No regrettably, the world will always be good and shrewd. Here, we
matter how urgent the patients’ have vicious and devious people. use ‘shrewd’ in its positive sense
needs are, the doctor needs to Law enforcers need to regulate — having a clever awareness or
first get the necessary protection and, when necessary, even resourcefulness, especially in
such as vaccines or masks. If a eliminate such evil elements. Still, practical matters — not in its
doctor does not temper some other people will become negative sense: disposed to by
compassion with caution, they evil. Evil people can’t be entirely artful and cunning practices. If
won’t be able to show any eradicated from society; that’s we aren’t shrewd enough to make
compassion in the future. why virtuous people need to be sound judgments, good actions
Similar was Sétä’s situation. Her cautious. can also lead to bad results.
service attitude was laudable. For example, the police have When we learn to complement
Still, it was important for her to the duty to prevent robbery. But good engagement with good
remember that she was alone in a some people will still be looking judgment, our good intentions are
dangerous forest, and that danger for an opportunity to rob. more likely to be translated into
could come from the most Suppose a wealthy person walks good results.
unexpected of places. Not so through a lonely dark street with
When we learn to complement JUDGMENT BY
good engagement with good judgment,
When Sétä was abducted,
our good intentions are more likely multiple factors contributed to that
to be translated into good results. tragedy: the conspiracy by which
Rävaëa to send Märéca in the form
of a deer, thereby getting Räma out
long ago, she had the experience a lot of currency notes bulging of the picture; the confrontation
of danger coming from out of their pocket. They will be between Sétä and Lakñmaëa which
unexpected places. While they mugged. Suppose they are going resulted in Lakñmaëa departing to
had been in the seeming safety on that dark street on a mission of aid Räma and leaving Sétä
and prosperity of Ayodhyä, compassion, say, to give money defenseless; the assumption of the
Kaikeyé had suddenly turned in charity for the treatment of a garb of a holy man by Rävaëa; and
inimical and had them exiled. In poor person on the verge of Sétä’s stepping over the protective

circle. by dharma.” Echoing this theme, most effective not when they
Among these factors, Sétä’s the Bhagavad-gétä (16.24) states restrict, but when they connect.
stepping over was the tipping that if we mold our lives Put another way, we can best stay
point. Again, the point here is not according to the guidance of within boundaries when we find
to blame her, but to understand scripture, we can all create a something so relishable inside the
what we can do to prevent better future for ourselves. boundaries that we no longer
unnecessary problems in our life. Apart from the standard ethical crave for what lies outside them.
There is enough unavoidable and spiritual guidelines given in And if the boundaries help us to
trouble in life; if we can ensure scripture, we can consider what connect more with what lies
that we don’t compound it with boundaries we require, given our inside them, that’s even better. If
avoidable trouble, we can go particular vulnerabilities. First, we someone is happily married, then
through our life with lesser need to recognize the need for the boundaries of marriage help
trauma and tragedy. boundaries; then, we need to them connect better with their
We can compare the construct those boundaries; and spouse, and those boundaries
protective circle drawn around then, we need to respect those don’t seem restrictive.
the hermitage to the regulatory boundaries. For example, if The same principle applies to
guidelines given in scripture.
Lakñmaëa can be compared to the
guru who provides us those
First, we need to recognize the need for
scriptural guidelines that can best boundaries; then, we need to construct
protect us. Sétä can be compared those boundaries; and then, we need to
to the soul who is prone to be respect those boundaries.
overpowered by demonic forces
represented by Rävaëa. If we
respect the boundaries that are someone is trying to recover from our eternal bond as souls with the
meant to protect us, we are more alcoholism, then an essential supreme soul. Various ethical and
likely to be safe. boundary for them would be: don’t spiritual guidelines are ultimately
While danger exists go to a bar or, in general, don’t meant to help us become better
everywhere in the world, it is keep alcohol readily accessible. connected with the Divine. As he
more in some places than others. Boundaries to avoid bad things is the source of all pleasure,
Consider walking on a road. We are easy to understand, but connecting with him devotionally
might be walking on the footpath boundaries in doing good things enables us to access the supreme
and may be hit by a drunk driver. require more contemplation to pleasure. When we thus find
But if we are walking in the understand. For example, suppose inner fulfillment in our
middle of the road without we are euphoric and we promise connection with the Lord, we
considering the vehicles on that something to someone, even if it don’t feel inclined to transgress
road, we are much more likely to be some charity. Our euphoria any protective boundaries, for we
be hit. The traffic rules that may cloud our judgment and make no longer crave for the things that
regulate walking on the streets us do things that we later regret. lie outside those boundaries.
are meant to protect us. If we That’s what happened to
respect the rules that are meant to Daçaratha when in the joy of Caitanya Caraëa Däsa is the
protect us, we stay protected. Rama’s upcoming coronation, he associate-editor of Back to
The same applies to ethical and promised Kaikeyé that he would Godhead (US and Indian
spiritual guidelines too. Indeed, fulfill any desire she had. When editions). To read his daily
this is the mood of a celebrated she asked that Räma be exiled and Bhagavad-gétä reflections, please
aphorism from Mahabharata: Bharata be installed instead, he subscribe to Gitadaily on his
dharmo rakñati rakñitaù: “Those was left shocked and shattered. website,
who protect dharma are protected Ultimately, boundaries are thespiritualscientist.com.

Centuries ago, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself
had inaugurated this against the local, oppressive government.

By Puruñottama Nitäi Däsa

ndia has always been glorified sanctify the places. The king of glory. It is the land where Lord
as the land where sacred all the mountains, the Himalayas, Räma and Lord Kåñëa appeared to
rivers effortlessly flow to as her crown brings her great enjoy many pastimes — they

