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DOME OLE TT acre MAINS TEST SERIES-2019 OCI TEU an SAE WO Oe cn a Cute ORCL LMUELL Tala aoe) This is a comprehensive and intensive ‘interactive’ program focusing on sincere APPSC Mains aspirants. Our experts provide step by step guidance to aspirants for understanding the concepts of all papers and preparing them for scoring good marks. The Goal of Mains Test Series 2019is to take you through the fullourney of preparation from a fresher toa successful candidate, ‘The APPSC Group | & II Mains 2019 Test Series has a unique Testing system that enables the student to Maximize their Score. Whatis our Approach? ne can clearly see a trend where APPSC is trying to testa candidate's ability to link Static fundamentals with Current issues. Hence, this course mainly focuses on enabling the apirantto develop a Comprehensive understanding of Topics in Mains Syllabus. There are 4 areas to work on to get good score 4. Understanding the fundamental concepts 2. Decent witing practice 3. Linking dynamic concepts (current affairs rolated issues) with static fundamentals 4, Revision ofthe subject at east 2- 3 times ‘Our “Rapid Revision cum Mentorship program” is to guide you in all the 4 areas towards Excellencet The unique features of the program are: 4, Personalized one to one guidance and feedback tothe student y the faculty 2, Detailed evaluation of model questions and test series questions with customized feedback 3. Weekly micro schedule of the entire syllabus to be covered in 10 weeks. 4, Topic wise previous quostions and model questions practice booklet in APPSC format. § Weekly 2 Rapid Revision classes, each 2 hours. 6. Free Test series module with 3 module tests and 2 comprehensive tests 7. 8. H 1 2 ‘Value addition classes — Classes on current affairs topics, Important reports, Committee recommendations, PIB, etc Online and Offine made of program including classes, tests, ete low do we start? We have evided all the chapters of Mains into several small sub-topies based on previous year questions and standard textbooks, These topics will help you prepare for Mains in micro-detll without missing any significant dimension of any Mains topic What we discuss in Class? 1. There willbe around 5 to 8 questions on an average with minimum of 2-3 static questions from each chapter. 2. Each question willbe given well before classroom session. APPSC / TSPSC 3. Model answer will be explained in class. 4. Written scripts are evaluated accordingly. GROUP | & II Prelims cum Mains How to get most out of this course? Re ctructons. Integrated Coaching and Test Series v= Get updated daly with current affairs and never distance yourself from basics. = White atleast two questions dally from each subject. Rewrite every answer after attending classroom sessions. © www.aksias.com @ 844 844 9709 © Opp. Times Book Stall, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad Test 1 - GS Paper I-A: HISTORY, CULTURE OF INDIA 1. PrecHistoric Cultures in India - Indus Valley Civiization- Vedic Cuture- Mahajanapadas- Emergence of New Religins-Jainism, Buddhism Rise of the Magadha and Age ofthe Mauryas- Ashoka Dharma-Foreign Invasions onindia-The Kushans, The Satavahanas, ‘the Sangam Age in South inda- the Sungas- the Guptas- the Kanau and their Contributions- Historical Accounts of Foreign travelers- Early Educationallnsttations 2. The Pallavas, the Badami Chalukyas, the Eastern Chalukyas, the Rashtrakutas, the Kalyani Chalukyas and the Cholas- Socio Cultural Contibutions, Language, Literature Art and Architecture- Delhi Sultanates- Advent of islam and is Impact- Religious Movements like Bhakti and Sufi and its Influence. Growth of Vernacular Languages, Scripts, Literature, Fine Arts- Socio Cultural Conitions of the Kakatyas, the Vjayanagaras the Bahmanis, the Qutubsahis and theircotemporary South Indian kingdoms, 3. The Mughals Administration, Socio-Religious life and Cuttural developments- Shivaji and Rise of Maratha Empire- Advent of Europeans in Indi, Trade practices- Rise of East India Company its Hegemony- Changes in Adminstration, Socal and Cultural spheres- Role of Christian Missionaries. 