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Step By Step SAP Down Payment

Instead of using the starting point of the process, this guide simulated
scanning and identification of Invoice in VIM.

Simulation of Document
Tcode: /OPT/VIM_7AX1
This is the Testing Program for Non-OCR Scenario.

Fill on Archive Id & Archive Document Id and DP Document Type.

Then execute the document.

Run Business Rules

Execute the Business Rules to check document is OK with Business
Validation Rule.
( for example, checking the scanned Vendor really exist in SAP KNA1
and it’s opened for the Sales Org. )

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Submit Document for Approval
Once the document is created, the document have to be improved.
To trigger the Approval workflow, press the ‘Submit For Approval’ in the
Process Options for Accountant.
The receiver of the task will read from VIM’s Users table.

The next pop-up tells who will approve this down payment.

Approve the document

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Post Down Payment
Once the document is approuved, a new option appears in Process
Options: Post DownPayment

Create Down Payment Invoice

The final step is to create an invoice ( FI Document ) for this down

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted


Technical Side For Down Payment

For SAP Down Payment, please consider these technical points:

Main Table
The keys tables for Down Payment are:

BKPF SAP Accounting Document Header
Writing to BKPF
Before Posting
Before posting the VIM document, there is no FI document created
So No record for the document ID in BKPF will be found.
Only a document Id refers to the created request in /OPT/VIM_1HEAD

After Posting

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

Posting of SAP Down Payment will create the SAP Document in BKPF.
The process will be in the function
where bdcid eq ‘00803’ . ” Post Down Payment

1 CHECK bdcid EQ '00803'.

Down Payment Approval Function

Sap Down Payment Approval is handled in the SAP function
module /ORS/000007_TAKE_ACTION
With the action ok_code EQ ‘APPROVE’.

1 CHECK ok_code EQ 'APPROVE' .

Identify Down Payment

In table BKPF, down payment are identified by BLART = ‘KA’


Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

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