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Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; March 2015: Vol.-4, Issue- 2, P.


Case Report:
Ludwig’s angina: a case report and review of airway management


Corresponding author: DR.Anisha Nagaria

Ludwig's angina is a rare, but potentially life-threatening, diffuse cellulitis of the neck and the floor of the
mouth, usually secondary to odontogenic infection. It has an acute onset and spreads rapidly,affecting the deep
spaces of the neck and leading to oedema, distortion and obstruction of the airway.Early diagnosis and
immediate treatment are essential to avoid complications. The appropriate use of antibiotics, airway protection
techniques, and formal surgical drainage of the abscess remains the standard protocol of treatment in cases of
Ludwig's angina.We report a case of a 65 year old male, diagnosed with Ludwig’s angina ofodontogenicorigin,
which later got complicated with necrotising fasciitis, along with a review of the available airway management
options during surgical drainage.
Keywords: Ludwig's angina, odontogenic infection, surgical drainage, airway management

Introduction inability to open the mouth since eight days. He

Ludwig's angina, first described in 1836, is a had difficulty in breathing and swallowing since
rapidly progressive, gangrenous cellulitis of the two days.
floor of the mouth and bilateral submandibular and He gave history of recurrent dental infection since
sublingual regions, leading to progressive and often two months.On examination, he had
fatal airway obstruction .It is characterised by fever(101ºF),tachycardia(heart rate110/min), blood
fever,malaise,dyspnoea, dysphagia and a pressure140/90 mmHg, tachypnoea
tender,hard, indurated swelling of the neck and the (25breaths/min), restricted mouth opening (inter-
floor of the mouth .Early stages of the disease can incisordistance1.5cm). Extra-oral swelling was
be controlled with intravenous antibiotics, but indurated, nonfluctuant, extending over subma-
advanced infections necessitate surgical drainage. ndibular and sublingual glands bilaterally.
Pain, trismus, airway oedema and tongue Extension and flexion of neck were restricted due
displacement make securing the airway to pain.Systemic examination and routine blood
challenging. investigations were unremarkable,except leuco-
Case report cytosis.Emergency surgical drainage of neck
A 65-year male, weighing 75 kg presentedwith pain abscessunder local anaesthesia with intravenous
and swelling in the lower jaw and neck and sedation was planned.

266 P ISSN: 2250-284X , E ISSN : 2250-2858
Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; March 2015: Vol.-4, Issue- 2, P. 266-269

Anticipating airway difficulty, difficult airwaycart tocausea“brawny supra-hyoid induration”2. Dental

