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Sn = Bocrres tt TELANGANA S 671404 aia Bo cin Joint §ib-Registrar-7 AWBAS, SIE. CHANERE SEKHAR RAS Ex, Office S} For whom... ccc ¥ Form 26 ows A SnOSR ‘iene cudiaaeal (See rule 4A) AFFIDAVIT TO BE FILED BY THE CANDIDATE ALONG WITH NOMINATION PARER BEFORE THE RETURNING OFFICER FOR THE ELECTION TO TELANGANA STATE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (NAME OF THE HOUSE) FROM 29-IRICILLA ASSEMBLY CONSTITUENCY (NAME OF THE CONSTITUENCY) t PART—A 1 RALVAKUNTLA TARAKA RAMA RAO, sonidaughiesswif of K, CHANDRASEKHAR aged 42 years, resident of H. NO. 8-2-120/110/1/3, NANDI NAGAR, ROAD NO, 14, BANJARA HILLS, HYDERABAD 500034, a candidate at the above election, do hereby nly affirm and state on oath as under; (1) Lama Candidate set up by TELANGANA RASHTRA SAMITHI (TRS) Party (2) My name is enrolled in 60-KHAIRATABAD, TELANGANA at Serial No. 946 in Parl, No, 14 (3) My contact telephone number(s) is 040-23555798 my e-mail id (if any) is ‘and my social media accounts (if any) are ramkalvakuntla (facebook) (4) Details of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and status of filing of Income tax retums: SL ‘Names PAN The Financial year | _ Total income No. for which the last | shown in Income- Income-Tax return | tax has been filed Rome) "| Self! KALVAKUNTLA AHOPRI784K 2017-18 714,357,036 & TARAKA RAMA RAO ‘Agriculturelncome 259,85,000 Spouse:SHAILIMA ~ /AUZPR7400P 2017-18 73,55,23,14& KALVAKUNTLA Agriculturelnco 224,65,0008 Share of profit from Partnership Firm, 279,65,688 3 | Dependent | NIL NIL NIL DAUGHTER:K, ALEKHYA F | Dependent 2 NIL NIL NIL SON:K. HIMANSHU: (5) Pending Criminal cases () declare that thepé'is no pending criminal against me (Tick this altepeative if there is no crimirfal cose pending against the candidate and mative write NOT APPLICABLE against ) below) OR ‘The following criminal cases are pending against me: (If there are pending ctiminal cases against the candidate, then tick this altemative and score off alternative (1) abave, and give details of all pending cascs in the table . \y ‘TABLE: ALL THE BELOW CASES WERE REGISTERED DURING THE TELANGANA AGITATION a) e) gd (a) | FIRNO.With | €r.No.42/2013 | r.No.41/2013 | Cr.No.40/2013 aameand PS Government | Government Government address of Railway Police, | Railway Police, | Railway Police, Police Station | Mancherial Mancherial Mancherial Concerned _ (| Case No.with | Summons not yet | Summons net yet | Summons not yet | Nameofthe | Served, as such | served, as such | served, as such ‘ant not aware of the | not aware of the | not aware of the Case Number and | Case Number and | Case Number and Court Court __| Court (© | Section(sjor U/Sec.143,188,5 |U/Sec.143,168,5 | U/Sec.143,188,5 | concerned 06 r/w 109,149 | 06 r/w 109,149 | 06 r/w 109,149 “ActsiCodes IPC, Sec-7 of CLA | IPC, Sec-7 of CLA | IPC, Sec-7 of CLA Raina Act, Sec. 147, Act, Sec. 147, 151 | Act, Sec. 147, 151 154,174 IR Act. | IR Act IR Act (give no of the Section.IPC.ete) oe _ @ | Brie No knawledge [No knowledge | No knowledge description of | about description | about description | about description ‘Offence ofthe offence | ofthe offence —_| of the offence ‘(@) | Whether NOTKNOWN | NOT KNOWN NOT KNOWN Charges have been framed(mention |__| ¥ES or No) (f) | Ifanswer NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE | NOT APPLICABLE | against (€) above is YES then give the date on which charges were framed (g) | Whether any NO NO NO 4 Appeal/Applicat ion for revision has been filed against the proceedings (Mention YES orNO) Cy 10 TABLE {a) FIR Ne. with name and address of Police Station concerned (4 Cr.Ne, 2506/2012 PS Government Railway Police, Mancherial oo CrNo. 24772012 Government Railway — Police, Mancherial ____(6)_| GrNe. 1149/2012 Government Railway Police, Nizamabad (b) Case No. with Name of the Court ‘Summons not yet served, as such not aware of the Case Number and Court ‘Summons not yet served, as such not aware of the ‘Case Number and ‘Court ‘Summons not yet served, as such not aware of the Case Number and Court () Section(s) of concerned Acts/Codes involved (give no. ‘of the Section, e.g. Section sin OF IPC, etc.). UjSec.143 rw 109,143 IPC,U/Sec- 147, 145 of INDIAN RATLWAYS Act. UjSec. 