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ANTEPARTUM *Pseudoanemia in pregnancy

- drop in Hct during pregnancy

-plasma volume increase 50% where as
High-Risk Prenatal Client RBC count increase 30%

- Life of mother/fetus is jeopardized by a 1. Iron-deficiency Anemia

disorder coincidental with or unique in - most common anemia of pregnancy
pregnancy - 15 to 25% of all pregnancies
- From prepartum to 30 days after birth - Hgb <12.5g/dl; low serum iron

Factors that make a pregnancy high-risk - Low iron in diet
Biologic factors - Heavy menstrual periods
- Weight reducing programs
1. Genetic considerations - Getting pregnant <2 years before
- May interfere with normal fetal or current pregnancy
neonatal development whihcih results in - Low socioeconomic levels who have not
congenital anomalies or create had iron-rich diets
difficulties for the mother
- Multiple gestations, large fetal size, Assessment:
transmissible inherited disorders - Easy fatigability
2. Nutritional status - Pallor
- Young age, 3 pregnancies in 2 years, - Exercise intolerance
inadequate dietary intake because of - Dizziness
chronic illness or food fads, excessive or - Pica
inadequate weight gain, Hct < 33%, - Laboratory findings
tobacco, drug or alcohol abuse
3. Medical & Obstetric Disorder
- Decreased resistance to infection
- Preterm labor, polyhydramnios, IUGR - Predispose heavy bleeding during labor
Psychosocial factors and puerperium
- Associated with prematurity and LBW
1. Smoking infants
2. Caffeine
3. Alcohol
4. Psychologic status Prevention:

Socio-demographic factors - Take prenatal vitamins containing an

iron supplement of 27mg elemental iron
1. Low income as prophylactic therapy during
2. Lack of prenatal care pregnancy
3. Age - Eat a diet high in iron and vitamin C
4. Residence (green leafy vegetables, meat, legumes
and fruit)
Pre-gestational Conditions - Therapeutic levels of medications of
120-200mg elemental iron/day usually in
 Anemia the form of ferrous sulfate/gluconate
- when Hgb is concentrations is - Take iron supplement with orange juice
<11g/dl (Hct is <33%) in the 1st & 3rd or vitamin C to allow faster absorption
trimester - Take on hours of sleep
- <10.5 g/dl (Hct is <32%) in the 2 nd - Constipation/GI irritation, increase
trimester roughage in diet and oral fluid intake
- CBC is done and always take pills with food
- supplemental amount of iron - If severe, or woman has difficulty with
- if not, therapeutic preps of iron; IM therapy, IM or IV iron dextran can be
2. Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia - Involuntary weight loss
- 1 to 5 % in pregnancies
Risk factors:
- Folic acid/folacin is necessary for the
normal formation of RBC in mother as - Obesity
well as prevent neural tube defects in - History of large babies (10lbs or more)
the fetus - History of unexplained fetal or perinatal
- Formation of large and immature blood loss
cells - Family history or a population with a
*Megaloblastic anemia – enlarged RBCs high risk of diabetes (Native Americans,
Hispanic, Asian)
Occurs most often:
- Multiple pregnancies – increased fetal Diagnostic tests:
demand - Urinalysis
- Women with secondary hemolytic illness - Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
– rapid destruction and production of - Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
new RBCs
- Women taking hydantoin – interferes
with folate absorption Negative Maternal Health Outcomes:
- Women who have poor gastric
absorption – gastric bypass for morbid - Greater increase in CS deliveries (22 to
obesity 30% for mothers with DM; 17% for those
without GDM)
Management: - Higher risk for 3rd or 4th degree perineal
- 400 mcg folic acid daily and 600 mcg laceration
during pregnancy - Polyhydramnios
- Eating a diet high in folic acid (beans - PIH
and legumes, citrus fruits and juices, - Increased risk for GDM in succeeding
green leafy vegetables, pork, poultry, pregnancies
shellfish, wheat bran) - Increased risk for preeclamplsia

Possible Nursing Diagnosis Monitoring:

