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Course title : Business Marketing

Batch : PGDM 2018-20

Term :5

Credits :3

Faculty : Dr R Sugant; Email ID :; Mobile: 9686842080

About the Course:

While brands and consumer-centric companies are the more visible faces of marketing
literature, in reality, B2B companies contribute equally, if not more to the economy. Globally,
at least 50% of the Fortune 100 companies are in the B2B space, the prominent ones being
Intel, Cisco, Oracle, GE, Shell, BP, Total etc. Also, any company – be it B2B or B2C will be
spending at least half of their revenue in sourcing raw materials, components, consumables,
services etc. On top of this, Governments are huge consumers of B2B products and services.
For example, procurement of defence equipment by Government of India is estimated at Rs.4
lakh crores over the past three years. The procurement of all departments of state and central
governments will run into lakhs of crores rupees every year.

In India, while we are not able to create any international consumer brand of repute, there are
quite a few B2B companies like TCS, Infosys, Wipro, Aditya Birla group, Vedanta group etc.
that have global presence and scale. It is these companies that have proved to the world that
“India Can”. In fact, the entire Indian IT industry which made the world to look-up at India, is
focussed on the B2B market.

B2B markets are characterized by products high on technology and innovation, higher service
levels and complex financing terms. Also the relationship between suppliers and clients is quite
different compared to consumer markets. B2B market operates in an environment characterised
by high capital investment, complementary R&D expertise and customers’ need for multiple
sourcing. Hence most of the B2B marketing decisions has a direct bearing on the strategic
decisions of other functional areas of the organisation.

With the products becoming complex and technology intensive and services gaining in
importance, the deal breaker for the companies is ‘how their value proposition stacks up against
the competition’.

Considering the above factors and the fact that more than half of B school graduates enter into
companies that are competing in B2B space, it is imperative that the students understand the
concepts of value creation and delivering value to customers.
Course Objectives:
• To examine the nature of B2B markets and organizational buying behaviour
• To understand how to assess market opportunities and segment the markets.
• To examine ways to create value through appropriate marketing strategy and planning and
right product and service offering
• To understand how integrated marketing communication, appropriate pricing and channel
management can help in creating value to the customers
• To understand how to deliver value through personal selling and effective customer
• To equip the students for careers in marketing, sales, pre-sales, customer support, customer
relationship management in B2B organisations

CO – PEO Matrix:
The extent to which the course “Business Marketing” enables to achieve the program
educational objectives as defined by the institute is given below:


Med High High Low Med

PEO 1. To become a leader and a manager with a blend of generalist knowledge and
specialized skills with an eye on social responsibility

PEO 2. To understand current trends, practices, opportunities and challenges in the area of
chosen specialization

PEO 3. To acquire the ability to readily understand the practical aspects in the domain area.

PEO 4. To develop a personal value system which balances the social side as well as the
corporate value-creation process

PEO 5. To become a well-rounded professional grounded in management concepts, well

versed with contemporary topics from the industry, society and technology

• The pedagogy followed for the course will be as below:
o Lectures
o Case studies
▪ Major cases will be assigned as group activities and will be shared with the
students at least two days prior to the class; The cases will be discussed in
the class and the students (groups) are also expected to submit written
▪ Mini cases/ caselets are distributed and discussed during the respective
o Projects are group activities and are based on (a) review of concepts based on
research articles and (b) field activities. Students are required to submit the report
for the projects and also make a presentation of the same in the class.

Course Evaluation:

