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Palestine Polytechnic University

College of information systems & computer engineering

Information Systems Department
Course :
Enterprise resource planning - 3 credit/hrs. 2st semester / 2020


Time and location: Sunday- Thursday 14-15:15

Instructor: Suzanne J. sultan Tamimi,

Office: C- 2nd floor
Text Book:
Wagner, 4th edition, 2013
References: -

Additional Materials or Equipment needed for the course:

Supplementary materials: none

Course Description
This course Describes basic business functional areas and explains how they are related.
the course illustrates how unintegrated information systems fail to support business
functions by contrast of integrated information systems . It covers the four main
functional areas in depth ; sales and marketing, Production / Supply Chain Management ,
financial / accounting and human resources. Indeed , the course supports theory with practical
side using odoo enterprise.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, the student should able to:
1- Understand the differences and relations between functional areas Business
Functions and Business Processes
2- Know the development of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
3- Learn the sale cycle theory and practice.
4- Study the processes of Production and Supply Chain Management Information
5- Know about Accounting and human resources in ERP System

Course Topics:
# lectures Subject Chapters
1.5 hour
2 entrance
4 Business Functions and Business Processes Ch. 1
2 The Development of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Ch. 2

5 Marketing Information Systems and the Sales Order Process Ch. 4

First exam
4 Production and Supply Chain Management Information Systems Ch. 6
5 Accounting in ERP Systems Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Second exam
3 Human Resources Processes with ERP Ch. 10
4 Process Modeling, Process Improvement, and ERP Ch. 11
Final exam

Course Policies:
 Academic Dishonesty Policy: Students are encouraged to work and discuss
together but not to copy each other’s work. In case of copying, all parties will get
a zero grade for the first offence. If the case is repeated, students are not welcome
any more in the class.
 Missed Exams: No makeup exams shall be given. Excuses must be given to the
head of the department. They will be presented to the department for further
discussion. The department has the right to accept or deny students petitions.
 Grading : there is quiz after each completing chapter.

Teaching methods:
 Lectures/ slides/video/groups

Assessment measures and grading system:

Grading system :
First exam 15%
Second exam 15%
presentation 15%
lab 10%
quizzes 10%
Final exam 35%


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