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Maceda, Erika Kristel T.

article Coronavirus in Philippines: PETA 2
The COVID-19 risk, impact, and measures

The article title Coronavirus in Philippines: The COVID-19 risk,

impact, and measures is a significantly well-informed paper wherein it
aims to inform people about the effects and impact of the new virus
here in the Philippines and Filipinos outside of the country.

The objectives of the article were clear, precise and concise

without it using jargon that is very useful when it is going to be
published, numbers were also shown in the article with dates that are
very useful to this kind of reading material. The overall objective of
the paper which was to inform people were met.

However, there are still parts where the article itself needs
improving. One, no date wherein the paper was created since it is
about an issue wherein every day it is constantly changing it should
have a date of writing it, because some points, may have changed. Two
there should have been a basis on the numbers or where did the author
get those numbers. Is it from the president itself, from a piece of
local news because the validity of these numbers or claims it still at

All in all, it is still a very informative article that tackled

the basis of the paper, that captures the attention of the readers and
at the same time very entertaining to read.

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