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Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)

From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

pay the pay the

expenses of the expenses of the
litigation. litigation.
Bale ang lawyer
cya na ang
bahala sa lahat.
I, do solemnly swear that I will maintain Is not Is void.
allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines, I will prohibited.
support the Constitution and obey the laws as well as
the legal orders of the duly constituted authorities
therein; I will do no falsehood, nor consent to the doing RETAINING LIEN AND CHARGING LIEN
of any in court; I will not wittingly or willingly promote
or sue any groundless, false or unlawful suit, or give aid
nor consent to the same; I will delay no man for money RETAININ CHARGIN
or malice, and will conduct myself as a lawyer according G LIEN G LIEN
to the best of my knowledge and discretion, with all good NATURE It’s a passive It’s active. It
fidelity as well to the courts as to my clients; and I impose lien. It cannot can be
upon myself these voluntary obligations without any be actively enforced in
enforced. the
mental reservation or purpose of evasion. So help me execution.
God. You can ask
the court. It’s
a special lien.
BASIS There is a To secure a
lawful favorable
Contingent Fee- An agreement in writing by which the possession of money
fees, usually a fixed percentage of what may be funds, judgment for
property, the client.
recovered in the action, are made to depend upon the
documents or
success in the effort to enforce or defend a supposed
papers There is a
right. belonging to court
“Depending on what may be recovered” – For example, the the client. involved
usual contingent contract is, 20% of the amt
COVERAGE Covers funds, There is
papers, judgement.
Champertuous Contract – The lawyer does not property, So it covers
undertake to shoulder the expenses of the litigation. document in ALL
the lawful judgment for
Q: What is the difference between a champertuous possession. the payment
contract and a contingent contract? of money and
NOTE: It’s execution
Contingent Champertuous lawful issued by the
Fee Contract possession of court.
Attorney’s Fee The fee is The fee is the lawyer by
payable in cash. payable in reason of the
kind. lawyer-client
Lawyers do not Lawyers relationship.
undertake to undertake to

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

EFFECTIVITY The lawyer As soon as are times na the whole ENGAGEMENT FEE –
gets there is claim APPEARANCE FEE every time the lawyer appears in
possession of for atty’s fees any body or court, judicial or administrative agencies.
the FPD by entered in
reason of the records of
their lawyer- the case.
client As long as
relationship you entered MODE OF PAYMENT
anytime. the record of
the case, your
claim, you
There are times when the client can pay atty’s fees by
can charge
cash, by check, by property. In the past, most of the
the fees. If
not, then you lawyers, esp. when the case involved in property,
cannot included in the engagement contract between the
recover lawyer and the client is the payment of property. So if
anything. the client can recover 2 ha, the client signs an
WHEN YOU The client The client agreement wherein he gives a portion of the property to
GIVE NOTICE need not be and the the lawyer. Many times in the past that is the mode esp.
notified to adverse party when the client has no money to pay the lawyer. So
make it has to be most of the time it’s property. But this time, even if it’s
effective, notified to not paid in cash but in credit. Sometimes it’s credit or
because in the make it other items in kind. Like I mentioned to you,
1st place, the effective. sometimes the gift by the client, he gives the title already
FPD are in Remember,
in the name of the lawyer. I know of one, the cousin
the it’s through
gives a title already in the name of the lawyer as payment
possession of court process.
of legal services. If I say in kind, the PAO lawyers as gifts
the lawyer.
APPLICABILIT May be Exercisable they are given atty’s fish, atty’s pig, atty’s camote – I
Y exercised only when received that before. Others would give jewelries. That
before atty had is all acceptable.
judgment or already
One important thing: Compensation when you are
execution secured a
regardless of judgment in counsel de officio. The counsel SHOULD NOT
the court court. That demand any atty’s fee w/n there is progress or if he wins
process. is, a favorable the case or not. He may however collect from gov’t
judgment. funds. In the case of PAO, they are already paid. In the
case of public prosecutor, they are already paid by their
salaries. In the case of lawyers under the legal aid
I’ve already mentioned to you about ACCEPTANCE program of the IBP, there is a budget to that by the IPB
FEE. Now we go to APPEARANCE FEE. By the term by chapter and even national. So the indigent clients
itself, APPEARANCE FEE, every time that the lawyer need not think of paying the lawyer. However, if you
appears in court or appears in any judicial or quasi- are counsel de parte, you are entitled to at least quantum
judicial or offices wherein they agreed that the lawyer meruit as to what you have agreed or whatever is in your
gives service to the client, he/she can charge contract; based on your contract. You can even file a
APPEARANCE FEE. case to collect. You can file for a collection of sum
There are times when APPEARANCE FEE is already money. Your basis is the lawyer-client engagement
part of the whole contract. There are times na contract.

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

CANON 21 - A LAWYER SHALL PRESERVE exceptions, like under Rule 130, Section 24 (b), Rules
THE CONFIDENCE AND SECRETS OF HIS of Court, regarding privilege communication. There
CLIENT EVEN AFTER THE ATTORNEY- are some exceptions.
Section 24. Disqualification by reason of privileged
communication. — The following persons cannot
Rule 21.01 - A lawyer shall not reveal the testify as to matters learned in confidence in the
confidences or secrets of his client except; following cases:
(a) When authorized by the client after acquainting
him of the consequences of the disclosure; (b) An attorney cannot, without the consent of his
(b) When required by law; client, be examined as to any communication made
by the client to him, or his advice given thereon in
(c) When necessary to collect his fees or to defend the course of, or with a view to, professional
himself, his employees or associates or by judicial employment, nor can an attorney's secretary,
action. stenographer, or clerk be examined, without the
consent of the client and his employer, concerning
Rule 21.02 - A lawyer shall not, to the disadvantage any fact the knowledge of which has been acquired
of his client, use information acquired in the course in such capacity;
of employment, nor shall he use the same to his own
advantage or that of a third person, unless the client
with full knowledge of the circumstances consents Another is, you can be charged with BETRAYAL OF
thereto. TRUST under Article 209 of the Revised Penal Code.
Rule 21.03 - A lawyer shall not, without the written
ARTICLE 209. Betrayal of Trust by an Attorney or
consent of his client, give information from his files
Solicitor — Revelation of Secrets. — In addition to
to an outside agency seeking such information for
the proper administrative action, the penalty of
auditing, statistical, bookkeeping, accounting, data
prisión correccional in its minimum period, or a
processing, or any similar purpose.
fine ranging from 200 to 1,000 pesos, or both, shall
be imposed upon any attorney-at-law or solicitor
Rule 21.04 - A lawyer may disclose the affairs of a
(procurador judicial) who, by any malicious breach
client of the firm to partners or associates thereof
of professional duty or inexcusable negligence or
unless prohibited by the client.
ignorance, shall prejudice his client, or reveal any
of the secrets of the latter learned by him in his
Rule 21.05 - A lawyer shall adopt such measures as
professional capacity.
may be required to prevent those whose services are
utilized by him, from disclosing or using confidences
The same penalty shall be imposed upon an
or secrets of the clients.
attorney-at-law or solicitor (procurador judicial)
who, having undertaken the defense of a client or
Rule 21.06 - A lawyer shall avoid indiscreet
having received confidential information from said
conversation about a client's affairs even with
client in a case, shall undertake the defense of the
members of his family.
opposing party in the same case, without the
consent of his first client.
Rule 21.07 - A lawyer shall not reveal that he has
been consulted about a particular case except to
avoid possible conflict of interest. Q: What is your duty to preserve client’s confidence?

The duty to keep that confidence/secret is perpetual.

What is important here is about the PRESERVATION This confidentiality applies also to prospective clients
OF CLIENT’S CONFIDENCE. Even if the lawyer- and not only to those whom you have been with
client relationship has already been terminated, the contract with.
preservation of the confidence esp. the secrets of the
client has to remain a secret. I gave you already the

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

Example: A client comes to you (prospective only) and (e) When the client deliberately fails to pay the fees
he asks for advice, nothing more. Confidential for the services or fails to comply with the retainer
information should be preserved. It should not be agreement;
(f) When the lawyer is elected or appointed to public
I mentioned to you last time the exceptions. I office; and
mentioned also that is mentioned in Rule 21.01 the (g) Other similar cases.
exceptions to the Rule of revealing the confidential
secret of the client. Rule 22.02 - A lawyer who withdraws or is discharged
shall, subject to a retainer lien, immediately turn
THE EXCEPTIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: over all papers and property to which the client is
entitled, and shall cooperative with his successor in
(a) When authorized by the client after acquainting the orderly transfer of the matter, including all
him of the consequences of the disclosure; information necessary for the proper handling of the
(b) When required by law;

(c) When necessary to collect his fees or to defend Finally, we have Canon 22. A lawyer shall only
himself, his employees or associates or by judicial withdraw his services for 2 things:
a.) For good cause; and
b.) Appropriate notice

What is important is when it is required by law

(exception # 2). For example, for committing a crime FOR GOOD CAUSE: There is good or
you are being subpoenaed. Also about Bank Secrecy appropriate cause. There is a valid ground.
Law, the exception is when there is a court order for
you to divulge information. For Example:
HIS SERVICES ONLY FOR GOOD CAUSE 1.) Conflict of interest.
AND UPON NOTICE APPROPRIATE IN THE 2.) If there is disagreement between you and
CIRCUMSTANCES. the client with the way to proceed with
the case.
3.) You want to study or to dig deeper as to
Rule 22.01 - A lawyer may withdraw his services in the truth or as to the evidence of the case
any of the following case: and you want the client to from the
arraignment, not yet to enter into a plea
(a) When the client pursues an illegal or immoral of guilt but to express a plea of not guilty
course of conduct in connection with the matter he
because you are to explore still
is handling;
possibilities to afford all Constitutional
(b) When the client insists that the lawyer pursue
conduct violative of these canons and rules; rights to your client or to protect your
client’s interest. However, if your client is
(c) When his inability to work with co-counsel will not cooperative, you can tell that to the
not promote the best interest of the client; court and file a withdrawal provided you
explain to the client and he signs in
(d) When the mental or physical condition of the conformity. Definitely, your motion to
lawyer renders it difficult for him to carry out the withdraw as counsel will be granted by the
employment effectively; court (WITHDRAWAL OF

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

Other than that in 22.01, it mentions cases • Another is DECLARATION OF

wherein there is termination of lawyer-client PRESUMTIVE DEATH: For
relationship. whatever reason not related to your
case or engagement, of the lawyer is
Rule 22.01 - A lawyer may withdraw his presumed dead, then there is that
services in any of the following case:
termination of lawyer-client
(a) When the client pursues an illegal or
immoral course of conduct in connection
with the matter he is handling; • CONVICTION OF A CRIME
(b) When the client insists that the lawyer LAWYER: Naturally because he is
pursue conduct violative of these canons convicted and he has to serve prison
and rules; terms, then lawyer-client relationship
is terminated.
(c) When his inability to work with co-
counsel will not promote the best interest • DISCHARGE OR DISMISSAL OF
of the client;
LAWYER: Since the lawyer-client
relationship is based on trust and
(d) When the mental or physical
condition of the lawyer renders it difficult confidence, if the client has already
for him to carry out the employment lost his trust and confidence in the
effectively; lawyer, and he dismissed and
discharged the lawyer, that is already
(e) When the client deliberately fails to considered termination of lawyer-
pay the fees for the services or fails to client relationship.
comply with the retainer agreement;
• DEATH OF A CLIENT: Unless the
(f) When the lawyer is elected or family continues with the
appointed to public office; and relationship, provided that there is
substitution. For example, in a civil
(g) Other similar cases.
case, there is substitution. In a
criminal case, if the accused dies,
wala nang kaso. The accused already
Discussion: convicted his own self, as they say.

• Naturally, if the lawyer is • APPOINTMENT/ELECTION OF

You cannot anymore avail of his OFFICE: Prohibits the lawyer from
services. Lawyers who are suspended private practice.
cannot appear in court for a period
of time in which he/she is • FULL TERMINATION OF THE
suspended. That’s why CASE: When the case is over, the
automatically, you can terminate the lawyer-client relationship is
lawyer-client relationship. So you as terminated. Unless the lawyer or the
the lawyer or the client can terminate client agrees to continue with other
the service. legal services – that is another

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

The lawyer got sick or terminally ill
during the pendency of the case and This is found in the ROC.
vice-versa. I knew of one case
wherein the lawyer became crazy. He 1.) The 1st can be found in Rule 138, Section 27:
suffered from a schizophrenic attack.
So that is one reason for termination Section 27. Attorneys removed or
of lawyer-client relationship. suspended by Supreme Court on what
grounds. — A member of the bar may be
removed or suspended from his office as
MONTANO v. IBP attorney by the Supreme Court for any
(2001) deceit, malpractice, or other gross
misconduct in such office, grossly
Although a lawyer may withdraw his services when immoral conduct, or by reason of his
the client deliberately fails to pay the fees for the conviction of a crime involving moral
services, the general rule is that failure to pay is not turpitude, or for any violation of the oath
a reason to terminate lawyer-client relationship which he is required to take before the
unless there is deliberate intention on the client not admission to practice, or for a wilfull
to pay atty’s fees. But it should not be the only disobedience of any lawful order of a
reason. Like in the lawyer’s oath, you should not delay superior court, or for corruptly or willful
a client’s cause for money or malice. That is very clear. appearing as an attorney for a party to a
So the general rule is, the client can terminate the case without authority so to do. The
relationship at any time with or without just cause. practice of soliciting cases at law for the
On the part of the lawyer, the cannot terminate the purpose of gain, either personally or
lawyer-client relationship without any cause. There through paid agents or brokers,
must be a valid cause. constitutes malpractice.