foreign invaders began attacking sentatives of the Lord and it was
the country to loot her of the through them only anyone could
riches. Thousands of temples attain any favor from the Lord.
were desecrated, and thousands Scriptures never ask anyone to
of people were forced to give up discriminate others. The social
their religion. divisions that the Vedas talk about
Although people carried on are meant for smooth functioning
with their daily routine and reli- of the society. This division is not
gious practices, within their based on birth but on one’s work.
hearts they remained in fear of (Bhagavad-gétä 4.13) Caitanya
being persecuted. It was not just Mahäprabhu had come to re-
the foreign invaders whom the establish the true teachings of the
people feared, but even the spiritual books. He came to break
brähmaëas, who had all the say the shackles of an unjust caste
in religious life of a person and system and to give an equal
had begun exploiting the com- opportunity to all to practice
mon people. Religious practices devotion to the Supreme Lord.
which uplifts one’s consciousness
and connects it to God had taken THE SAÌKÉRTANA MOVE-
backseat. Instead mere rituals, MENT WAS BORN
which were against the spirit of He introduced the saìkértana
the Vedas, gained prominence. movement i.e. the congregational
People had become utterly mate- chanting of the Hare Kåñëa mahä-
rialistic. mantra. Quoting Çrémad-
Bhägavatam (12.3.51), he said
A REVOLUTIONARY that chanting is the only effective
REFORMER APPEARS way by which one attains salva-
Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu tion in this age of Kali-yuga.
appeared during this time when The Hare Kåñëa mahä-mantra
India was suffering from within was not a new mantra. Chanting
and without. He appeared in was not a new process. In fact,
1486 in Mayapur, West Bengal, in the chanting of Hare Kåñëa mahä-
the district of Nadia. Through his mantra has been going on since
teachings and life’s example he eternity and not just on earth but
walked, they danced, they sang, singlehandedly ended the mo- even on all the higher planets.
they played in this blessed land. nopoly of priestly class, the But unfortunately, people had
But sadly, this great land of brähmaëas, who had introduced forgotten this and had subjected
ours slowly began to see the rigid hereditary caste system to themselves to a miserable state of
downfall. Scriptures tell that in the gain unparalleled control over life. Chanting can be done indi-
age of Kali-yuga, in which we are day-to-day life of the people. vidually or collectively; when
currently living, irreligion will gain done together along with several
prominence. So it’s not surprising As per the laws of the caste people, it becomes congrega-
that the Indian society, despite brähmaëas, the general masses tional chanting.
having its roots in spirituality, were forbidden to worship the All were eligible to chant the
began seeing the deterioration of deities, to read Vedic scriptures, names of the Lord. So called upper
spiritual culture and values. perform any rituals and chant any caste and lower caste, men and
As the society began to mantra. They had appointed women, rich and poor, Hindus and
weaken from within, many themselves as the blessed repre- non-Hindus all were welcomed.

followers of the Vedas. “No one
is powerful enough to stop the
chanting of the Lord’s name.
None we must fear. We will defy
the discriminatory order.”
Caitanya Mahäprabhu’s clarion
call brought great hope to all.
They had complete faith in the
leadership of Caitanya
Mahäprabhu, along with
thousands of followers launched
the Civil disobedience move-
ment, hundreds of years before
Gandhiji used it as a weapon to
overthrow the British regime.One
hundred thousand men carrying
At the house of Çréväsa Öhäkura, who was one of the prominent thousands of mådaìgas and
followers of Caitanya Mahäprabhu, a mådaìga was even broken. karatälas (hand cymbals) fear-

First time in their life they began diers went to houses warning
to experience deep connection people against chanting. At
with the Lord. Thousands of the house of Çréväsa Öhäkura,
people began chanting. From who was one of the promi-
almost every house in Navadvipa nent followers of Caitanya
one could hear the holy name of Mahäprabhu, a mådaìga was
Kåñëa being chanted. And those even broken.
unfortunate souls who refused to The common men and
chant always heard the chant. It women who enjoyed chant-
spread like wildfire. ing the Lord’s names were
This fire also began destroying devastated. The limited
the hegemony of the caste freedom with which they
brähmaëas, the priestly class. had to practice their faith
They were furious. The Muslim was totally taken away.
rulers feared being overthrown They had only two choices
by the united Hindus. Seeing now: to live they had to give
many non-Hindus participating in up chanting, or to chant they
congregational chanting was a had to give up their life.
cause of great concern.
The caste brähmaëas ap- THOUSANDS COME ON
proached the Muslim rulers. They THE STREET TO
together devised a plan to stop the PROTEST
saìkértana movement. Chand They approached
Kazi, the then magistrate of Caitanya Mahäprabhu, their
Navadvépa, issued an order. leader, their savior. He who
“Chanting must stop immediately. had reinstated the true Caitanya Mahäprabhu spoke politely
Anyone who defied the order will teachings of the Vedas had and logically with Chand Kazi.
be severely punished.” His sol- to now save the life of the

lessly sang and danced on the And so today, be it the streets of basis of caste, creed, religion,
streets of Navadvépa. The chant London or New York, Moscow or gender or economic status. Also,
of the great mantra, the Hare Cape Town, Mumbai or Sydney, we the seekers should fearlessly
Kåñëa mahä-mantra, filled the one can find thousands of devo- practice devotion to Kåñëa, having
entire atmosphere. They began tees joyfully singing and chanting complete faith that Mahäprabhu
marching to the house of the the Hare Kåñëa mahä-mantra. The will protect us in any difficult
Kazi. The powerful soldiers saìkértana movement started by situation.
were helpless; they fled. Caitanya Mahäprabhu around 500
Caitanya Mahäprabhu decided years ago in Navadvipa has spread Purushottam Nitäi Däsa is a
to meet Kazi to challenge his all over the world, and millions of member of congregation at
order. Seeing the mammoth people are now participating in it. ISKCON Kolkata. He works at IBM
crowd, which stretched for miles, Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu came as an Advisory Consultant. He
the Kazi had hid himself inside to teach us that we all are children writes at https://
the inner chambers of his house. of the same God, and so no one discoverursupersoul.com/
Reluctantly he came out. Caitanya should be discriminated on the
Mahäprabhu had a long conversa-
tion with the unjust ruler.
Mahäprabhu wasn’t harsh with
him; he was not there to harm
him. He spoke politely but logi-
cally. His reasoning had a great
impact. The Kazi understood his
mistake, and heart was now
transformed. With tears in his
eyes, he said, “To as many de-
scendants as take birth in my
dynasty in the future, I give this
grave admonition: No one should
check the saìkértana movement.”
(Cc. Ädi 17.222) The devotees
were jubilant. They were now
free to practice devotion to Kåñëa.
Caitanya Mahäprabhu, whose
advent had been predicted in the
Vedas, was a revolutionary social
reformer. He laid the foundation
of a worldwide saìkértana move-
Çréla Prabhupäda, the founder-
äcärya of ISKCON and one of the
foremost followers of Çré Caitanya
Mahäprabhu, has played a signifi-
cant role in carrying forward the
saìkértana movement. He
worked tirelessly to make sure
that millions of people of this
world too become recipient of the
mercy of Caitanya Mahäprabhu.

vs. “My Way or the Highway”
Although easier said than done, devotees’ striving
to serve harmoniously is “Kåñëa’s way.”

