Complete Set of Jakarta Post's OUTLOOK 2019

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JP/Wendra Ajistyatama

Peace for all: President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo (center) and his running mate Ma’ruf Amin (second left), along with presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto (second right) and his
running mate Sandiaga Uno (right) release doves during the launch of the 2019 peaceful campaigns at the National Monument (Monas) in Jakarta on Sept. 23, 2018.

Message from editor-in-chief

Surviving through election year

his is a year when all ic, reflecting the need to survive The uncertainties are a cause South cooperation.
political and econom- in the upcoming general election. for concern, but Indonesia would On top of everything else, Indo-
ic bets are off. In April, Despite the pros and cons of the not face the year empty-handed. nesia must also be cautious about
the people are to go to new requirement, its implemen- The democratic experiences of natural disasters. Living on the
the polls to vote for their presi- tation in the upcoming election is the 20 years since the end of the Pacific Ring of Fire, disaster miti-
dent and their lawmakers in the expected to strengthen democrat- authoritarian New Order are pre- gation must occupy the top of the
legislative chambers. The simul- ic institutions in the country. cious capital for us as we take our agenda.
taneous elections are to have a This year is also to be a test for next step forward. The Jakarta Post has created
profound influence on political the country’s economic strategy. We are also witnessing tur- this 2019 Outlook to point our
parties’ electoral strategies. Would the outcome of the elec- bulence as well as dynamism on readers toward what matters, be it
The maneuvers of the presi- Nezar Patria tion influence the prospects of the the global stage. The trade war the political or economic issues at
dential candidates, both incum- JAKARTA national economy? between China and the United the national or international lev-
bent President Joko “Jokowi” Would Indonesia continue its States has continued to crescen- els. As usual, we have collated per-
Widodo and his challenger Prabo- ambitious infrastructure projects do, while the Brexit drama is still spectives from top columnists and
wo Subianto, would carry signifi- cent of the vote is presenting a re- and what have been the econom- far from its conclusion. experts from various fields.
cant weight for the vote count of markable challenge for old and ic impacts of the progress so far? These quandaries are hiccups We hope you can take several
the parties behind them. new political parties. The patterns Moving forward, what would In- for the growth of emerging econ- points from them into consider-
The new requirement that puts of coalition-making have thus donesia look like under Jokowi or omies, leading to calls for deeper ation for your agenda for the com-
the legislative threshold at 4 per- been both creative and pragmat- Prabowo? and more instrumental South- ing year.
2 OUTLOOK 2019 JANUARY 15, 2019