1. Risk for Ineffective Tissue Perfusion - Meet her OB before she gets pregnant
- Ophthalmic exam once for a woman
2. Impaired oral mucos membrane with GDM, and each trimester for a
3. Imbalanced nutrition woman with known DM
- Retinal changes such as increased
4. Constipation/diarrhea exudate is experienced
5. Deficient knowledge - Urine culture maybe done each
trimester to detect asymptomatic UTI as
6. Fatigue increased glucose concentration in urine
lead to infection
7. Fear
- Stricter diabetic diet complement by
8. Ineffective Coping exercise
 Diabetes Mellitus 1. Diet – 1800 to 2400 calories/day;
– an endocrine disorder in which the weight gain should be about
pancreas cannot produce adequate 24lbs; teach women to be familiar
insulin tor egulate body glucose with food exchange list; maintain
levels FBS WNL
2. Exercise – individualized;
*Gestational Diabetes – abnormal glucose
performed regularly with
metabolism that arises during pregnancy
Assessment: 3. Insulin therapy – less insulin in
early pregnancy; insulin required
- Polyuria is higher during 3rd trimester; oral
- Polydipsia hypoglycemics are
- Polyphagua contraindicated; Humulin is the
insulin of choice; 2/3 at morning, - Substance-abusing women typically do
1/3 at dinner; SQ; 30 minutes not seek prenatal care until late
before meals pregnancy
Self-administered (IM @ 90
degree angle)
Sites – upper thigh, outer arm *Amphetamines – Ice, a rock type of
and abdomen methamphetamine that is smoked can produce
Consistent rotating injection high concentration of drugs in maternal
routine circulation
FBS at 95-100mg/dl below and
2hr post-prandial level below Newborns -> jitterness and poor feeding at
120mg/dl birth and maybe growth restricted
4. Stress Management – teach *Marijuana & Hashish – hemp plant, Cannabis;
coping techniques and provide tachycardia and sense of well-being; some
additional support if needed women use it to counteract nausea in early
To test for placental function and fetal well- pregnancy; may not be able breastfeed
being because of reduced milk production from
excretion of drug to the milk
1. Creatinine clearance test – each month;
normal CC suggests that the woman’s vascular *Phencyclidine (PCP) – animal tranquilizer, a
system is intact because kidney function is street drug in polydrug abuse; increase cardiac
normal (88-128 mL/min) output and sense of euphoria; cause of long-
term hallucinations; leave maternal circulation
2. Self-monitor fetal well-being – 10kicks/hr; and concentrate in fetal cells which maybe
uTZ at 28 weeks and 36-38 weeks to injurious to a fetus
determine fetal growth, amniotic fluid volume
and placental position *Inhalants – sniffing/huffing of aerosol drugs;
airplane glue, cooking sprays, computer
Postpartum Adjusment keyboard cleaner, rugby; effects are similar to
alcohol abuse
- Normal glucose levels within 24hrs after
birthe and need no further diet and Signs and Symptoms
insulin therapy
Physical Signs
- Routine FBS every 6 months
- Slow weight gain
Nursing Diagnosis
- Unexplained fluctuations in BP & HR
1. Risk for fetal injury - Altered sleep pattern
- Needle marks at different parts of the
2. Altered nutrition, risk for less than body body
Psychological Signs
3. Knowledge deficit
- Euphoria to depression
4. Risk for maternal injury - Rapid mood swings, paranoia, panic
5. Risk for Ineffective Tissue Perfusion attacks
- Narcotics -> lethargy, stupor and coma
6. Risk for Infection
7. Ineffective coping
8. Deficient fluid volume
Ways on how to help the woman stop:
1. Make information available on the effects of
 Substance Abuse in Pregnancy substance to herself and to the fetus
- Inability to meet major role obligations;
