Behavioral Management

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Human Behavioral Management Final Examination

1. Assuming that you are a school principal, how would you modify the behavior of your teachers
in the following situations?
a. You want to minimize their tardiness and absenteeism
- As a school head, I should identify first those teachers who have the most numbers of
tardiness and absenteeism for the month. After having the list of those teachers, I will
have some background check about them (address if their home is far from the
school, status if single or married or solo parent, etc.) to know if those factors affect/s
their attendance in the school. After knowing their situation I’ll give them another
chance to improve their attendance for one month. If there is any improvement in
their attendance, I’ll commend them for their progress but if there is no progress, I’ll
issue them a memorandum explaining for their tardiness and absenteeism.

b. You want your teachers to have initiative

-In order to have my teacher’s initiative, as a school head, a leader should show the
potential of being independent. As a leader I should not pass my work to the burden of
my teachers, and then if they appreciate or recognize my management I’ll encourage
them to do the same because I believe that if a teacher sees his/ her principal doing
the work alone it will inspire them to work more for the reason that if the teacher has
so many workloads they will don’t have initiative to work, they will just run away
from the given work assignment.

2. Discuss the similarities and differences between the theories of Maslow and Alderfer.
- Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory said that needs could be categorized
into 5 stages Physiological, Safety, Love, Esteem, and Self-Actualization. It states that
“higher needs” would only receive attention once these lower needs were satisfied.
Same concept with Maslow, Alderfer also believes that human has needs but instead
of five he made it into three levels existence, relatedness and growth.
3. As a school head, what can you do to promote cohesiveness of your teachers in your school?
-As a school head, to promote cohesiveness of my teachers first I should not be
subjective in giving memorandum or implementations; I should not show any
favoritism or show in favor for some teachers because this is the major root cause of
faction in a group.
4. Compare and contrast power and authority. How do these concepts relate to leadership?
-Power is a force that cannot be seen but its effects can be felt
-Power is central to the leadership process
-Power is the ability or right to control people
- A person or organization that has a lot of control and influence over other people or
- The power to give orders or make decisions
- The confident quality of someone who knows a lot about something or who is
respected or obeyed by other people
Power and Authority is related to leadership, both possess the ability to control,
manipulate and followed by other people.
5. Compare and contrast classical view of conflict with the contemporary view.

Comparison Contrast
Classical view of conflict and Contemporary
In classical view of conflict, Conflict is
View of conflict agrees that conflict is a
avoidable while in Contemporary View of
result from lack of trust, understanding
Conflict it is inevitable.
between individuals and groups.
Both Views of conflict said that it results Classical Approach focuses on maximum
from individual or group differences remuneration and rewards while
Contemporary view is for the attainment
of the organization
Both conflict shows that conflict is caused
by the management errors which inherent
from organization/group competition.

6. Discuss the costs and benefits of conflict

- The cost of conflicts are tension and anxiety, Rigidity in position, decline in
cooperation and teamwork, while the benefits are development of energy and
enthusiasm, diagnostic value, Generation of new and creative solutions, focus on task
and feedback.

7. What techniques can be used to overcome conflict between groups in your organization?
- The best technique that can be used to overcome conflict between groups is to avoid
it. But if it can’t be avoided the following techniques might help to overcome conflict:
a. Control your Emotions – As human, we should know how to control our emotion
because we might throw words that could hurt other people.
b. Understand the situations – It is possible that we get emotional and we are
misinterpreting what is going on. So we should not conclude first.
c. Talk to the person not to the other people – for me this is the best thing to do, if
your emotion is now stable, you already understand the situation the next thing to
do is to talk to the person you had misunderstood. But never go for a third party
because it might not help to overcome the conflict. Give your point of view and
listen to his/ her point of view so that things will be clear.

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