Into the 2019 election

Final countdown begins

n about three months, In- more conservative segment of the been attacked as being “less Is- wo will be a democratic leader if
donesians will once again country’s Islamic society. Succes- lamic” by various Islamist groups, elected is difficult to answer. How-
cast their votes to elect their sive massive demonstrations on although Prabowo as the pre- ever, the answer may be found by
president and vice presi- the streets of Jakarta under the ferred candidate of these groups observing his behavior and deci-
dent as well as members of the pretext of “Bela Islam” (Defend- ironically cannot be referred to as sions thus far. One such decision
House of Representatives. These ing Islam) in 2016, 2017 and 2018 “more Islamic”. is regarding his choice of Sandiaga
four months make up the final occurred and reinforced political Nevertheless, the fact that this Uno as a running mate.
stage in the long “political years” division reminiscent of the 2014 kind of comparison about private Sandiaga is also a member of
the nation has endured since right presidential election. character has somewhat been Gerindra. For the first time ever,
after the 2014 election. Philips Vermonte Things seemed to go back to brought up into public discourse the presidential and legislative
One might recall that the win- JAKARTA square one for President Jokowi is worrying for a country that long elections will be held simultane-
ning margin of Joko “Jokowi” as the incumbent. At the same ago constitutionally settled the ously in April. As such, there will
Widodo over Prabowo Subianto time, it should be noted that question of the relationship be- be a coattail effect.
in that election was slim at about coalition controlling the House. things were not going smoothly tween state and religion. Voters will see a single party
6 percent. The electorate has Several Cabinet reshuffles were for Prabowo either. Even more worrying is that represent one ticket, so they will
been torn ever since between sup- also carried out on his terms, not Jokowi has been facing this kind not split their votes. Gerindra will
porters of President Jokowi and on others’. For example, pressures Challenges on Jokowi’s side of issue since he ran for governor enjoy the electoral benefits the
Prabowo. In April, they will face started to mount from every cor- Based on various credible opin- of Jakarta in 2012 and during the most given that Prabowo and San-
each other again on the heels of ner, including from the PDI-P, ion polls, at the time of writing, presidential campaign in 2014. diaga are their own party leaders.
such a divided electorate. with many urging him to reshuf- President Jokowi as the incum- This, however, might cost the
Jokowi started his presidency fle his Cabinet — in particular his bent maintains a winning margin Challenges on Prabowo’s side other parties in the coalition, in-
in October 2014 on a rather shaky economic team — in 2015. While in terms of electoral support over A legit question that many cluding the Prosperous Justice
political ground. He was not the eventually the Cabinet reshuffle Prabowo by about 15 to 20 per- keep asking about Prabowo is Party (PKS) and PAN. The two
strongest person within his par- did take place, he did not change cent. All other things being equal, this: Should he become president, parties are struggling to ensure
ty, the Indonesian Democratic his economic team. the poll numbers look more prom- will he be a democratic leader? that they can beat the 4 percent
Party of Struggle (PDI-P); he was Another example is when he ising for Jokowi than Prabowo. The question surfaced based on parliamentary threshold as re-
a newcomer to the national polit- was able to bring in his preferred quired by the Election Law.
ical scene. candidate, Tito Karnavian, as the The decision to have Sandiaga
As if it was not difficult enough chief of the National Police, re- The question of whether Prabowo will be a as his running mate, in my opinion,
for the newly elected president, gardless of some resistance from democratic leader if elected is difficult to answer. somehow indicates Prabowo’s un-
in the beginning of his presiden- other political players. willingness to share power, which
cy, the PDI-P-led ruling coalition Before that, President Jokowi is a principle that is very important
did not command the majority of appointed Army general Gatot Nevertheless, for the first time his role as the then-commander in the country’s multiparty system.
seats in the House. Governing in Nurmantyo as the commander of of the still relatively short period of of the Army Strategic Reserves The lack of power sharing, in the
such a hostile political environ- the TNI, disregarding the TNI’s democracy in Indonesia, the econ- Command (Kostrad) during sev- context of a multicultural Indone-
ment for sure is difficult. internal tradition of rotating the omy has become a major election eral important political events sia, is democratically dangerous.
The opposition camp led by position that would see someone issue. Ironically, the incumbent so (including the kidnapping of ac- Therefore, it is up to President
Prabowo’s Gerindra was quick to from the Air Force hold it. far has been on the defensive. tivists) that led to the fall of Soe- Jokowi to convince voters that
jump on these facts, portraying There was relatively no oppo- Although, as a matter of fact, harto in May 1998 and in the early the economy has been progress-
Jokowi as a weak president. Such sition from the House or the TNI. under the Jokowi presidency vari- days of BJ Habibie’s presidency. ing in the past five years and will
narrative has been the recurring The President’s learning curve for ous reforms and achievements He was dismissed from military progress more if he is elected. The
theme of the opposition to gain his presidential power was short. have been made and appreciated service but never publicly cleared. huge challenge for Prabowo is to
political scores since then on. In terms of managing relations by many, at home and abroad. But Hoping to get an answer to the convince the voters that democ-
It turns out that President with the political elites, friends the challenger has so far been more question about Prabowo’s exact ratization, which started in May
Jokowi, however, has been a and foes, he gained the upper hand successful in appealing to vot- role during the fateful days 20 1998, will continue if he is elected.
shrewd politician. Later, his savvy pretty quickly. Regardless, to the ers’ emotions about the perceived years ago will probably be useless.
tactical moves brought in two op- President’s and others’ surprise, failed promises of the incumbent There are many questions about
position parties, the Golkar Party serious challenge to his power on the economic front. other dark spots within the coun- The writer is the executive
and the National Mandate Party eventually came from society. The President has also re- try’s history that have never been director of the Centre for Strategic
(PAN), into the ruling coalition, More aptly, from a certain seg- mained on the defensive when it resolved anyway. and International Studies (CSIS),
which resulted in the PDI-P-led ment of Indonesian society: the comes to identity issues. He has The question of whether Prabo- Jakarta.