From the FT of the case: Under Canon 22 of the REMEMBER: Very important if you violate
Code of Professional Responsibility, lawyer shall your lawyer’s oath, you can be in for
withdraw his services only for good cause and upon disbarment or suspension.
notice appropriate in the circumstances. Although
he may withdraw his services when the client Corruptly or willful appearing as an attorney
deliberately fails to pay the fees for the services, 11 for a party to a case without authority so to
under the circumstances of the present case, Atty.
do – this means usurpation.
Dealcas withdrawal was unjustified as complainant
did not deliberately fail to pay him the attorneys fees.
In fact, complainant exerted honest efforts to fulfill 2.) Article 1491 of the New Civil Code –
his obligation. Respondents contemptuous conduct ACQUISITION OF AN INTEREST OF
does not speak well of a member of the bar PROPERTIES INVOLVED IN
considering that the amount owing to him was only LITIGATION
P3,500.00. Rule 20.4 of Canon 20, mandates that a
lawyer shall avoid controversies with clients
concerning his compensation and shall resort to Article 1491. The following persons
judicial action only to prevent imposition, injustice cannot acquire by purchase, even at a
or fraud. Sadly, for not so large a sum owed to him public or judicial auction, either in person
by complainant, respondent lawyer failed to act in or through the mediation of another:
accordance with the demands of the Code.

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

(5) Justices, judges, prosecuting attorneys, hit any bar question. Be sure that you
clerks of superior and inferior courts, and memorize the lawyer’s oath because there are
other officers and employees connected a lot of possibilities that you can answer any
with the administration of justice, the question just by the lawyer’s oath.
property and rights in litigation or levied
upon an execution before the court Read through Canon 1-22 and you can relate
within whose jurisdiction or territory they
in anything with the lawyer’s oath; including
exercise their respective functions; this
the discipline of lawyer’s. Why? Because if you
prohibition includes the act of acquiring
by assignment and shall apply to lawyers, violate the lawyer’s oath, you can be
with respect to the property and rights suspended or disbarred depending on the
which may be the object of any litigation gravity.
in which they may take part by virtue of
I’ve mentioned this last time that properties OFFICES
involved in litigation wherein you are the
lawyer, you cannot buy that property.
General Rule: They may not be disciplined as members
of the bar for misconduct in the discharge of their duty
3.) Article 209 of the Revised Penal Code –
as gov’t official. But if their misconduct as gov’t official
is of such a character as to affect qualification as a
lawyer or to show moral delinquency – so may moral
Art. 209. Betrayal of trust by an attorney issue na nakakabit – he may be disciplined as member
or solicitor. — Revelation of secrets. — In of the bar.
addition to the proper administrative
action, the penalty of prision correccional Example: If you are a lawyer under the SC, directly they
in its minimum period, or a fine ranging cannot file a case before you for example, graft and
from 200 to 1,000 pesos, or both, shall be corruption. They cannot file a case against you before
imposed upon any attorney-at-law or the Office of the Ombudsman. It’s the Supreme Court
solicitor ( procurador judicial) who, by who has the ultimate responsibility to discipline you. So
any malicious breach of professional duty for lawyers under the supervision of the SC, the
or of inexcusable negligence or ignorance, complaint has to be filed before the SC. If it involves a
shall prejudice his client, or reveal any of criminal case, file it with the SC 1st then later you file
the secrets of the latter learned by him in the criminal case. 1st it is the SC who has to discipline.
his professional capacity.chanrobles
Later the SC recommends the filing of the criminal
virtual law library
case if there be any.
The same penalty shall be imposed upon REMEMBER:
an attorney-at-law or solicitor (procurador
judicial) who, having undertaken the For lawyers under the judiciary, the disciplining
defense of a client or having received authority 1st is under the Supreme Court.
confidential information from said client
in a case, shall undertake the defense of
the opposing party in the same case,
without the consent of his first client. VENUES FOR DISBARMENT PROCEEDINGS
CLUE: If you memorize the lawyer’s oath,
you can play with all the words there and you
can make it as a ground or basis, and you can

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

Officers authorized to investigate disbarment cases: Don’t forget, the power to discipline lawyers is lodged
with the is under the SC (Rule 138, Section 27 of the
1.) The Supreme Court – can take cognizance of
Rules of Court):
the petition to disbar directly
2.) The IBP through its Commission on Bar Section 27. Attorneys removed or suspended by
Discipline; Supreme Court on what grounds. — A member of
3.) The Office of the Solicitor General – can take the bar may be removed or suspended from his
cognizance of the petition to disbar a lawyer office as attorney by the Supreme Court for any
deceit, malpractice, or other gross misconduct in
Discussion: such office, grossly immoral conduct, or by reason
of his conviction of a crime involving moral
The Office of the Solicitor General can take cognizance
turpitude, or for any violation of the oath which
of the petition to disbar a lawyer. The Supreme Court he is required to take before the admission to
can take cognizance of the petition to disbar directly. practice, or for a wilfull disobedience of any lawful
Normally, when the IBP takes cognizance of the case, order of a superior court, or for corruptly or
the IBP receives it, allows the parties (the complainant willful appearing as an attorney for a party to a case
and the respondent lawyer) to answer, to submit without authority so to do. The practice of
pleadings and supporting documents. Then the IBP soliciting cases at law for the purpose of gain,
Committee on Bar Discipline will appoint investigators either personally or through paid agents or
and submit their recommendations to the SC. brokers, constitutes malpractice.
Ultimately the SC is the one who decides of whether to
disbar or not or just suspension. Generally, or most
Read also Article 8 of the 1987 Constitution regarding
often, whatever is the decision/recommendation of the
the powers of the SC.
IBP Commission on Bar Discipline is the one adopted
by the SC through the Office of the Court Section 6. The Supreme Court shall have
Administrator. administrative supervision over all courts and the
personnel thereof.
If the lawyer to be disciplined is under the judiciary,
automatically the investigation would be under the
Office of the Court Administrator (OCA). You know So the disciplinary measures are:
who is our Court Administrator? Atty. Midas Marquez.
Now he’s not anymore gwapo. Matanda na. 1.) There are times when it’s warning;
2.) Admonition;
What I want you to remember is that disbarment 3.) Reprimand;
proceeding is CONFIDENTIAL. So if you’re a lawyer, 4.) Suspension;
be assured that it should not be made in public. So 5.) Censure;
hindi ka ipapahiya. That is one thing to maintain the 6.) Disbarment;
respect of a lawyer of the legal profession. The 7.) Probation – if you are convicted.
proceeding is confidential, especially if it is with the SC
for judiciary lawyers, court attorneys and judges. There Q: What is the difference between censure and
are times wherein it will be the SC who will appoint a reprimand?
justice or a judge to investigate to lead an investigation,
to receive evidences for or against the lawyer or the
judge who will be disciplined. Whatever is the
Can be by paper, It’s formal, public and
recommendation of the judge appointed by the SC or
document or by official.
the justice appointed by the SC, that is usually adopted phone.
by the SC or the OCA. Pagalitan ka in open
PDP court. It’s a penalty.
The infraction of the

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

law here is very light you’re young, free and single, the more that
that he is meted only the SC will be very strict. Remember when you
a penalty of censure. become lawyers, bata pa kayo lahat,
magpapakabait kayo.

Other sanctions and remedies include:

1.) Restitution
2.) Assessment of cost
3.) Limitation on practice – pero ang iba
pabayarin lng. So ipapaassess, babayaran mo. In case there is disbarment and you are being
4.) Appointment of reciever readmitted.
5.) The lawyer takes the bar exam or professional
responsibility examination MAIN PURPOSE: To determine w/n the applicant
6.) Attend MCLE has satisfied and convinced the court by positive
7.) Other requirements that the SC or evidence that the effort that he has made toward the
disciplining authority deems consistent with rehabilitation of his character has been successful.
the purpose of the sanction. You have to show to the court that you are fully
Q: Will there be mitigating circumstances that will be rehabilitated. Parang nasira ka talaga. Imagine nasira
considered by the SC to lower the penalty? yung buong pagkatao mo by moral degradation. You
have committed a crime involving moral turpitude.
There are.
1.) No prior disciplinary record. So parang
probation – no prior conviction, no prior Gross ignorance of the law so fatal and so blatant that
complaint against you, absence of selfish or you have affected a lot of people. You have affected
dishonest motives, plain/honest mistake or many clients or one client that has been greatly affected.
you are involved in psychological or emotional You show positive evidence to the court that you are
upheaval in your personal life. That can be able to restore relationship. There is restitution. There
reason to mitigate. is reparation.
2.) Effort to make restitution or rectify to ask REMEMBER the 3 R’s in the readmission to the
forgiveness – although most of the time the BAR:
SC ignores this because ignorance of the law
excuses no one. 1.) Restitution;
3.) Delay in the disciplinary proceedings 2.) Restoration;
4.) Physical or mental disability of the lawyer 3.) Reparation
5.) Character or reputation – if the lawyer has a
Whatever has been destroyed, you have repaired.
very good character/reputation, that can
Whatever has been missed, lost, you have restituted or
restored. So 3 r’s remember. You can play with those
6.) Good faith
words. There must be proof of these 3. I repeat, Article
7.) Remorse
8, Section 5 of the Constitution: The Supreme Court
8.) Error in judgment
has the power to discipline, to admit, and this includes
9.) Honest and efficient service by the lawyer
readmission. (It’s Section 20 following the codal).
10.) Clean professional record – especially if you
are practicing other profession. Section 11. The Members of the Supreme Court
11.) Old age – you will be forgiven nlng by the SC. and judges of lower courts shall hold office during
An advantage of being a senior citizen. But if good behavior until they reach the age of seventy

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

years or become incapacitated to discharge the Q: Lawyers who have been suspended, how are they
duties of their office. The Supreme Court en banc restored? If you are suspended for 3 mos or 5 mos?
shall have the power to discipline judges of lower
courts, or order their dismissal by a vote of a Upon receipt of the notice of suspension starts the
majority of the Members who actually took part in reckoning period.
the deliberations on the issues in the case and
Side comment of Judge: All courts of this country has a copy
voted thereon.
of this disbarment or suspension circular. The OCA is
obligated to inform/give notice to all courts. Even court
IN THE ORDER OF REINSTATEMENT, THE employees will know that you are suspended or disbarred.
FOLLOWING MUST BE TAKEN INTO What’s the reason? Because when you are disbarred, you
CONSIDERATION: cannot appear in court. During the period of your suspension,
you cannot appear in court. You cannot even file a pleading.
1.) Applicant’s character and standing prior to If you violate and you file a pleading, you will be in for another
disbarment disciplinary action. That means that you disobey the order of
the SC because it is a court order that you are suspended or
2.) Nature and character of misconduct for that you are being disciplined.
which he was disbarred
If you are suspended from the practice of law or you are
3.) Conduct subsequent to disbarment – Your suspended from notarial practice, say for 6 mos, the
conduct before, during and after reckoning period is from the time that you received
copy of the notice of suspension or from the time the
4.) Efficient gov’t service – If you are in the gov’t OCA has made public has made your suspension
whichever is later. From that you count 6 months.
5.) Time elapsed between disbarment and
It is not automatic that after 6 mos. you are
application for reinstatement—For example
automatically restored and then you can already appear 2 THINGS:
within 1 year you cannot ask the court. Di pa
in court. Now there is a rule, a circular by the SC that 1.) Ask
naghihilom ang sugat nyan. Even the person CLEARANCE from
you still have to ask CLEARANCE from the SC.
na nabiktima mo nagsuffer as a consequence the SC; and
Parang maghihingi ka pa ng nod/approval ng SC before
of whatever you have committed for which 2.) Ask
you can go back to your practice – notarial or private.
reason you are disbarred, within a year AUTHORITY from
masakit pa yan; galit pa yan sayo. In fact sa
THE SC. In the case of notarial practice, you still have judge for the
proceeding, the complainant will be asked to
to ask authority from the executive judge that you can restoration of your
comment if he/she has forgiven the lawyer
notarize again. Remember if you notarize a document, notarial
who was disbarred.
during the time that you’re suspended, that commission.

notarization is void because in the 1st place, you have

6.) There must be a favorable indorsement by
no authority; you have no notarial commission.
the IBP, local gov’t officials and citizens of
your community especially if your loved ones
plead for it – if you cannot get these favorable EFFECTS OF REINSTATEMENT
recommendations, then forget about being
readmitted. Forget about being restored as to
your previous status as being lawyer. So why
You are being recognized that you are morally
plea of the family? It’s basic. If your family
rehabilitated. you have mental fitness to practice law.
hates you, if your family has not forgiven you,
Now that you are reinstated, you are subject to the same
what can you expect from others not related
laws, rules and regulations applicable to any other
to you?
lawyer that you must comply with the conditions

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

imposed on your readmission. There are conditions The lawyer can file a MOTION FOR THE
given by the SC. INHIBITION OF JUDGES. It’s either the lawyer or
the party litigant can demand the judge will inhibit or
the judge by reason of Rule 137, Section 1, the judge
Condition not commit the same mistake again. That is voluntarily inhibits himself/herself from taking
very common. cognizance of the case.

