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TRX Essentials 1M: Flexibility is a Breathe smoothly throughout
total body stretching program the movements. lnhale before
using the TRX<R> Suspension beginning each exercise and
‫ז‬rainer™. Designed for all fitness exhale while doing the exercise.
levels, this workout will improve
Train Safe
range of motion, decrease
Consult your physician before
muscle tension and promote good
beginning this or any exercise
posture .
program. Safely attach your
Requirements TRX to an anchor point strong
The program is safe and enough to support your body
effective for healthy individuals with weight. lnspect your TRX before
no existing injuries. Users should every use. Replace worn
be able to maintain good form or damaged components
throughout each exercise . immediately. Failure to follow these
guidelines could result in injury.
Program lnstructions
For a better stretch, warm up What's Next?
muscles with five to ten minutes Visit
of a low-intensity cardio activity for expert advice, free workout
such as walking, before starting features, online videos and to
the exe rcises . ask questions and exchange
ideas in the TRX community
The program can be performed
forums. Check out the other TRX
everyday ‫ חס‬its own, or parts of it
Suspension Training programs
incorporated into a post-workout
available in our online store.
cool down . ‫ ז‬o noticeably improve
flexibility, perform the program at
least twice per week.
Focus ‫ חס‬form and technique
during each exercise and
stretch to a point that is
challenging but never painful .

Transition smoothly from one

exercise to the other with
minimal rest. Take a 15 to 30
second rest between sets to
collect your breath, and resume
exercise with good form .
TRX Standing Hip Stretch
Benefits: lmproves flexibility of the hips, abs, lats, and calves.

Set-Upt Adjust TRX so that lowest point of foot cradles is 1 2" from

• Face away from a ‫ ח‬chor

• Stand upright with feet
• Hold foot oradtes at shoulder
height with palms facing
forward and elbows bent.

• Step forward with right leg .

Extend arms, lift through
chest and reach high
overhead .
• Keep left heel down and
squeeze left glute. Press
deeper into stretch f ‫ ם‬r
5 sec. Return to start
position .
• Perform 6 reps .
• Switch legs and repeat.
TRX Standing Chest Stretch
Benefits: lmproves posture by stretching chest, shoulders and hips.

Set-Up: Adjust TRX so that lowest point of foot cradles is 12 " from

• Face away from anchor

• Stand with feet together.
• Hold handles at shoulder
height with elbows bent and
pointing down.

• Step right leg forward and

extend arms out into "T"
position. Tuck tailbone under
by squeezing left glute, and
activate back muscles .
Hold for 30 sec. Perform 4
gentle pulses .
• Switch legs and repeat ‫חס‬
opposite side .
‫ ד‬RX Standing Side Bend Stretch
Benefits\: lmproves flexibility of back, hips and lats.

Set-Up: Adj ‫ש‬ st TRX so that lowest point of foot cradles is 1 2" from
ground .

• Face away from anchor

point. -
• Cross left foot over right.
• Hold foot cradles at
shoulder height with patms
facing forward and elbows

• Press hips left and reach

left arm overhead as far

right as possible .
• Keep right elbow bent and
close to right side .
• Tuck tailbone and squeeze
left glute. Hold for 30 sec .
Perform 4 active pulses .
• Switch legs and repeat ‫חס‬
opposite side .

TRX Standing Shoulder Stretch
Benefits: lmproves posture by opening chest and increasing range of
motion in shoulders.
Set-Up: Adjust TRX so that lowest point of foot cradles is 12" from

Optional Progression

• Face away from anchor • lntensify stretch by stepping

point. forward with right leg. Lift
• Hold handles at hip level through chest and squeeze
with palms facing forward. shoulder blades.

• Walk forward until slight • Take 3 deep breaths and

stretch is felt in shoulders. rotate hands so palms
Stand with feet together. face up. To further intensify
stretch, lower into half
kneeling stance. Hold for
30 sec.
• Switch legs and repeat.

Tip: Mmve back or remain standing

if stretch is too intense. Stretch
sho‫ זג‬ld be felt in shoulder muscles
not sho‫זג‬lden j‫ג‬c int.
TRX Standing Neck Stretch
Benefits: Reduces stress in shoulders and neck.

Set-Up: Adjust TRX so that lowest point of foot cradles is 1 2" from
grou ‫ה‬r d .

• Face away from anchor point. • Turn body to face left.

• Stand tall and hold handles • Allow right arm to be pulled
at hip level with palms facing behind body with palm
forward and arms extending facing backward .
behind body at 45 degree
• Tilt head left to stretch right
angle .
side of neck; do not lean into
stretch. Hold for 30 sec .
• Repeat ‫ חס‬opposite side . '

Tip: To enhance stretch, tilt head and

slowly move chin. Feel the stretch
move across the muscles of the
shou ‫ ו‬ders and neck.
TRX Rotating Hip and Bac~ Stretch
Benefits: Stretches back, core, lats, hips, hamstrings and calves.

Set-Up: Adjust TRX so that lowest point of foot cradles is 12" from

• Face anchor point. • Drop hips away from TRX

• Grasp handles with palms with knees bent slightly.
facing down, arms extended Hold for 1 0 sec.
straight in front of body and • Straighten right leg and press
feet hip-width apart. into right hip. Rotate hips
slowly, alternating sides for
10 reps.
• Rotate shoulders and head,
looking up as far towards the
ceiling as possible, alternating
sides for 1 0 reps.
rFRI< Golf Rotation to Windmill
Benefits: lmproves rotational mobility by stretching torso and hips.