was kept ready.Procedure was explained to the infection (especially affecting the second and third
patient,high risk consent andconsent for lower molar teeth) is responsible for approximately
tracheostomy taken. Aspiration prophylaxis, 80% of the cases3. Other causes include
dexamethasone and adrenaline nebulisationgiven sialadenitis, peritonsillar abscess, open mandibular
30minutes pre-operatively and intravenous broad- fractures, trauma, tongue piercing, compromised
spectrum antibiotics started.Standard ASA immune status, sickle cell disease, etc2,4,5,6. The
monitors wereattached, head-up position and causative organisms usually are α-haemolytic
oxygen through nasal prongs given. streptococci, staphylococci and bacteroides group2.
After premedication with intravenous inj. The initial stages of the disease are treated with
glycopyrrolate 0.2mg, inj. hydrocortisone 100mg intravenous broad spectrum antibiotics(typically,
andincremental doses of inj.midazolam andinj. combinations of penicillin clindamycin, and
fentanyl,aspiration with 18G needle revealed pus. metronidazole) and steroids, but advanced
8ml of 2% lignocaine with adrenaline(1:200,000) infections require surgical drainage . Use of
was infiltrated circumferentially around the antibiotics has reduced the mortality from 54% to
swelling, stab incisions made in submandibular and 0-8.5%4. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is indicated in
submental spaces bilaterally and pus drained.Pus severe infections like necrotizing fasciitis7.
trickling into the oral cavity was immediately Various anaesthetic techniques suggested for the
sucked out. The wound was irrigated with normal drainage of abscess include local infiltrative
saline and a separate tube drain was anaesthesia, cervical plexus block and general
inserted.Infected molars were removed under local anaesthesia. Choice of anaesthesia depends on
anaesthesia. severity of disease and available resources. There is
Intra-operatively, vitals were stable.SpO2remained no consensus regarding airway management in
between 95-100%. Patient was able to obey verbal such cases airway associated with neck swelling
commands and upper airway reflexes were and restricted mouth opening.Airway may be
preserved.Analgesia was supplemented with secured by tracheostomy, conventional
inj.paracetamol1g and inj.diclofenac75mg intrave- laryngoscopy and intubation, awake blind nasal
nous infusion. Patient was comfortable and intubation and awake fibre-optic intubation 8. The
swelling subsided postoperatively. On tenth method preferred depends on the available
postoperative day, patient developed necrotizing resources and the personal experience of the
fasciitis,which was successfully treated with eight anaesthesiologist. However, emergency surgical
cycles of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and airway access like cricothyrotomy/ tracheostomy
antibiotics. Patient recovered well. should always be ready.
Discussion Conventional laryngoscopy and intubation is
Ludwig’s angina is a rapidly progressive, difficult due to limited mouth opening,oedema in
potentially lethal cellulitis of the soft tissues of the neck, distorted anatomy, tissue immobility and
neck and floor of the mouth.Beginning in the chances of rupture of the abscess9 resulting in
vicinity of submandibular space,it spreads in aspiration ofblood, pus and secretions, if airway is
continuity rather than bylymphatic spread

267 P ISSN: 2250-284X , E ISSN : 2250-2858
Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; March 2015: Vol.-4, Issue- 2, P. 266-269

not secured. Securing the airway in the awake state Ludwig’s angina in children poses special
therefore, is the safest option. challenge, due to difficulty in administering local
Blind nasal intubation should be avoided due to infiltrative anaesthesia.Arun k. Gupta etalreported
high failure rate and risk of laryngospasm, airway use of cervical plexus block in such patients9.It can
oedema, catastrophic bleeding and drainage of pus be a safe alternative in adult patients, too.
into the oral cavity . Complete airway obstruction Recent trend in terms of management in cases of
may necessitate an emergency cricothyrotomy. Ludwig’s angina has evolved from aggressive
Elective tracheostomy under local anaesthesia was airway management into a more conservative
considered gold standard for establishment of a one14.In a retrospective analysis of all deep neck
definitive airway. However, anatomical distortion abscesses within a seven year period conducted by
of the anterior neckmay make it difficult Wolfe et al,65% patients had airway
/impossible in advanced cases .Further,there is risk compromise,42% of which required advanced
of spread of infection to the thorax/mediastinum, airway control techniques.No surgical airway was
rupture of innominate artery, aspiration of pus, loss required.
of airway and tracheal stenosis . Our patient had severely restricted neck extension
Awake fibre-optic intubation(FOB)with topical and limited mouth opening due to huge painful
anaesthesia has high successrate in skilled hands, swelling over neck. Due to unavailability of fibre-
though distorted anatomy, airway oedema and optic bronchoscope and intentional avoidance of
secretions make it challenging. CO2 monitoring elective tracheostomy, surgical drainage (extra-
during FOB is difficult andcan be overcome by use orally) was planned under local anaesthesia with
of awakefibrecapnic intubation (AFcI), wherein a intravenous sedation. Airway reflexes being
suction catheter advanced through the working preserved, patient could cough out the pus that
channel of the bronchoscopeallows repeated CO2 drained intra-orally during the surgery.
measurements . Multidisciplinary team approach, with
Intravenous dexamethasone and adrenaline nebul- meticulouspre-operative counselling, patien-
isationreduce upper airway oedema andairway tcooperation, proper planning and preparation of
irritation duringanaesthesia . anaesthesia technique are key to successful

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