Another is out of delicadeza. Ang nagaklagay sa Rule

RULE 137 137 ay family.
Q: What is the meaning of family?
Spouse, son daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law or
any other relative by consanguinity or affinity within
the 6th civil degree or person who is a companion or
Section 1. Disqualification of judges. — No judge
employee of the judge who lives in the judge’s
or judicial officer shall sit in any case in which he,
or his wife or child, is pecuniarily interested as household.
heir, legatee, creditor or otherwise, or in which he
In delicadeza, the judge in his/her discretion determines
is related to either party within the sixth degree of
his/her independence is at stake, then the judge shall
consanguinity or affinity, or to counsel within the
fourth degree, computed according to the rules of voluntarily inhibit. Also, if the parties lose their trust
the civil law, or in which he has been executor, and confidence to the judge to continue their case even
administrator, guardian, trustee or counsel, or in if there is no valid ground to support with, then they
which he has been presided in any inferior court can ask the judge to inhibit. Sometimes the parties,
when his ruling or decision is the subject of review, when they ask the judge to inhibit with the case, even if
without the written consent of all parties in they see that there is no reason, they inhibit because
interest, signed by them and entered upon the they are being asked.
Another case that you are to remember is…
A judge may, in the exercise of his sound
discretion, disqualify himself from sitting in a case, JOAQUIN v. JAVELLANA
for just or valid reasons other than those (A.M. No. RTJ-00-1601, November 13, 2001)
mentioned above.
Section 2. Objection that judge disqualified, how
made and effect. — If it be claimed that an official "Hence, a judge's official conduct and his behavior
is disqualified from sitting as above provided, the in the performance of judicial duties should be free
party objecting to his competency may, in writing, from the appearance of impropriety and must be
file with the official his objection, stating the beyond reproach. One who occupies an exalted
grounds therefor, and the official shall thereupon position in the administration of justice must pay a
proceed with the trial, or withdraw therefrom, in high price for the honor bestowed upon him, for his
accordance with his determination of the question private as well as his official conduct must at all times
of his disqualification. His decision shall be be free from the appearance of impropriety. Because
forthwith made in writing and filed with the other appearance is as important as reality in the
papers in the case, but no appeal or stay shall be performance of judicial functions, like Caesar's wife,
allowed from, or by reason of, his decision in favor a judge must not only be pure but also beyond
of his own competency, until after final judgment suspicion. A judge has the duty to not only render a
in the case. just and impartial decision, but also render it in such
a manner as to be free from any suspicion as to its
fairness and impartiality, and also as to the judge's
So the MANNER of rendering the decision was also emphasized by the Court here.

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

Except the SC, the only reason for the SC justice to be

"It is obvious, therefore, that while judges should removed is by impeachment. All others – CA down to
possess proficiency in law in order that they can MTC judges – the removal is under Rule 140 of the SC.
competently construe and enforce the law, it is more
important that they should act and behave in such a
manner that the parties before them should have
confidence in their impartiality."

RULE 140
This is a landmark case in the discipline of judges. You
can know that it’s the SC deciding for it if the case is Charges Against Judges of First Instance
Adm. Circular No. RTJ or RTC or MTC. That means
that the judge being disciplined is an MTC judge or an Section 1. Complaint - All Charges against judges
RTC judge or CA justice. It’s an administrative matter of first instance shall be in writing and shall set out
if the judge is being disciplined by an administrative distinctly, clearly, and concisely the facts
case. complained of as constituting the alleged serious
misconduct or inefficiency of the respondent, and
Dapat walang suspicion. Kase kung may suspicion kayo shall be sworn to and supported by affidavits of
na bias yung judge, wala nang trust, paano nalng yung persons who have personal knowledge of the facts
decision ng administration of justice? That’s why even therein alleged, and shall be accompanied with
very little issue ng corruption, masyadong strict ang SC copies of documents which may substantiate said
in disciplining judges. Imagine beyond reproach. The
judge must pay a high price because 1st and foremost
Section 2. Service or dismissal. - If the charges
the judge administers justice. Mas mabigat ang appear to merit action, a copy thereof shall be
responsibility. That’s why the concept of semper fidelis. served upon the respondent, requiring him to
Semper is a latin word; it means always. Ang siempre is of answer within ten (10) days from the date service.
course. Fidelis meaning faithful; fidelity. Semper fidelis If the charges do not merit action, or if the answer
literally means always faithful. The judge more than the shows to the satisfaction of the court that the
lawyer even, has to be very and always faithful to the charges are not meritorious, the same shall be
oath and to the ethics of ther law profession. All of us dismissed.
are required to be faithful always to the law, to your oath
Section 3. Answer; hearing. - Upon the filing of
and to the ethics of the law profession. Much more of
respondents answer or upon the expiration of the
you’re a judge – this is demanded so much.
time for its filing, the court shall assign one of its
members, a Justice of the Court of Appeals or a
TERM OF OFFICE OF JUDGES judge of first instance to conduct the hearing of the
charges. The Justice or judge so assigned shall set a
day for the hearing, and notice thereof shall be
served on both parties. At such hearing the parties
COMPULSORY RETIREMENT: 70 y.o. for judges may present oral or written evidence.
and justices.
Section 4. Report - After the hearing, the Justice or
But even prior to that, the judge can cease to hold office judge shall file with the Supreme Court a report of
by many reasons – removal, resignation etc. his findings of fact and conclusions of law,
accompanied by the evidence presented by the
parties and the other papers in the case.

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

Section 5. Action - After the filing of the report, by the SC, that is in Section 1. But if there is a verified
the court will take such action as the facts and the complaint, there must be supporting affidavits and
law may warrant. evidences and submit it to the court. So you file an
admin case against a judge.
Section 6. Confidential. - Proceedings against
judges of first instance shall be private and In the proceeding, the SC appoints an investigating
confidential. judge or justice. That justice/investigator has to set a
date for hearing to receive the evidence, and should
only be within 90 days. After that he makes a report and
the SC takes action. Ganun lng kasimple, disiplinado
Removal or disciplining of judges. These are the na yung judge. Oftentimes the penalty is fine,
grounds mentioned under Rule 140 Rules of Court. suspension and dismissal.
Before that, you can hold office up to 70 y.o. but you
can cease to hold office as judge if you are removed, Q: Under Section 7, what are those administrative
disciplined, disbarred, resigned or die early. sanctions?

There were instances, now no more, there were • Serious:

instances before when courts are circuitized. What do o Bribery
you mean by circuitized? You know that in the 1st level o Dishonesty
courts there is the MTC, MTCC, MCTC or MeTC. o Serious misconduct
Before, if you are a judge of one court and your court is o Immorality
circuitized or being joined to another municipality, you
have the option to continue or you will be given • Less serious:
another office by the SC, or you have the option not to o Undue delay in rendering decision
continue being a judge of your court is being circuitized. o Frequent and unjustified absences –
That’s another way that you cease to hold office as a so tardiness. Kahit tardiness,
judge, if your court is being circuitized and you express didisiplinahin ng SC ang judges. So
not to continue. Now there is no more instance, kase pag-late or absenot yung judge,
ngayon padagdag at padagdag tayo ng branches ng court pwede kayo magreklamo. Unless he’s
hindi na lesser. Ngayon increasing na at not on official business or is sick or on
diminishing courts. Noon diminishing. Ngayon adding official leave of absence. Or, if
– more courts because more and more cases are filed in merong unauthorized practice of law
court and the population of the country is increasing so – judge na nga cya nagpaprivate
we need to increase court availability. practice pa cya.


There are 2 ways: o Conduct unbecoming of a judge
o Gambling in public
1.) Verified complaint; or o Fraternizing with lawyers – that’s
2.) Motu proprio what they say this position is very
lonely because we cannot mingle
During the time of Davide, there were many motu
with lawyers and litigants. But if you
proprio cases by the SC. Anung nangyari sa time nya?
have a big family, your social need
Makakita lng cya ng blind item sa newspaper na mabasa
will not be hampered definitely.
nya about a certain judge. Just by that blind item/
comment. Ngayon mas Malala, makakita ln gang mga SANCTIONS:
justices ng blind item sa Facebook, or Twitter or social
media, ipapainvestigate agad. So motu prorpio complaint • Dismissal;

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

• Suspension within 3-6 mos.; judge shall therefore uphold and exemplify judicial
• Fine – 10 to 40k. ngayon lumalaki na depende independence in both its individual and
sa gravity aabot na ng hundreds of thousands. institutional aspects.
Pero mga past cases, the max is only 40k;
Section 1
*The same rules as to suspension and disbarment
of lawyers also applies to judges, the proceeding is Judges shall exercise the judicial function
CONFIDENTIAL. independently on the basis of their assessment of
the facts and in accordance with a conscientious
There are times the SC if you have committed a understanding of the law, free of any extraneous
grave wrong or a serious misconduct, the penalty is influence, inducement, pressure, threat or
also grave. Not just dismissal from service but also interference, direct or indirect, from any quarter or
forfeiture of benefits, including perpetual for any reason.
disqualification from holding public office. Until
you die you are disqualified from holding any gov’t Section 2
office. And forfeiture of any accrued retirement
benefits. Lahat ng mga dapat matatanggap mong In performing judicial duties, Judges shall be
benefits and allowances iforfeit. Even retirement independent from judicial colleagues in respect of
decisions which the judge is obliged to make
benefits iforfeit. Ganun ka harsh ang SC pagdating
sa judges.
Section 3
Judges shall refrain from influencing in any manner
the outcome of litigation or dispute pending before
another court or administrative agency.
Effective June 1, 2004. This is the Bangalore draft.
I would like you to MEMORIZE, very important Section 4
the 6 Cardinal Rules. Sa CPR, Canon 1-22. Sa
judges, canon 1-6 only. Pero lahat mabibigat. Judges shall not allow family, social, or other
relationships to influence judicial conduct or
REMEMBER: 3I-PECD judgment. The prestige of judicial office shall not be
used or lent to advance the private interests of
I – ndependence others, nor convey or permit others to convey the
impression that they are in a special position to
I – ntegrity influence the judge.
I – mpartiality
Section 5
P – ropriety
Judges shall not only be free from inappropriate
E – quality connections with, and influence by, the executive
and legislative branches of government, but must
C – ompetence also appear to be free therefrom to a reasonable
D – iligence observer.

Canon 1 Section 6
Judges shall be independent in relation to society in
Judicial independence is a pre-requisite to the rule general and in relation to the particular parties to a
of law and a fundamental guarantee of a fair trial. A dispute which he or she has to adjudicate.

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

Mass media has its duty to fearlessly but faithfully

Section 7 inform the public about events and persons.
However, when a case has received wide and
Judges shall encourage and uphold safeguards for sensational publicity, the trial court should be
the discharge of judicial duties in order to maintain doubly careful not only to be fair and impartial but
and enhance the institutional and operational also to give the appearance of complete objectivity in
independence of the judiciary. its handling of the case (Concurring opinion of J.
Gutierrez, Jr.)
There must be COMPLETE OBJECTIVITY in handling the
Section 8
case by the trial court.

Judges shall exhibit and promote high standards of

judicial conduct in order to reinforce public Discussion:
confidence in the judiciary which is fundamental Remember the case of Ampatuan. So there is a live
to the maintenance of judicial independence
coverage. How the court remains independent, the SC
provided the trial judge with 6 security personnel. No
Canon 1 is about INDEPENDENCE. one can get near her. She was provided with 10 legal
researchers. She cannot even stay long with her family
JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE is a pre-requisite to the because it was a public trial. It was a sensational case.
rule of law and the fundamental guaranty of a fair trial. That was the murder of the century, they say. That was
A judge shall therefore uphold and exemplify judicial a multiply murder case – massacre. I8mstead of the 90-
independence in both his individual and institutional day period required within which to decide a case
aspect. That’s why judges cannot just mingle with under the Rules of Criminal Procedure, she was given
lawyers and litigants. Avoid impropriety to maintain a 1-year period to decide. As there were a lot of victims,
independence. Ano ang dapat tandaan sa independent there were a lot of private complainants. And of course,
judicial function? So wala pakialam dito yung mga there were hundreds of accused. Imagine, the decision
politico. You should not be swayed by political is more than 700 pgs. So that is one example of how a
pressures from the executive and legislative department. judge maintains independence.
The judiciary should be independent. You should be
free from outside pressure. You should not be PEOPLE v. VENERACION
influenced by the outcome of the litigation. You should (1995)
be independent from executive and legislative govt’s or
depts. of gov’t. You should be independent of society
and particular parties or groups. You are to safeguard
The judge found defendants guilty beyond
that independence by all means in order to promote reasonable doubt of the crime of rape with
public confidence. So read through sections 1-8 of homicide. However, he sentenced the accused with
Canon 1. reclusion perpetua instead of death. At that time,
death penalty was still imposable.
REMEMBER: In independence, it is a pre-
requisite in the rule of law and fundamental In other words, apply the law as it is.
guarantee of fair trial. If the judge is not
independent, there can be no fair trial.
“A court of law is no place for a protracted debate on the
morality or propriety of the sentence, where the law itself
GO v. CA provides for the sentence of death as a penalty in specific
(206 SCRA 165) and well-defined instances.”


