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(1905 – 1947)
The Pakistan
Partition of Bengal:
Q-1) Why Was Bengal Partioned in 1905? (7)

Formation of Muslim League:

Q-2) Why was their a Simla Deputation in 1906? (7)

Q-3) Why was the Simla Deputation important for the future of
Muslims? (7)

Q-4) Why was Muslim League formed in 1906? (7)

Morley Minto Reforms:

Q-5) Why did Congress Opposed the M.M Reforms of 1905? (7)

Reversal Of Partition Of Bengal:

Q-6) Why was the Partition Of Bengal reversed in 1911? (7)
Lucknow Pact of 1916:
Q-7)Why was the Lucknow Pact of 1916 drawn up? (7)

Mount-ford Report:
Q-8) Why Did Indians opposed the M-F reforms of 1919? (7)

Khalifat Movement:
Q-9)Why was the K.M Started? (7)

Q-10) Why did the K.M failed? (7)

Q-11) Why was the K.M important for the Muslims of India? (7)

Q-12)Why was the Hijrat Movement launched? (7)

Q-13)Why did the Hijrat Movement Failed? (7)

Simon Commission:
Q-14)Why was the Simon Commission Sent to India? (7)

Nehru report:

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