Set"Up:·Adjust TRX so that lowest point of foot cradles is 1 2" from


1. ..,.,,,, 2. 3.

• Face anchor point with feet • 1: Rotate one arm without

hip-width apart. Extend arms turning head. Alternate
forward. Press down with arms for 10 reps. Perform
palms ‫ חם‬foot cradles just same movement with head
above knee height. following arm. Alternate for
• Lean forward with knees 10 reps.
bent in a golfer's stance . • 2: Without tur ‫ ח‬ing headJ
swing arms in a golf swing .
Alternate for 1 0 reps .
• 3: Step forward. Position
arms wider apart and
swing them back, following
through with hips and head.
Alternate for 1 0 reps.
TRX Wide Stance Hip Hinge St ‫ ם‬etc ‫ו‬t
Benefits: lncreases hip mobility and reduces strain ‫ חס‬hips an ‫ ם‬lower
back by stretching inner thighs .
Set-Up: Adjust TRX so that lowest point of foot cradles is 1 2" from
ground .

• Face anchor point.

• Hold handles at hip height
with palms facing down and
arms extended straight in
• Position feet in widest stance
possible with toes pointing

1. • 1: Bend forward from hips by

pressing tailbone back and
reaching arms forward . Hold
for 10 sec.
• Bend knees and lower pelvis
down as much as possible for
6 pulses.

• 2: Stand up and get into
wide stance. Lunge to right
side, dropping pelvis towards
2. ground. Alternate sides for 8
‫ ז‬R~ Suspended Glute Stretch
Benefits: Promotes good posture by stretching glutes.

Set-Up: Adjust TRX so that lowest point of foot cradles is 12" from
· gr‫ ם‬und .

• Stand i‫ ח‬front of anchor

• Pull one TRX strap downward
to lower foot cradle as
• lnsert left foot toe-first into
foot cradle .

• Pull ‫ חס‬opposite strap to

raise left leg until ankle, is at

thigh level. Allow knee to fall

to left side, away from body.
• Bend chest over ‫ ז‬eft leg .
With a flat back, hold for 30
sec. Slowly pulse 4 times to
increase stretch .
• Repeat with opposite leg.
TRX Suspended Hamstring Stretch
Benefits: Reduces strain in lower back by stretching hamstrings, hips
and lower back.
Set-Up: Adjust TRX so that lowest point of foot cradles is 12' from

• Stand in fro ‫ ח‬t of anchor point.

• Pull one TRX strap downward
to lower foot cradle as
needed .
• lnsert left foot toe-first into
foot cradle .

• Pull ‫ חס‬opposite strap to raise

left leg in front of body u ntil
ankle is thigh level. Straighten
leg and bend forward. Maintain
a flat back and hold for 30
sec. Slowly pulse 4 times to
increase stretch .
• Repeat with opposite leg .
TRX Kneeling Quad Stretch
Benefi~s: Promotes good posture by stretching quads and abs.

Set-Up: Adjust TRX so that lowest point of foot cradles is 1 2" from

• Face anchor point.

• Kneel down and sit ‫ חס‬heels
with arms extended straight
in front of chest.

• Holding handles, lift hips

and lean back.
• Squeeze glutes and engage
core muscles. Hold for
30 sec.
TRX Child's Pose Stretc ‫ו‬t
Benefits: Relieves tension in neck, shoulders and back.

Set-Up: Adjust TRX so that lowest point of foot cradles is 1 2" from

• Face anchor point.

• Kneel down and sit ‫ חם‬heels
with arms extended straight
in front of chest.

• Bend forward into stretch.

• Lengthen back and further
extend arms forward.
Relax neck and shoulders.
Hold for 30 sec.
Slowly swing from side to
side for 1 0 reps.
1 TRX Standing Hip Stretch 2 6 reps of 5 sec/ side .

2 TRX Standing Chest Stretch 2 30 sec/ side

3 TRX Standing Side Bend Stretch 2 30 sec/ side "

• may be combined in a circuit as shown in DVO.
4 TRX Standing Shoulder Stretch 2 30 sec/ side 1‫וו‬

5 TRX Standing Neck Stretch 2 30 sec/ side

2 .
6 TRX Rotating Hip and Back Stretch • 1 0 sec hip drop
• 10 alternating rotations
• 10 alternating rotations with increased range of motion
7 TRX Golf Rotation to Windmill 2 • 1 0 single-arm rotations
. "
• 1 0 single-arm rotations with a head turn
• 1 0 Golf Rotations with both arms
• 10 alternating Windmills

8 TRX Wide Stance Hip Hinge Stretch 2 • 10 sec

• 8 alternating lunges
1· - - .

9 TRX Suspended Glute Stretch 2 30 sec/ side "

may be combined in a circuit as shown in DVD .
10 TRX Suspended Hamstring Stretch 2 30 sec/ side

11 TRX Kneeling Quad Stretch 2 30 sec

12 TRX Child's Pose Stretch 2 • 30 sec

• 10 a ~ternating swings

. .-~) . Fitness Anywhere

/ -. Make ‫ס‬yLJ.r body your machine•

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