Board of Directors : Jusuf Wanandi, Marcella Lestari, Endy M. Bayuni, Riyadi Suparno & Judistira Wanandi Hendarsyah Tarmizi, Vincent Lingga, Ati Nurbaiti and Dwi Atmanta
Editor-in-Chief/Guarantor : Nezar Patria
DESIGN: Budhi Button, Darma Ahmadi and Sunaryo
Deputy Editor-in-Chief : M. Taufiqurrahman SALES & MARKETING: Able Loertcher, Aries Saputra, Dwi Sugianto, Dimas P. Utama, Sanrais Ramadhan Bestari
Managing Editors : Primastuti Handayani, Damar Harsanto, Evi Mariani, Ary Hermawan
JANUARY 15, 2019 OUTLOOK 2019 3

Presidential agenda

Jokowinomics: What’s next?

our years ago in Oc- conducted, and is yet to be con- These commitments have led to non-traditional countries.
tober 2014, I wrote an tinued in the future, must be done a notable improvement in the in- This vision will be realized
article “The concept according to the existing legal vestment sector. This can be seen through a “free and active” for-
of Jokowinomics” for framework, not by means of “con- from the “Ease of Doing Business” eign policy. This is a commitment
The Jakarta Post. In the article, fiscating” that in turn will cause ranking, which continues to im- to deal with the current regional
I emphasized how Joko “Jokowi” investment uncertainty. prove. Likewise, the value of the and global dynamics as well as im-
Widodo as the seventh president Surely, the active state be- Global Competitiveness Index proved role and leadership in poli-
of Indonesia would bring new comes very essential to establish (GCI) also continues to increase. tics and security, the economy, so-
hope, leading to the betterment economic welfare for the whole On the next Jokowi economic cioculture, and cooperation with
of the people. Arif Budimanta of society. The state plays a piv- policy platform, food security will dialogue partners.
The foundation was instituted JAKARTA otal role in creating the frame- also become one of the main con- Supporting a clean, effective
during his presidency, which be- work in which fair and open com- cerns. The policy will be based on and reliable government in imple-
gan on Oct. 20, 2014. petitive markets can exist. The Law No. 18/2012 concerning food, menting these programs is a ne-
In the next five years, if Jokowi (Industry 4.0). As a commitment framework must be rooted in the considering that the state has the cessity. Such bureaucracy is one
and his running mate, Ma’ruf to revitalizing the industry, Jokowi values and spirit of Pancasila, as obligation to achieve availabil- of the distinctive characteristics
Amin, take office as president and is determined to strengthen poli- the philosophical basis for the ity, affordability and fulfillment of developed countries. Due to
vice president from 2019 to 2024, cies on natural resource manage- foundation of independent In- of food consumption that is suf- the fact that the vision to join the
the process of improving people’s ment, shifting the paradigm from donesia. This will become a basic ficient, safe, excellent and nutri- ranks of developed countries is
well-being will march on. exploiting the resources as mere platform to create development tionally balanced both at nation- still elusive, Indonesia has shown
More broadly, in the next five trade commodities to utilizing programs committed and imple- al and local level to individuals that it has walked the right path.
years, the momentum, which will them as the locomotive of Indone- mented by Jokowi and Ma’ruf in equally in the entire territory of The programs formulated on
start in 2019, will shift to the de- sian economic development. the next five-year national plan, if the Republic of Indonesia. the next Jokowi economic policy
velopment of Indonesians to be- At the same time, industry link- mandated to lead. It will always be a commitment platform will be realized, such as
come more advanced, superior ages will be built, both forward The Pancasila Economic Sys- that the government will ensure the actualization of Pancasila de-
and prosperous. and backward, bolstering the syn- tem guarantees economic de- food affordability for the peo- mocracy, led by the wisdom of the
It is not only about creat- ergy of all national economic ac- mocracy that is structured as a ple, households and individuals representatives of the people. For
ing space for expression, such as tors. Likewise, increasing the use joint effort based on the princi- at all time. this reason, the government will
through job opportunities, but of local components in the coun- ple of kinship. The system com- Staple food supplies and price open decisions that were closed to
also about managing citizens’ try will be a priority in the devel- prises the principle of economic stabilization are essential to en- citizens who should be involved in
lives, from cradle to the grave. The opment of national industries. cooperation that accommodates sure everyone can afford them, government decision-making pro-