147, 447, 109 r/w 149 IPC, u/Sec- 147, 174 (a) INDIAN RAILWAYS Act U/Sec. 137, 143, 147,186 r/w 149 IPG, U/see- 145,147, 150,174 of INDIAN RAILWAYS Act 1939 @ Brief description of offence No knowledge about description of the offence No knowledge about description of the offence No knowledge about description of the offence te) o Whether charges have been framed (mention YES or No) NOT KNOWN NOT KNOWN NOT KNOWN Hf answer against (e) above Is YES, then give the date on which charges were framed NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE (s) Whether any ‘Appeal/ Application — for revision has been filed against the proceedings (Mention YES or NO) NO WO NO F \J ry TABLE ] (a @ |) (@) | FIR No, with name [Cr.No. 105/2012 | Cr.No. 233/2011 PS | Cr.No. and address of | Government Government 127/2011 PS Police Station | Railway Police, | Railway Police, | Ramagundam concerned Vikarabad Warangal (b) | Case No. with Name | Summons not yet | Summons not yet Summons not of the Court Served, as such | served, as such not | yet served, as not aware ofthe | aware of the Case | such not Case Number and | Numberand Court | aware of the Court Case Number | and Court (e) | Section(s) of | U/Sec, 151 of U/See. 109, 120 (b) | U/Sec. concerned INDIAN of IPC, 147, 150 (b) | 143,188,506,1 ‘Acts/Codes involved | RAILWAYS Act — | of IR Act, Sec.4 of | 09, r/w 149 of (give no. of the | and Sec. of POPP | POPP Act IPC, Sec 7 of Section, e.g. Section | Act. CLA OFIPC, etc.) Act,147, 151 of IR Act. (@) | Brief description of | No knowledge Ne knowledge | No knowledge offence about description | about description of about of the offence ‘the offence description of the offence (e) [Whether charges | NOT KNOWN NOT KNOWN NOT KNOWN have been framed {mention YES or NO) (fH) |Wfanswer against(e) | NOT APPLICABLE [NOTAPPLICABLE | NOT above is YES,then ‘APPLICABLE givethe date on which charges were framed (a) | Whether for revision has been filed against the proceedings (Mention YES or NO) Wer w TABLE Go) Gn __ ay (a) | FIR No. with|CriNo. 126/2011 PS| Cr.No. 93/2011 |Cr.No. 92/2011 name and address | Ramagundam Vikarabad Police | Vikarabad Police of Police Station Station Station concerned (b) [Case No. with | Summons not yet Summons not yet Summons not Name of the Court | served, as such not served, as such not yet served, as aware of the Case aware of the Case Such not aware Number and Court Number and Court of the Case Number and | Court (é) | Section(s) of | U/Sec. U/See, 144, 241, 447, | U/Sec. 147, concerned 143,168,506,109, | 188,109r/w149 | | 341, 447, 188, Acts/Codes: r/w 149 of IPC, Sec 7 | IPC, 150 of IR Act 109 r/w. 149 involved (give no. | of CLA Act;147,151 of | and Sec.7 af CLA Act | IPC, Sec.150 of of the Section, | IR Act. TR Act. e.g. Section (Of IPC, etc.) (@) | Brief description | No knowledge about | No knowledge about | No knowledge of offence description of the | description of the about: offence offence description of the offence (e) | Whether charges | NOT KNOWN NOT KNOWN NOT KNOWN have been framed (mention YES or No) (i) [If answer against | NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT (e) above is YES, APPLICABLE then give the date on which charges were framed (9) | Whether any NO NO NO Appeal/Appli n for revision has | been filed against the _ proceedings (Mention YES or NO) 3 Application for revision has been filed against the proceedings (Mention YES or NO) TABLE I (a3) 1 47 (15) (a) | FIR No. with name and [Er.No, 91/2011 PS) CrNo. 69/2011 | Cr.No. address of Police Station | Vikarabad Ps 45/2011, concerned Bellampally Railway Police 1 town Station, Mancherial {b) | Gase Ne. with Name of | Summons not yet | Summons not | Summons not the Court served, as such not | yet served, as | yet served, as aware of the Case | such not aware | such not Number and Court | of the Case aware of the Number and ‘Case Number Court and Court (e) | Section(s) of concerned | U/Sec. 147,341,188 | U/Sec. U/sec. Acts/Codes involved |,109r/w149 IPC | 109,143,147 and | 143,188,353,1 (ive ne. of the Section, | and Sec-150 of 188 of IPC 09, r/w 149 of 2.9. Section wine OF IPC, | INDIAN RAILWAYS IPC, Sec 147 etc.) Act, ‘of TR Act 1989 and Sec 7 of ‘CLA Act. (@) | Brief description of | _Noknowledge | No knowledge | No knowledge offence about description | about about ‘ef the offence | descriptionef | description of the offence the offence (e) | Whether charges have | NOT KNOWN NOTKNOWN | NOT KNOWN been framed (mention YES or NO) (0 [af answer against (e)| NOT aervicnaie WoT NOT above is YES, then give APPLICABLE APPLICABLE the date on which charges were framed (e) | Whether any Appealy No NO NO (a) | FIR No. with name and address of r.No. Police Station concerned Station, Mancheriat (B) | Case No. with Name of the Court Summons not yet served, as such not aware of the Case Number and Court {e) | Section(s) of concerned Acts/Codes | U/See.143,168,353,109 r/w 149 of IPC involved (give no. of the Section, | Sec 147 of IR Act 1989 and Sec 7 of CLA ‘eg. Section ...... OF IPC, etc.). Act. (a) _| Grief description of offence No knowledge about description of the offence (e) | Whether charges have been framed NOT KNOWN (mention YES or NO) (8) | If answer against (e) above is YES, NOT APPLICABLE then give the date on which charges were framed {o) | Whether any Appeal/ Application for NO revision has been filed against the (6) Cases of Conviction GT declare that I have eed for gy criminal offence. (Tick this altemgtive, If the eandi not been convicted and write NOT vo Thave been convicted for the offences mentioned below: (If the candidate has been convicted, then thick this altemative ive and. score alternative (i) above and give details in the Table below) on \\~ a (a) Case No. @ @ @ GENO. 8822012 | NA NA ©) ‘Name of the Court ir NA NA METROPOLITAN MAGISTRATE ( FOR AILWAYS) SECUNDERABAD © ‘Sections of Acts/Codes involved (give no,of the Section, e.g. Section...of IPC, ete). Ulsee. 147 of the [WA NA Railways act, 1989 (a) Brief Description of ‘Offence for which onvieted Twas shown as Accused No along with 7 Other Accused in C.C. No. 852 of 2012 on file of I Metropolitan Magistrate (For Railways) Secunderabad for the offence USec. 147 of the Railways Act, 1989. T along with 7 Other Accused pleaded guilty voluntarily and the same is accepted by the ‘Trial Court. The Trial Court vide Order dt. 23.11.2016 found guilty of all the Accused ineluding me for the offence U/See. 147 of the Railways Act 1989. Accordingly, along with 7 other Accused were convicted ‘UiSee.252 of CrP.C. The Trial Court considering the submissions made by all the accused with regard to quantum of sentence, extended the benefit under the Provisions of Probation of Offenders Act and all the Accused Al to AS were released U/Sec. 3 af Probation of Offenders Act, 1958, after due admonition (@) Dates of orders of conviction 2312016 -NA- -NA- 0 Punishment imposed No punishineni imposed, The Hon’ble trial court extended the bencfit under the provisions of Probation of Offenders Act and all the accused Ad to A8 were released U/Sec. 3-of Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 after Whether any Appeal has been filed against conviction order (Mention YES or No) -NA- “NA 16 es (h) | Ifanswer to (g) above is [-NO- “NA- -NA- YES,give details and present status of appeal (6A) I have given full and up-to-date information to my political party about all pending Criminal cases against me and about all eases of conviction as given in paragraphs (5) and (6). (Candidate to whom this item is not applicable should clearly write NOT APPLICABLE IN VIEW OF ENTRIES IN S(i) and 6 (i),above) Note: 1. Details should be entered clearly and legibly in BOLD letters 2. Details to be given separately for cach case under different columns against each item. 3, Details should be given in reverse chronological order, ist, the latest case to be mentioned first and backwards in the order of dates for the other cas 4, nal sheet may be added if required, 5. Candidate is responsible for supplying all information in compliance of Hon’ble Supreme Court’s judgment in W.P 1 No, $36 of2011, (@) That 1 give hercin below the details of the assets (movable and immovable ete.) of myself, my spouse and all dependents: a D of movable assets Note: 1. Assets in joint name indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be given. Note: 2. In ease of deposit‘investment, the details including Serial Number, Amount, date of deposit, the Scheme, Name of the Bank/Institution and Branch are to be given Note: 3. Value of Bonds/Share Debentures as per current market value in Stock exchange in respect af listed companies and as per books in case of non-Listed companies should be given Note: 4. Dependent here has the same meaning as assigned in Explanation (v) under section 75A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951. Note: 5. Details including amount is to be given separately in respect of each investment. ug A “ \\~ SLNo.