Component % marks

Class Conduct/ Participation 10

Case Analysis 10

Project 10

Quizzes 20

Mid Term Exam 25

Final Exam 25

Total 100
Session Plan

Session Topics Readings

Understanding Value
1-2 B2B Marketing – An Introduction Dwyer &
o Perspective Tanner – 1, 2,
o Organisational Buying Behaviour 3&4
3-4 Segmentation & Market Opportunities Dwyer &
o Generating B2B Opportunities Tanner - 5
o Market Segmentation
- Criteria and benefits
- Bases for segmenting Business Markets
- Evaluating & Selecting Market Segments
Creating Value
5 Marketing strategy & Planning Dwyer &
o Situation Analysis & Audit Tanner - 6
o Objectives
o Strategies
- Generic competitive strategies
- Branding
- Marketing mix programmes
o Implementation & Control
6-9 Managing Product & Brands Dwyer &
o B2B Product Classification Tanner – 8
o Product & Technology Adoption Life Cycle B2B Brand
o New Product Development Mgmt – Philip
o Branding Decisions, Dimensions and Pitfalls Kotler
o Acceleration Through Branding
10 Managing Channels for Business Markets Dwyer &
o Typical B2B Channels Tanner - 9
o B2B Channels in Technology Firms
o Channel Design and Administration
11 Managing Marketing Communication Dwyer &
o Public Relations Tanner – 10,
o Advertising & Sales Promotion 11 & 12
o Trade Shows, Direct Marketing, Tele-marketing
12 B2B Digital Marketing Ref Material
o Digital platforms Vs. Segments/ Buying Cycle
o E-mail marketing
o On-line advertising, webinars, blogs, podcasts,
streaming media
o Social Media
o Online market place/ portals
13 Managing Pricing Dwyer &
o Price Vs Value Tanner - 14
o Factors affecting price setting
o Pricing Strategies & Tactics
o Competitive Bidding
Delivering Value
14 Gaining New Business - Maximising Lead Generation Ref Material –
o Opportunities will be shared
o Leads & Prospects by Faculty
o Sales Funnel & Building Sales Pipeline
15-16 Personal Selling The New
o High Performing Sales Executives Strategic
o Six elements of Strategic Selling Selling –
o Handling Difficult Customers Miller
17 Marketing Performance Measurement Dwyer &
o Levels of Marketing Control Tanner - 15
o Market Performance Dashboard
o Tools for measuring Performance/ Variance
18 Customer Relationship Management Dwyer &
o Transactional & Collaborative Customers Tanner - 16
o Delivering Superior Value Vs. Relationship
o Managing Portfolio of Customers & Sustaining Customer
19-20 Recap/ Presentations


Assessment methods linked to specific mission attributes

Exams and Research Case Class

Mission attributes
quizzes Projects Analysis Participation
Business leadership Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
Value Creation Yes Yes Yes
Rubric 1 Assessment of answers in Exams

1 2 3 4 5
Quality attribute or Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent Exceptional
Business leadership Incomplete answer to Few parts are attempted More than half of the All parts except one or Answers all the parts and
exhibited through all parts of the but not completely parts are attempted and two are answered and the responses are
completeness of question. Most parts answered; Infrequent the answers are almost the answers are complete; Always uses
answers and are missed out; Does usage of appropriate key complete; Usage of key complete; Mostly uses appropriate key terms,
knowledge of key not use appropriate terms, concepts and terms, concepts and appropriate key terms, concepts and models
terms, concepts and key terms, concepts models models are seen, though concepts and models
models and models not appropriate always
Value creation No examples/ Few examples/ Provides adequate Mostly provides right Always illustrates with
through appropriate applications at all. applications are there; examples/ applications examples/ applications right examples/
illustration with though all examples are and by and large they and is able to relate the applications and is able to
application/ examples not appropriate and does relate to concepts examples to concepts relate the examples to
not always relate to concepts
Organisational Disorderly and lacks Minimal structure and Adequate structure and Mostly structured and Properly structured with
Excellence displayed clarity very low level of logical average level of logical mostly logical flow of proper logical flow of
through organization, flow of information flow of information information is information
structure, and flow of maintained
Mechanics (Grammar, Many errors and the Some errors and the Some errors, but the Few errors but Almost nil errors and well
spelling, and content is totally content is affected. content is not majorly acceptable content written
structuring of affected affected
sentences/ paragraphs)

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Rubric 2 Assessment of Projects

1 2 3 4 5
Quality attribute or Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent Exceptional
Organisational Poor analysis of the Able to analyse the Able to analyse the Able to analyse the Clear analysis of the
Excellence exhibited theoretical framework theoretical framework, theoretical framework, theoretical framework,; theoretical framework and
by analysis & and interpretation though mostly lacks in though sometimes lacks Is able to interpret the highly apt and
interpretation of theory clarity; interpretation in clarity; Interpretation is same as relevant to the professional interpretation
lacks relevance vis a vis mostly relevant vis a vis industry/ project of theory as relevant to
industry/ project industry/ project the industry/ project
Business Leadership Lack of integration of Minimal integration of Adequately demonstrates Demonstrates Very clearly and
displayed by concepts into practice concepts into practice integration of concepts integration of concepts completely demonstrates
application and and examples/ with few illustrations into practice with into practice to a major integration of concepts
integration of theory illustrations are absent and examples – though adequate illustrations and extent with appropriate into practice with multiple
into practice or inappropriate or not all are appropriate or examples – mostly illustrations and highly appropriate
irrelevant relevant appropriate and relevant examples illustrations and examples
Value creation
exhibited by
Presentation –
Structure No structure is evident Minimum level of Some level of structure is Structured, but with few Totally structured and
structure is observed observed with some digressions and logically organised
with major digressions digressions and irrelevances in
and irrelevances in irrelevances in information
information information
Content Neither the core idea Minimally able to Core idea and the The core idea is highly The core idea is well
nor the explanation is observe the core idea explanation is done evident and explained. articulated and explained
done adequately. and the explanation. adequately. in lucid manner