plan is to further improve the so- In the long run, such educa- people’s economy driven by co- which is the most basic human cesses to maintain an open, trans-
cial security and insurance system tional and industrial development operatives. The spirit of coopera- need and its fulfilment is part of parent and systematic dialogue.
that has been established by the programs will play a vital role tives, that was advocated by Bung human rights that is guaranteed Furthermore, having employed
current Jokowi administration. in reducing poverty rate and in- Hatta, must be revived and devel- in the 1945 Constitution as a basic civil servants who have the new
Through better social securi- equality since they put a great em- oped, not in conflict with the com- component in creating quality hu- skills needed to harness the pow-
ty programs, health services will phasis on people empowerment. petition but working together for man resources. er of technological change will be
be more evenly distributed and In March, Statistics Indone- a common cause. In the future, Currently, it can be said that a civil service workforce plan im-
more accessible across the coun- sia (BPS) noted that the poverty the system will be one of the main the government has succeeded in plemented by Jokowi and Ma’ruf.
try. During the last five years, the rate of 9.8 percent was the low- Jokowi-Ma’ruf agendas as a strat- stabilizing the supply and price of One way to make this happen is
government has distributed the est throughout Indonesian his- egy to deal with unemployment, staple food at producer and con- through civil service recruitment
Indonesian Health Card (Kartu tory. The level of inequality has poverty and inequality. sumer level. The average price of processes that are open, transpar-
Indonesia Sehat) to more than 92 also been declining, as indicated The investment sector should be food is relatively controlled, shown ent and accessible.
million people to assist poor and by the Gini ratio at 0.389. Owner- Jokowi’s investment policy record by inflation data that is still in the The programs expanding on
vulnerable households. ship of assets has started to spread that comes to actual policy accom- range of 3 percent. The next plan is Jokowi and Ma’ruf’s vision for the
The quality of education also among society as well. plishments tied to pledges. He re- to further improve the staple food future are clearly not only regard-
continues to climb. For example, The effort to redistribute as- mains eager to further improve in- supply and price stabilization sys- ed as physical development. More
the student participation rate sets as an attempt to further im- vestment and the business climate tem that has been established by broadly, however, it is also provid-
has climbed from 12.39 years in prove national welfare has started in the country. This commitment the current administration. ing the perfect economic platform
2014 to 12.85 in 2017. The level with agrarian reform programs. has been realized, through a presi- Moreover, the next Jokowi eco- that enables citizens to defend
of school participation rate also Through state intervention, mar- dential regulation — to accelerate nomic policy platform has out- economic liberty. Here, the active
continues to grow. In the fu- ginalized communities can now the ease of doing business in Indo- lined key foreign policy priorities. state, under Jokowi’s presidency,
ture, Jokowi will develop educa- own production assets that are le- nesia. These task forces specifically Its objectives to be achieved in will have massive presence in or-
tion that fulfills industry needs gal, which can be utilized for more aim to ease the licensing process. the strengthening of foreign poli- der to realize a just and prosper-
through vocational schools. productive activities. Until now, Meanwhile, the acceleration of cy and the improvement of inter- ous society based on Pancasila.
Vocational education programs more than 3 million fields, equiv- infrastructure development has national cooperation are to play
will be of great importance con- alent to more than 700,000 hect- also become a priority of the In- a more significant role in inter-
sidering his plan for the next five ares, have been redistributed and donesian government, which has national relations to advance the The writer is the chairman of
years to continue revitalizing in- legalized. Certainly, it is impor- made every effort to deal with bu- national interest in trade, invest- the Megawati Institute and a
dustry and infrastructure ahead of tant to note that the asset redis- reaucracy and regulations that ment and tourism cooperation member of Jokowi-Ma’ruf ’s
the Fourth Industrial Revolution tribution program that has been impede businesses. and expand the export market to campaign team.
4 OUTLOOK 2019 JANUARY 15, 2019