©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

So na at stake yung independence ng judge. Bakit kaya quarter or for any reason.” Emphasis on the phrase for any
nagimpose cya ng reclusion perpetua when it should have reason. So kahit may death threat kana dyan, wag kang
been death? So questionable. Sometimes it can be ma-sway. Maintain your independence. Like for
regarded as disregard of the law. So di kana example in my case. I received a threat during the
independent. Meron kang personal bias for or against. pendency of the case. Is till decided the case based on
conscience, record, trial, manifestations of lawyers,
SABITSANA v. VILLAMOR pleadings, evidence submitted to court. After my
(202 SCRA 445)
decision all the more I received a threat. Despite of that,
I gave my decision.
Canon 2
Cardinal is the rule that a Judge should avoid
impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all
activities. The Canons mince no words in mandating
Integrity is essential not only to the proper discharge
that a Judge shall refrain from influencing in any
of the judicial office but also to the personal
manner the outcome of litigation or dispute pending
demeanor of judges.
before another Court (Canon 2, Rule 2.04).
Interference by members of the bench in-pending
Section 1
suits with the end in view of influencing the course
or the result of litigation does not only subvert the
Judges shall ensure that not only is their conduct
independence of the judiciary but also undermines
above reproach, but that it is perceived to be so in
the people's faith in its integrity and impartiality
the view of a reasonable observer.
(Commentaries on the Code of Judicial Conduct).
Section 2

Discussion: The behavior and conduct of judges must reaffirm

the people's faith in the integrity of the judiciary.
“Interference by members of the bench in-pending suits with Justice musty not merely be done but must also be
the end in view of influencing the course or the result of seen to be done.
litigation does not only subvert the independence of the
judiciary xxx.” What does that mean? Judges cannot
interfere with the proceedings and trial of other judges.
What you need to remember in integrity:
They should not even discuss this or mention this with
a friend judge while the case is pending. So you should
That is mentioned in Section 1 that you should
not influence or you should not give opinion especially
maintain people’s faith. That faith that should always
when you’re in public. You should not give opinion or
believe in the justice system. That is the standard. If not,
you should not influence another judge of what you
then you will be in for disciplinary action. If other
think of that case. You should not even discuss trial of
lawyers will not follow, then you can discipline lawyers.
cases pending. You should not even discuss it with your
You can make orders or charge them for direct or
wife or husband. For example, in my case I don’t share
indirect contempt.
anything with my family, with my best friend of what
I’m doing in court or in a particular case. Sometimes I You know that judges have been penalized because of
make jokes only of what is happening in court, but not this integrity. Why? There are many judges, because
mention particular cases. temptation sets in, they demand or receive or accept
INDEPENDENCE – the meaning as contemplated in
the Code of Judicial Conduct, you read through o They fraternize litigants or lawyers;
Section 1: “xxx free of any extraneous influence, inducement, o They alter orders;
pressure, threat or interference, direct or indirect, from any o They delay in rendering justice;

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

o They delay in rendering decision or order; very courteous, before they file a MFR or they
o Sexual harassment of employees under their appeal to the decision of the judge, they will talk to
supervision or authority; the judge and inform the judge that they will file a
o Ignorance of the law; MFR or appeal. There must be fair languages in
o Keeping or flaunting with mistress or other your pleadings also.
o Frequenting in casinos or cockfights; Section 3
o Gambling;
o Incompetence; Judges should take or initiate appropriate
disciplinary measures against lawyers or court
o Conduct hearings in residence – in fact there
personnel for unprofessional conduct of which the
is a circular by the SC that you are not to stay
judge may have become aware.
in the halls of justice and make the hall of
justice as your home, and do not make your
home your court. You can work in your home
but you cannot make it your court. Judges are Judges can also discipline others like their personnel
even penalized for solemnizing weddings in and lawyers.
other places. Now judges are very careful
because there is now a circular mandating us Example: Direct or indirect contempt.
that judges must solemnize marriage in open CONDUCT BEYOND REPROACH: Free from
court, in your court. Not anywhere or conduct which may tend to sway the faith of the
somewhere else. So bawal na ngayon ang public in the judicial system.
garden weddings, pero merong judge na
nagsosolemnize parin. Yung judge na So you have to maintain the people’s faith. Number
nagsolemnize sa wedding ni Sarah and one require of conduct beyond reproach is HONESTY.
Matteo, nameet naming during the
A.M. No. MTJ-98-1144. July 22, 1998
convention of women judges. They solemnize
the wedding in a hotel. Very private. So
ngayon halos lahat ng judge di na nag aaccept FEMENINA LAZARO-BARRETO,
ng kasal sa labas ng court to avoid charges of complainants, vs. Judge ARMANDO C. DE ASA,
impartiality, independence and impropriety. Metropolitan Trial Court, Branch 51, Caloocan
City, Respondent.
I mentioned to you last time na lawyers are
required to study, all the more judges. Konting
”A judge who kissed a court employee and a policewoman
pagkakamali, you can be charged with ignorance of on the lips.”
the law. Remember we are bro/sis lawyers. Kung
magkamali yung judge, huwag naman kayo file HELD:
kaagad ng complaint. Pwedeng you call the
attention of the judge or you file a motion kung di xxx a judge must not only appear to be a good judge;
naman grave or intentional. Magtulungan tayo. he must also appear to be a good person.
Because sometimes the judge will call your
attention, tulungan ka rin ng judge. Even the judge
will suggest to you what you will do with your
client. Give and take. Kung di naman grave yung
pagkakamali ng judge, you can call the attention of Masyadong mataas ang standard. Parang di na pwedeng
the judge or ask to talk with the judge in his/her magkamali ang judge. Parang perfect na masyado.
chamber para ma correct nya yung mali nya esp sa Grabe ka demanding ang Code of Judicial Conduct. Of
decision or order. Or kung decided na before course we know that no one is perfect. Sad to know na
finality, you file MFR. There are lawyers who are

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

may judge na ang pangalan is Perfecto and Honesto, Minimize the instances wherein the judge will be
but they were disciplined by the SC for irreproachable disqualified. The moment na mawala na yung trust and
conduct and dishonesty. confidence ng litigants, the party-litigants can anytime
file a motion for inhibition so that the judge cannot
Canon 3 take cognizance of the case or to continue the trial of
Impartiality the case. That’s why bawal saamin ang mag comment.
Pag may issue ang pinapa comment lng nila ay mga
Impartiality is essential to the proper discharge of
Congressman, Senador at Presidente, but not judges.
the judicial office. It applies not only to the decision
Even justices ng SC. Only Court Admin. Atty. Midas
itself but also to the process by which the decision
to made. Marquez would show in an interview, or Atty. Lee of
the SC who is in charge of public info. Walang justice,
walang judge. Bawal. Esp during the pendency of the
What you have to remember in IMPARTIALITY is case.
that the judge should be free from any bias or
prejudices. Impartiality is also essential to the proper Section 3
discharge of the judicial office. It applies not only to the
Judges shall, so far as is reasonable, so conduct
decision itself but also to the process by which the decision to
themselves as to minimize the occasions on which it
made. So dapat walang bias ang judge di lng sa decision will be necessary for them to be disqualified from
but even in the court process during trial from start to hearing or deciding cases.
finish. That means from the start, it can be arraignment
or a motion or reduction of bail. The way how you Section 4
started the case or how the judge imposed the issuance
of a WOA. From that moment until execution or Judges shall not knowingly, while a proceeding is
sentencing or promulgation of judgment. As I’ve said, before, or could come before, them make any
from start to finish, you should show impartiality. comment that might reasonably be expected to
affect the outcome of such proceeding or impair the
Section 1 manifest fairness of the process. Nor shall judges
make any comment in public or otherwise that
Judges shall perform their judicial duties without might affect the fair trial of any person or issue.
favor, bias or prejudice.
Section 5

Judges shall disqualify themselves from participating

The duty to be free from biases. No fear. No favor. in any proceedings in which they are unable to
Dapat di matakot yung judge. The judge should decide the matter impartially or in which it may
maintain the faith and confidence of the public to appear to a reasonable observer that they are unable
promote it. to decide the matter impartially. Such proceedings
include, but are not limited to, instances where
Section 2
The judge has actual bias or prejudice concerning a
Judges shall ensure that his or her conduct, both in party or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary
and out of court, maintains and enhances the facts concerning the proceedings;
confidence of the public, the legal profession and
litigants in the impartiality of the judge and of the The judge previously served as a lawyer or was a
judiciary. material witness in the matter in controversy;

The judge, or a member of his or her family, has an

economic interest in the outcome of the matter in

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

o Party-litigants – 6th degree

The judge served as executor, administrator, o Counsel – 4th degree
guardian, trustee or lawyer in the case or matter in
controversy, or a former associate of the judge Imagine pag counsel malapit-lapit. 4th degree is 1st
served as counsel during their association, or the cousin. So kung 3rd cousin, pwede na di na kayo mag
judge or lawyer was a material witness therein; inhibit. But in my case, even 4th uncle, the fact that we
have the same family name, I voluntarily inhibited from
The judge's ruling in a lower court is the subject of the case. Kahit na friend ng kapatid mo. Esp na you
review; know na firend yan ng kapatid mo at close sainyo, the
judge should inhibit.
The judge is related by consanguinity or affinity to a
party litigant within the sixth civil degree or to DISQUALIFICATION v. INHIBITION
counsel within the fourth civil degree; or

The judge knows that his or her spouse or child has DISQUALIFICATION INHIBITION
a financial interest, as heir, legatee, creditor,
fiduciary, or otherwise, in the subject matter in BASIS Very specific and No specific
controversy or in a party to the proceeding, or any exclusive. grounds. It has
other interest that could be substantially affected by a very broad
the outcome of the proceedings; basis such as
good ethical
delicadeza, etc.
Ok, Section 5. I’ve already mentioned to you Rule 137 So
about DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDGES. Grounds discretionary
for disqualification under Rule 137, Section 1: sa judge
RULE 137 Discretionary
sa parties to
Disqualification of Judicial Officers ask for the
inhibition of
Section 1. Disqualification of judges. — No judge or the judge.
judicial officer shall sit in any case in which he, or
his wife or child, is pecuniarily interested as heir, Bakit may
legatee, creditor or otherwise, or in which he is discretion?
related to either party within the sixth degree of Simple,
consanguinity or affinity, or to counsel within the nawalan na
fourth degree, computed according to the rules of sila ng tiwala
the civil law, or in which he has been executor, or may duda
administrator, guardian, trustee or counsel, or in sila. May duda
which he has been presided in any inferior court sila sa
when his ruling or decision is the subject of review, competence,
without the written consent of all parties in interest, diligence, etc.
signed by them and entered upon the record. of the judge.
Ang iba
A judge may, in the exercise of his sound discretion, abusive na
disqualify himself from sitting in a case, for just or masyado, to
valid reasons other than those mentioned above. get a favorable
ipainhibit nila
ning judge pag

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

nefeel nila na burdensome by the ordinary citizen and should do

di sila makaget so freely and willingly. In particular, judges conduct
ug favorable themselves in a way that is consistent with the
judgment, dignity of the judicial office.
punta sila
saibang judge. Section 3
So ano yun?
Forum Judges shall, in their personal relations with
shopping. individual members of the legal profession who
practice regularly in their court, avoid situations
The judicial officer has The matter is which might reasonably give rise to the suspicion or
no discretion to sit or try left to the appearance of favoritism or partiality.
the case. She is being sound
disqualified (Rule 137, discretion of Section 4
Section 1, par. 1). the judge or
party. Judges shall not participate in the determination of
You should inhibit by a case in which any member of their family
reason of law. represents a litigant or is associated in any manner
with the case.

Section 5
Section 6
Judges shall not allow the use of their residence by a
A judge disqualified as stated above may, instead of member of the legal profession to receive clients of
withdrawing from the proceeding, disclose on the the latter or of other members of the legal
records the basis of disqualification. If, based on profession.
such disclosure, the parties and lawyers
independently of the judge's participation, all agree Section 6
in writing that the reason for the inhibition is
immaterial or unsubstantial, the judge may then Judges, like any other citizen, are entitled to freedom
participate in the proceeding. The agreement, of expression, belief, association and assembly, but
signed by all parties and lawyers, shall be in exercising such rights, they shall always conduct
incorporated in the record of the proceedings. themselves in such a manner as to preserve the
dignity of the judicial office and the impartiality and
independence of the judiciary.
Canon 4
Propriety Section 7
Propriety and the appearance of propriety are
essential to the performance of all the activities of Judges shall inform themselves about their personal
a judge. fiduciary financial interests and shall make
reasonable efforts to be informed about the
Section 1 financial interests of members of their family.