| Description Self Spouse D-1 [D2 K.Alekhya | K. 3 Himanshu ( [Cashin Hand |e ya2,s0a i,08,231 NIL NIL NIL (i) | Details of deposit | ICICI Bank, | 1)Punjab National [1)K.Alekhya | NIL | NIL in Bank accounts | Jubilee Hills Bank, Post Office (FDRs, Term SB A/e No. Himayateagar | Recurring Deposits and all | 007601512431 | SB Ale No. Deposit-A/C other typesof | ® 59,282 4978000400006204 | No-424119 deposits including 21,18,957 4,18,000 saving accounts), Deposits with | 2)Axis Banik 2)Bank of Baroda | 2)Bank of Financial Srinagar Colony | Banjara Hills Baroda, Institutions, Non- | SB A/c No. ‘SB Ale No. Banjarahills Banking Financial | 4250101000430 | 2661010001857 | SB A/C No, Companies and | & 43 216,61,321 2661010000 Co-operative 6670 societies and the 1686 amount im each i such deposit 3)Bank of Baroda | 3)Fixed Seana Banjara Hills Deposit with SB AleNo ‘SB Ale No. oe Kat ‘ 02s 104000078384 | Beane | | No. aS 241294 he 26610300009 4yState Bank of | PHank of Raroda eee fag jubilee Hills AP Secretariat eter Noses SB Ale No. 62099489663 F 24,20,948 5)Axis Bank Sank oto | SB AIC No-7016 vjara Hills — | 35 ross SB Alc No. ne 2661010001762 28,98,253 @HDFC Bank Siricilia-SB A/C- No- 501 00016798440 0 1 THDFC Bank S0100065547624 z7491 8)Bank of Baroda Sirlsilla Branch- SB A/C No- $4340100006193, Election purpose) 28,820 ‘Total Total Total Bank Bank Balance | Bank Balance Balance 2234,36,131 1,06,98,043 19,59,692. Gi) | Details of Deiailsas below | Detailsus below | NIL NL NIL investment in Bonds, debentures/shares and nits in companies/Mutual funds /Firms and ‘others and the amount (Equity Shares & ‘At Home| ‘Alekhya Ventures | NTL NIL NIL | Hospitality Private Limited — Services Private | Equity shares Limited Eq. 875,000 Shares % 38,02,530 B D-MAT Shares in | ETG Global NIL NIL |NIL| companies Services Private Worth Limited-Equity © 9,16,139 shares 1,53,04,467 . \yy Cc NIL Sadguru Health — | NIL NIL ‘NIL Equity shares _| 2 17,00,256 D NIL Telangana NIL NIL NIL Publications Private Limited- Equity Shares €18,07,51,140 E NIL Gold Bonds in NIL NIL NIL Bank of Baroda €1,01,856 F NIL Capital Account | NIL Nik NIL | Balance in Urbana Ventures Firm 22,70,72,820 ()_ | Dewits of ©36,00,759 £60,00,000 NIL NIL NIL investment in | LC Insurance | ICICI Prudential NSS, Postal Policies. Insurance policies. Saving, Insurance | (Premium paid) | (Premium paid) Policies and investment in any | ICICI Prudential Financial Insurance Instruments in pe les Post Office or | (Premium paid) Insurance 280,06,393 Company and the ae |. @) | Personal 222,97,570 Advance Paid for | NIL NIL [NIL Loansadvance | K.Chandrasekhar | Property given to any Rao Purchase person ot entity 2 1,00,00,000 including firm, dideereczere compen le Private Limited |eteand other | Rao (HUE) © 38,530,000 receivables from He debtors and the adrasekhar amount, RexHUR) €24,65,000 Other Advances €14,81,417 20 \Whe ee (i) | Moior Vehicles? Airerafis / Yachts (Ships etal F | soy Car Foekaig 26,88,862 NIL NIL NIL NIL number ete, year ‘of purchase and __| amount) Gil) | Jewellery, bullion and valuable rm @ 2,50,000 21,09,05,000 Pines EN jt | 100. Gram—Gold | 390 Ke— Gold 4 ornaments ornaments NIL. asc valve) Diamonds Be ne (ii) Any other assets | €40,00,000 © 65.57.47 NIL NIL NIL such as Yalueof | Greenhouse TDS and advance claims/ Interest | Project written | Tax down value 243441 TDS and advance Tax Te) [Gross Toul Value [@3,002009 | 827,70,70,717 [81959602 | NIL | NIL a B. Note DETAILS OF [MMOVABLE ASSETS: |. Properties in joint awnership indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to bbe indicated. Note: 2. Each land or building or apartment should be mentioned separately in this format. [_SLNo. ‘Description ‘Self Spouse D-1|D-2]D-3 (i)(@) | Agricultural Land | Verravally. Janwada, NIL | NIL | NIL Location(s) Jogadevpur, Medak | Shankarpally, Sy.No 369,370,376 | RR Dist Survey number(s) Sy.No. 64514 Area (Total Acre 5-21 Gt. Acre 0-18 Gt. NIL | NIL | NIL measurement if acres) Whether inherited | No NO NIL” | NIL | NIL | property (Yes or No} Date ofpurchase, | 4-Oct-10 ‘GShune-2012 NIL | NIL | NIL in case of self acquired property 1 Cost of Land (in NIL [NIL | NIL case of purchase) at the time of purchase © 539,890 = 12,20,725 “Any investment