By Särvabhauma Däsa

HORTLY BEFORE his just as friction between twigs or
departure in 1977, Çréla leaves can cause fire. Doggedly
Prabhupäda made a request competing for sense enjoyment,
to his disciples regarding the time innumerable souls take birth and
he would no longer be physically struggle to eat, sleep, mate, and
present. “Your love for me will defend themselves. Billions of
be shown by how much you human beings contend with each
cooperate to keep this institution other, especially in Kali-yuga, our
together after I am gone.” He current age noted for quarrel (kali
had previously noted in his means “dissention”).
Teachings of Queen Kunté Çréla Prabhupäda explained,
(Chapter 23), “With Kåñëa in the “Since most people are
center, there can be full nondevotees, they regularly
cooperation between the trees, compete, fight, disagree and war
animals, human beings, and all among themselves, for everyone
living entities.” The challenge, wants to enjoy and satisfy his own
then, is to put Kåñëa in the center, senses. Therefore, unless such
because we embodied souls in demons become Kåñëa conscious
the material world generally and are trained to satisfy the
place ourselves in the center – senses of the Lord, there can be
not God. no question of peace in human
According to Queen Kunté, the society.” (Bhägavatam 8.8.38,
Päëòavas’ saintly mother, Purport) In these contentious
“dissensions between living times, we all need such training,
beings” – such as the rivalries that because it is said that in each of
flare up between different parties our hearts there is a figurative
or individuals in today’s world – “good dog,” or devotee (sura),
arise from “social intercourse,” and a “bad dog,” or demon


MARCH 2020
ARCH 2019

(asura). We need to feed the to serve harmoniously with materialists cooperate for material
good dog and ignore the bad one. devotees who are of different goals more harmoniously than
Vedic literature provides positive levels of seniority, spiritual devotees do for spiritual ones.
devotee role models to help us advancement, opinions, ages, Çrémad Bhägavatam describes
emulate good dogs and reject races, genders, nationalities, or demoniac King Kaàsa’s alliance
their undesirable opposites. social and educational with many materialists, such as
The bad-dog mentality backgrounds. In nitty-gritty real- Jaräsandha, Pralamba, Baka,
motivated the demons who life situations, cooperation in this Cäëüra, Tåëävarta, Aghäsura,
selfishly argued over nectar material world is challenging. Muñöika, Ariñöa, Dvivida, Pütanä,
churned from the ocean of milk, Keçé, Dhenuka, and Bäëäsura.
as described in Çrémad TOSSING OUR FLOWERS In today’s world, political or
Bhägavatam’s Eighth Canto. The Our humble efforts on the path business rivals sometimes join
asuras demanded, “I must drink it of bhakti, or devotional service, forces to pursue mutually
first. Me first, not you!” Çréla may be compared to trying to toss attractive “pots of gold.” Thieves
Prabhupäda noted the dramatic our little devotional flowers into or materialists pull off intricate
contrast between the cruel asura, the center of a sacred pond, the bank robberies or shrewd coups
with impressive teamwork. To
attain superficial material goals,
We need to feed the good dog and ignore the they toss rocks (rather than
bad one. Vedic literature provides positive flowers) into the pond, and their
devotee role models to help us emulate good rocks may hit close to one
dogs and reject their undesirable opposites. another, but they totally miss the
center. Temporarily, they may
“make waves,” or a “big splash,”
or demon, Hiraëyakaçipu and his pond’s center being the pleasure but because their goals, or waves,
saintly devotee son, Prahläda of Lord Kåñëa and His devotees. If are material, according to the
Mahäräja, yet he concluded that flowers tossed by two devotees Bhagavad-gétä their intelligence is
anyone can become a “perfect each hit that transcendental target, bahuçäkhä, splayed out, and
sura,” or devotee. (Indeed, within the waves they generate will be whatever unity the demoniac
“asura” is “sura”; within a demon complimentary and concentric. muster is unstable. An extreme
is a potential devotee.) They won’t clash or cancel each example of the fragility of
Prabhupäda said, “Even born in other out. In fact, their influence materialists’ bonds is given in the
the asura family, one can become will expand. But to the degree Mahäbhärata by the sage Närada,
a sura. Just like PrahlädaMahäräja. that our flowers miss the center, who recounts how two demoniac
His father [Hiraëyakaçipu] was an their ripples will clash or brothers – Sunda and Upasunda –
asura, but he was a perfect sura. interfere with each other. The fought over a ravishingly
That is possible. It is not good news is that although we beautiful damsel, Tilottamä, and
prohibited to anyone.” (Lecture, are works in progress whose aim killed each other, like two
January 27, 1975, Tokyo) is not yet perfect, if we sincerely opposing waves that cancel each
Fortunately, most of us aren’t and offenselessly keep chanting other out.
full-fledged Hiraëyakaçipus. Yet the holy names of the Lord and In the Bhagavad-gétä (2.41),
at the same time, we’re not pure follow the path of the great Lord Kåñëa states that serious
devotees like Prahläda; rather, we devotees, we will come closer devotees “are resolute in
are works in progress. Though and closer to the sacred target. purpose, and their aim is one.”
we may aspire to always put Lord Therefore they will eventually
Kåñëa in the center – rather than “COOPERATION” AMONG “hit the target.” Unlike
ourselves – it’s not always easy to MATERIALISTS materialists, pure devotees aspire
do. Hence it is sometimes difficult At times it may appear that to cooperate eternally to please

instructions in our lives – if we
follow Vaiñëava etiquette based
on scriptural guidelines for
cooperative and respectful
devotional dealings – the
obstacles to working together in
devotional service can be greatly
lessened. The guidelines of
Vaiñëava behavior may be
compared to a devotional GPS, or
Godly Positioning System. If we
avail ourselves of it, our inability
to hit the target of pure
devotional service can be
gradually overcome by the
merciful guidance of (1) guru: the
Lord’s representative, a bona fide
spiritual master in disciplic
succession, (2) sadhu: saintly
persons, and (3) çästra: scripture.
Yet Çréla Prabhupäda frankly
states that we are often unwilling
to cooperate within this
devotional guidance system.
“Generally when we find
someone more qualified than
Närada Muni advises Dhruva to have respectful, ourselves, we become envious of
devotional dealings with others. him; when we find someone less
qualified, we deride him; and
the Lord without cessation through ideal devotee behavior, when we find someone equal,
(apratihatä) and without material or Vaiñëava etiquette, which we become very proud of our
motives (ahaituké), beginning in pleases God. Närada’s advice to activities.” (Bhägavatam 4.8.34,
this world and continuing in the Dhruva Mahäräja in Çrémad Purport)
spiritual world. Bhägavatam (4.8.34) is When we’re driven by envy,
particularly helpful in this regard: derision, or pride – instead of
NÄRADA’S ADVICE Every man should act like this: appreciation, compassion, or
TO DHRUVA when he meets a person more cordiality – whether we are in a
Devotees are on different qualified than himself, he should so-called superior, inferior, or
levels of Kåñëa consciousness. be very pleased; when he meets equal position, we may proclaim,
(That’s one reason why our someone less qualified than “My way or the highway,”
“flowers” may miss their mark himself, he should be meaning, “Do it my way – or go
and land at different spots). compassionate toward him; and away!” Çréla Prabhupäda explains
And pure devotees are when he meets someone equal to why such defiance is self-
extremely rare. Therefore, great himself, he should make defeating:
devotees, or the Lord Himself, friendship with him. . . . [T]he Supreme Lord is the
teach us – whatever our social If we as aspiring devotees on enjoyer and creator, and we, as
position or spiritual qualification any level or of any social standing subordinate living beings, are
(adhikära) – how to cooperate sincerely implement Närada’s meant to cooperate to satisfy