an increase in legal problems or risk- 2. Motivate woman to make lifestyle changes
taking behavior because of an addicting 3. Refer patient to professionals
- Illicit drugs readily cross the placenta Nursing Diagnosis
1. Altered nutrition
2. Denial, Ineffective coping - Nurse gives woman opportunity to
discuss her birth experience and helps
3. Chronic, situational low self-esteem
her deal with any feelings of concern
that distress her
- Nurse should ensure that woman and
 Rheumatic fever her family understands the sign of
- an inflammatory connective tissue possible problems of her heart disease
disease which may develop in untreated and other postpartal conditions
group A-B hemolytic Streptococcal
infections Nursing Diagnosis
- it can involve heart, joints, CNS, SQ
1. Decreased cardiac output
2. Activity Intolerance
- Results when recurrent inflammation from
bouts of rheumatic fever causes scarring  Hyperemesis Gravidarum
formation in the valves resulting to stenosis - Excessive vomiting all throughout the
and regurgitation day
- Begins during first 10 weeks of
Classification of Functional Capacity
Class I – Asymptomatic; no limitation of - hCG levels below 1,200 mIU/mL usually
physical activity doubles every 48-72hrs and increases
by at least 60% every two days
Class II – Slight limitation; asymptomatic at rest
- associated with nulliparous women,
and symptoms occur with ordinary physical
have increased body weight, have
history of migraine, pregnant with
Class III – Marked limitation; comfortable at twins/Hmole
rest but symptomatic during less than ordinary
Clinical Manifestations
physical activity
- Significant weight loss and dehydration
Class IV – inability to carry on any physical
- Decreased BP
activity without discomfort; discomfort
- Increased HR
increases with any physical activity
- Poor skin turgor
- Frequently unable to keep down clear
liquids by mouth
Nursing Care: - Lab test may reveal electrolyte
- Woman and her family should imbalance
understand her condition Possible causes
- Nurse explains the purposes of the
dietary and activity changes required - Increased levels of estrogen
- During the 1st half of pregnancy, woman - High hCG levels
should assess cardiac status every two - Transient maternal hypothyroidism
weeks - Stress
- Interrelated psychosocial components
Intrapartum period
Collaborative care
- Nurse should evaluate maternal VS
frequently to determine woman’s - Thorough assessment to determine
response to labor severity of the problem (frequency,
- Semi-fowler’s or left side-lying position severity, and duration of N/V episodes;
with her head and shoulders elevated is approximate amount and color of
assumed vomitus)
- Continuous fetal electronic monitoring to - Woman’s weight and VS are measured
provide ongoing assessment of the fetal with complete PE (fluid and electrolytes,
response to labor nutritional status; CBC, urinalysis,
electrolytes, bilirubin levels and liver
Postpartum period enzymes)
- Woman remains at the hospital longer
- Psychosocial assessment -> anxiety, - Evaluate the client and fetal status
fears, and concerns r/t her own health - Assist with efforts to maintain pregnancy
and effects of pregnancy outcome - Provide emotional support
- Family should also be assessed for - Provide accurate information
anxiety and with regard to their role in
Discharge goals
providing support for the woman
- IV therapy for correction of fluid and - Client/fetal condition stable following
electrolyte imbalance procedure
- Should be kept on NPO status until - Uterine contractions absent
dehydration has been resolved and for - Therapeutic needs and concern
at least 48 hours after vomiting has understood
stopped to prevent rapid recurrence of
the problem Nursing Diagnoses