4, Rise of British rule in India from 1757 to 1856 - Land Revenue Settlement, Permanent Settlement, Ryothvari and Mahalvati-1857 Revolt and its Impact-Education, Press, Cuttural changes- Rise of National Consciousness and Changes- Socio-Religious Reform Movements in 18th century- Rajaram Mohan Roy, Dayananda Saraswathi, Swamy Vivekananda, Annie Besant, Sir Syed Ahmad kan and others, Rise of Indian Nationalsm- Activities of indian National Congress- Vandemataram, Home Rule Movements- Self Respect Movement- Jyothiba Phule, Narayana Guru, Periyar Ramaswamy Naicker-Role of Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Valabai Patel Satyagraha- Quit India Movement- Dr BR. Ambodkarandhis Contributions, 5. Indian Nationalism in three phases-Freedom Struggle 1885-1908, 11905-1920 and Gandhi Phase 1920-1947- Peasant, Women, Tribal and Workers Movements- Role of Diferent parties in Freedom Struggle- Local and Regional Movements- Inter Religious Unity and Communalsm. Independence and Parttion of India India after Independence- Rehabilitation ater partition- Linguistic Re- otganization of States- Integration of the Indian States- Indian Constittion- Economic policies-Foreign Policy Itatives. Test2- GS Paper Ill-A: POLITY, CONSTITUTION. 1. Indian Constitution and its salient features - Functions and duties ofthelndian Union andthe State Governments 2. _ Issues and challenges pertaining tothe Federal structure Role of Governor in States - Distribution of powers between the Union and Sates (Unionist, Statelistand Concurrent) -Issues and challenges, 3. Rural and Urban Local Governance under 73rd and 74th Constitu- tional Amendment Constitutional Authorities and their Role. 4, Parliament & State Legislatures - structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privieges andissues arising outof these. 5. Judiciary in india - Structure and functions, important provisions felting to emergency and constitutional amendments, judicial review, Public Interest Litigation Test3- Paper IV-1-4: ECONOMY OF INDIA 1. Major Challenges of indian Economy — Inconsistent growth rate Low growth rates of agrouture and manufacturing sectors, ination and oll prices, current account deficit and unfavourable balance of payments, faling rupee value, growing NPAs and capita infusion- money laundering and black money - nsufcient financial resources and deficiency of capital, Lack of Inclusive growth and Sustainable development - Nature, causes, consequences and solutions ofthese problems 2. Resource Mobilization in Indian Economy: Sources of financial resourees for pubic and private sectors -budgetary resources —tax revenue and non-tax revenue — public debt : market borrowings, loans and grants etc., external debt from multilateral agencles foreign institutional investment and foreign direct investment — desirability and consequences of utlizing diferent sources — Monetary and fiscal polices - financial markets and institutions of developmental finance — investment in industries and infrastructure projects - Physical resources —Energy resources 3. Resource mobilization in Andhra Pradesh - Budgetary resources and constraints -Futilment of the conditions of A. Bifurcation Act— central assistance and issues of conflct- public debt and projects of external assistance - Physical resources - Mineral and forest resources —Water disputes with neighbouring states 4. Government Budgeting: Structure of Government budget and its ‘components ~ Budgeting process and recent changes -of- Types of budget —types of deficits, theirimpact and management — Highlights of current year's union budget and its analysis GST and related issues — Cental assistance to states - Issues of federal finance in India Recommendations ofhelatestfinance commission Test 4- GS Paper V 1-3: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1) Imegration of Science, Technology and Innovation for better human if; Science & Technology in everyday le; National Policies. on proliferation of Science, Technology and Innovation; India’s, contribution in the field of Science and Technology, Concerns and challenges in the proliferation and use of science and technology; Role and Scope of Science and Technology in nation building, Major Scientific institutes for Science and technology in AP and India Major Scientiic institutes for Research and Development in AP and India. Achievements of Indian Scientist in the field of Science and Technology Indigenous technologies and developing new technologies. 2. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) - ts importance, advantages and challenges; E-governance and India; Cyber Crime and policies to address securiy concerns. Government of India Policy on Information Technology (1). IT Developmentin AP and india 3. Indian Space Programme - Past, Present and Futute; Indian Space Research Organization (|SRO) - its actives and achievements; Satelite Programmes of India and Use of Satelites in diferent fields. like Health, Education, Communication Technology, Weather forecasting affecting human lives; Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO). Test - PAPER -I: GENERAL ESSAY Test 6 - GS Paper II-B: HISTORY AND CULTURE OF A.P. 6. Ancient: The Satavahanas, the kshvakus, the Salankayanas, the Pallavas andthe Vishnukundins ~ Social and Economic Conaitions- Religion, Language (Telugu), Literature, Art and Architecture Jainism and Buddhism in Andhra. The Eastern Chalukyas, the Rashirakutas, the Renati Cholas and others- Socio-Cultural ie Religion- Telugu Script andlanguage, Literature, Artand Architecture. Medieval: Socio- Cutural and Religious Conditions in Andhradesa ° i oO 1000 to 1565 A.D-Antquity, Origin and Growth Telugu Language and Literature (Kavitraya- Asthadiggajas)- Fine Arts, Art& Architecture during the reign of Kakatvas, Redcis, Gajapatis and Vijayanagaras and their feudatories. Historical Monuments- Significance, Contribution of Qutubshahis to Andhra History and Cuture-Regional iterature-PrajaKavi-Vemana and thers, 8. Modern: European Trade Establishments in Andha- Andhra Under ‘the Company Rule- Role of Christan Missionaries- Socio-Cutural Literary Awakening- CP Brown, Thanos Munro, Mackenzie- Zamindary, Plegary System Native States and Lite Kings. Role of Social Reformers- GurajadaApparao, KandukuriVeeresalingam, RaghupatlVenkataratnam Naidu, Gidugu Ramamurthy, Annie Besant and others- Library Movement in Andhra Pradesh- Role of News Paper- Folk and Trial Cutture, Oral Traditions, Subatern Culture, Role of women, 9. Nationalist Movement: Role of Andhra leaders- Justice Party, Non- Brahmin Movement - Nationalist and Revolutionary Liteature- Gurram Jashva, Boyi Bheemanna, Sri, Garimela Salyanarayana, Rayaprolu Subbarao, Unnava Lakshminarayana, Tripuraneni Ramaswamy Choudhary and others, Andhra Mahasabhas, Andhra Movement» prominent leaders» Alur Sitaramraju, Duggirala Gopalakrishnaian, Konda Venkstappayya, PatabhiSeetaramaiah, Ponaka Kanakamma, DokkaSitamma- Grandhiaya Movement- Ayyanka Venkataratnam, Gadicherla Harisarvothamarao kasinanathuni Nagesvara Rao- Poti Sreeramulu, Formation of Andhra State,1953- Emergence of Andhra Pradesh, 1956- Andhra Pradesh 1956 to2014- Causes for Bifuration, 2nd June 2014 Impact 10, Andhra Pradesh: Biturcatin of Andhra Pradesh and its impact on Administrative, Economic, Social, Poltical, Cultural and Legal Implicatons- Loss of Capital City, Bullding of New Capital and ts financial Implications- Division of Employees and thelr Native Issues- Effect of Biturcation on Trade& Commerce, Industry ~ Implication of Financial Resources of State Government Developmental Opportunties- Socio-Economic, Cultural and Demographic impact of Bitureaton- Impact on River water sharing and othe jnkissues- Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act 2014- the Atarinessof certain provisions Test7- GS Paper Ill-B: Public Administration and Governance: 6. Meaning, Nature and Scope of Public Administration — Evolution in India - Administrative ideas in Kautiya's Arthashastra; Mughal administration; Legacy of British rue 7. Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors andissues and problems ofimplementation 8. Development processes - the role of civil society, NGOs and other stakeholders — 9. Statutory, regulatory and various quas-judical authorities - Role of Civil Servicesin Democracy, 10. Good governance and e-governance - Transparency, accountability and responsiveness in governance ~ Citizen's Charter RT, Public Service Act and their implications, Concept of Socal Ault and its importance. Test 8 - G.S. Paper—IV5-8: ECONOMY OF INDIA AND A.P. 5) Government budgeting in Andhra Pradesh - Budget constrains ~ Central assistance and issues of conf after bifurcation of the state = management of deficits — Highlights and Analysis ofthe current year budget State finance commission andlocalfinance in AP 6. Inclusive Growth: Meaning of inclusion = Causes of exclusion in India - Strategies for and instruments of inclusion : Poverty alleviation and employment , Health and Education, women empowerment, socal welfare schemes — Food Security and Public. Distrbution System — sustainable agricuture - Integrated Rural ‘development - regional diversification - Public and partnership for inclusive growth — Financial inclusion All Andhra Pradesh government's current schemes for inclusive growth and financial inclusion - Public Distribution system and DWCRA 7. Agricultural Development: Role of agriculture In economic development - Contribution of to GDP ~ Issues of finance, Production, marketing ~ green revolution and changing focus to dryland farming, organic farming and sustainable