Judges shall avoid impropriety and the appearance Section 8

of impropriety in all of their activities.
Judges shall not use or lend the prestige of the
Section 2 judicial office to advance their private interests, or
those of a member of their family or of anyone else,
As a subject of constant public scrutiny, judges must nor shall they convey or permit others to convey the
accept personal restrictions that might be viewed as impression that anyone is in a special position

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

improperly to influence them in the performance of

judicial duties. Judges shall not knowingly permit court staff or
others subject to their influence, direction or
Section 9 as last updated by OCA Cir. 103-06 authority, to ask for, or accept, any gift, bequest,
(2006) loan or favor in relation to anything done or to be
done or omitted to be done in connection with their
Confidential information acquired by judges in duties or functions.
their judicial capacity shall not be used or disclosed
for any other purpose NOT related to their judicial Section 15
Subject to law and to any legal requirements of
Section 10 public disclosure, judges may receive a token gift,
award or benefit as appropriate to the occasion on
Subject to the proper performance of judicial duties, which it is made provided that such gift, award or
judges may: benefit might not reasonably be perceived as
intended to influence the judge in the performance
Write, lecture, teach and participate in activities of judicial duties or otherwise give rise to an
concerning the law, the legal system, the appearance of partiality.
administration of justice or related matters;

Appear at a public hearing before an official body PROPRIETY AND APPEARANCE OF

concerned with matters relating to the law, the legal PROPRIETY. That’s why even in robes. So uniform
system, the administration of justice or related an gaming black robe. Walang magarang robe. Pareho
matters; lng yang lahat issued by the SC. SC Circular demands
us to be formal at all times. So walang naka jeans na
Engage in other activities if such activities do not judge. Kung may nakita kayong nakajeans na judge
detract from the dignity of the judicial office or papunta ng court, punahin nyo. Even the judge can
otherwise interfere with the performance of judicial
discipline lawyers for not wearing proper attire in their
appearance in court. That’s why kayo, estudyante
Section 11 palang may dress code na para masanay kayo. Who
knows? One or two or three or all of you will become
Judges shall not practice law whilst the holder of judicial officers later or become magistrates. Sanay na
judicial office. kayong magformal. Yung respectable yung gayak ninyo.
RESPECTABLE. Bawal saamin ang magshorts, pwera
Section 12 lng kung nasa beach ka. When you’re in Rome, be a
Roman. Kung saan ka na place, dapat proper yung attire
Judges may form or join associations of judges or mo. Kung official function and even social function,
participate in other organizations representing the judges are not to wear informal attire.
interests of judges.
So what is to be remembered in CANON 4? Good
Section 13 manners and right conduct. That means any act that
should not lessen the dignity of the judge or avoidance
Judges and members of their families shall neither of any action that would lessen the dignity of your court
ask for, nor accept, any gift, bequest, loan or favor
or office. Imagine PROPRIETY AND
in relation to anything done or to be done or
omitted to be done by him or her in connection
maintained. Read through Sections 1-15.
with the performance of judicial duties.

Section 14

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

VENUSTIANO SABURNIDO v. JUDGE A.M. No. RTJ-04-1891. July 28, 2005

It was highly improper for a judge to have wielded a
highpowered firearm in public and besieged the HELD:
house of a perceived defamer of character and honor
in warlike fashion and berated the object of his ire, While the judges are only human, their acceptance
with his firearm aimed at the victim xxx. of the judicial position means that more is expected
from them than from ordinary citizens as their acts,
From the FT of the case: both private and public, color the public’s
perception of the judiciary as a whole.
It was highly improper for a judge to have wielded a
Even in your private affairs, not just in public, you
highpowered firearm in public and besieged the
house of a perceived defamer of character and honor should observe good manners and right conduct.
in warlike fashion and berated the object of his ire, Dignified conduct is best described as conduct
with his firearm aimed at the victim — an unarmed befitting men and women possessed of temperance and
policeman, also a person in authority at that, thereby respect for the law and for others.
threatening the latter’s life. In so doing, respondent
judge committed an act of grave impropriety Indeed, a judge’s personal behavior, not only while in
unbecoming of a judge and in violation of the Code the performance of official duties, must be beyond
of Judicial Conduct, specifically, Rule 2.01, Canon reproach, being the visible personification of law and of
2, to wit: justice [Re: Anonymous Complaint Against Acuña
IMPROPRIETY AND THE APPEARANCE OF Some instances when judges were rebuked:
IMPROPRIETY IN ALL ACTIVITIES Rule 2.01 (1) Making sexually suggestive advances to
— A judge should so behave at all times as to promote public
women [Marianov. Gonzales (1982)];
confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the
(2) Writing letter to a married woman to come
Verily, the actuations of respondent Judge tend to to the sala after 5 pm [Hadap v. Lee (1982)];
destroy the reputation that judges are unblemished
in character and firmly adhere to a code of right (3) Assigning a female stenographer to a judge’s
conduct. chamber [Ritual v. Valencia (1978)];

Discussion: NOTE:

Kahit na githreaten or gidefame ka, hwag kang o AM No. 18-01-05-SC

manugod doon sa kalaban mo. Eto yung nangyari, sag o Terms of office of judges – Judges once
alit nya na gi-defame cya, sinugod nya. Tinutukan nya appointed, it’s a personal or permanent
pa ng baril. High-powered forearm pa yung bitbit nya. appointment. There’s no such thing as a
Huwag ganunna diretsohin mo sugurin yung tao. You temporary appointment. Once you are
go through a proper proceeding. appointed as judge/justice, you’ll have that

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

position until you are removed, you retire,

dismissed, resign or there is termination of
your office. Except for SC justices, the removal
is only by impeachment. All others, the term The only basis of the judge is the rules and the laws.
of office is until you retire at 70. But there is a Not to base the treatment of the case as to his/her
new law regarding OPTIONAL biases, personal beliefs and treatment as to people’s
RETIREMENT. Judges now can retire at the cultural, religious background whatsoever. Very
age of 60 (the minimum age of retirement), important. The very important and basic requirement
provided that you comply with some as to equality, that is in Section 2.
Section 2
For you to avail of the benefits due to judges and
justices: Judges shall not, in the performance of judicial
duties, by words or conduct, manifest bias or
1.) You reach the age of 60 y.o. – because 70 y.o. prejudice towards any person or group on irrelevant
is the compulsory retirement. grounds.
2.) You must have served the gov’t for at least 15
3.) You must have served the judiciary for 5 yrs as
judge. Not to manifest bias or prejudice. So as mentioned in
impropriety also, you will not show your biases or
*So 5-15-60 prejudices because you can be charged of impropriety.
Of course subject to the computation of your Section 3
accrued accumulated benefits. For judges,
including the computation of the retirement Judges shall carry out judicial duties with
benefits. That includes allowances not just salary. appropriate consideration for all persons, such as
the parties, witnesses, lawyers, court staff and
Canon 5 judicial colleagues, without differentiation on any
Equality irrelevant ground, immaterial to the proper
performance of such duties.
Ensuring equality of treatment to all before the
courts is essential to the due performance of the Section 4
judicial office.
Judges shall not knowingly permit court staff or
others subject to his or her influence, direction or
control to differentiate between persons concerned,
So essential is EQUALITY to all litigants, all parties, all in a matter before the judge on any irrelevant
lawyers. Even those affected by court decisions like the ground.
issuance of court processes. And even as to employees
– court ees and staff.

Section 1 You are not to be influenced by your court staff and

personnel whatever is their opinion to the case;
Judges shall be aware of, and understand, diversity whatever is the public opinion of the case, that should
in society and differences arising from various not matter.
sources, including but not limited to race, color, sex,
religion, national origin, caste, disability, age, Q: What is the proper attitude to parties appearing in
marital status, sexual orientation, social and court?
economic status and other like causes.

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

Everyone is regarded with respect; with fairness. This is inhibit the judge by reason of Rule 131, Section 1. Not
the new canon of EQUALITY not found in the old only just by decision but it includes also xx if you see
canon of judicial conduct. The new code of judicial that the judge’s bias in his resolution of the pending
conduct is based on the Bangalore Draft approved in motions. Even during, how the judge treats the lawyers
2004. The old code does not include equality. Now it’s and party-litigants in open-court, that is included.
being emphasized. As mentioned in Section 1, regardless
of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, caste, disability, Section 5
age, marital status, sexual orientation, social and economic
status and other like causes. To render substantial justice Judges shall require lawyers in proceedings before
and maintain public confidence in the judicial system, the court to refrain from manifesting, by words or
judges are expected to be aware of the diversity of conduct, bias or prejudice based on irrelevant
people, society and even social conditions. grounds, except such as are legally relevant to an
issue in proceedings and may be the subject of
legitimate advocacy.
Section 2

Judges shall not, in the performance of judicial EMPHASIS: It even includes gender-bias language in
duties, by words or conduct, manifest bias or court – in open-court and in decision. So judges are
prejudice towards any person or group on irrelevant mandated to use fair language in open-court or in its
grounds. decision or resolution or order. So there is a training
for judges as to this – how to use gender-fair languages
in resolution and in decision-making. Di na
May I refer you to Rule 137, Section 1 of the Rules of chairman/woman. NOW: Chairperson na. Those are
Court as to the inhibition or disqualification of judges. samples of words and phrases used that can be used to
void biases and prejudices or to avoid appearance of
RULE 137 seemingly bias languages or words and phrases.
Disqualification of Judicial Officers
Also the judges are to discipline lawyers esp. during
Section 1. Disqualification of judges. — No judge or cross-examination. Remember when I discussed about
judicial officer shall sit in any case in which he, or cross-examination. There is a rule of how to treat
his wife or child, is pecuniarily interested as heir, witnesses. You are not to antagonize the witness. If the
legatee, creditor or otherwise, or in which he is judge sees it, the judge should protect the witness. The
related to either party within the sixth degree of judge has the duty to prevent lawyers from abusing or
consanguinity or affinity, or to counsel within the making unfair treatment with witnesses or opposing
fourth degree, computed according to the rules of litigants/lawyers.
the civil law, or in which he has been executor,
administrator, guardian, trustee or counsel, or in Section 3. Rights and obligations of a witness. — A
which he has been presided in any inferior court witness must answer questions, although his
when his ruling or decision is the subject of review, answer may tend to establish a claim against him.
without the written consent of all parties in interest, However, it is the right of a witness:
signed by them and entered upon the record.
(1) To be protected from irrelevant, improper, or
A judge may, in the exercise of his sound discretion, insulting questions, and from harsh or insulting
disqualify himself from sitting in a case, for just or demeanor;
valid reasons other than those mentioned above.
(2) Not to be detained longer than the interests of
justice require;
The prohibition is not only limited to cases in which
the judge hears the evidence but includes cases where
he acts by resolving motion. You can file a motion to

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

(3) Not to be examined except only as to matters Section 7

pertinent to the issue;
Judges shall not engage in conduct incompatible
(4) Not to give an answer which will tend to subject with the diligent discharge of judicial duties.
him to a penalty for an offense unless otherwise
provided by law; or
(5) Not to give an answer which will tend to COMPETENT AND DILIGENT BEFORE HE/SHE
degrade his reputation, unless it to be the very fact ASSUMES JUDICIAL FUNCTIONS.
at issue or to a fact from which the fact in issue
would be presumed. But a witness must answer to That’s why mandatory for all judges right after appoint
the fact of his previous final conviction for an or before exercising judicial functions to have
offense. (3a, 19a) undergone mandatory seminar and immersion
program for judges. Maybe you have witnessed 2 judges
sitting in open-court, one of which is under immersion.
The judge has to keep that in mind also keep that in What is important is to make the competent and
mind also what are the rights and duties of the diligent. Judicial duty is over and above the activities of
witnesses and how to protect them. The judge must also the judge. That’s why there is a lot of prohibitions for
remind lawyers as to their obligations as lawyers and judges. They cannot be officers of some civic orgs if it
how to relate with clients and opposing lawyers and will hamper or affect their time dedicated for judicial
litigants. So you know that with your Code of duties and functions. They are not to be BOD of other
Professional Responsibility for lawyers. orgs except magistrate associations – like Phil. Judges
Lastly… Assoc. or Phil. Women Judges Assoc. or Phil. Trial
Judges Assoc. – so those are exemptions. Some of those
Canon 6 are ways of magistrates to become updated because
Competence and Diligence there are mandatory seminars spearheaded by these
associations. Other than that, you are prohibited or you
Competence and diligence are prerequisites to the are limited.
due performance of judicial office.
Section 2
Section 1
Judges shall devote their professional activity to
The judicial duties of a judge take precedence over judicial duties, which include not only the
all other activities. performance of judicial functions and
responsibilities in court and the making of
decisions, but also other tasks relevant to the judicial
office or the court's operations.

Section 6

Judges shall maintain order and decorum in all As mentioned by the SC through the OCA, the judge
proceedings before the court and be patient, should dedicate all of his/her time as a judge. Except as
dignified and courteous in relation to litigants, to your time with your personal life, all others you
witnesses, lawyers and others with whom the judge should be full-time. Although my friends would give me
deals in an official capacity. Judges shall require a joke that I’m only a part-time judge because I have
similar conduct of legal representatives, court staff other activities – family and church commitments. We
and others subject to their influence, direction or
are to show that we are professionally engaged. That’s
why as to being professor in law school, there are certain
guidelines. We are prohibited from being full=time

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

professors. There is a limit as to a certain number of Discussion:

hrs. we cannot teach during office hrs. or during court-
One of the grounds for filing of an admin case against
mandated sessions except today – Monday and when I
a judge is gross ignorance of the law. So if there’s a big
have to have make-up classes to you. So I have to take a
difference of error of judgment and error or
leave. I will charge it to my forfeitable leave because you
proceedings; error in the dispensation of justice.
are expected to be in your court hrs. not to any other
activities outside judicial functions. A.M. No. MTJ-05-1601. August 11, 2005
Section 3 MERCEDES G. DUDUACO, complainant, vs.
Judges shall take reasonable steps to maintain and Municipal Circuit Trial Court, Kabacan, North
enhance their knowledge, skills and personal Cotabato, Respondent.
qualities necessary for the proper performance of
judicial duties, taking advantage for this purpose of HELD:
the training and other facilities which should be
made available, under judicial control, to judges. To constitute gross ignorance of the law, the acts
complained of must not only be contrary to existing
law and jurisprudence but were motivated by bad
faith, fraud, dishonesty and corruption. [19] On the
Complete study like the cases I gave to you, the SC is
other hand, misconduct is any unlawful conduct on
from time to time mandating us xx the Philippine the part of a person concerned in the administration
Judicial Academy, the education arm of the SC, of justice prejudicial to the rights of parties or to the
regularly requires judges to attend mandatory for all right determination of the cause. It generally means
judges to attend seminars updating training set by the wrongful, improper or unlawful conduct motivated
PhilJA. by a premeditated, obstinate or intentional purpose.

