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Read and match

Read tv

Do lunch

Get a book

Watch my homework

Have up


What´s this? I´m ten.

What´s your favourite colour? Yes. It´s Green.

How old are you? It´s Green.

What colour are the trees? It´s a tree

Have you got a bike? They´re Green.


What are you wearing? He´s wearing a red jacket.

What are you doing? Yes, I do.

What´s Greg wearing? I´m Reading-

Do you like books? I´m wearing a blue t shirt

Have you got a kite? Of course!

Can birds fly? Yes, it´s red.


Do you like pasta? It´s sunny.

What day is it today? No. It´s very hot.

What´s the weather like today? No, I don´t

Do you like sunny days? No, I don´t like dogs.

Have you got a dog? It´s Friday.


I´m Tina. I´m from Argentina. My favourite dinner is asado. My dad cooks meat every
Sunday. I don´t like potatoes but I love meat. I skate in the park every Saturday afternoon. I
haven´t got a brother but I´ve got two sisters. We live in a big house.

1) I´ve got a big house.

2) I can´t skate.
3) My father cooks meat every Sunday.
4) I don´t like meat.
5) I have got a brother

I´m Jenny. I´m very happy. It´s my birthday. My cake has got nine candles. My granny always
cooks hot dogs for my party. I don´t like hot dogs, I love them!! My dad is cleaning the
garden for the party. There aren´t any flowers but there are trees. I always play in the

1) I´m nine years old.

2) My name isn´t Jenny.
3) My father is cleaning the house.
4) There are trees in my garden.
5) I never play in the garden.

Hi, I´m Peter and I like animals. I´ve got a pet. It´s a cat. Her name is Molly. She likes fish and
cheese but she doesn´t like meat. She´s got Green eyes and a small nose. I play with Molly
every day.

1) My name is Molly.
2) I´ve got a pet.
3) I like fish and cheese.
4) My mum has got f¿green eyes.
5) I play with my cat-

My name is Sophie. I like music, I can play the piano very well. I´ve got a brother, he can play
the piano too. We listen to music at night. My mum and dad are music teachers. We live in a
small house next to the supermarket. The toy shop is my favourite shop, I love toys!

1) I listen to music in the morning.

2) My father is a music teacher.
3) My brother can´t play the piano.
4) My house is next to the toy shop.
5) I like toys.

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