Presidential agenda

Toward an Indonesian economy for all

n reviewing the merits of must be prioritized. new jobs as possible. The Creative have skyrocketed while domestic
leadership on the broad na- Third is food security and agri- Economy Agency (Bekraf ) could products are abundantly avail-
tional scale, we must look cultural development. Indonesia be transformed into a more effec- able, and the sluggish develop-
no further than a lawnmow- sorely needs to cut down on im- tive body to spearhead creative in- ment of the energy sector are just
er. Even a simple machine with porting foods that we can produce dustry development. a few examples of the administra-
the simple task of cutting grass re- ourselves. Tourism should also be an im- tion’s inconsistency.
quires all its moving parts to work This could be done by strength- portant part of the creative in- The evidence speaks for itself:
in sync. Each tiny cog must align ening state-owned logistics com- dustry. Incentives should be giv- In the last five years, our nation
with another and all must work in pany Bulog’s authority in stabi- en for developing destinations, has plunged into chronic “over-
unison to function smoothly. Sudirman Said lizing market prices and favoring revamping promotional tools for simplification” from which it
A machine that serves a specific JAKARTA farmers and fishermen. foreign visitors, and developing needs time to heal. The failures
purpose would find itself in trou- This must be accompanied by halal tourism as part of the halal have nothing to do with economic
ble if even one cog did not work land revitalization, expediting the industry. problems, but a problem in lead-
well. Now imagine a machine a comprehensive national devel- use of technology, and firm capac- Seventh is environmental man- ership. The agenda of establishing
that faces multifaceted problems, opment plan that covers human ity building in farmers’ knowledge agement and conservation. Top- a foundational economy has been
serves a plethora of purposes, and resources, socio-culture, defense and skills to increase productivity down policies should include forgotten, swept away in the eu-
more than 260 million lives are and security, and law enforcement. and value-added commodities. preventing environmental deg- phoria of ceremonial gibberish.
dependent on its performance — The immediate goal should focus The government should also radation, protecting wildlife and It is proven that an artificial po-
like Indonesia. on restoring our economy. set up a financing institution to in- biodiversity, maintaining water litical approach showing that a lead-
With intensifying global in- The following are a selected few vest in grassroots agriculture. resources management, and cut- er that can do everything alone is
teraction, economic interdepen- of the action plans for strengthen- Fourth, ensuring energy secu- ting all reclamation plans that both unnecessary and misleading.
dence in an open economy is in- ing our economy, from the devel- rity. Issuing policies that push for cause environmental damage. Thus, we need an executive
evitable. Strong leadership and opment platform of presidential energy exploration, diversifica- The institutional strength- leader that can lead established
fundamentals in managing eco- candidate Prabowo Subianto and tion and conservation would lead ening could be applied through institutions, use management
nomic resilience could lead to running mate Sandiaga Uno. to decreased reliance in fossil fu- the provision of human resourc- tools and take strategic steps to
massive growth and development First is restoring the foun- els and imported energy. es, technology and a substan- formulate visions, missions, strat-
in a country. dational economy. This can be We also need to revitalize mil- tial budget for environmental egies and priorities that are re-
However, the fact is, our coun- achieved through repairing the lions of hectares of degraded land conservation. alized through active programs;
try is far from being on the receiv- incremental capital-output ratio by converting them into bioener- Eighth is tax reform, which of- someone with a high level of con-
ing end of dependency. Our econ- (ICOR), improving debt manage- gy estates. This could accelerate fers an opportunity to incentivize fidence that has been proven wor-