A.M. RTJ No. 03-1775. April 30, 2003]

Dr. ISAGANI A. CRUZ, complainant, vs. Judge
PHILBERT I. ITURRALDE, Regional Trial Discussion:
Court, Antipolo City, Branch 72, Respondent.
Plain error or judgment or honest mistake by the judge
“Not every erroneous act will subject a judge to does not amount to ignorance of the law unless
disciplinary sanctions. Only judicial errors tainted with motivated by or included in it, the SC finds that there
bad faith, fraud, dishonesty, gross ignorance or deliberate is bad faith, fraud, dishonesty and corruption – absence of
intent to do an injustice will be administratively such, the judge cannot be meted a penalty by the SC for
sanctioned.” error of judgment.

HELD: Section 4

Judges are not however expected to be infallible. Not Judges shall keep themselves informed about
every error or irregularity committed by a judge in relevant developments of international law,
the performance of official duties is subject to including international conventions and other
administrative sanction. In the absence of bad faith, instruments establishing human rights norms.
fraud, dishonesty or deliberate intent to do
injustice, incorrect rulings do not constitute More importantly…
misconduct and may not give rise to a charge of
gross ignorance of the law. Section 4

Judges shall keep themselves informed about

relevant developments of international law,

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

including international conventions and other o Pending motions – motions including

instruments establishing human rights norms. demurrer to evidence which can either resolve
interlocutory orders of the courts, as to
motions including interlocutory orders has to
be resolves within 30 days.
So judges are given much privilege for research. That’s
why all judges all over the country are given laptops as *Depending on the case load of judges, the judges
instrument for legal research from time to time. Like cannot resolve within the 90-day period. If it’s
the cases I sent you. The latest ones are the SC given to impossible for you to decide within the 90-day or
judges. The one in 2017 and 2019. Those are from the 30-day period under the rules, you are to file a
PhilJA. So from time to time we receive that. It’s called request for extension – EXTENSION OF TIME
electronic alerts given to us. I choose relevant ones so TO RESOLVE OR DECIDE A CASE. Just like
you can take a look and read through those cases. you lawyers, you are to file an extension of time
Included in the efficiency is the prompt decision- within which to file pleadings in court, so the judge
making. has discretionary power whether to deny or grant
your motion for extension to file pleading or to file
Section 5 answer, in the case of judges, request for extension
of time to resolve or decide a particular case.
Judges shall perform all judicial duties, including Provided that request is filed before the OCA
the delivery of reserved decisions, efficiently, fairly before the expiration of the reglamentary period
and with reasonable promptness. for you to resolve or decide a particular case. So if
you are to decide a case under the 90-day period,
your request must be before the 90-day period
EMPHASIS ON: Efficiently, fairly and promptly. expires. In the same case that if you are to request
for extension within the 30-day period, you are to
The rules require certain reglamentary periods within file that request before the 30-day period expires.
which to decide or resolve cases. Be sure that the OCA received your request prior
to the expiration of the 30-day period. So the
Cases in the REGULAR RULES that are to be decided
judge must see to it or determine first and foremost
within the 90-day period. Cases under the SUMMARY
if he/she can resolve the case within the
RULES are to be decided within the 30-day period.
reglamentary period required by law.
Q: What are those cases under the summary rules?
For small claims cases, no extension is allowed.
o Civil cases – UD and FE; The 1-day period is final. even the decision is NOT
o Criminal cases – those with imposable penalty appealable. So judges during the orientation of
of not more than 6 mos. So yung mga light party-litigants without their lawyers, has to explain
offenses, majority of such regardless of the the rules to complainants, plaintiffs and
pecuniary penalty like fine. 6 mos. Below, defendants in small claims cases. And that one
judges are to decide them within the 30-day emphasis of the rules aside from no lawyer is
period. allowed to appear is the mode or the procedure in
o Small claims cases under the small claims which there is no privilege of appeal. So sometimes
rule – regardless of the amt involved, now it’s I tell the litigants na di to aabot ng SC. Kng may
up to P300K for MTC, MCTC and P400k for reklamo kayo sa decision ng judge di to aabot ng
MeTC and courts under the NCR judicial SC kase walang appeal.
region, these small claims are to be decided or
[A.M. No. MTJ-99-1211. January 28, 2000.]
resolved within 24 hrs. – one day only. And
one day postponement/resetting. One day
resetting; one day to decide.

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

ZENAIDA S. BESO, Complainant, v. Judge help them. But those records of cases which have
JUAN DAGUMAN, MCTC, Sta. Margarita- been completely disposed of by the court were lost
Tarangan-Pagsanjan, Samar, Respondent. or got destroyed, there was a process of
RECONSTITUTION. For all other, until now we
HELD: could not retrieve or reconstitute. Very sorry for
those litigants who needed copies of decisions and
A nudge neglected his duty when he failed to
evidences, we could not give it to them anymore.
exercise extra care ensuring the official records
We can only trace it to the docket book. But now
of the case and official docs in his custody were
intact. This Court reiterates that judges must there’s a committee established by the SC to have
adopt a system of record management and digital records of decisions and evidences
organize their dockets in order to bolster the submitted to court. We have e-courts. Maybe we’ll
prompt and efficient dispatch of business. 10 It have virtual records in the future.
is, in fact, incumbent upon him to devise an
efficient recording and filing system in his court NOTE: READ THROUGH THOSE CASE
because he is after all the one directly THAT I SENT LAST SATURDAY. MAYBE
responsible for the proper discharge of his I’LL PICK-UP SOME OF THOSE CASES
official functions. FOR THE EXAM.


I would like to tell you that the upkeep of court

records is the main responsibility of the clerk of
In your syllabus for the 2019 Bar Exams, the practical
court. However, judges should also cooperate or
exercises normally included the preparation of
has the shared duty as to the care of case records
pleadings, affidavits, motions. Remember, just review
esp. evidences. There was a judge who was
how to prepare motions. I discussed it with you last
dismissed by the SC for the loss of the case record
semester also. How to prepare; the basic requirements
because he brought the records including to his
as to motions.
home because maybe the judge is used to working
at home also making decisions. However, the case Q: What is the basic requirement for motion?
record got lost including the evidence. Imagine the
judge only for this reason was dismissed. Well if Most important is the CAPTION and the PRAYER.
you lost it without any complaint and you establish
Q: What is the basic requirement for AFFIDAVITS?
reconstruction of the case record and the
evidences, no problem. The SC will exonerate the Last portion is the JURAT. The first part is you state
judge provided there is no corruption, dishonesty, by virtue of law or the rules. “I Eliza Den A. Devilleres,
fraud that accompanies the loss. Court records or after having duly being sworn to in accordance with law
evidences can be reconstituted. Like what hereby depose and say state that xxx.” So you declare, you
happened in Bagangga struck by the devastating express it in the affidavit. And then, subscribe and
typhoon Pablo in 2012. Most of our court records sworn to the jurat portion. Before that, “In
got destroyed. If not destroyed all the rest cannot stating/declaring the foregoing, in truth in accordance with
be retrieved. So there was the process of my personal knowledge and beliefs, I’m attesting to the truth
RECONSTITUTION. So others that cannot be of the foregoing facts.”
retrieved, so sorry for those. But thanks for the
efficiency and promptness of the court staff. At Aside from jurats, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS is
that time, they have no permanent judge but only required for preparation of documents like deed of
acting judge assigned in Surigao, so we could not sale, contracts and agreements, MOAs. For

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

corporations, study and review how to prepare Board Does that exist? If there exists, how will you
Resolutions. “It is hereby resolved in a meeting by the legally justify if it occurs? How is it related to
BOD/BOT, dated _________. Conducted the criminal offense of simulation of birth if
in/at_________.” NOTE: Put the date, time and you register? How is the registration of the
place. Mention particularly especially the date and the birth of the baby?
place of the preparation of the document. Those are
the very important items as to practical exercises. There So those are the problem areas of legal ethics
are some practical questions that are addressed to your which you should find solution legally.
discretion or practical knowledge. Addressed to your
Human rights, adoption and surrogacy
stock knowledge. I hope you have stocked so much not
By: Artemio V. Panganiban -
just Vit. C and banana, the fake news to combat covid
@inquirerdotnetPhilippine Daily Inquirer / 09:08
virus. AM April 21, 2019
TIP: Review as how to prepare those pleadings,
motions, affidavits, resolutions and documents. Riveting and comprehensive was the lecture on
Also, what are the requirements for the attachments human rights, adoption and surrogacy of professor
of docs in your judicial affidavits (JAs). Also, how to Elizabeth A. Pangalangan, one of the 15 holders of
prepare JAs. the Chief Justice Panganiban Professorial Chairs on
Liberty and Prosperity, held recently at UP Diliman.
I advise you, attempt to make one JA, simple
ordinary affidavits (loss, moral character, tenancy Her scholarly, eloquently delivered thesis focused on
this: Adoption and surrogacy are, at the outset,
and landholdings, discrepancy as to name that Maria
parent-centric and are usually contracted by, and for
Alexa and Marie Alexa is one and the same person – as
the benefit of, the adopters and the commissioning
to spelling for example). The very common is
parents to satisfy their craving for parenthood and
affidavit of loss Make practical exercises.
family love. Eventually and doctrinally, however,
courts lean in favor of the best interest and
overarching human rights of the children.
Human rights and adoption have been dissected in
many ways by scholars and jurisprudence. However,
surrogacy is quite novel. Thus, in my limited space
This could be part of your exam or in the bar exam later. today, I will focus on surrogacy. (In a few days,
Pangalangan’s extemporaneous and PowerPoint-
One issue is: assisted lecture will be posted in
after she finishes transcribing and editing it.)
o SURROGACY – There is now the famous
assisted reproductive technologies. Test tube Surrogacy is an arrangement whereby a woman
babies like the one like Joel Cruz. P7M (called surrogate) agrees to bear a child whom she
including legal processes abroad. So these are intends to transfer for custody and care to another
called assisted reproductive technology. or others (the commissioning couple or
commissioning husband/wife) upon the child’s
Q: As to surrogate mother and the would-be- birth.
parents in surrogacy, who is the legal mother
in accordance with Philippine laws? How There are two general types: (1) traditional—the
will you support your answer under the surrogate is inseminated by the commissioning
existing Phil. Law of the country? What does father’s sperms, either naturally or via in vitro
fertilization (or IVF). Here the surrogate, as the egg
the Family Code say about it or the RH Bill
donor, has a genetic link to the child; and (2)
if there is a provision there? Is this sanctioned
gestational — the surrogate carries the embryo
under Phil. laws? That you have to discern.

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

created by the union of the egg and the sperm of the insisting she bore him only because of the surrogacy
commissioning couple. Example: “The delectable contract.
twins of Mar and Korina” (Opinion, 3/10/19).
Mercifully, the Japanese husband claimed the child,
With surrogacy, a child can have two fathers: (1) the but could not bring him to Japan because that
biological and (2) the commissioning. But he/she country does not recognize surrogacy. Thus, it
can have three mothers: (1) the genetic or biological refused to give him a passport. The husband’s
mother (the source of the egg), (2) the petition to adopt the child was denied, because India
commissioning mother and (3) the surrogate who bans single-parent adoption.
bears and gives birth to the child.
On humanitarian grounds, the Supreme Court of
India eventually allowed the child to leave India with
According to Article 164 of the Family Code, a certification (not passport), and Japan issued him
“Children conceived as a result of artificial a tourist visa. I think this case illustrates the
insemination of the wife with the sperms of the complications that legislation must anticipate to
husband or that of a donor or both are… legitimate solve similar problems that could involve Filipinos.
children of the husband and his wife, provided, that
both of them authorized or ratified such Comments to
insemination in a written instrument executed and
signed by them before the birth of the child.” No Read more:
other Philippine law governs artificial insemination
or surrogacy. rights-adoption-and-surrogacy#ixzz6HLTICIvF
Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter |
That surrogacy services are now offered in several inquirerdotnet on Facebook
local hospitals and that many Filipinos have gone
abroad to avail of it should be enough to impel
Congress to legislate on it, consistent with our o ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,
Constitution and family values. MACHINE INTELLIGENCE,
Professor Pangalangan offers four possible legislative INTERNET LAWYERING v. LAW
options: (1) prohibit all forms of surrogacy; (2) PRACTICE IN THE PHILS. – What does
prohibit commercial surrogacy but allow altruistic the case of Cayetano v. Monsod say about this?
ones, that is, prohibit payment to the surrogate What are those authorized and unauthorized
because trading in human flesh is abhorrent but practice in the Phils? Take a look also at the
allow surrogacy when no financial reward is made;
case of Phil. Lawyer’s Assoc. v. Agrava.
(3) allow but regulate commercial surrogacy; and (4)
allow all kinds of surrogacy arrangements.
RENATO L. CAYETANO, petitioner, vs.
Our Supreme Court has not issued any decision CHRISTIAN MONSOD, HON. JOVITO R.
involving surrogacy. But Pangalangan discussed SALONGA, COMMISSION ON
many foreign decisions, the most interesting being APPOINTMENTS, and HON.
Yamada vs Union of India (Sept. 29, 2008). Here, GUILLERMO CARAGUE, in his capacity as
Baby Boy Manji was born in India from the egg of Secretary of Budget and Management,
an Indian surrogate and the sperm of a Japanese respondents.
Constitutional Law; Qualifications of
Unfortunately, prior to his birth, the commissioning COMELEC Chairman; “Practice of law”
Japanese couple separated. Saying she had no genetic defined.—Practice of law means any activity, in
link to the child, the ex-wife refused to take him. or out of court, which requires the application
Neither did the surrogate want to keep the baby, of law, legal procedure, knowledge, training and