Him. This cooperation will bow slipped from his grasp and we’re all one!” Çréla Prabhupäda
actually help us, just as food he declared defiantly, “I shall not poked fun at such a blurry,
taken by the stomach will help all fight.” When Arjuna initially impersonal misunderstanding:
other parts of the body. If the refused to perform his societal This philosophy was discussed
fingers of the hand think that they duty as a warrior (thus opposing by Caitanya Mahäprabhu and His
should take the food themselves, Lord Kåñëa’s plan), his temporary mother. He was eating dirt, and
instead of giving it to the “my way” stance and his resultant mother gave Him sandesh [a
stomach, then they will frustration were like the foolish sweet]. So He did not care to take
be frustrated. The central figure hand whose attempt to ingest sandesh; He was eating dirt. Then
of creation and of enjoyment is food by itself – ignoring the mother came. “My dear boy, why
the Supreme Lord, and the living stomach – just doesn’t work. Like are You eating dirt? Here is
entities are cooperators. By an instruction manual, the Vedic sandesh. I have given
cooperation they enjoy. literature guides us to properly You.”“Mother, what is the
(Bhagavad-gétä As It Is, act as human beings in service to difference between sandesh and
Introduction) God, just as the hand should serve dirt? They are all the same.
Like the hand in relation to the the stomach. [Laughing.] They are all the
same.”“Yes, my dear boy, You are
an impersonalist philosopher. But
The central figure of creation and of enjoyment it is required. Just like the water
is the Supreme Lord, and the living entities are jug is also earth, made of earth. It
cooperators. By cooperation they enjoy. is earth. And this ground is also
earth. But when you have to
keep water, you require this
body, each of us is a tiny part water jug, not this earth.”
within a supremely orderly, TEAMWORK, NOT (Morning Walk, December 20,
intricately designed gigantic IMPERSONALISM 1973, Los Angeles)
cosmic organism, the universal As with the hand and stomach Just as dirt and sandesh are
body of God. Given our in the body, similarly with sports, different, Bhagavad-gétä (2.12)
infinitesimal status within this families, businesses, government, explains that each soul (jéva) is
mind-boggling, vast cosmos – military, or spiritual organizations: distinct from all other individual
whose laws we can’t change one specific roles or duties need to be souls, and distinct from God
iota – it is generally to our own performed. Hence individuals (éçvara) as well. Vaiñëava
advantage to serve harmoniously within the framework of a larger scriptures explain that in the
even in our appropriate worldly group generally assume, or are spiritual world we have distinct
dharmas (kula-dharma, family assigned, specific duties – such as roles to play and as long as we
duties; jäti-dharma, community president, janitor, secretary, find ourselves in the material
or societal roles; etc.) and driver, treasurer, coach, world we will inevitably assume
ultimately in our sanätana- accountant, doctor, trainer, various temporary roles, or
dharma, our eternal spiritual quarterback, goalkeeper, and so dharmas, here too, due to our
occupation of service to Lord forth. To deny such differences differing natures and karmic
Kåñëa and His devotees. If we and to artificially claim that we backgrounds. For instance, all the
refuse to cooperate, there are are all “one” – the same in every members in a family are not
consequences, as Mr. Hand soon respect – is a form of exactly equal. Being elders, the
discovers when he refuses to impersonalism, a misleading father and mother naturally have
cooperate with Mr. Stomach. oversimplification, as when the the right to assume greater
In the Bhagavad-gétä, Arjuna hand claims, “I’m just as important authority to make family
demonstrated how not to as the stomach; why do I have to decisions than their young,
cooperate, when his Gäëòéva cooperate with him? After all, immature children. A man on the

street or on the Internet may remain, even in socialist or chariots; inspired vendors to
voice his opinions and fashion communist countries. Therefore, donate fruits and vegetables;
himself a political pundit, but an instead of trying to do away with charmed city officials to
elected official, however misapplied social divisions cooperate for festivals; and
imperfect, is generally better altogether, we need to simply motivated devotees to work
positioned to get things done. follow the Lord’s perfect original together. Today, in every temple
Lord Caitanya advised us to give system. But to do so requires a or community of devotees,
all respect to others, but due to revival of Kåñëa consciousness. unsung heroes and heroines –
envy, we are often reluctant to Whether we like it or not, like salt in a meal – often go
respect anyone, especially those wherever we are we will have unnoticed, but play vital roles as
with greater authority or roles to play. In regard to sincere cooperators for the Lord’s
qualification than ourselves. devotional service, whether a pleasure, such as the decades of
visitor to a temple, a janitor, behind-the-scenes service to
NATURAL HIERARCHIES temple president, book Back to Godhead by the late
In the Bhagavad-gétä Kåñëa distributor, priest, gardener, cook, Yamaräja Däsa in design, layout,
identifies four broad natural social pot washer – it is clear that if we photography, and more.
divisions, or varëas, present in simply cooperate as much as
every society: intellectuals, possible in devotional activities, WHEN NOT TO COOPERATE
administrators, businesspersons, we can please the Lord and Because our mutual goal is to
and laborers. The Lord stresses thereby attain satisfaction please Lord Kåñëa, we devotees
that a person’s qualities and ourselves. In this regard, in should cooperate among
behavior – not birth – indicate Çrémad Bhägavatam (4.30.8) the ourselves as much as possible,
where in the social order one can Lord lauds the cooperative despite our faults and
best serve. In a meeting with camaraderie of the saintly shortcomings and the
Indologist Professor C. G. brothers known as the Pracetäs: innumerable complications we
Kotovsky of the University of ”My dear sons of the King, I am face. But non-cooperation with
Moscow, Çréla Prabhupäda very much pleased by the nondevotees may be advisable.
explained that a truly classless friendly relationships among you. Because Çréla Prabhupäda’s
society, with no individual
distinctions regarding
occupational roles, is not only Because our mutual goal is to please Lord Kåñëa, we
impractical; it is impossible. “To devotees should cooperate among ourselves as much
fulfill the necessities of your as possible, despite our faults and shortcomings and
body, there must be a brain the innumerable complications we face.
[brähmaëas], arms [kñatriyas], a
stomach [vaiçyas], and legs
[çüdras]. . . . [I]n any society All of you are engaged in one mission was to establish Çré Kåñëa
you can see that unless there are occupation – devotional service. I as the Supreme Personality of
these four [occupational] am so pleased with your mutual Godhead, he opposed voidist
divisions, there will be chaos.” friendship that I wish you all (çünyaväda) and impersonalist
Although in modern India this good fortune.” (mäyäväda) philosophies. In
system is improperly practiced to Among Çréla Prabhupäda’s November 1977, shortly before
favor those of a so-called higher disciples, a most beloved his passing away, he warned his
birth, and attempts are made cooperator was the late disciples to avoid impersonalists.
around the world to artificially Jayänanda Däsa, whose jovial, “Vrindavan is full of Mäyävädés. . .
create a classless society, classes irrepressible devotional spirit . Stop this class of men from
of intellectuals, politicians, magically convinced derelicts and speaking in our halls.” He also
businesspersons, and laborers hippies to help build Rathayäträ (Continued on page 30)