omy still relies heavily on foreign ment and development financing, increased renewables in our na- new economic actors and better thy of employing and leading the
imprint, as is evident in our cur- restoring professional manage- tional energy mix. management of state revenues. best and brightest Indonesians —
rent account deficit, tendency to ment at state-owned enterprises, Fifth is marine and fisheries Incentives policies could in- the best talents in their fields.
create short-term debt, high de- and reprioritizing infrastructure development. Our marine and clude two-year tax holidays for We need a leader who sets aside
pendence on imported goods and development. fisheries potential should be re- new SMEs, effectively lowering his personal interests, one who
services, and the weakening ex- Indonesia also has the poten- aligned to guided to fishermen’s the tax rate to increase the tax ra- does not go around seeking his
change rate. tial to become the world center of welfare through prudent policy tio, strengthening tax institutions own political credit and instead
It is clear that our economic sharia economy if it strengthens planning. and maximizing the use of tech- works diligently through using
fundamentals are neither strong its institutions, ecosystem, hu- This could be done by revising nology to spur state revenues. and strengthening state institu-
enough nor on the right track to man resources capacity and social regulations to favor fishermen, The tax extensification and tions; a leader who consciously
the better. fund management. increasing fisheries productivity, intensification should progress sets checks and balances and pru-
These realities mean serious Second, creating new centers managing our outermost islands through a scheme that incentiviz- dent practices through the ap-
consequences for our economic of growth. To achieve social wel- and strengthening civil marine es business and economic growth. propriate distribution of roles
structure. The socioeconomic gap fare and equal distribution of transportation. within various state instruments
will continue to grow, while the na- wealth, the primary focus should We also need to fix financing Building institutional leader- and shares the multiple aspects of
tional capacity to supply its own be on upholding the people’s con- schemes for local fishermen. It ship nationhood.
needs will continue to decline. stitutional rights as regards the is also important to ensure legal We must accept the bitter truth This approach would lead to
Looking even further, we must economy. compliance, including the Ex- that this country has experienced greater credibility for the na-
accept the fact that our econom- Hence, the way to go is econom- clusive Economic Zone and set- mismanagement in its gover- tion while increasing confidence
ic fundamentals still have several ic development that focuses on in- tling maritime boundary disputes nance over the last few years, es- among both the national and glob-
vulnerabilities, including pover- clusive growth, tackling poverty, through existing international pecially in the economy. Our gov- al public. Developing institutional
ty and the widening income gap, narrowing gaps through political frameworks. ernment has been imbued with a leadership is a prerequisite to de-
fragile job structure, weak GDP deliberation that sides with the Sixth, harness the creative in- too personal approach tinged with veloping an Indonesian economy
structure, increased external de- people, and job creation. dustry and the digital economy. over-politicization. that benefits all.
pendency, and the looming threat New centers of growth should The potential of the creative indus- Coherence and consistency
of oligarchs dominating the econ- be developed, mainstreaming the try and the digital economy should have been absent in the strategies
omy. These vulnerabilities must role of small and medium enter- be harnessed by creating an eco- that were thought up using this The writer is the debate and
be managed through a strategic prises (SMEs) is a must — not an system favorable for growth. approach. campaign content director of the
and conceptual approach. option — and developing agri- New digital startups should be The uncontrolled influx of for- Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno
This approach must be linked to cultural and rural infrastructure oriented toward creating as many eign workers, food imports that national campaign team.
6 OUTLOOK 2019 JANUARY 15, 2019

