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A. Incomplete Sentences

1. We will start when he is being ready

(Use present progressive for an unfinished action)

2. I meet him when he came in for a job interview a week ago

(Use the past simple for something that was finished in the past, usually with a past
time phrase)

3. So far, there was no word from them about the budget

(Use the past simple for something that was finished in the past, usually with a past
time phrase)

4. When I went to her office, Mary was cleaning her desk)

(Use past progressive for an action in progress at a specific moment in the past)

B. Text Completion

They have complained that stuff member ignore them inside the store

(Use present perfect for something that happened in the past have a result in the present)

They need assistance even if they don’t ask for it.

(need=verb membutuhkan noun=assistance)

C. Vocabulary use

1. I believe sarah is probably the best … for the job

2. I am quite sure this business idea will be a huge … and make us money

3. The board of directors will hold their … meeting on Friday

4. This notice from the client will surely ease your …

Part 5 Incomplate Sentences

1. I hope you will visit (A) next year when the Olympic games come to my city

(ada kata next year jadi menandakan future maka menggunakan will)
2. The arbitrator negotiated (B) a very successful contract between management and the
union last week.

(ada kata last week jadi menandakan past simple maka menggunakan V2 = negotiated)

3. Milton Investment Bankers have had not (D) such a profitable quarter until last year.

(ada kata until last year, jadi pakai have +V3)

4. I will be going (D) to study abroad for once I have saved enough money

(dia akan pergi ketika sudah mempunyai uang yang cukup. Maka memakai will be ving)

5. Last year, I was thinking (B) of attending evening school to study for a professional

(ada kata last year, maka menggunakan past progressive was+ving)

6. I am quite sure the company will pay for all travel expenses if employees submit their
receipts (A).

(perusahaan akan mengganti semua biaya travel jika pegawai melampirkan


7. When I dropped by Mary’s place, she was working on the Erwin project by herself.

(Ketika aku diturunakan di tempat mary, dia sedang mengerjakan/was working)

8. Earnest gets (A) up early every day because he like going to the gym before its is busy.

(ada kata every day ,menandakan present maka menggunakan V1/Gets)

9. Confection manufacturers from all over the world conferred (A) at the first international
candy expo last month.

( ada kata last month,maka menggunakan past/V2 dan kata yang tepat adalah

10. The native Americans had been living (D) in America for centuries before the Europeans

(sebelum v2/arrived maka had been+ving/had v3)

11. The issue I was talking (A) about yesterday is causing a great deal of stress in our

(ada kata yesterday maka menandakan past maka menggunakan was+ving)

12. John was not prepared for the presentation (A) because he had left his notes at home

(the diikuti noun maka yang tepat presentation )

13. While I was studying (B) for my accounting exams last summer, my employer gave me
2 week extra leave.

(ada kata last summer maka menandakan past yang menggunakan was+ving)

14. When you will see (C) Evan, please ask him to call the personal manager

15. We had been working for five straight hours before we finally finished the proposal (A)

(the diikuti noun, dan kata benda yang tepat adalah proposal)

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