The Kurukñetra in Rädhä’s eyes

Translation by Hari Pärñada Däsa,
Commentary by Chandrahas Pujari

Translation: “In
Kurukñetra, Arjuna accompa-
nied by Kåñëa chased after
Karëa. O Rädhä! We perceive
the same Kurukñetra in your
eyes. [In her eyes, the white
parts (Arjuna) and black parts
(Kåñëa) are pointing toward
the ear (Karëa)]
This verse uses astonishing
word-play to share two devo-
tional meditations simultaneously:
one of the beauty of the Lord’s
consort and the other of the
potency of the Lord’s devotee.
The word-play centers on two
meanings of three words: Kåñëa
(the Supreme Lord and the dark
color), Arjuna (Kåñëa’s devotee
and the white color) and Karëa
(Duryodhana’s friend and ear).
The direct reading of the
verse describes the beauty of
Çrémati Rädhäräëé’s face, specifi-
cally her sidelong glance. Be-
cause of her shyness, Rädhä
doesn’t look directly at Kåñëa,
but often casts a sidelong glance
arjunaù kåñëa-saàyuktaù karëam — towards Karëa; yatra at him. At such times, her eyes
karëaà yatränudhävati — where; anudhävati — runs seem to be looking at her ears.
tan-netraà tu kuru-kñetram iti behind; tan-netram — that eye of Thus, the black and white por-
rädhe! måñämahe yours; tu — but; kuru-kñetram — tions of her eyes (iris and sclera
is Kurukñetra; iti — this; rädhe — respectively) seem to be chas-
arjunaù — Arjuna; kåñëa- O Rädhä; måñämahe — we ing her ears, which seem to be
saàyuktaù — with Kåñëa; perceive. running away as she turns her

head to have a better look at aparyäptam can mean not just sively and spontaneously. Thus,
Kåñëa. This facial situation unlimited but also insufficient. in verses glorifying Vishnu, there
seems similar to the martial And its antonym paryäptam too might be names of Kåñëa; and in
situation on the Kurukñetra has two meanings: limited and verses glorifying Kåñëa, there
battlefield where Kåñëa and adequate. In this second reading, might be the names of Rama.
Arjuna on the same chariot Duryodhana unwittingly ends up After all, they are the one same
pursued Karëa. That martial admitting that his strength is no Lord who manifests in a multi-
situation is this verse’s second match to the Päëòavas’ strength. plicity of forms.
reading. Thereby, he indirectly acknowl- Love and grace link the
With this verse’s two readings edges Kåñëa’s potency, whose Vrindavan vision of Rädhä and
as our departure point, let’s presence on the Päëòavas tilts the Kurukñetra vision of Kåñëa-
contemplate two aspects of the scale decisively in their Arjuna pursuing Karëa. While the
bhakti. favor. Lord’s Vrindavan pastimes cen-
The literary exquisiteness of Building on the time-honored tered on his love for his divine
bhakti poetry: Word-play is often tradition of using wordplay to consort, Rädhä, are considered
used to convey points memora- glorify the Lord, this verse uses the highest displays of love, that
bly, humorously, poignantly. triple wordplay to enhance our same Lord also exhibits his love
Using similar-sounding words is
common enough in figures of
speech such as puns (Even when
In verses glorifying Vishnu, there might be
England didn’t have a kidney names of Kåñëa; and in verses glorifying
bank, it still had a Liverpool). Kåñëa, there might be the names of Rama.
More uncommon are figures of After all, they are the one same Lord who
speech such as zeugmas that use manifests in a multiplicity of forms.
the same word in its different
senses to link different parts of a
sentence (He and his driving absorption in our Lord. for Arjuna during the Kurukñetra
license expired last week). To The interconnectedness of war by helping Arjuna overcome
have one word-play in a sentence devotional absorption: Kåñëa- formidable enemies such as
is creative; to have three word- bhakti in Vrindavan and Karëa. The same divine grace
plays in the same sentence is Kurukñetra have significantly that enabled Arjuna to bring
specially creative; to have triple different moods. Yet it is the down Karëa also enables Rädhä
word-play and convey two devo- same Lord who is the object of to captivate Kåñëa so much that
tional meditations simultaneously devotional meditation. And he dances to her tune.
is incredibly creative. while relishing his remem- This verse stands as a signa-
The devoted naturally want to brance, a devotional heart can ture example and reminder for all
offer the best to their beloved cross-fertilize visions from of us to use our creativity to
Lord. And if they have a poetic various moods to discover enhance our devotional absorp-
inclination, they want to glorify fascinating connections and tion.
the Lord using the best poetry. correlations.
The Bhagavad-gétä (01.10) In his Govinda Bhashya
features a similar word-play. commentary to the Vedanta Hare Kåñëa Hare Kåñëa
Therein, while Duryodhana Sutra, the great bhakti scholar
compares his forces with those Baladeva Vidyabhushan states Kåñëa Kåñëa Hare Hare
of the Päëòavas, he deems his that when the devotee is ab- Hare Räma Hare Räma
strength unlimited and the sorbed in the Lord, their ecstasy
Räma Räma Hare Hare
Päëòavas’ strength limited. But can make them remember vari-
the pertinent Sanskrit word ous forms of the Lord succes-

in Kåñëa
While it seems the majority of old people mainly want
comfort, aging devotees have higher aspirations.