Medications - Anxiety
- Risk for maternal injury
- Pyridoxine (B6) in combination with - Risk for fetal injury
doxylamine (Unisom) - Knowledge deficit
- Promethazine (Phenergan)
- Metoclopramide (Reglan)
Management:  Abortion
- Psychotherapy and stress reduction - Related to chromosomal abnormalities
techniques - Inevitable; spontaneous
- Accurate measurement of I&O; amount - Occurs mostly before 14th week of
of emesis pregnancy
- Oral hygiene while woman is on NPO to
help allay associated discomfort Possible Causes
- Assistance with positioning and - Teratogenic drugs
providing a quiet, restful environment, - Faulty implantation due to abnormalities
free from odors may increase woman’s of female reproductive tract
comfort - Weakened cervix
- Limited amounts of oral fluids and bland - Placental abnormalities
foods such as crackers, toast or baked - Chronic maternal disease
chicken is begin - Endocrine imbalances
- Assist in coordinating treatment periods
and episodes of visitation to provide Classification
opportunity for rest periods  Threatened abortion
Nursing Diagnosis - Embryo or fetus is jeopardized by
unexplained bleeding and cramping
1. Risk for deficient fluid volume - Cervix is closed
2. Imbalanced nutrition - Bleeding persists for days
 Imminent Abortion
- Increased bleeding and cramping
 Incompetent Cervix - Internal cervical os dilates
- It opens too early because of the - Membranes may rupture
pressure exerted by the growing fetus  Complete Abortion
- Can be treated by stitching the cervix - All products of conception are expelled
closed during the second trimester or by  Missed Abortion
bed rest for the last several months of - Fetus die in utero but was not expelled
pregnancy - Uterine growth ceases, breast changes
regress and report brown vaginal
Causes discharge
- Cervical trauma  Recurrent pregnancy loss
- Infection - Habitual abortion
- Congenital cervical/uterine anomalies - Occurs consecutively in 3 or more
- Increased uterine volume pregnancy