on_| NIL NIL NIL [NI the land, by way of | Nae development, construction etc., ‘Approximate 5 8,50,000 © 15,82,000 NIL | Nie) NIL ‘Current Market Value @(b) | Agricultural Land] Yerravally, Janwada, NIL ‘NIL Location(s) Jagadevpur, Medak | Shankarpally, RR Sy No 367/a, 370/e1, | Dist Survey number(s) _| 370/a Sy No.645/A ‘Area (Total NIL NID measurement in | Acre 6-36-Gt, Acre - 00 Gt. acres) il ‘Whether inherited NIL | NIL | NIL No No property (Ves or No} Daieof purchase, | 22-Dec-10 ‘SohunI2 MIL | NIL | NIL in ease of self acquired property ‘Cost of Land (in NIL | NIL | NIL ‘case of purchase) Petkior = 6,71,080 = 54,25,100 purchase Any invesiment on NIL | NIL | NIL the land, by way of development, NIL Nit; construction etc., ‘Approximate NIL | NIL | NIL Current Market | & 10,56,000 © 63,96,000 we cand | Verravall Janwada, NIL | NIL | NIL Location(s) Jagadevpur, Medak | Shankarpally, RR Survey number(s) DistSy No.643 ‘Area (Total NIL | NIL | Nik measurement in Acre 1-20 Gt. acres) Whether inherited [7 ne NL | NIL | NIL erty (Yes or No) Date of purchase, NIL | NIL | NIL incaseafsclf | 1$-Feb-11 AT-Augel2 | acquired property Cost of Land (in ease of purchase) aie dence E1,19,740 © 27,18,850 NL NIL | yp purchase Ae eee NIL | NIL | NIL the land, by way of development, ‘NE a | construction etc., | _ ‘Approximate NON Current Market tac = 1,88,000 & 31,54,000 2a We @ | Aericultwral Land Verravaily, NIL | NIL | NIL (d) | Location(s) —s Jagadeypur, Survey number(s) | ##80e"purs Medak _ Re Negru N0.377,378,380/E, 380A2,378E,378A. “Area (Total NIL | NIL [NIL measurement in Acre 0-39 Gt. Acre 15.05 1/2 Gt acres) } ‘Whether inherited Nil, | NIL | NIL property (Yes or | No No No) | Date of purchase, NIL | NIL | NIL incaseofself | 7-Apr- 30-Nov-2015 acquired property Cost of Land (in NIL NIL | NIL case of purchase) oO ereuaae © 95,330 872,20,695 purchase ‘Any investment on NIL_| NEL | NIL the land, by way of development, am consinuction ete. ‘Approximate NIL | NIL | NIL Current Market © 1,50,000 @79,21,000 Value ©) | AgriculturalLand | Verravally, Janwada village [NIL [NIL | NIL Location(s) Jagadeypur, Medak | Shankar palli Sy.No. 343/43, 40/4, | Mandal,sy No- Survey number(s) | 377/ee GAS/ZIIISIOST ‘Area (Total NIL | NIL | NIL measurement in Acre 3-17 1/2 Gi. Acre 4.06Gt acres) ‘Whether inherited NIL El property (Yes ot Nol me vay BEE ee Date of purchase, ral in case of self 28-Dee-11 NA i haan Chaar acquired property E Cost: : teed eS NIL | NIL | NIL case of purchase} atthe time of pagan ae purchase . \hy ‘Any investment on NIL | NEL | NIL the land, by way of development, | NIL NIL construction stamp dutyete., if ‘Approximate NIL] NEE NIL Current Market = = 5,29,000, 71,28,83,000 (0 | Agricultural Land | Verravally, NL NIL | NIL | NIL Location(s) Jagadevpur, Medak ‘Sy. No, 343/4u Survey numbers) ‘rea (Total “Aere 1-00 Gi. NL NIL | NIL | NIL measurement in acres ‘Whether merited NE] Nit | NIL property (Yes or | No NIL No) Date af parchase, NL [NL | NI incase ofself | 20-Jun-t2 NIL uited proper Cost of Land (in NIL | NIL | NID case of purchase) atthetime of | © 97-780 ye | purchase ‘Any investment on NIL | NIL NIL the land, by way oP] yp i development, construction etc... “Approximate NIL Current Market | ® 1,54,000 NIL NIE | Value a Yerravally, Nit | NIL 8) Jagadovpur, Medak | NIL, Survey number(s) _| 59+ No. 343/e3 ‘Area (Total NENT measurement in | Aere 1-00 Gt. NIL SN eres) Whether nhavied] a Re yperty (Yes or Mo) \y\e ‘Date of purchase, in case of self acquired propery 25-Jun-12 NIL NIL NIL NIL ‘Cast of Land (in case of purchase) at the time of purchase © 97,750 NIL NIL NIL ‘Any investment on the land, by way of development, construction etc, NIL, NIL NIL ‘Approximate Current Market Value 154,000 NIL. NIL NIL NIL. @ (hy Location(s) Survey number(s) Yerravaily, Jagadeypur, Medak Sy.No. 366/a1, 371/e, 376/a1, 372/a0, 376fja24 NIL. NIL NIL NIL ‘Area (Total measurement in acres) Acre 2-26 1/2 Gt. NIL NIL NIL NIL Whether inherited property (Yes or | No) No NIL. NIL NIL NIL Date of purchase, incase of self | acquired pronerty | 10/01/2013 NIL. NIL NIL NIL Cost of Land (in case of purchase) atthe time of purchase % 2,60,500 NIL, NIL NIL Any investment on the land, by way of development, construction ete. NIL NIL ‘NIL. ‘NIL NIL NIL ‘Approximate Current Market Value % 4,10,000 NIL NIL NIL. NIL T)@ | Agricultural Land | Yerravally, NIL | NIL | NIL Location(s) Jagadevpur, Medak Sy.No. 35422, 34120, Survey number(s) | 341aa2, 341, 41a, 352aa, 352a1, 351aa Area (Total NIL NIL | NIL measurement in Acre 8-27 Gt. NIL acres) ‘Whether inherited ‘NIL property (Yes or | No NIL No) Date of purchase, NIL) NIL | NIL in case of self 18-Oct-13 ‘NIL | acquired props Cost of Land din ‘case of purchase) at the time of % 41,338,090 NIL NIL | NIL | NIL purchase “Any investment on NIL NIL the land, by way of development, bas =~ construction etc., Approximate NIL NIL | NIL Current Market: 2 53,44,000 NIL Value. (@ | Agricultural Cand | Yerravally, T Location(s) Jagadeypur, Medak sy Survey number(s) | No377/aa2,3770a, | NUL NIL | NIL | NIL 37vul 3Tiru3TIvu2 Area (Total measurement in | Acre 4.30Gt8 NIL, Nit |i | Ni acres) Whether inherited oe (Yes or No NIL NIL | NIL | NIL 0 Date of purchase, in case of self 19 May 2014 NIL nm {wm | ni acquired property ‘Cost of Land (in case of purchase auctine ot |€765280 me NIL | Nm | NIL ‘Any investment on He lend, Ramey OF) nays, NIL NIL | NIL | NIL development, construction étc., ‘Approximate Current Market | €27,70,000 NIL NIL | NIL | NIL Value | (H@) Pie Aare Sircllta ,Siricilla Bee Sear: NIL | NIL | NIL pean Mandal, Karimnagar Location(s) Disy Renueair . No. 569, survey niicnbortay_| NoS08820;512 STipart Area (Total NIL [NIL | NIL measurement in | 27360 Sq.Ft, 5,004 Sq. Ft. | Sq.ft / Whether inherited NIL [NIL | NIL property (Yesor | NIL No No) Date of purchase, NIL | NIL | NIL incase ofself | 05-Dec-2014 3-July-2008 acquired property ‘Cost of Land (in NIL [NIL | NIL case of purchase) at the time of 29,45,625, % 8,05,070 purchase, | Any investment on Ni, | Nit | NIL the land, by way of | gry Wit: development, construction etc., ‘Approximate NW | NIL | NIL Current Market ‘Value %14,46,000 % 70,56,000 ‘Non-Agricultural Alekhya Nagar, | NIL RIL ‘Land Machabollaram, Location(s) NIL, Alwal, RR Dist Survey number(s) ‘Sy. No, 171 Area (Total measurement in| NIL 4806 Sq.ft, TNE | ND ft Whether ioherited ML PT MCTRIC property (Yesor | NI No No) 28 We Date of purchase, in case of self acquired property NIL O1-Jan=2003, ‘NIL NIL NIL Cost of Land (in ccase of purchase) at the time of purchase NIL % 218,500 NIL NIL NIL ‘Any investment on the land, by way of development, construction etc., NIL NIL NIL NIL, NIL ‘Approximate ‘Current Market Value NIL © 33,64,000 NIL NIL NIL, Gite) ‘Non-A gricultural Land Location(s) | Survey number(s) NIL Plot 64C, Moinabad, RR, Tolgate Sy.No. 93, 94,99, 100, 101, 102 NIL NIL NIL | ‘Area (Total measurement in Sq.ft.) NIL 3600Sq.f NIL NIL NIL | Whether inherited property (Yes or No) NIL No ‘NIL NIL NIL Date of purchase, in case of self | acquired peopent NIL, 08—June-2004 NIL NIL NIL. Cost of Land (in case of purchase) at the time of | purchase NIL © 1,30,000 NIL NIL NIL. Any investment on the land, by way of development, construction ett. NIL NIL NIL. NIL ‘Approximate Current Market Value NIL = 21,00,000 NIL NIL NIL NIL \Whe Ge | Now-Aateultural Land ‘Gachibowli village Location(s) NIL Serilingampally NIL | NIL | NIL 2982940 Survey number(s) Area (Total NIL] NIL | NIL measurement in NIL ( Sq.ft.) ‘Whether inherited NIL NIL | NIL property (Yes or | NIL No No) Date of purchase, NIL NIL incase ofselt "| NIL 13-Apr-2016 acquired property Cost of Land (in NIL NIL | NIL case of purchase) } athetimeof NIL %159,00,100 purchase Any investment on NIL NIL the land, by way of | peyy, oT development, construction etc, Approximate NIL €1,89,00,100 NIL | NIL | NIL Current Market Value Tie) | Non-Agticuliural Puppalguda si Land village i Gandi| Eocion® NIL Sock ni | i | NIL Survey number(s) District No.3198337 “Area (Total — measurement in | NIL, 26136 Sq.ft, NIL |NIL | NIL Sqft.) l ‘Whether taheried oper (Yesor | NIL No wit | NIL | NIL 6 Date of purchase, 7 incase ofselt | | NIL 18-Jan-2017 wm [uw [Nm acquired property Cost of Land (in case of purchase) at the time of ae 21 140,000 NIL | NIL | NIL, purchase \Whe Any investment on the land, by way of development, construction etc NIL, NIL NIL NIL NIL, Approximate Current Market Value NIL %1,61,40,000 NIL NIL NIL Gi Commercial a (including apartments) -Location(s) Survey number(s) NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Area (Total measurement in Saf) NIL. NIL NIL NIL NIL Built-up Area (total measurement in Sq.ft) NIL. NIL. NIL ‘NIL Whether