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Assigned Topic: Trapping a soccer ball (college-aged beginners)

Learning Objectives:​ SWBAT….

● Name and explain 3 skill cues to trap a soccer ball
● Demonstrate how to trap a soccer ball passed to them on the ground and
through the air, by using the inside of their foot, chest and thigh
● Work independently and/or cooperate with a teammate to practice the skills

Skill Cues​ for trapping the ball with foot, chest or thigh:
1. Move:
a. Position yourself behind the ball, with body part ready
2. Give
a. Decelerate the ball with our body, when making contact (i.e. egg catch)
3. Control
a. Place the ball close to the body and under control to ensure an accurate pass

See also flyer :)

Imagine having to catch an egg that is coming towards you.
How would you do that? How would I position myself? What will I do with my hands? Where will
the egg be in relation to my body?

Those are all important questions to consider while catching an egg ** DEMO of catching an
egg **

The way we caught that egg, will also translate into how we will trap a soccer ball today, using
our foot, chest and thigh.

THREE THINGS will come back today when trapping a soccer ball. There are:
(students are asked to repeat the cues)
Steps to Trapping:
Set-up: ​The cones indicate places where the ball will be passes/tossed and to where the
student will move

FIRST​, we need to ​MOVE​ to get in a good position. We want to be ​behind the ball​ when it
comes towards us and ​have our body part ready​.

The following tasks are performed without ball:

● Foot:​. The student will run to a cone, facing in the direction that we want to return the
ball (and where the ball is coming from), and touch the cone with the inside of our foot
(getting ready as if the ball is coming) and then return to the starting position. The
student will do the same for each of the cones
● Chest:​ To simulate a ball coming through the air, a partner will toss (or you can toss to a
wall) and catch the ball in front of our body, showing our chest (getting ready as if the
ball is coming) and then move shoulders forward and return to the starting position. The
student will do the same for each of the cones
● Thigh:​ To simulate a ball coming through the air, a partner will toss (or you can toss to a
wall) and show your thigh up (getting ready as if the ball is coming), and then pull it back
quickly to simulate contact and return to the starting position. The student will do the
same for each of the cones
SECOND​, we need to ​GIVE​, or ​decelerate the object with our body​. Just like our hands guided
the egg or had soft hands, we need to guide the soccer ball

The following tasks are performed while the teacher/partner passes/tosses the ball towards the

● Foot: ​The student moves to the cone, the ball will be rolled towards the cone, and the
student will use the inside of their foot to guide the ball backwards from the cone, while
slowing it down. Then the student returns the ball, return to the starting position. The
student will do the same for each of the cones
● Chest: ​The student moves to the cone, the ball will be tossed towards the cone, and the
student will use their chest, to retract and guide it to the ground. Then the student
returns the ball, return to the starting position. The student will do the same for each of
the cones
● Thigh:​ The student moves to the cone, the ball will be tossed towards the cone, and the
student will use their thigh, to pull it back as soon as the ball makes contact and guide it
to the ground. Then the student returns the ball, return to the starting position. The
student will do the same for each of the cones
THIRD​, once we ‘caught’ the ball, we will ​CONTROL​ it close to our body​ before dribbling,
passing or shooting it

● Foot:​ The student moves to the cone, the ball will be rolled towards the cone, and the
student will use the inside of their foot to guide the ball backwards from the cone, turn
and control with the opposite foot and dribble around the starting position, back to the
cone to then pass it back to the partner
● Chest​: The student moves to the cone, the ball will be tossed towards the cone, and the
student will trap it with chest towards the ground and control it before dribbling it around
the starting position, back to the cone to then pass it back to the partner
● Thigh: ​The student moves to the cone, the ball will be tossed towards the cone, and the
student will trap it with thigh towards the ground and control it before dribbling it around
the starting position, back to the cone to then pass it back to the partner
Practicing trapping in game-like situation with group:

● SQUARE pass, trap, pass and move:

Half the students are outside the square with a ball (passers) , the other half is inside the
square without a ball (trappers). Each trapper will face a passer. The trapper will ask for
the ball, the passer will play them the ball (as stated below), the trapper will trap the ball
(as stated below), control it and and pass it back to the passer. Then the trapper will
move (jog) inside the square to an open position across from another passer (not next to
the previous student) and ask for the ball, repeat, control and return. The students on the
inside will continue this for 1 minute.

○ TASK 1:
■ 1 min:
● passers​: inside foot pass;
● trappers​: inside foot trapping and return pass inside foot
Switch: passers and trappers switch roles
■ 1 min:
● passers​: inside foot pass;
● trappers​: inside foot trapping and return pass inside foot
○ TASK 2:
■ 1 min:
● passers:​ toss ball
● trappers:​ chest trapping and return pass inside foot
Switch: passers and trappers switch roles
■ 1 min:
● passers:​ toss ball
● trappers:​ chest trapping and return pass inside foot
○ TASK 3:
■ 1 min:
● passers:​ toss ball
● trappers​: thigh trapping and return pass inside foot
Switch: passers and trappers switch roles
■ 1 min:
● passers:​ toss ball
● trappers​: thigh trapping and return pass inside foot
○ TASK 4:
■ 1 min
● Passers: decides to pass or toss
● Trappers: adjusts trap based on passer, return pass inside foot
Switch: passers and trappers switch roles
■ 1 min
● Passers: decides to pass or toss
● Trappers: adjusts trap based on passer, return pass inside foot

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