By Näräyaëa Däsa

N MANY DEVELOPED countries factor. But improvements in material
today, retirement communities living conditions do not address the
come with a gamut of material basic problems associated with aging.
facilities – multiple-cuisine Can redesigning the physical living
restaurants, parks, emergency-aid environment redefine the way we
facilities, assisted living, even experience aging itself?
exclusive dog parks. The idea is to To those exposed to Kåñëa
make old-age living comfortable, consciousness, the futility of coping
even enjoyable, for the elderly who with aging through material
can afford the price. adjustments alone is perfectly
In India, where I live, the trend to obvious. Çréla Prabhupäda writes,
set up exclusive facilities for “senior “Wherever there is the influence of
living” is catching on. Typically, eternal time, there is this set of
advertisements show happy elderly tribulations, namely birth, disease,
couples engaged in outdoor old age and death, and all of them are
activities in perfectly landscaped invincible.” (Bhägavatam 1.13.19,
surroundings, seemingly without a Purport) How do devotees of Lord
care in the world. Kåñëa cope with these problems?
Increasing average life- The Hitopadeça gives a hint: A
expectancy in most countries is one wise person performs religious
reason for this trend. In countries duties “as if Death had seized him by
like India, changes in social and the hair.” What is true of the wise,
family structures that accompany regardless of age, will certainly
economic development are another apply to a true practitioner of Kåñëa

Candrävalé Devé Däsé offers ärati to Jagannätha, Baladeva, and

Subhadrä Devé, worshiped alongside Çré Çré Rädhä Londonéçvara in London.

MARCH 2019 
consciousness. Like the elephant one’s bodily maintenance should of his wicked son Duryo-dhana in
king Gajendra, each one of not be neglected. As long as the regard to Duryodhana’s repeated
us is in the crocodile-like grip of body exists one can thoroughly misdemeanors landed Dhåtaräñöra
eternal time. (See Bhägavatam, study the Vedic instructions, and in the most unenviable situation
Canto 8, Chapters 2–4.) thus at the end of life one can in his old age: Every one of his
While aging does make the achieve perfection. (Bhägavatam sons died in battle, and he and his
inevitability of death more 8.19.39, Purport) wife were reduced to
tangible, devotees know that And, stressing the mental dependence on their righteous
one’s life can end any day poise necessary to wage the nephew Yudhiñöhira, whom
without warning. Çréla constant struggle with mäyä, Çréla Duryodhana had sought to
Prabhupäda quotes the venerated Prabhupäda writes: destroy at any cost.
Dhåtaräñöra was eventually
guided out of his miserable plight
Our Kåñëa consciousness movement has actually by his half brother Vidura, who
declared war against the illusory energy, in which tried to intercede with Dhåtaräñöra
all the living entities are rotting in a false on the eve of the Mahäbharata
war by urging him to make peace
understanding of civilization.
with the Päëòavasby granting
them their share of the kingdom.
Cäëakya Paëòita: “The duration of [W]e may take the lesson that But Duryodhana, obsessed with
one’s life in the ma terial world in our fight with mäyä we should destroying his cousins, soundly
may end at any moment, but if not be in a position in which our rebuked Vidura. The deeply
within this life one does strength, enthusiasm and senses offended Vidura left the royal
something worthy, that will be unable to fight vigorously. palace forthwith and proceeded
qualification is depicted in history Our Kåñëa consciousness to numerous places of
eternally.” (Bhägavatam 9.13.3, movement has actually declared pilgrimage, eventually reaching
Purport) war against the illusory energy, in the ashram of Maitreya Åñi, who
Devotional service is what which all the living entities are enlightened him on many details
makes a devotee’s life rotting in a false understanding of of the science of the Absolute
worthwhile, and it is the means civilization. The soldiers in this Truth.
by which the devotee wages the Kåñëa consciousness movement When Vidura returned to
constant struggle with mäyä. This must always possess physical Hastinapura, he confronted
makes it important to stretch one’s strength, enthusiasm and sensual Dhåtaräñöra, pointing out the utter
ability to continue devotional power. To keep themselves fit, anomaly of his spending his last
service into old age. Hence it is they must therefore place days dependent on the hospitality
enjoined upon devotees to take themselves in a normal condition of the Päëòavas, who were the
due care to protect their physical of life. (Bhägavatam 8.2.30, targets of his acts of enmity.
and mental faculties. Çréla Purport) Vidura urged his aged half
Prabhupäda writes: brother to get out of the palace
[T]he living entity entangled in DHÅTARÄÑÖRA’S EXAMPLE with the least delay.
the illusory energy cannot come Aside from physical Vidura’s words had the desired
out of it without the help of the disabilities, old age predisposes effect. The course that Dhåtaräñöra
body. . . . The Vaiñëava one to increased worries adopted thereafter and the way
philosophy therefore stemming from memories of life’s he ended his life (Bhägavatam
recommends yukta-vairägya. It is inevitable mistakes, failures, and 1.13.51–57) reveal that he was
not that all attention should be disappointments. Consider well aware of the means to
diverted for the maintenance of Dhåtaräñöra, the head of the liberate oneself from the material
the body, but at the same time Kauravas. His lifelong indulgence world but delayed to do so owing

to spiritual blindness. and painful. The life of Emperor life. . . . To stick to family life to
Vidura’s experience is relevant Sväyambhuva Manu, however, the end of one’s human life is the
to our discussion in another was not tasteless; as he grew grossest type of degradation, and
important respect. As Çréla older, his life remained as fresh as there is an absolute need for the
Prabhupäda points out: “For a in the beginning because of his Viduras to educate such
saintly person like Vidura, any continued Kåñëa consciousness. Dhåtaräñöras, even at the present
disturbance due to worldly affairs The life of a man in Kåñëa moment.” (Bhägavatam 1.13.24,
is insignificant. Such disturbances, consciousness is always fresh. Purport)
however, are sometimes Manu’s life did not become And on the means to promote
favorable for higher realization, stale after some time, for he detachment: “Constant thought of
and therefore Vidura took engaged himself always in the Lord is the antiseptic method
advantage of a family chanting about and meditating for keeping oneself free from the
misunderstanding in order to upon Lord Viñëu. When he infectious contamination of the
meet Maitreya Åñi.” (Bhägavatam talked, he talked only of Kåñëa material qualities.” (Bhägavatam
3.1.2, Purport) and Viñëu, the Personality of 3.1.32, Purport)
Godhead; when he heard Çréla Prabhupäda expands on
APPLYING THE LESSONS something, it was about Kåñëa; this idea: “It is said that it is the
The circumstances of Vidura’s when he meditated, it was upon nature of a devotee to constantly
setting out on his pilgrimage Kåñëa and His activities. apply his mind, energy, words,
were certainly unique, but in our (Bhägavatam 3.22.35, Purport) ears, etc., in hearing and chanting
times, disturbance to normal We should emulate about Kåñëa. This is called Kåñëa
conditions of life occur in a Sväyambhuva Manu’s example. consciousness, and for one who is
variety of ways. For example, Normally, a devotee practitioner rapt in hearing and chanting about
one could be diagnosed with a will share some of Sväyambhuva Kåñëa, the subject matter never
serious ailment, of which there Manu’s attitude, but may also becomes hackneyed or old. That is
are increased chances in one’s old
age. As with Vidura, such
disturbances provide a devotee
The system of varëäçrama religion sets aside
with the opportunity to detach a part of one’s life completely for the purpose
from life’s nonessentials and of self-realization and attainment of salvation
focus on the main purpose of in the human form of life.
human existence.
Kåñëa devotees are particularly
well-equipped to do so in that the have some of Dhåtaräñöra’s the significance of transcendental
Çrémad Bhägavatam, which weaknesses. The course to adopt subject matter in contrast to
provides the most complete is thus self-evident. As a devotee material subject matter.” (Kåñëa,
guide to dealing with life’s advances in age, the need to the Supreme Personality of
terminal problems, is integrated disengage from family and other Godhead, Chapter 13)
into their daily lives. attachments gains in urgency. Bombarded as we are by
Consider, for instance, the Çréla Prabhupäda does not mince material attractions from all sides,
lessons Çréla Prabhupäda draws words in his advice to all deliberately planning to increase
from the life of Sväyambhuva devotees, based again on Vidura’s the time we allot to the practice
Manu: counsel to his half brother: “The of Kåñëa consciousness would
The existence of material system of varëäçrama religion seem the path for aging devotees
enjoyment can endure as long as sets aside a part of one’s life to follow. In practical terms, for
life is fresh, but at the fag end of completely for the purpose of many this would mean invariably
life everything becomes tasteless, self-realization and attainment of starting the day with maìgala-
and everything appears to be vain salvation in the human form of ärati at home and regularly

