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The Nature of Cross-Word Puzzle

Cross word puzzle as the instructional teaching media in order to make students be

more motivated in process of vocabulary learning and teaching. Napa (1993) in Damai (2011)

says that crossword puzzles make learning materials more enjoyable, interesting, and

challenging, so they can be concluded that cross-word puzzle can maintain students’ interest

in learning vocabulary, and in other word, cross-word puzzle make students learn vocabulary


With cross-word puzzle, students can go playing a game that engage interesting in

learning, cross-word puzzle is also challenging because it gains students to lock for some

clues to find out correct answer and put some word to appropriate boxes and they have to

complete with other students to finish them.

Applied during teaching and learning process of vocabulary by using cross word

puzzle is expected that students are able to improve their active participation while teaching

and learning process of vocabulary.

With interested games such cross word puzzle while teaching and learning process of

vocabulary by using crossword puzzles thus students can be participated actively.

Students can fell that do crossword puzzles is like a game rather than learning, so they do not

feel bored quickly. because crossword puzzles are related with the game in doing learning

activity, when playing cross word puzzle, students fell free and less intimidating in learning


Crossword puzzle exercises are designed to assist students in their effort to gain

mastery in vocabulary learning (Parsons & Oja, 2008).

crossword puzzle are useful to be learned for first year Solving crossword

puzzles involves many of the skills useful for students and professionals such spelling,

reasoning, making inferences, evaluating choices, and drawing conclusions. Franklin, Peat,

and Lewis (2003)

Using a specially designed cross word puzzle providing easy and engaging way for

students to review concepts to prepare test, Weisskireh (2006) and To solve a crossword

puzzle, a student must be able to identify and understand the terms being used. This will

frequently involve learning new vocabulary or terminology. It can also involve differentiating

between similar words or phrases.

Crossword puzzle is generally related with game, fun, and recreation, and therefore

can be less intimidating for students as a learning tool. Goh and Hooper (2007) stated that the

use of a crossword puzzle game can provided a unique sense of motivation and create

challenger for students, because it solve involves an active style of learning, and will engage

students with the material more than passive techniques. Crossword puzzles can also appeal

to various student learning styles. first for Visual learners will enjoy using their strong

puzzle-solving skills. Using stepwise reasoning, auditory learners can enjoy mastering the

puzzle and Kinesthetic type learners can enjoy multi-task strategies to solve a crossword.

Crosswords puzzle is a game technique that hones students skills and vocabularies, .

The crossword puzzle is a word puzzle in a grid of black and white squares. The goal is to

write one letter in each white square to make the words given by clues, The black squares tell

where the word ends (Claire, 2010: 6).

Crossword Puzzle is a game that makes learning process in the classroom get

attractive and fun. This game provides opportunities for each students in practicing and
repeating vocabulary, nor this game need some rules to make it more effective. Njoroge,

Ndung'u and Ganthigia (2013).

Crosswords Puzzle games will be more attractive and effective when apply in

classroom and crossword puzzle will be effective way in teaching, nor it is depend on teacher

such how the teacher gives a definition about a topic, teacher gives instruction how to play,

and the teacher give the rule how to play cross word puzzle well for example, the teacher

spells out the answer of Crosswords puzzle games and the students memorize the vocabulary

as the answer of the Crosswords Puzzle. Davis, Shepherd, and Zwiefelhofer (2009).

Crossword Puzzle strategy is appropriate learning strategy without losing the ongoing

learning essence, Franklin, Peat, and Lewis (2003) Zaini, Munthe, and Aryani (2008: 71)

state that, there are several advantages in using Crossword puzzle games strategy in

improving vocabulary. First, makes students enjoy in learning English in class. The next

advantage is increasing ability to learn vocabulary and Another advantage is students better

understand to meaning of the word which is given while Crossword Puzzle games.

In doing cross word puzzle, students feel that they are playing a game, Silberman

(2009: 246) explains that in designing test on crossword puzzle invites direct engagement and

participation of learners, because Crosswords puzzle games can participate individual or

group.These steps that can conduct in designing the Crossword Puzzle Zaini, Munthe, and

Aryani (2008: 71) as follows:

1) Write down keywords, terminology or names related to the material.

2) Make a grid that can fill with words that have been selected (as in crossword puzzles).

