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720502 Evening Meditation Against Loneliness and Restlessness Shabd Shu Gadhara Kriya

with Karam Shambavi Mudra)

The first two parts of this kriya create an active seal of consciousness to bring triple changes: in the physical, in the
mental, and in the totality of the being, working on the positive ego. Part Three addresses the negative ego, and
can bring unruly thoughts, so must be practiced with Part One and Part Two, followed by a deep relaxation. If
you become irritated when you begin practicing this kriya, add the practice of the kriya: Movement Relaxation.
This kriya balances the ego, conquers the fear of death, promotes sound sleep, eliminates strange dreams, and gives
a positive attitude. It produces a vitality in the etheric body so that it becomes extremely strong and totally regulates
the glands. Thus the emotions become constant and the mind becomes divine. This kriya is traditionally called:
Shabd Shu Gadhara Kriya (Karam Shambavi Mudra) and is to be done at the two weak points of the day, when
negativity may triumph. This is when the the sun is at 60 degrees: approximately 3 hours after sunrise and at
sunset. This is especially helpful in the evening, when you can become lonely and restless. All negative acts start in
the evening. This kriya eliminates negativity. You will not be betrayed in life or love if you meditate on Infinity in
the evening when Venus comes up. In life there are constant waves of emotions, yet life is not these waves. The
highest point of consciousness in life is love, but love is a constant frequency of vibrations throughout life which
has no condition in it. The problem with us is that the positive and negative aspects of the ego are not balanced,
so no neutrality and consistency can take root. Positive ego is the constant vibratory projection of the self. Negative
ego is the over-projection or under-contraction of the self. The imbalance of these two makes us unable to conquer
the fear of death, so we resist changing and evolving to higher consciousness, since every real change is experienced
as a death. "How can your Creator and Mother Nature who created you allow you to be lonely? There are beautiful
trees, beautiful times; everywhere around you beauty is in such abundance that if you look ahead, you can enjoy
and enjoy, forever and ever. Why do you feel lonely? Why do you want to be recognized?" Why do you overextend
yourself and make yourself weak? "This is how you distribute your time ”You give 60-70 percent to your ego; 40
percent to your imaginations; 10-15 percent to self-pity. So, you give about 40-60 percent to your insecurities. At
best, you give from 3-5 percent of your time to your own divinity. A person who gives 10-15 percent of his time
to his divinity is considered a saint." Give your evenings to happiness on Earth, and your mornings to God. If you
watch TV at night, you can't get up, it takes away all your energy. Evening is a time of peace and rest. Make sure
evenings are passed in elevated human relationship. Avoid any situation which will drag you down. Be in the
company of the holy. ” Yogi Bhajan Start with 11 minutes for Part One and Part Three; build up to 31 minutes.
It is important to follow this meditation with 11 minutes of relaxation.
1° kriya 11 minutes:
1. Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine,
and a light Neck Lock.
2. Elbows are relaxed down by the
sides, the forearms are in line with
the thighs, palms up, parallel to the
3. Fingers are in receptive Gyan Mudra.
4. Focus is at the Third Eye Point. Feel it
as the apex of a triangle with the
5. Inhale in 4 strokes mentally
vibrating: Sat Sat Sat Sat
6. Exhale in one long stroke mentally
vibrating: Naam
To End:
1. Inhale and tip the head back. Then
bring the head level.

2° kriya 3 minutes:
1. Sit on the left heel, right leg
stretched out in front.
2. Grasp the big toe of the
outstretched foot with the right
hand. Pulling back on the toe, grab
the heel of the same foot with the
left hand.
3. Breathe automatically as you chant:
Haa-Qul Hoo Hoo Hoo Haa-Qul Hoo
Hoo Hoo

3° kriya 11 minutes:
1. Sit in Easy Pose or Lotus Pose.
2. Place the arms between the legs,
hands under the buttocks.
3. Let the head fall back, pointing the
chin up.
4. Mentally concentrate from the
rectum to the chin.
5. Inhale in 4 strokes mentally
vibrating: Sat Sat Sat Sat
6. Exhale in one long breath mentally
vibrating: Naam
To End:
1. Inhale and bring the neck straight.
2. Follow immediately with deep

To finish 11 minutes::
1. Follow with relaxation.

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