offering food to the Lord, which Trivandrum with his wife, Prema spiritual. Those who are actually
in turn involves a range of Kamala Devé Däsé, and their engaged in the service of the
activities connected with service daughter, Sugéta Väëé Devé Däsé. Supreme Personality of Godhead
to the Lord. For devotees within Candrävalé Devé Däsé offers cannot be disunited in any
easy access to a temple, attending ärati to Jagannätha, Baladeva, circumstance. This makes the
the temple programs without fail and Subhadrä Devé, worshiped Supreme Personality of Godhead
would meet the same objective. alongside Çré Çré Rädhä very happy and willing to award
Londonéçvara in London. all kinds of benediction to His
What about physical and
mental disabilities that could
... devotees. (Bhägavatam 4.30.8,
Unfortunately it’s far easier to
impede normal devotional Transcendental.... write about cooperation, or to
service in old age? Pilgrimages to (Continued from page 23) read about it, than to actually do
holy places associated with the cautioned devotees to avoid it. But if we sincerely try to avoid
Lord could be ruled out in intimate association with sense the ten offenses (aparädhas)
advanced age, and even enjoyers. “The präkåta-sahajiyäs detrimental to chanting and
attending temple programs could generally chant the Hare Kåñëa devotional service – especially
be strenuous. But when the aim is mahä-mantra, yet they are disrespecting devotees of the
to connect as many of one’s attached to women, money and Lord (vaiñëava-aparädha) and
activities with Kåñëa as possible, intoxication. . . . Such people disobeying or minimizing the
one can continue devotional should be respected within one’s spiritual master (guru-aparädha)
services of basic types, such as mind, but their association should – and if we recite the following
chanting and hearing. And be avoided.” (The Nectar of prayers that Çréla Prabhupäda
advances in technology, despite Instruction, Text 5, Purport) advised, that will help us develop
all their negatives, also offer Appreciating the cooperative a mood of congeniality:
devotees opportunities to follow spirit of the Pracetäs, Çréla
temple programs from their Prabhupäda explained: väïchä-kalpa-tarubhyaç ca
homes, including listening to Since the sons of King kåpä-sindhubhya eva ca
temple lectures and kértanas. Präcénabarhiñat were all united in patitänäà pävanebhyo
Physical disabilities need not Kåñëa consciousness, the Lord was vaiñëavebhyo namo namaù
impede devotees’ continuing very pleased with them. The unity
endeavor to improve their standard of the individual souls attempting “I offer my respectful
of spiritual practice, particularly the to satisfy the Supreme Lord or obeisances unto all the Vaiñëava
quality of their chanting. For a rendering service to the Lord is devotees of the Lord. They can
family devoted to Kåñëa real unity. . . . Disunity between fulfill the desires of everyone,
consciousness, mutual support individual souls is so strong within just like desire trees, and they are
among family members can help this material world that even in a full of compassion for the fallen
smooth the rough passage into old society of Kåñëa consciousness, conditioned souls.” (Çré Vaiñëava
age. And lastly, heeding members sometimes appear Praëäma)
Prabhupäda’s repeated stress on disunited due to their having ananta koöi vaiñëava vånda ké
association with fellow devotees different opinions and leaning jaya!
can provide the support devotees toward material things. Actually, in “All glories to the unlimited
need in their closing days. Kåñëa consciousness there cannot millions of Vaiñëavas, the
be two opinions. There is only devotees of the Lord!”
Näräyaëa Däsa is a disciple of one goal: to serve Kåñëa to one’s
His Holiness B.V.V. Narasiàha best ability. If there is some Särvabhauma Däsa, a disciple
Swami and an ISKCON Life disagreement over service, such of Tamäl Kåñëa Goswami, lives in
Member since 2004. He lives in disagreement is to be taken as Houston, Texas.

RADHADESH MELLOWS DRAWS RECORD development of Mayapur Heritage City, was held on
1,400 DEVOTEES FROM 50 COUNTRIES January 9th, 2020, at prominent Indian businessman
Sajjan Jindal’s office.
The meeting was initiated by Devakinandan Das,
Zonal Secretary and Vice Chairman of Member of
Mayapur Executive Board (MEB), and saw the
participation of some of the most distinguished
members of the corporate world namely Sajjan Jindal
(Chairman - JSW Group & Advisory Committee), BK
Goenka (Chairman - Welspun Group), Ajay Piramal

