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BOY Tales of Childhood By Roald Dah! ‘This booklet belongs to: Boy: Tales of Childhood Mini-Dictionary acquire (uh-qwirey (Get acquired got amiable (@y-me-uh-bull friendly [amputated (am-pew-tay-ted) | [cut off ancient (ain-chent) old [anesthetic {(an-uh-steh-tick) |" chemical that puts people to sleep before surgery. anonymous: (uh-non-uh-muss) unknown. appalled (uh-pawid) shocked apprehensive __|(app-ree-hen-siv) | [nervous astonishing |(uh-stah-nush-ing) | [amazing [asylum (uh-sigh-lum) [a hospital for crazy people: authority [(uh-thor-uh-tee) ‘command over others baffled (baff-ulled) confused bemused (buh-mused) confused bizarre (biz-arr) strange RS blazers fancy jackets usually worn as part of a uniform Catastrophe | (cuh-tas-truh-fee) | | big disaster ‘cauldron (call-drun) a large pot for cooking cavalcade (cav-ull-kade) [a procession (moving line) of cars chateau (shaa-toe) [a French mansion cheeky disrespectful cheque (check) [check — those written to pay for things: competence |(kom-puh-tunee) | ability to do something comradely (come-raw-dull-ee) | |friendly- towards others in the same position Connoisseurs _[(kon-oh-sue-ers) | [people who know a lot about a ceriain thing — consisted (kun-sis-ted) made of ‘countenance | (cown-ton-unee) ‘a calm expression on the face erimson (krim-zun) bright red cross angry dais (die) [a raised platform [dauntiess (dawnt-luss) not affected or not frightened desolate (des-uh-lut) empty despite (dis-pite) leven though; in spite of dominating _|(dah-muh-nate-ing) | |over-powering (dressing gown [a robe — such as what is worn over pajamas jeccentric (ex-sen-trick) [odd or weird elaborate. (ee-lab-or-ut) complicated emphatically [(em-fat-tick-lee) [drawing attention to erect (ee-recked) standing straight up esplanade (es-pluh-nod) a paved or grassy road along the shore essential (ce-sen-chull) necessary _ exorutiating | (ex-screw-she-ate- | [extremely painful ing) lexhorting, (eggs-or-ting) praising or cheering on [ford (fee-yord) ‘a narrow space of sea between two oliffs flourishing _ (flur-uh-shing) _ growing; thriving foliage (foe-lee-udge) leaves — as on a plant [Form lgrade in school form master (teacher [grim serious. hesitation [(hez-uh-tay-shun) | [pause = hoard (nord) [a stash — as of something hidden. lidytlic (eye-dil-ick) perfect [ingenious (in-jean-ee-us) very smart inhabitants (in-haa-buh-tunts) | Ithose that live in a certain place invariably (in-vare-ee-uh-blee)| [without change wunty (jawn-tee) lively; with a cheerful attitude [jetty ‘a structure that juts out into a body of water lavatory (lav-ub-tore-ee) [bathroom — specifically one with a toilet [lingered [stayed or hung around loathsome | ((owth-some) hateful lunatic (loo-nuh-tick) la crazy or insane person malignant (muh-lig-nunty evil mechanism |(mek-uh-niz-um) | |a device modesty per dress or behavior nail-varnish nail polish nick steal obliged (uh-biighged) iin debt to — as from a favor overwhelmed | (over-weimed) lover powered palate (pal-ut) [sense of taste parcel (par-sull) [a package perpetual (per-pet-chew-ull) | [constant, never ending perspex (per-specks) fa type of ingredient in plastic petrol (peh-traw!) gas ~ as for a car prefect (pree-fect) fa student monitor prised (prized) lifted up; pried prosperous | (prah-spur-us) ‘wealthy RAF Royal Air Force (England) [raucous (raw-kuss) rowdy; out of contro! reluctance (re-luck-tunce) ithe state of not Wanting to do something [rigmarole (tig-uh-muh-role) | [a complicated procedure riveted (Fiv-uh-ted) stuck; not moving schemes. (skeems) lans to do something — usually something bad sheer ‘complete. sidled (Gigh-dulled) moved forward in a sideways motion (like a crab) [sixpence six cents strive try subside jo away or lessen [subtie (Suh-tuil barely able to be noticed sufficient (Suh-fish-unt) lenough sullen pouty supercifious _|(Super-sil-ee-us)__| [stuck up ‘tramp a homeless person trawlers: fishing boats tremendous | (truh-men-dus) lgreat or huge ftuppence two cents lunsophisticated | (un-suh-fist-uh- not classy kated) vast huge; enormous Summer Writing Assignment Respond to the following questions in complete sentences. Cite textual evidence to support your responses. 1. Describe one interesting memory of Roald’s kindergarten days. 2. Using your own words, summarize “The Great Mouse Plot.” Use character names in your description. 3. What is a boarding school? How is that different from Llandaff Cathedral School? 4. In what ways was Roald’s experience with the doctor different from what you would expect if you went toa doctor today for the same reason? 5. In the chapter called Writing Home, the author included samples from the letters he wrote. Why do you think he did that? How did he sign his letters? What did you learn by reading the letters? 6. Explain, using examples from the text, why Dahl was so afraid of Captain Hardcastle. 7. In the chapter called Goat’s Tobacco, the author refers to his sister as “the ancient half-sister.” Why do you think he calls her that? Has he given us her name anywhere in the book? If so, what was it? If not, why do you think he didn’t tell us her name? 8. In the chapter, Goodbye School, Mr. Dahl states, “A person is a fool to become a writer.” Explain why he feels that way. 9. What is an autobiography and how does it differ from other genres? 10. Obviously, this book was written by Roald Dahl and tells about his life. However, on the dedication page, the author states that the book is not an autobiography. What do you think he means by that? (You might want to re- read the dedication page first!) EXPLAIN. Summative Assessment: Short Essay: Roald Dahl introduces his memoir, Boy: Tales of Childhood, saying, “Throughout my young days at school. And just afterwards, a number of things happened to me that I have never forgotten. None of these things are important, but each of them made such a tremendous impression on me that I have never been able to get them out of my mind.” In a 3-5 paragraph essay, describe an event in your life that has made a lasting impression on you. Why was this a highlight in your life? Be sure to include specific details that describe this event.

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