inherited property (Yes or No) NIL. NIL NIL, NIL NIL Date af purchase, in case of self acquired propert NIL ‘NIL NIL NIL. NIL ‘Cost af Land (in case of purchase) at the time of | purchase NIL NIL. NIL ‘NIL ‘Any investment on, the land, by way of development, -constraction etc, NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL. Approximate Current Market Value NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL (iv) Residential Buildings (including apartments) -Location(s) -Survey number(s) NIL Jyothi Anri Shaikpet village Jubilee Hills Plotd9A, 49/8850 NIL NIL NIL ‘Area (Total measurement in Saft NIL NA NIL NIL | aL \ he | NIL Buill-up Area (total measurement in Sq.ft) NIL ‘3125 Sq Peet NIL ‘NIL NIL Whether inherited property (Yes or No) ‘Yes NIL. NIL NIL Date of purchase, in case of self acquired property NIL NA NIL ‘NIL ‘NIL Cost of Land (in case of purchase) at the time of purchase ‘NIL NIL NIL ML ‘Any investment on the land, by way of evelopment, construction, stamp duty ete, NIL. 82,52,300 NIL. NIL. NIL Approximate Current Market Value NIL S1,03,87, 300 NIL NIL ) Others (such as interest in property) NIL NIL NL NIL NIL wi) Total of current market value of (i) to (v) above © 1,30,51,000 €8,98,83,600 NIL, NIL ‘NIL 22 (8) | give herein below the details of liabilities / dues to public financial institutions and government: (Note: Please give separate details of name of bank, institution, entity or individual and amount before each item) SLNo. Description Saif Spouse. D-1 D-2 @ | Coanorduesto | Bankof [Loan form | NIL NIL Bank/financial | Baroda | Bank of institution(s) Loan Baroda Name of the Bank | €10,00,000 | €7,58,00,000 or financial Bankof | Bank of institution, Amount | Baroda | Baroda outstanding, Nature | Car Loan | Loan of the Toan ¥22,00,000 | €10,00,000 Loan or dues to any [€1,28380 | T.Sridhar | NIL. ra other individual! | Sundry | €7,00,00,000 entity other than | Payables mentioned above ‘Telangana | Name(s), Amount Publications | outstanding, nature %2,00,00,000 of Loan Advanee ‘Received for Saleof property 25,00,00,000 P.Shailendra 259,20,000 P.Rajedra prasad 4,50,00,000 62,67,500 Sundry Payables: ‘Any other Wability | NIL NIL NIL, NIL Rit Grand total of €33,28,380 | ¢27,39,87,500 | NIL ‘NIL. NIL 33 Gi) | Government dues: (A)Has the Deponent been in occupation of | YESASO Dues to accommodation provided by the Government | (Pl. tick the departments, at any time during the last ten years before the | appropriate dealing with date of notification of the current electio: alternative) government (B)IHf answer ta (A) above is YES, the following accommadation declaration may be furnished namely: - @ The address ofthe =~ Government accommodation: Quarter No-201 Block No-MS-1, Old MLAQuarters, Hyderguda, Hyderabad. (i There is no dues payable in respect of above Government accommodation, towards- (a) rent; (b) electricity charges; (c) water charges; and (d)tctephone charges ‘As on 13/11/2018 [ the date should be the last date of the third month prior to the month in which the election is notified or any date thereafter]. Note — ‘No Dues Certificate’ from the agencies concerned in respect of rent, electricity charges, water charges and telephone charges for the above Government accommodation should be submitted. Gi) | Duesto department dealing with Government -NODUES- transport {including aircrafts and helicopters) () | Income tax dues -NOBUES_ Self] Spouse Dependent: Dependent= 2 ‘GST Dues ‘NIL NIL Ni | Nil \ie 4 (vi) | Municipal/Property | NIL NIL NIL. NIL ‘NIL ‘tax dues (ii) | Any other dues NIL. NIL NIL NIL ‘NIL Grand total ofall| NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Government dues (x) | Whether any other NIL NIL NIL NIL ‘NIL liabilities are in dispute, if'so, mention the amount involved and the authority before which it is pending (9) Details of professien or occupation: (a) Self FORMER MINISTER AND AGRICULTURIST (b) Spouse: BUSINESS (A) Details of Source of Income: (a) Self: SALARY AS MINISTER AND AGRICULTURE (b) Spouse: BUSINESS AND SALARY (©) Source of income, if any, of dependents: NIL (98) Contracts with appropriate Gavernment and any public company or companies (0) details of contracts entered by the candidate-NIL (b) details of contracts entered into by spouse- NIL (c) details of contracts entered into by dependents- NIL (d)_ details of contracts entered into by