3) Create some questions whose answer is leading to the next answer

4) Share this puzzle with the learner can be individual or group.

5) Limit time to work.

6) Give rewards to the group or individual who works the fastest and the most accurately

Pravita (2010) explains there are several steps that can take in the process of learning English

using Strategy Crossword Puzzle Games are as follows:

Motivating Strategy: At this stage of Motivating Strategy, it can conduct by asking

students to give greetings in English as practice in Speaking. Provide motivation related to

the material topic that existed at the meeting.

Presentation Strategy: At this stage, the lecturers begin the lesson and explain about

the related material in each meeting. Lecturers begin to teach by using games method in

presenting learning materials. Lecturers also involve four language learning skills (Listening,

Speaking, reading and Writing). Thus, the students who involve in this game feel that they

are playing because the Crossword Puzzle game attracts students and facilitates them in

imagining the material delivered by the lecturer. Skill Practice: In this section, the lecturer

gives some vocabulary in the games.

Definition of cross word puzzle

There are many definition of cross word puzzle, Crossword puzzle is a group of

words that have been arranged horizontally and vertically so that each word crosses last one

other word at a common letter (Oxford, 2003:103). In oxford advanced learner’s dictionary of

current english (by Hornby 2000: 310 ) Crossword puzzle is a game that you have to fit

words accross and downwards into spaces with numbers in a square diagram. (Oxford learner

dictionary, 2003:349) Puzzle is game that you have to think carefully in order to answer the

The Kind of Crossword Puzzle

In teaching vocabulary by using crossword puzzle, there is some kinds of crossword

puzzle which can be done the students, they are:14

a. Oral crossword.

The oral crossword is the crossword which is the clue is given orally by the teacher, and the

students just get the blank crossword. Only give the students the puzzle with no clues what so

ever. Give the clues orally. In a foreign language class, this can be an excellent listening

activity. Tell students to fill in what they can and then repeat the clues once more at the end.

b. Picture crossword

Picture crossword is the crossword which is the clue consistof picture. Only give the students

the puzzle with no clues. For each clue, hold up a picture. This works especially well with a

unit that involves a lot of new vocabulary.

c. Object crossword

The object crossword is the crossword in which the clue is written on the object. Only give

students the blank puzzle with no clues. Place the items around the room, each labeled with

their clue number. Have students rotated around the room to different stations; allow them to

pick up the objects as they complete the puzzle. This tactile version of the puzzle is great for

those students who are hands-on learners. This type of puzzle works well for units with a lot

of vocabulary.

Teoritical framework

Melasari1, Krisna Ismawati2, Deri Sis Nanda3

When I did an internship (PPL) in SMA Al-Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung, I taught my

students about describing people, to speak about describing people they need to arrange some

words, they should understand the meaning and they should be able to spell the word. I asked

one by one a student to came forward but they difficult to speak, they don’t have enough

vocabulary. I found some evidences in a learning process that they were difficult to speak.

They were still confused about the meaning of the words. They often asked the words in a

learning process. They had difficulties when I asked them to make sentences using English

about describing people. Another problem that I found in the class was that they did not feel

enthusiastic while doing a learning process. They had difficulties in understanding about

what they read and listened. However, the students did wrong interpretation words of

meaning in the sentences. Prasetyo, Kurniawati, and Subari (2013) said “English teacher

should apply various media to improve students’ ability in mastering English skills”

therefore, I am interested in teaching students using vocabulary games to improve their

enthusiasm in learning English vocabulary and their vocabulary mastery.

(Harmer 2007:289) said that vocabulary can be practiced by make a conversation with

classmate everyday or we can improve vocabulary mastery by vocabulary game, such as

crossword puzzle. Researchers and collaborators determined to apply crossword puzzles to

help students improve their vocabulary mastery. As has been stated by Soeparno (1980:73)

Crossword is a type of game that is done by filling in a blank form presented with letters

those form words in response of question given. Harry Dhand (2008: 55-56) said about

benefits of crossword puzzle included, it makes students have more motivation in learning

process, it can easily made by teacher. Thus, using the technique of crossword, researchers

and collaborators expect the students to have a fun atmosphere in learning English and

helping them improve their vocabulary mastery. Collins (2006). Then, Crossword puzzle is
one of interesting way to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. By using crossword puzzle

students can be easier in learning vocabulary because they will learn by playing puzzle game.

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