State finance

Reflection on remarkably resilient year

s 2018 has come to a global events continue to sup- lectively worked to save the nomic recovery. The call for
close, we reflect on how press growth. The Internation- world economy from calamity, by multilateral trade institutional
Indonesia’s economy al Monetary Fund adjusted its adopting synchronized cohesive reform, in the World Trade Orga-
has been remarkably re- global GDP growth projection economic policies. nization (WTO), should be based
silient amid the challenging global from 3.9 percent to 3.7 percent They successfully spearhead- on the spirit of improvement and
economic environment. Indone- for both 2018 and 2019. They had ed financial regulatory reform to cooperation to achieve fair trade
sia was able to weather the storm also adjusted global trade volume avoid future over-accumulation agreements. All countries should
better in part thanks to a national growth from 4.5 percent to 4 per- of risks. Furthermore, to avoid a have the same opportunity for
budget that was designed to be ag- cent in 2019. race to the bottom, there has been their voice to be heard. These are
ile. This agility helps the govern- Sri Mulyani Indrawati We hope cooler heads will significant progress on coopera- the global challenges for all.
ment swiftly introduce counter- JAKARTA prevail and the recently an- tion among tax authorities to fight
cyclical measures, when required, nounced trade truce will lead to a evasion through the Base Erosion Fiscal and economic perfor-
in responding to external upheav- more positive path. For decades, Profit Shifting (BEPS), Automatic mance
als and cushioning the impact to tightened liquidity. emerging economies have been Exchange of Information (AEOI) Fortunately, even with this
our economy. The US Treasury’s expansion- enjoying the benefits of interna- and a taxation framework for the challenging external environ-
Despite these challenges, we ary fiscal policy, in the form of tax tional trade that have translated digital economy. ment, the broad picture of In-
closed the year with impressive cuts and increased spending, bol- to impressive poverty reduction In the current global environ- donesia’s economy remains en-
numbers and solid fundamentals. sters aggregate demand. Further- and prosperity boost. We need ment, we need the same level of couraging and underscores that
Our national budget has proven more, the US trade policy vis-à-vis to safeguard the socioeconomic cooperation that was present 10 healthy economic fundamentals
its mantle as a credible and pru- China and Europe dampens glob- progress made to date. years ago. While each leader has have been preserved.
dently managed fiscal instrument. al trade. The impact reverberates Last year marked the 10th an- to address their own domestic This is underpinned by a
A mix of factors created the per- around the world and translates niversary since the inaugural G20 economic and political challenges, healthy annual GDP growth of 5.2
fect storm resulting in the global to appreciation of the US dollar, Leaders’ Summit in 2008 amid strong cooperation is needed to percent in 2018 — one of the high-
economic volatility we see today. decreased capital flow to emerg- the economic crisis in the US — minimize negative spillover from est and most consistent among
The monetary policy normaliza- ing economies and uncertainties after the fall of Lehman Brothers one country’s policy. G20 economies. This is partly
tion introduced by the United in global trade. and AIG triggered panic that led Confrontation will only ex- driven by robust domestic con-
States’ Federal Reserve (the Fed) Downside risks and increased to the global financial crisis. acerbate the risks, erode confi- sumption as well as recovery in
by raising its benchmark rate has volatilities emanating from these In 2008, all G20 leaders col- dence and weaken global eco- investment and external demand.
Furthermore, the unemploy-
ment rate is at 5.34 percent (the
lowest since 2010) and the pover-
ty rate stood at 9.82 percent (the
lowest in two decades). Inflation
has been benign at 3.13 percent in
2018. The Gini coefficient has also
improved from 0.40 to 0.38. These
remarkable achievements were
done while maintaining prudent
fiscal management.
Our 2018 national budget is
healthy, as reflected in the im-
proving primary balance that is
nearing zero, a significant im-
provement comparing to the pre-
vious year. Furthermore, the bud-
get deficit for 2018 declined to 1.76
percent of GDP, the lowest since
2012 and much lower than the
original plan of 2.19 percent.
In addition, the public debt to
GDP ratio has been maintained at
around 30 percent — far below the
60 percent allowable by law. This
prudent fiscal policy is sound even
if compared with developed econ-
omies and most G20 countries.
Indonesia’s overall fiscal per-
JP/Wendra Ajistyatama formance is solid with the tax ra-
The deal of the year: Freeport-McMoRan CEO Richard Adkerson (right) and PT Inalum chief executive Budi Gunadi Sadikin shake hands tio in 2018 reaching 11.5 percent
after the signing of an initial agreement on the purchase of the majority stake in PT Freeport Indonesia on Sept. 27, last year. of GDP — an increase of almost
JANUARY 15, 2019 OUTLOOK 2019 7


The pride of West Java: Kertajati International Airport in Majalengka, West Java, which was officially inaugurated in May, 2018, is one of the government’s important infrastruc-
ture projects.