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

experience. “To engage in the practice of law is much of the business in said office involves the
to perform those acts which are characteristics interpretation and determination of the scope
of the profession. Generally, to practice law is to and application of the patent law and other laws
give notice or render any kind of service, which applicable as well as the presentation of
device or service requires the use in any degree evidence to establish facts involved. That part of
of legal knowledge or skill.” (111 ALR 23) the functions of the Patent Director are judicial
Interpreted in the light of the various or quasi-judicial, so much so that appeals from
definitions of the term “practice of law”, his orders and decision are under the law taken
particularly the modern concept of law practice, to the Supreme Court.
and taking into consideration the liberal
construc-tion intended by the framers of the
Constitution, Atty. Monsod’s past work
experiences as a lawyer-economist, a lawyer- o MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL PRACTICE –
manager, a lawyerentrepreneur of industry, a
lawyer-negotiator of contracts, and a lawyer- Q: Is this allowed in the country? What do
legislator of both the rich and the poor—verily we mean by this? You’re a foreign lawyer and
more than satisfy the constitutional you are practicing as a private lawyer in the
requirement—that he has been engaged in the Phils. Applying your laws, is that allowed?
practice of law for at least ten years. Because law practice in the Phils. is only
allowed for Filipinos under the
Constitution. What about multi-
[No. L-12426. February 16, 1959] jurisdictional practice? How does this affect
our commitment to the ASEAN integration?
PHILIPPINE LAWYER'S ASSOCIATION, Read through the GATS Agreement and the
petitioner, vs. CELEDONIO AGRAVA, in ASEAN Integration which the Philippines is
his capacity as Director of the Philippines a signatory. How is multi-jurisdictional
Patent Office, respondent. practice defined? Because there is the
GLOBALIZATION of goods and services. So
1.ATTORNEYS AT LAW; PRACTICE OF how about legal services? Is that an
LAW; BEFORE PATENT OFFICE.—Practice unauthorized law practice? Is there a way to
of law in the Philippines includes such justify that legally? What are the
appearance before the Patent Office, the
requirements? I invite you to read through
representation of applicants, oppositors, and
the ASEAN integration commitment of the
other persons, and the prosecution of their
applications for patent, their oppositions Phils and how is the multijurisdictional
thereto or the enforcement of their rights in practice defined?
patent cases.
I will send you some documents in my
2.ID.; ID.; ID.; WITHOUT FURTHER research about this. Hopefully it can increase
EXAMINATION.—A member of the bar, your knowledge as to this issue
because of his legal knowledge and training
should be allowed to practice before the Patent SUGGESTED ANSWER (I just found
Office, without further examination or other this in the internet):
Are non-Filipino lawyers engaged in the
3.ID.; ID.; ID.; REASON.—Under the present practice of law in the Philippines?
law, members of the Philippine Bar authorized
by the Supreme Court to practice law, and in Alien, mostly American immigration lawyers
good standing, may practice their profession and law firms advertise their legal services on the
before the Patent Office, for the reason that Internet, in major Philippine newspapers, and

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

local television programs, to Filipinos who want

to immigrate abroad, pointing out the locations “What is palpably clear is that respondent
and telephone numbers of the offices they openly corporation gives out legal information to
maintain in Manila. One even discloses that the laymen and lawyers. Its contention that such
firm charges $200.00 for initial consultation, information is non-advisory and non-diagnostic
and that it accepts major credit cards. is more apparent and real. In providing
information, for example, about foreign laws on
Are these alien lawyers engaged in the practice marriage, divorce and adoption, it strains the
of law in the Philippines? credulity of this Court that all that respondent
corporation will simply do is look for the law,
It can be argued that they are not actually furnish a copy thereof to the client, and stop
engaged in the practice of law in the country there as if it were merely a bookstore. With its
because whatever legal advice they dispense and attorneys and so called paralegals, it will
legal representation they provide do not involve necessarily have to explain to the client the
the application or interpretation of Philippine intricacies of the law and advise him or her on
laws or rules, and they do not represent their the proper course of action to be taken as may be
clients before Philippine courts or quasi-judicial provided for by said law. That is what its
bodies. One even ends his internet columns with advertisements represent and for which services
the pre-emptive disclaimer that: it will consequently charge and be paid. That
activity falls squarely within the jurisprudential
“This is for informational purposes only, and definition of ‘practice of law.’ Such a conclusion
reflects the firm’s opinions and views on general will not be altered by the fact that respondent
issues. Each case is different and results may corporation does not represent clients in court
depend on the facts of a particular case. All since law practice, as the weight of authority
immigration services are provided by an active holds, is not limited merely to court appearances
member of the State Bar of California and/or but extends to legal research, giving legal advice,
by a person under the supervision of an active contract drafting, and so forth.”
member of the State Bar. No prediction,
warranty or guarantee can be made about the Given the foregoing, the foreign lawyers and law
results of any case. Should you need or want legal firms are clearly engaged in the practice of law
advice, you should consult with and retain in the Philippines. Are they authorized to do so?
counsel of your own choice.” Consider that Art. XII, Sec. 14 of the
Constitution provides in part that “the practice
But this argument is inconsistent with the of all professions in the Philippines shall be
“modern concept of the practice of law” defined limited to Filipino citizens, save in cases
in Cayetano vs. Monsod, 201 SCRA 210, 214 prescribed by law”. With respect to the legal
[1991]: profession, only the Supreme Court has the
power to promulgate rules concerning the
“Practice of law means any activity, in or out of admission thereto (Philippine Constitution, Art.
court, which requires the application of law, VIII, Sec. 5 [5]).
legal procedure, knowledge, training and
experience. ‘To engage in the practice of law is “The practice of law is not a natural, absolute,
to perform those acts which are characteristics of or constitutional right to be granted to everyone
the profession. Generally, to practice law is to who demands it. Rather, it is a high personal
give notice or render any kind of service, which privilege limited to citizens of good moral
device or service requires the use in any degree of character, with special educational
legal knowledge or skill.” qualifications, duly ascertained and certified.”
(In Re: Al C. Argosino, 246 SCRA 14, 17
And in Ulep vs. The Legal Clinic Inc., 223 [1995])
SCRA 378, 400 [1993], the Supreme Court

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

“…in the absence of constitutional or statutory

authority, a person who has not been admitted Arts. VIII or XII of the Constitution, Rule 138
as an attorney cannot practice law for the proper of the Rules of Court, the December 18, 1946
administration of justice cannot be hindered by Supreme Court Resolution, Ulep, and Dacanay
the unwarranted intrusion of an unauthorized have not been amended, repealed, or modified. It
and unskilled person into the practice of law. is therefore evident that the practice of law in
That policy should continue to be one of the Philippines is reserved solely for Filipinos,
encouraging persons who are unsure of their legal and only Filipinos can be admitted to the
rights and remedies to seek legal assistance only Philippine Bar. Thus it follows that the alien
from persons licensed to practice law in the lawyers and law firms are not authorized to
state.” (Ulep, supra, p. 405) engage in the practice of law in the country.

Pursuant to its constitutional authority, the Now some may say that the alien lawyers do not
Supreme Court promulgated the Rules of Court, even need to be authorized to practice law in the
Rule 138 of which pertains to attorneys and Philippines or to become members of the
admission to the bar. The basic requirement for Philippine Bar because they are very qualified,
admission to the Philippine Bar is Philippine even more so than local lawyers, to provide the
citizenship (Rule 138, Sec. 2). legal services they advertise. In fact, the
International Bar Association has adopted a
In Dacanay vs. Baker & McKenzie, 136 SCRA resolution calling for the “Regulation of Foreign
349, 350-351 [1985], the Supreme Court said: Lawyers” as practitioners of foreign law for the
limited purpose of permitting them to practice
“… Baker & McKenzie, being an alien law firm, the law of their home jurisdiction in the host
cannot practice law in the Philippines. As jurisdiction without examination or full
admitted by respondents in their memorandum, admission to the host bar. Moreover, the
Baker & McKenzie is a professional partnership Philippines ratified the World Trade
organized in 1949 in Chicago, Illinois with Organization (WTO) Agreement, part of which
members and associates in 30 cities around the refers is General Agreement on Trade in Services
world. x x x (GATS) Schedule which pertains to cross-border
practice of professions
“As pointed out by the Solicitor General,
respondents’ use of the firm name Baker & However, the GATS is not self-executing,
McKenzie constitutes a representation that as Congress must pass a law to enable
being associated with the firm they could ‘render foreign professionals to practice in the
legal services of the highest quality to country (Excerpts from the Address delivered by
multinational business enterprises and others Justice Dante O. Tinga at the Commencement
engaged in foreign trade and investment’. This is Exercises of the Ateneo de Manila School of Law
unethical because Baker & McKenzie is not on April 27, 2008
authorized to practice law here.” (Citations [
omitted.) mark/2008/05/050827.php]). Or at the very
least, the Supreme Court should revise the Rules
The prohibition is subject to a single exception: of Court to allow foreign lawyers to engage in
American citizens who became duly licensed limited practice
members of the Philippine Bar before July 4, (
1946 can continue practicing law in the philippine-legal-profession).
Philippines (Rule 138, Sec. 3). But in view of
the relative youth of the alien immigration law No such law or rule exists at present. Thus while
specialists, it is safe to say they are not among the alien lawyers may be qualified to provide
those American lawyers who have been legal services on their field of specialization, they
practicing law in the Philippines before said are presently disqualified from doing so in the
time. country.

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

Filipino partner divorced to the foreign partner but

(This post is a revision of the author’s article that cannot remarry? What is the requirement as to the xx
was published in the December 31, 2006 issue you can now file a petition in court for the recognition
of The Lawyers Review) of the judicial decree of divorce, although we don’t
have a divorce law. What are the requirements? How
should the court resolve it? What are the existing
o THE LGBT RIGHTS vis-à-vis GENDER jurisprudence as to it? There are jurisprudence very
ISSUES AND EQUALITY OF RIGHTS limited. The SC took it as case to case basis in the same
AND PRIVILEGES – Remember the famous way as RTCs who receive those petitions resolve or
issue on the C.R.? decide those cases depend on a case-to-case basis. It
depends on the particular circumstances of the party-
Q: Is that included in the basic human rights litigants and the court proceedings and trial.
defined under the Constitution? What is the
definition of human rights? What are the o PRIVACY RIGHTS AND
inclusion of basic human rights? What does COMMUNICATION OF LAWYERS we
the Family Code and its amendments say know that there is a lawyer-client privilege
about same-sex marriage? Now divorce bill is communication.
being pursued. But so far all over the world
we have no divorce law. So far we have
annulment which is so difficult. How can
MEDIA? How about the comments of party-litigants
you prove annulment, taking into
posted in social media? How is it sanctioned by the
consideration the most abused psychological
cybercrime law?1
incapacity as ground? How will you
substantiate or justify your answers as to
these issues? What kind of amendments to
our existing laws do you consider relevant
this time? What legal remedy would you So those are some points that we can consider. You
provide to those separated-in-fact for a answer it personally my questions. Those are problem
considerable number of yrs without divorce areas in legal ethics. There is no specific answer; no
or petition for annulment fails? What do you specific jurisprudence but it depends on how we
think is the solution for these problems accurately apply or interpret existing laws. We don’t
proliferating in society? Maraming live-in to have laws at the moment. But these are emerging legal
avoid legal complications later. For example, issues. These can be part of the bar questions. That is a
in Facebook maraming naka post na test to how you apply laws, jurisprudence and your
relationship is complicated. How will you personal value and personal culture. How you
address that legally? appreciate the law, or how do you differentiate laws and
Those are some areas in which your critical thinking is jurisprudence.
being challenged. As law students you will tackle that. EXAMPLES:
So now practice answering my questions in your own
terms; in your own words of how you appreciate laws o There is a person charged with inciting to
and jurisprudence. There are already some decided by sedition for having led a demonstration in-
the SC. For example, relevant jurisprudence as to the front of a city hall. For example galit kay
application of Article 26 of the Family Code. Keep that Mayor Sara. They are shouting na Sara should
in mind. If you’re divorced and you are the foreign resign. Kung di cya magresign, they will force
partner, in which case you can remarry, what about the her out of her office. What about if the lawyer