Delivery (effective Barely visible Minimally seen Adequately demonstrated Demonstrated to a great Strongly demonstrated
introduction, extent
conclusion, ability of
any team member to

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present, commn

Rubric 3 Assessment of Case Study

1 2 3 4 5
Quality attribute or Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent Exceptional
Business Leadership Is unable to understand Identifies and Identifies and understands Identifies and Identifies and understands
exhibited through the main issues in the understands only few of some of the main issues in understands most of the all of the main issues in
Identification of the case the main issues in the the case main issues in the case the case
main issue or problems case
Business Leadership Nil or incomplete Superficial and very Some analysis, but limited Good analysis but relies Offers own insightful
exhibited by Analysis analysis. little analysis. to study questions on study questions analysis rather than
of the issues mostly. relying on study

Value creation Few alternatives Few alternatives Few alternatives and Various alternatives and Various alternatives and
through proper discussed, without any discussed, but without scenarios are discussed scenarios are discussed, scenarios with appropriate
Identification of reasoning convincing reasoning with appropriate but not all of them are reasoning discussed
Alternatives reasoning with appropriate
Value creation No proper conclusion. Some conclusions are Fairly proper conclusions Good conclusions, Draws highly logical
through Conclusion Recommendations are made, but they are not are made – by and large mostly logical and conclusion, and makes apt
and recommendation superficial logical and logical and convincing recommendations are and appropriate
recommendations are convincing recommendations
not convincing
Organisational Incomplete research Limited study to the Extensive study of the Extensive study of the Excellent research into
Excellence displayed and no links to the course reading (text course reading (text course reading and the issues with clearly
by providing Links to course reading or book) book) some research on documented links to the
course readings, external sources external sources course and outside
external references and readings
additional research

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Rubric 4 Assessment of Classroom Conduct

1 2 3 4 5
Quality attribute or Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent Exceptional
Attendance Missed more than Missed three classes Missed two classes Missed one class Did not miss any class
three classes

Business Leadership No active participation No active participation, No active participation, Active participation is Always actively
– assessed through and never responds to sometimes responds to mostly responds to evident and mostly participates in class and
class participation questions questions questions. responds to questions always responds to

Business Leadership Always casual in the By and large diligent By and large diligent and Mostly diligent and Always diligent and is
– assessed through the class and attentive, but at attentive, lacks attentive attentive
discipline in the class times casual concentration at times.

Assessment of Classroom Conduct – Indicative scoring guideline

Quality attribute or parameter Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent Exceptional
Attendance 0 1 2.5 4 5
Discipline and participation 0 1 2.5 4 5

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Recommended Text Books:

Business Marketing : by F Robert Dwyer and John F Tanner, 3/e, Tata McGraw Hill

1. B2B Marketing, Michael D Hutt, Dheeraj Sharma and Thomas W Speh, 11/e,
Cengage Learning
2. Business Market Management: Understanding, Creating, and Delivering Value: by
James C. Anderson , James A. Narus, Das Narayandas & D V R Seshadri, 3/e,
3. Business to Business Marketing : By Robert P Vitale, Joseph Gigilierano and
Waldemar Pfoertsch, 1/e, Pearson
4. Business Marketing: By Krishna Havaldar, 4/e, McGraw Hill
5. B2B Brand Management: By Philip Kotler & Waldemar Pfoertsch
6. The New Strategic Selling – Miller Heiman
7. B2B Digital Marketing: Using the Web to Market Directly to Businesses by Michael
8. Complete B2B Online Marketing: By William Leake, Lauren Vaccarello & Maura
9. B2B A To Z: Marketing Tools and Strategies That Generate Leads For Business-To-
Business Companies - By Bill Blaney
10. Maximizing Lead Generation: The Complete Guide for B2B Marketers by Ruth P.
11. B2B Technology Marketing by Hugh Taylor

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