Hindu Undivided NIL Fomily or trust in which the candidate or spouse or dependents have Interest- NIL (e} details of contracts, entered into by Partnership Firms In which candidate of spouse or dependents are partners- NIL (f)etalls of contracts entered into by private companies in which candidate or spouse or dependents have share- NIL "he (10) My educational qustification is as under: Educational qualification; SL.NO. COURSE NAME OF THE SCHOOLICOLLEGE 1 Matriculation — SSC Saint George Grammer School, Hyderabad iz Intermediate —(10*2) ‘Vignan Junior College, | 1993 Guntur 3% B.Sc. (Micro Biology) Nizam College, 1956 Hyderabd z MiSz, (Bio-Tech) Puno University, Pune | 1998. a MBA. University of New ‘2000 York, USA. (Give details of highest School/University education mentioning the fullform of the certificate/diploma/degree course, name of the ‘School/College/University and the year in which the course was completed.) PART. (1) ABSTRACT OF THE DETAILS GIVEN IN (1) TO (10) OF PART ~ A: 1 [Name of the Candidate KALVAKUNTLA TARAKA RAMA RAO: 2 | Full postal address NO. 8-2-120/110/173, NANDINAGAR. ROAD NO. Id, BANJARA HILLS __| HYDERABAD 509034 3_| Number and Name af the constituency and State 60-KHAIRATABAD, TELANGANA ‘| Name of the political party which set up the TELANGANA RASHTRA SAMITIT Candidate(Other wise write ‘Independent") (TRS) Party 3 _ | Total number of Pending criminal cases SIXTEEN (1a) _ © | Total number oF eases in which co | ONE (iy PAN Year for which — | Total income shown last Income tax return filed (@) Candidate AHOPRITHK FY 2017-18 F14,57,036& Agricultureincome & 59,85,000 (B) Spouse AUZPK7400P FY 2017-18 3,55,23, 134 Agricultureincome, © 24,65,0008 Share of profit from Partnership Firm : 279,65,688 (© Dependents NIL NIL. NIL Details of Assets and Liabilities Description Self Spouse Del b2 [D3 Movable Assets (Total Value) €3,63,29,419 | €27,70,70,717 | #19,59,692 | NIL | NIL Immovable Assets 1. | Purchase price ofsclf acquired 295,68,045 4,80,31,340 | NIL NIL | NIL immovable property I | Development / | NUL NIL Ni NIL | NIT, Construction cost of immovable property after purchase (if applicable) ‘Approximate Current markel price of NIL. NLT NIL (@ Self NIL NIL | NIL acquited assets | %1,30,51,000 | 86,66,13,100 (Total Value) (b) inherited | & 2,32,70,500 asscts (Total value) » We 9 | Ciabilities () | Goverment | NIL NIL ‘NIL. ‘NIL | NIL Dues (Total) (i | Loans from ‘NIL NIL | NIL Bank, Financial Institutions | 23328380 | €27,39,97,500 and others (Totaly 3 ties that are under dispute Goverment | NIL NIL NIL NIL] NIL Dues (Total) Loans from [NEL NIL NIL NIL [NIL Bank, Financial Institutions and others {coat 11 | Highest educational qualification: SL.NO. COURSE NAME OF THE YEAR OF SCHOOL/COLLEGE | COMPLETION be Matriculation - SSC Saint George Graramer | 1991 School, Hyderabad 2, Tntermediate ~ (1042) Vignan Junior College, | 1993 _| Guntur 2; B.Sc. (Micro Biology) Nizam College, 1996 [Hyderabad 7 M.Sc. (Bie-Tech) Pune University, Pune | 1998 3. MBA. University of New 2000 York, USA (Give details of highest school / university education mentioning the full form of the certificate / diploma / degree course, name of the school / college / university and the year in which the course was completed.) Whe VERIFICATION 1, the deponent, above named, do hereby verify and declare that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed there from. | further dectare that a) There is no case of conviction or pending case against me oth items 5 and 6 of Part A and B above; than those mentioned in b) 1, my spouse, or my dependents do not have any asset or Hiability, other than those mentioned in items 7 and 8 of Part a and items 8,9 and 10 of Part B abave. — Verified at SIRICILLA . this the ...19™ day of NOVEMBER,2018 \ Lge DEPONENT Note: 1. Affidavit should be filed latest by 3.00 PM on the last day of filing nominations Note: 2 Affidavit should be sworn before an Gath Commissioner or Magistrate of the First Class or before @ Notary Public Note: 3. All columns should be filled up and no columns to be tefl blank. If there is no information to fumish in respect of any item, either “Nif” er “Not Applicable”, as the ease may be, should be mentioned. , Note: 4 The affidavit should be either typed or written legibly and neatly ae BB rg to. de® ta h iqakh 2

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