Radhadesh Mellows is one of the biggest kirtan

festivals in the world. This year the event, from
January 23rd to 27th, drew a record 1,400 devotees
from fifty countries, and from every continent. A
further 100,000 tuned into the livestream online.
On Thursday, as everyone arrived, kirtan went
on in the Radhadesh temple room until 9:15pm,
featuring a beautiful lamp-lit darshan of Çré Çré Rädhä
Gopinätha and an inaugural address by Çacinandana (Chairman - Piramal Group), Ashok Goel (Chairman -
Swami, setting the mood. A host of devotees Essel Group), Harshvardhan Neotia (Chairman -
experienced in facilitating deep dives into the holy Ambuja Neotia Group) and Sanjiv Goenka (Chairman
name led the chanting, including Çacinandana - RP Industries Ltd). Other businessmen who are
Swami, Kadamba Känana Swami, Candramauli members of the Committee but were unable to
Swami, Baòahari Däsa, Mädhava, Jahnavi Harrison attend the meeting are Shri Gautam Adani
and her sister Tulasi from the UK, Amala Harinäma (Chairman, Adani Group), Shri Anil Agarwal
and his wife Nadiya Mani, Acyuta Gopé and Ananta (Chairman, Vedanta Resources) and Puneet Dalmia
Govinda from New York, and twins Kishor and (Dalmia Bharat Group).
The hit film on Srila Prabhupada’s life, HARE
KRISHNA! The Mantra, the Movement and the
Swami who started it all opens in 20 cities in Italy
starting Jan. 23 and running through March 15. There
is the possibility of releasing the film in up to 100
cities throughout the country if it continues to draw


BILLIONAIRES INITIATE EFFORTS TO Devotees from ISKCON of New Jersey appeared
DEVELOP MAYAPUR HERITAGE CITY on TV Asia’s live call-in talk show, “Focus Live,” on
The first meeting of the Advisory Committee for January 2nd at 8pm Eastern Time to answer

questions and present Krishna consciousness to an to January in Mayapur, West Bengal, focuses on
audience of 1.5 to 2 million viewers. First founded providing guests an insight into the importance of
in the UK in 1990, TV Asia was also the first coast- the Bhagavad-gétä. Also called the big ‘fair’ of
to-coast entertainment and information channel for knowledge, the guests are allowed inside the Gita
the South Asian community settled in the U.S. It airs Mela Campus to see big dioramas explaining the
regularly scheduled programs in Hindi, English, Bhagavad-gétä’s main teachings, they attend the
Gujarati and other regional languages 24 hours a question and answer session, buy spiritual books
day, seven days a week. from the store, get to know the BBT, watch a video
presentation about ISKCON around the world, have
ISKCON YOUTH HELP PUT ON japa session, and there is kids play area in the


On January 9-12, 2020, thirty devotee attorneys,
jurists and law students hailing from several
countries around the world attended the 2020
ISKCON Global Conference of Devotee Attorneys at
the Historic Thomas Center in Gainesville, Florida.
The term “devotee attorney” refers to any devotee
or friend of Krishna, who is an attorney, jurist or law
student. Created by the GBC Body at its 2018 GBC

The latest tour by ISKCON Youth Ministry saw

youth help put on four Rathayäträs in the Caribbean,
and some become inspired to take on active roles in
the Hare Krishna Movement. A total of about
twenty-five youth participated throughout the tour,
with fourteen from around the US being joined by
about five local youth in both the Dominican
Republic and Puerto Rico.


OF TOURISTS TO MAYAPUR Annual Midterm Meeting in Kanpur, India, the
Gita Mela is an event organized by ISKCON ISKCON Law Department is led by Singaporean
Mayapur dedicated solely for interacting with the devotee attorney, Devakinandan Das, in his role as
tourists. A winter festival that is held from December ISKCON General Counsel.
The dual purpose of the Conference was (1) to
enable devotee attorneys from around the world to
get acquainted in an atmosphere of collegiality and
devotion to Çréla Prabhupäda and Lord Kåñëa, and (2)
to develop an integrated network of legal service
providers capable of meeting the 21st-century needs
of ISKCON and its devotees. The ISKCON Law
Department is intended to make sound and timely
legal advice available to ISKCON decision-makers at
the temple, zonal and GBC levels.

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness
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ith more than 20,000 people affected and places. Dubos warns that it would be foolish to
at least 200 dead, the Coronavirus is the consider them conquered, they can re-enter human
biggest threat to public health today. history given the conditions are favorable. In the
Before that there was the SARS, MERS and Avian-flu Rämäyaëa, there is a description of Lord Rama
type of viruses. Of course, the Chinese government shooting arrows at Rävaëa and no sooner than one of
is confident that they will come up with some his ten heads would fall another one would grow
vaccine soon and they might as well succeed. What up.
could be the root cause of these deadly viruses? Will We need to look much deeper into the issue of
humanity ever be able to find it? Or an even more our health. Let us begin with the basics. The
important issue is what are we doing that is wrong? physical body is a covering for the real self—the
Dr. Rene Dubos was a physician who did spirit soul—which is eternal, individual, and part of
extensive research on this subject in the fifties and the Supreme Person, Lord Kåñëa. Like each of us,
wrote a book called, Mirage of Health: Utopia, Kåñëa is an individual person, but unlike us Kåñëa is
Progress and Biological Change. In this pioneering never encaged in a temporary, physical body. He is,
study of medical history Dubos declared: Progress rather, the creator and controller of the physical
toward some utopia of health is an illusion. Disease world. Both Kåñëa’s body and His abode, the
will never be “conquered.” Disease is so spiritual world, are eternal, full of unending
inescapable a part of our human condition that happiness, and without a trace of birth, old age,
today’s remedies inevitably become the agents of disease, and death. Since originally we reside in this
tomorrow’s ills. deathless, spiritual world, it’s quite natural that we
Dubos gathered enough evidence to come to the yearn for a life free of disease and other miseries.
conclusion that the diseases we suffer from arise out But the health-care industry can’t help us attain this
of the complex social, political, and economic kind of life, because it’s impossible to live an
dynamics of our particular society; as society eternal, deathless, disease-free life anywhere in the
changes, our ills change with it. Some diseases fade temporary, physical world. The health-care industry
away, while others rise to take their place. has its place, of course, but to exaggerate its
Those who beat the drum of fantastic medical benefits is self-deluding.
progress will quickly point out that we no longer die Çréla Prabhupäda throws light on this issue by
from smallpox, typhus, typhoid, diphtheria, and the stating, “We are trying to exploit the resources of
other microbial plagues of the past. Instead the ultra- material nature, but actually we are becoming more
modern human of the 21st century dies from and more entangled in her complexities. Therefore,
prostrate cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, cirrhosis although we are engaged in a hard struggle to
of lever, the opiod crisis, emphysema and a host of conquer nature, we are ever more dependent on
mental disorders. her. This illusory struggle against material nature can
Dubos further states that modern medical be stopped at once by revival of our eternal Kåñëa
research has had little to do with the eradication of consciousness.” Thus unless we cultivate the human
infectious diseases. The socio-economic reforms that spirit along with the activities of keeping our body
came after industrialization should be given the free from disease (as much as possible) there will
credit for that. But while these old foes were driven always be a virus waiting for its time to attack.
away into oblivion new ones were taking their —Çyämänanda Däsa


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