Check attachment The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2010

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

of the accused in a pending criminal case, Same; Same; Same; Sub Judice Rule; The
holds a conference in which he denounced specific rationale for the sub judice rule is that
Mayor Sara for making false charges against courts, in the decision of issues of fact and law
his client. What does the COPR say about should be immune from every extraneous
this? It happened in the case of… influence; that facts should be decided upon
evidence produced in court; and that the
FORTUN determination of such facts should be
uninfluenced by bias, prejudice or sympathies.—
Although the case did not reach the SC. That For a comment to be considered as contempt of
was the case of Erap and he was interviewed in court “it must really appear” that such does
media and he mentioned something against the impede, interfere with and embarrass the
case while it is pending. administration of justice. What is, thus, sought
to be protected is the all-important duty of the
Q: Is that contemptuous? Is your comment in court to administer justice in the decision of a
the merits of the case out of court, does this pending case. The specific rationale for the sub
have a tendency to influence the judge? What judice rule is that courts, in the decision of
does the COPR say about this? What is the role issues of fact and law should be immune from
of the judge? As to the judge what is the issue? every extraneous influence; that facts should be
As to the judge, how will he take this? Is it decided upon evidence produced in court; and
proper for the lawyer to join the rally of that the determination of such facts should be
his/her client? To promote the advocacy of the uninfluenced by bias, prejudice or sympathies
client, does the lawyer have to get involved in (Marantan vs. Diokno, 716 SCRA 164, G.R.
the cases of his client? To what extent can you No. 205956 February 12, 2014)
be involved in the cases of your client? How
will you answer if these questions are posted?
o What if you’re a prosecutor and during your
SUGGESTED ANSWER: preliminary investigation of the case w/n
there is probability to indict the accused.
Q: What if during the preliminary investigation,
Remedial Law; Special Civil Actions; Indirect the prosecutor finds an exculpatory
Contempt; Sub Judice Rule; The sub judice rule circumstance?
restricts comments and disclosures pertaining
For example, in a M/H case, the victim acted in
to the judicial proceedings in order to avoid
prejudging the issue, influencing the court, or self-defense and the prosecutor is convinced that
obstructing the administration of justice.—The the victim has acted in self-defense. There are 2
sub judice rule restricts comments and things here: 1.) A crime is committed. The
disclosures pertaining to the judicial respondent has probably committed it; 2.)
proceedings in order to avoid prejudging the However, there is also evidence convincing that the
issue, influencing the court, or obstructing the respondent acted in self-defense.
administration of justice. A violation of this rule
may render one liable for indirect contempt Q: Should the Pub. Prosec. File the case in court
under Sec. 3(d), Rule 71 of the Rules of Court, or not? What is your answer? Yes or no? How will
which reads: Section 3. Indirect contempt to be you defend your answer? What are the laws and
punished after charge and hearing.—x x x a jurisprudence applicable? Should the prosecutor
person guilty of any of the following acts may be file it? That is left the discretion of the court to
punished for indirect contempt: x x x (d) Any pass upon. Is the prosecutor allowed discretion or
improper conduct tending, directly or is it mandatory for the prosecution? What is the
indirectly, to impede, obstruct, or degrade the purpose of resulting to dismiss or resulting to file
administration of justice[.] the case in court?

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

SUGGESTED ANSWER: constitutional presumption of innocence is

effectively waived and the burden of proving the
Remedial Law; Criminal Procedure; existence of such circumstance shifts to the
Preliminary Investigation; Judicial Review; A accused. (Aguilar vs. Department of Justice ,
public prosecutor’s determination of probable 705 SCRA 629, G.R. No. 197522 September
cause — that is, one made for the purpose of 11, 2013)
filing an information in court — is essentially an
executive function and, therefore, generally lies
beyond the pale of judicial scrutiny.—A public o There is a case instituted by a private
prosecutor’s determination of probable cause — individual against the gov’t and it reached the
that is, one made for the purpose of filing an SC. While the case is pending before the SC,
information in court — is essentially an the lawyer is interviewed again, and the lawyer
executive function and, therefore, generally lies criticize the proceedings of the SC. Or the SC
beyond the pale of judicial scrutiny. The has just rendered the decision and you
exception to this rule is when such criticized the decision of the SC. Remember
determination is tainted with grave abuse of the case has not yet attained finality and you
discretion and perforce becomes correctible
criticized the decision of the SC in public.
through the extraordinary writ of certiorari. It is
fundamental that the concept of grave abuse of Q: Will that be a case of contempt of court? Will
discretion transcends mere judgmental error as that be a case of subjudice?
it properly pertains to a jurisdictional
aberration. While defying precise definition, SUGGESTED ANSWER:
grave abuse of discretion generally refers to a
“capricious or whimsical exercise of judgment as 1. CONTEMPT; POWER TO PUNISH FOR
is equivalent to lack of jurisdiction.” Corollary, CONTEMPT IS INHERENT IN ALL
the abuse of discretion must be patent and gross COURTS OF SUPERIOR JURISDICTION. —
so as to amount to an evasion of a positive duty That the power to punish for contempt is
or a virtual refusal to perform a duty enjoined inherent in all courts of superior jurisdiction
by law, or to act at all in contemplation of law. independently of any special expression of
To note, the underlying principle behind the statute, is a doctrine or principle uniformly
courts’ power to review a public prosecutor’s accepted and applied by the courts of last resort
determination of probable cause is to ensure in the United States, which is applicable in this
that the latter acts within the permissible jurisdiction since our Constitution and courts
bounds of his authority or does not gravely of justice are patterned after those of that
abuse the same. This manner of judicial review country.
is a constitutionally-enshrined form of check
and balance which underpins the very core of 2. ID.; CRITICISM OR COMMENT ON
our system of government. DECISIONS OF SUPREME COURT,
EXTENT AND SCOPE OF. — Mere criticism
Same; Justifying Circumstances; Burden of or comment on the correctness or wrongness,
Proof; Jurisprudence holds that when the soundness or unsoundness of the decision of
accused admits killing the victim, but invokes a the court in a pending case made in good faith
justifying circumstance, the constitutional may be tolerated; because if well founded it may
presumption of innocence is effectively waived enlighten the court and contribute to the
and the burden of proving the existence of such correction of an error if committed; but if it is
circumstance shifts to the accused.—Neither can not well taken and obviously erroneous it
the dismissal of the murder charge against should, in no way, influence the court in
Dangupon be sustained in view of his reversing or modifying its decision.
presumption of innocence. Jurisprudence holds
that when the accused admits killing the victim, 3. ID.; ID. — To hurl the false charge that this
but invokes a justifying circumstance, the Court has been for the last years committing

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

deliberately "so many blunders and injustices," 7. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID. — The administration of
that is to say, that it has been deciding in favor justice and the freedom of the press, though
of one party knowing that the law and justice is separate and distinct, are equally sacred, and
on the part of the adverse party and not on the neither should be violated by the other. The
one in whose favor the decision was rendered, press and the courts have correlative rights and
would tend necessarily to undermine the duties and should cooperate to uphold the
confidence of the people in the honesty and principles of the Constitution and laws, from
integrity of the members of this court, and which the former receives its prerogative and
consequently to lower or degrade the the latter its jurisdiction. The right of legitimate
administration of justice. publicity must be scrupulously recognized and
care taken at all times to avoid impinging upon
4. ID.; ID. — The Supreme Court of the it. In a clear case where it is necessary, in order
Philippines is, under the Constitution, the last to dispose of judicial business unhampered by
bulwark to which the Filipino people may repair publications which reasonably tend to impair
to obtain relief for their grievances or protection the impartiality of verdicts, or otherwise
of their rights when these are trampled upon, obstruct the administration of justice, this
and if the people lose their confidence in the Court will not hesitate to exercise its undoubted
honesty and integrity of the members of this power to punish for contempt. This Court must
court and believe that they can not expect be permitted to proceed with the disposition of
justice therefrom, they might be driven to take its business in an orderly manner free from
the law into their own hands, and disorder and outside interference obstructive of the
perhaps chaos would be the result. constitutional functions. This right will be
insisted upon as vital to an impartial court, and,
5. ID.; ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW; DUTIES as a last resort, as an individual exercises the
TOWARD THE SUPREME COURT. — As a right of self-defense, it will act to preserve its
member of the bar and an officer of the courts, existence as an unprejudiced tribunal.
Attorney V. S., like any other, is in duty bound
to uphold the dignity and authority of this ([January 21, 1949.] In re VICENTE SOTTO, for
Court, to which he owes fidelity according to contempt of court)
the oath he has taken as such attorney, and not
to promote distrust in the administration of
justice. Respect to the courts guarantees the Q: If you are a RTC judge criticizing the decision
stability of other institutions, which without of another RTC judge in a newspaper. Will your
such guaranty would be resting on a very shaky that be considered contemptuous or sanctioned
foundation. by the code of judicial ethics? Will that be
considered unethical? For example, the decision
6. ID.; CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; is favorable and not adverse. Then you expressed,
FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND OF THE “I expected another decision.” Will that be
PRESS; MAINTENANCE OF contemptuous? Will that be against judicial
The constitutional guaranty of freedom of
speech and the press must be protected to its o There’s a decision favorable to your client.
fullest extent, but license or abuse of liberty of However, when you read the decision, you
the press and of the citizen should not be know by heart and conscience that the finding
confused with liberty in its true sense. As of fact of court is erroneous and not supported
important as the maintenance of an unmuzzled
by evidence. The losing party files appeal or
press and the free exercise of the rights of the
MFR citing the error of judgement of findings
citizen, is the maintenance of the independence
of the judiciary. of fact that it wrong.

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

Q: Will you oppose the motion? Will you keep The disclosure of such identity will provide for
quiet? Anyway the judgement is favorable to you? the only link in order to convict the accused,
How will you weigh between your duty to the otherwise, the government has no case.
court or duty to the client as lawyer? Which is
over and above? What does the COPR say about Requisites of Privileged Communication:
-Atty.-client relationship (or a kind of
o You are hired as lawyer of the 3 accused. In consultancy relationship with a prospective
the course of you engagement with the 3 client.
accused, you received info from these 3 diff.
accused. You gave them advise. Lawyer-client -Communication made by client to lawyer in the
course of lawyer’s professional employment
relationship has been established. In the
course of trial, one of the accused turned as
-Communication is intended to be confidential
state witness. The issue here is as to the
(see Rule 130, Sec. 21(b), Rules of Court)
privilege communication or the rule of
confidentiality. When communication is not privileged:
Q: Will the acceptance of one of the accused of
-after pleading has been filed
being a state witness considered a waiver of the
lawyer-client privilege communication or the rule -communication intended by the client to be
on confidentiality? Will you oppose the motion sent to a third person through his counsel (it
to have the accused turn into a state witness loses its confidential character as soon as it
considering all the facts and evidences that you reaches the hands of third person)
have received or gathered from them? What is the
rule on confidentiality? Is it perpetual? What are -Even if the communication is unprivileged, the
its exceptions? Will that be effective even during rule of ethics prohibits him from voluntarily
trial or only effective during trial? Or even before revealing or using to his benefit or to that of a
acceptance of the engagement during the initial third person, to the disadvantage of the client,
interview/communication? the said communication unless the client
consents thereto.
This is applicable to students under the Student
Rule 15.02 – A lawyer shall be bound by the Practice Law Program
rule on privilege communication in respect of
matters disclosed to him by a prospective
client. Q: What if you know that that particular accused is
the least guilty? But if he turns into a state witness, it
Rule on Revealing Client’s Identity will be detrimental to the other 2 accused, how will
you consider that? NOTE: You are the lawyer of the
General Rule: A lawyer may not invoke 3. Is the L-C relationship being severed by acceptance
privilege communication to refuse revealing a of accused to be a state witness? Is it a waiver to the
client’s identity. (Regala vs. Sandiganbayan, 262 privilege?
SCRA 122, September 20, 1996)
We’ll go back to one decision.
Q: If you are going to file a MFR also notwithstanding
When by divulging such identity, it would that the decision is favorable to you, what will be your
implicate the client to that same controversy for ground or your basis? How will you address the court?
which the lawyer’s services were required. How will you point out that there is error of
It would open client to civil liability

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa
Practice Court 2 (2019-2020)
From the lectures of Judge Maria Eliosa Maglana

judgement? That although the decision is correct, the the President – he being a lawyer and being the chief
facts appreciated are wrong. executive of the country. What are the ethical
standards? What does the Constitution mention
So those are questions that you need to dig much about national emergency? Does it include health
deeper. emergency? What is police power and its extent in
this time of need? You need to tackle those issues
For example, during the pendency of the quo warranto and what will be your answers?
petition, the CJ herself discussed in one of the
gatherings of lady judges, some of the issues involved in
the xx. There was also an attempt to file an
impeachment against her. She discussed some of the “Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak:
issues in public regarding the probable and improbable for your work shall be rewarded.”
pending impeachment trial.
2 Chronicles 15:7 KJV
Q: What is the rule on subjudice? Can the CJ be
indicted for contempt?

Some opinions of the justices say that it is DIRECT

CONTEMPT. Anyway, that is already moot and
academic. But even if it’s direct contempt, she cannot
be charged in court. Why? She can be charged of
contempt of court later when she is removed.

Except for CJ, all other justices of the CA and judges,

they can be charged with direct contempt. They can
also be meted a penalty of 1-day imprisonment by the
SC is the case is pending with the SC. That is part of
the disciplinary powers of the SC regarding appellate
court justices and court judges.

*TIP: The COVID issues as to the powers of the

local executives might be part of your bar exam.
Ethical questions with regard to local chief
executives who are lawyers as to their local mandate.
What are their police powers? 1st time in the
Philippines – not lawless violence but health
emergency. How is police power being applied? That
can be a legal issue. How will you tackle that issues?
How will you answer questions relating to this? Go
back to your Admin. Law as to the powers of these
local chief executives. Also as to the fiscal powers of
the president – emergency budget. Is P2B enough for
the whole Phils? Can he be questioned? Can that be
(in case of failure – we hope not) a ground for the
president’s impeachment? This can be a question
not only in legal ethics b’coz the Pres. Is a lawyer but
can also be a question in political law. For us, what
are the ethical standards required to be followed by

©Eliza Den A. Devilleres 4-Manresa

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