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NAMA : Muhammad Daffa Iqbal R.

KELAS : E ( Reguler)

NIM : 201912226

Program Studi : Akuntansi

1. Please watch the video in the link above.

2. To make you better understand, you can find one with the subtitles.

3. Please write a response (try to relate the video with your own life? at least 50 words...

in my opinion from the video that I see is that we must respect differences whether racial,
physical, and others. if we insult someone we indirectly insult ourselves. Everyone has strengths
and weaknesses so we must respect each other. do not distinguish someone let alone distinguish
them from success because we do not know what will happen after that. It could be that people
who are not successful will become successful and vice versa people who are initially
successful may be going to fall

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