agriculture — minimum support prices - agricuture policy — Swaminathan ‘commission Rainbow revolution — 8. Agriculture Development in Andhra Pradesh: Contribution to ‘SGDP-Regional dsparties in irigation and agricutual development changing cropping pattem - focus on horticulture and fisheries and Aairying Government schemes to promote agriculture in A. Test 9- Paper'V, 4-6: SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 4. Indian's energy needs, efficiency and resources; Clean energy resources; Energy policy of India - Government Policies and Programmes. Conventional and Non- Conventional energy resources. Energy demands, Indian Energy Sciences, Conventional ‘nergy powers, Tharmal, renewable energy resources, Solar, wind, Bio and wasted based, energy policies Geotharmal and Tie! Sources, energy Policies in India, energy securty. Salient features of Nuclear Policy of India: Development of Nuclear programmes in Ina NuclearPolicies atthe Intrnationallevel and India's stand on them. 5. Development Vs. Nature / Environment; Depletion of Natural Resources- Metals, Minerals - Conservation Policy, Environmental Pollution Natural and Antaropogenic and Environmental degradation Sustainable Development - possibities and challenges; Climate Change and Its effect on the world; Climate justice ~ a global phenomenon; Environment impact Assessment, Natural Disasters— Cyclones, Earth Quakes, Landslides & Tsunamis ~ Prediction Management. Correlation between Health & Environment, Social Forestry, Afforestation and deforestation, Mining in AP and Ina ‘Types of Natural resources- renewable and Nonrenewable. Forest resourees, Fishery resources, Fossil Fuels- Coal, Petroleum and Natural Gas. Mineral resources. Water resources — Types, Water shed management, Land resources ~ types of soils and soil reclamation, 6. Environmental pollution and Solid waste management: Sources, impacts and control of - air polution, water pollution and soil pollution. Noise pollution. Solid waste management - Types of solid waste, impacts of solid waste, recycling and reuse. Remedial measuters for Sol erosion and Costal erosion Global Environmental issues and role of information Technology in Environment and Human Healt, Ozone layer depletion, Acidrain. Global Warming and its impacts. Environmental legislation: Interational Law, Montreal protocol, Kyoto protocol, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change, CITES. The Environment (Protection) act 1986, Forest conservation Act, Wilf protection ac. Biodiversity Bill of India - cop 21 - Sustainable Development Goals - National Disaster Management Policy, 2016 of india and Disaster management intatves in India, White Revolution, Groen Revolution, and Groen Pharmacy. ° i oO Test 10 - Paper- |: GENERAL ESSAY. Test 11 - GS Paper Il-C: GEOGRAPHY: INDIA AND A.P. 1 12, 13. 4 6 Test 12 - GS Paper Ill -C: 1. 7 18, 14 8. Physical Features and Resources: India and Andhra Pradesh, Major land forms, Climatic changes, Soil types, Rivers, Water, Streams, Geology, Rocks, Mineral Resources, Metals, Clays, Construction Materials, Reservoirs, Dams — Forests, Mountains, Fills, Flora and fauna, Plateau Forests, Hill Forests, Vegetation Classification Economic Geography : Agricutre, Live stocks, Forestry, Fishery, Quarrying, Mining, House hold Manufacturing, Industries ~ Agro Mineral, Forest, Fuel and man power, Trade and Commerce, Communication, Road Transport Storage and others Social Geography: Population Movements and Distribution, Human Habitaions, Density, Age, Sex, Rural, Urban, Race, Caste, Tribe, Roligin, Linguistic, Urban. Migration, Education Characteristics Fauna and Floral Geography: Wild Animals, Animals, Birds, Reptiles, Mammals, Trees. andPlants and others. Environmental Geography: Sustainable Development, Globalzation, Temperature, Humidity, Cloudiness, Winds, Special Weather Phenomena, Natural Hazards — Earth Quakes, Land Slides, Floods, Cyclones, Cloud Burst, Disaster Management, Impact Assessment, Environmental Pollution, Pollution Management. ETHICS IN PUBLIC SERVICE AND KNOWLEDGE OF LAW Ethies and Human Interface: Essence, determinants and Consequences of Ethics in Human actions: dimensions of Ethics: Ethics in Private and Public relationships, Ethics-integrity and Accountability in Public Service. Human values: Understanding the Harmony in existence Human relationships in the sociaty andinthe Nature, Gender Equabilty inthe relationships Role of family, society and Educational Institutions in imparting values to clizens, lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrations. Attitude: Content, Functions, its influence and relation with thought and behaviour, Moral and Poltical attitudes, role of Social influence and persuasion. Emotional inteligenceConcepts and their utites, and application in Administration and Governance. Concept of Public Service, "Philosophical basis of Governance professional Ethics in the light of right understanding and Vision for Holistic Technologies, Codes of Ethics, codes of Conduct, RTI Public Service Act, Leadership Ethics, Work culture, Ethical Principles with in an Organizational content. - Ethical and moral Values in governance, Ethical issues in international relations, corruption, Lokpal,Lokayukta Basic Knowledge of Laws in India: Constitution of Incia: Nature and salient features ~ Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy ~Biturcation of powers between centre and stat (state list, union list and concurent list) - Powers of judiciary, executive andlegislture.Giviland Criminal laws: hierarchy of cviland criminal courts in India -ciforence betwoen substantial and procedural laws — order and decree new developments in criminal laws, Nirbhaya Act. Labour Law: Concept of social welfare legislations in Inca, changing trends in employment and necessity for new labour laws. Cyber Laws: Information Technology Act Cyber Security and Cyber Crime ~dticutes in determining competent jurisdiction of courts in case of cyber-crimes, Tax Laws: Laws relating to income, Profits, Test 13 G. S. Paper IV: 9-12: ECONOMY OF INDIA AND A.P. 9, Industrial Development and Policy: Role of industrial sector in economic development — Evolution of industial policy since independence - Industal Policy, 199tand its impact on Indian economy-—Contrisution of Public Sectorto industrial developmentin India — impacto liberalization and privatization and globalization on industrial development - Disinvestment and privatization - Problems of core industries - Micro, small and medium enterprises, their problems and policy —industial sickness and support mechanism — Manufacturing policy — Make-in India ~ Start up programme — NIMZs- SEZs, industrial conidrs - 10. Industrial Policy ofthe AP Government Incentives to industries — Industrial coridrs in and SEZs in Andhra Pradesh - Bottlenecks for industrial development —Power projects 11. Infrastructure in India: Transport infrastructure: Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways — Major projects of transport infrastructure in India- Communication infrastructure - Information Technology ~ governance - Digital nia Energy and Power — Urban infrastructure ~ smart cities - urban environment - solid waste management - Weather forecast and disaster management — Issues of finance, ‘ownership, operation and maintenance ofalkinds of infrastructure — Public-rivate partnership and related issues — Pricing of public utlities and government policy - environmental impacts of infrastructure projects 42. Infrastructure Developmentin Andhra Pradesh — Transport, Energy andiCT infrastructure — Bottlenecks - Government policy - Ongoing projects. Test 14- Paper V:7-9: SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 7. Nature, Seope and Applications of Biotechnology and Nanotechnology in India: Ethical, Social and Legal concerns, Government policies; Genetic engineering, issues elated tit andits impact on human life. Bic-diversity, fermentation, Immuno — diagnosis technigues. 8. Human ciseases-microbal infections. Common infections and preventive measures, Introduction to bacterial viral, protozoal and fungal infections. Basic knowledge of infections-diarthoea, dysentery, cholera, tuberculosis, malaria, viral infections like HIV, Encephalitis, Cikunguna, bird flu-preventve measures during out breaks. Introduction to Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Basic concepts of genetc engineering. Tissue culture methods and applications. Biotechnology in agriculture- Bio-pestcides, Bio- fertlizers,Blo-fuels, Genetically modified crops. Animal husbandry- transgenic animals. Vaccines: Introduction to immunity Fundamental concepts in vaccination, Production of Modern Vaccines (production of Hepa vaccine). 9. Issues related to Intellectual Property Rights in the field of Science and Technology, Promotion of Science in AP and India Test 15 -General Essay GRAND TEST-1 GRAND TEST-2 Test 16 ‘ualitying Paper (English) Test 23 Test17- Qualifying Paper (Telugu) Test 24 Test18- Paper Test25- Paper-| Test19- Papert! Test26- Paperll Test20- Papers Test27-Paper-ill Tost28 Test29- Test22-Paper-V Wealth Tax, Corporate Tax- GST oO

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