Nursing Priorities  Septic abortion

- Presence of infection - UTZ scanning maybe used to detect
- May occur with prolonged unrecognized presence of gestational sac or cardiac
rupture of membrane, pregnancy with activity if cause of bleeding is unclear
IUD in utero, attempts of unqualified - Hgb and Hct are obtained to assess
individuals to terminate a pregnancy blood loss
- Bed rest, sedation, abstinence from
Causes of bleeding
First Trimester - IV therapy, blood transplant to replace
fluid; D&C or suction evacuation to
- Threatened Miscarriage -> unknown; remove remainder products of
probably chromosomal abnormalities; conception
vaginal spotting, slight cramping - Missed abortions -> products of
- Imminent Miscarriage -> vaginal conception is expelled spontaneously;
spotting, cramping, cervical dilation diagnosis is based on history, pelvic
- Missed miscarriage -> vaginal spotting, exam, pregnancy test and UTZ
slight cramping, no apparent loss of - If products of conception is not expelled,
pregnancy within 4-6 weeks of embryo or fetal
- Incomplete miscarriage -> vaginal death, hospitalization is necessary
spotting, cramping, cervical dilation, but - 1st Tri -> D&C is done; 2nd Tri -> Induced
incomplete expulsion of uterine contents labor/D&C
- Complete miscarriage -> vaginal
spotting, cramping, cervical dilation, and
complete expulsion of uterine contents Nursing Diagnosis
- Ectopic (Tubal) Pregnancy ->
- Acute pain
implantation of zygote at site other than
- Anticipatory grieving
uterus; tubal constricture and adhesions
- Risk for infection
associated; sudden unilateral lower
- Fluid volume deficit
abdominal pain; minimal vaginal
- Anxiety
bleeding; possible signs of shock or
hemorrhage; may occur again if tubal
scarrings are bilateral
 Ectopic Pregnancy
Second Trimester - Implantation outside the uterine cavity
- May occur in the surface of the
- H mole (Hydatidiform mole) or
gestational trophoblastic disease ->
- Fallopian tube is the most common site
abnormal proliferation of trophoblast
(approximately 95%)
tissue, fertilization, division defect;
- 2% of pregnancies
overgrowth of uterus, highly positive
- 2nd most frequent cause of bleeding
hCG test; no fetus present on
- If a tube is removed, a woman is
sonogram; bleeding from vagina of
theoretically, 50% fertile
old/fresh blood accompanied by cyst
formation; may become malignant Causes
(choriocarcinoma); follow up for 6
- Adhesion of fallopian tube from previous
months or 1 year with hCG testing
infection (PID or chronic salpingitis)
- Premature cervical dilation -> cervix
- Congenital malformations
begins to dilate and pregnancy is lost
- Surgery scars
about 20 weeks; unknown cause but
- Uterine tumor
cervical trauma from D&C maybe
associated; painless bleeding leading to S/Sx
expulsion of fetus
- Can have cervical sutures placed to - Abdominal/pelvic pain or tenderness
ensure second pregnancy sometimes accompanied by N/V
- Vaginal spotting/bleeding (red/brown)
Clinical Therapy - Pain that gets worse when active or
bowel movement or coughing
- Pelvic cramping and backache are more
- Signs of shock, decreased pulse, pale,
reliable indicators
clammy skin, dizziness/fainting
- Shoulder pain when lying down
- Overdue period - Vaginal bleeding during first three
- Positive pregnancy test months
- Fainting - Symptoms of hyperthyroidism
- Symptoms similar to preeclampsia that
occur in 1st trimester
Diagnostic Test
- Gynecological exam
Therapeutic Management - UTZ
- Placental hormone blood tests (hCG
- Methotrexate, a folic acid antagonist, test)
attacks and destroys fast growing cells,
until negative hCG is achieved Can be mistaken as:
- Mifepristone – abortificent; causing
- Ectopic pregnancy
sloughing off of the tubal implantation
- Pregnancy
- Ovarian cancer
- Laparoscopy – ligate the bleeding
vessel and remove/repair damaged Symptoms
fallopian tube; one week to recuperate
- Multiple placental cyst
- Vaginal bleeding
- Cyst in vaginal discharge
 Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
- Excessive nausea, breast tenderness
(Hydatidiform Mole)
and enlarged uterus
- Abnormal proliferation then
- Lack of fetal movement
degeneration of the trophoblastic villi
- Increased hCG
- As cells degenerate, they become filled
with fluids and appear as clear fluid- Therapeutic Management
filled grape-sized vesicle
- Suction curettage/ D&C
- Abnormal cluster of cells
- Baseline pelvic exam, chest radiograph,
- 1 of 1500 pregnancies
a serum test for beta subunit of hCG
Incidence - hCG is analyzed every 2 weeks until
levels are again normal; 4 weeks for the
- Women with low protein intake
next 6 to 12 months (after 6 months,
- Women > 35 years of age
theoretically free; after 12 months, can
- Women of Asian heritage
have 2nd pregnancy)
- Blood group A who married blood group
- MTX for choriocarcinoma
O men
- Woman need opportunity to expres
2 Types of Molar Growth anger and sense of unfairness at this
type of event
1. Complete mole
Nursing Diagnosis
- all trophoblastic villi swell and become cystic
- Acute pain
- dies early in 1-2mm size with no fetal blood - Activity intolerance
present at villi - Disturbed sleeping pattern
2. Partial mole - Hyperthermia
- Anxiety
- some of villi form normally, however swollen
and mishapen
- macerated embryo of approximately 9 weeks  Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
AOG maybe present - Most common complication of
- Significant contributor to maternal and
S/Sx perinatal morbidity and mortality
- Complicates approximately 9-22% of
- Abnormal uterine growth pregnancies
- N/V - Increase in BP
- >30mmHg systolic, >15mmH diastolic
- >140/90mmHg on two consecutive
readings assessed at least 6 hours
1. Gestational Hypertension
- onset of HPN without proteinuria after 20
weeks of pregnancy
- development of mild hypertension during
pregnancy without proteinuria or pathologic

2. Gestational Proteinuria
- development of proteinuria after 20 weeks of
gestation without hypertension

3. Preeclampsia
- development of HPN and proteinuria after 20
weeks AOG or in an early postpartum period
- in presence of H mole, it can develop before
20 weeks AOG

- Interview (admission, prenatal record,
family history of HPN, DM, note unusual
frequent/severe headache, visual
disturbances, or epigastric pain)
- Physical examination (consistent BP
taking, assess edema, assess fetal
- Routine monitoring of blood pressure
- Advise client that ACE inhibitors,
Angiotensin receptor blockers, and
diuretics are not safe in pregnancy and
should not be taken
- Ensure maternal safety
- Provide emotional support

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