one percentage point compar- Competitive and resilient an infrastructure renaissance. Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Re- macroeconomic assumptions for
ing the previous year, without The government will remain The government has made an im- port has aggregately improved. the 2019 budget.
jeopardizing the investment cli- vigilant in monitoring these glob- portant decision to address the In 2018, five credit rating In 2019, the government proj-
mate. We use tax incentives to al dynamics. We will continue to many years of under-investment agencies confirmed Indonesia’s ects the economy will grow by 5.3
encourage industrialization and strengthen our policy mix and in this sector and bridge the infra- investment grade status. Fur- percent, inflation be kept stable at
investment appetite on top of maintain stability while preserv- structure gap. We are committed thermore, Indonesia’s Glob- 3.5 percent, while global volatility
our policy to simplify investment ing the momentum of growth. to invite more private capital to al Competitiveness Index im- will continue to rise.
regulations. Along with the nation’s inde- participate in building infrastruc- proved two positions to 45th place As an economy, Indonesia has
Overall revenue collection in pendent central bank, Bank Indo- ture, through more advanced and out of 140 countries — in 2018. been able to withstand past hur-
2018 grew by 16.6 percent, while nesia (BI), the Financial Services diverse instruments to promote dles and has learned a lot from the
public spending grew 9.7 percent. Authority (OJK) and Deposit In- public-private partnerships. 2019 outlook Asian financial crisis of 1998 and
Furthermore, overall revenue surance Corporation (LPS), the As a US$1 trillion economy, The recently approved 2019 na- the global financial crisis of 2008.
reached 102.5 percent of the an- government is committed to pre- Indonesia remains an attractive tional budget maintains the tradi- One common lesson we grasped
nual target for 2018, while non- serve the stability of the financial market and investment destina- tion of prudence and credibility in is that we always need to focus on
tax revenue impressively reached system and continue to deepen tion. Our middle class is growing, our fiscal policy. The budget will reforms to strengthen our funda-
147.8 percent of the annual tar- our financial sector. our young population makes a continue to be an instrument for mentals. In the past two decades,
get. These indicators suggest that At the same time, to boost the potent workforce, our economic poverty reduction, job creation key reforms were introduced to
business activities have increased productivity and competitiveness policies remain prudent and our and bridging regional disparities. strengthen our economic resil-
and profitability has improved. of our economy, we will invest improved investment climate is To finance various develop- ience and ensure that the econo-
Overall, this is an outstanding more in our human capital as well attracting capital inflow. ment programs amid the global my is managed more prudently.
turnaround policy. as improve infrastructure for con- Furthermore, we preserve the uncertainties, the budget will re- Under the leadership of Presi-
Spurred by an increase in do- nectivity and efficiency. people’s purchasing power, sup- main healthy and credible. Fur- dent Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, the
mestic production activities, we The increased budget alloca- port small and medium sized en- thermore, the self-sufficient government remains committed
have also seen strong growth in tion for education, health and terprises (SMEs) through mi- nature of next year’s budget is evi- to the reform agenda.
imports, which outstrip exports — the social safety net is a testa- crocredits and tax cuts, as well as dent from the significant project- 2018 has been a remarkably re-
exacerbated by the higher oil price ment of the government’s long- promote tourism to new destina- ed growth of state revenues, both silient year for Indonesia. By the
as well as increased demands for term commitment to investing in tions across the country. from tax and non-tax sources. same token, we are also optimistic
capital goods and raw materials. our human capital and in reduc- In order to cut red tape and The 2019 budget carefully fac- about Indonesia’s economic pros-
The government took neces- ing poverty even further. Indone- further improve the business cli- tored-in the prospects ahead in pects in 2019.
sary steps to keep the current ac- sia’s workforce needs to be able to mate, the government has intro- light of the global economic con-
count deficit at a healthy level and compete in the technological and duced the Online Single Submis- dition that is moving toward a new
preserve the confidence level in industrial revolution 4.0. sion (OSS). In the past four years, equilibrium. Despite the political The writer is the finance minister
the market. Indonesia is also undergoing Indonesia’s standing in the World year, we remain optimistic in our of Indonesia.
8 OUTLOOK 2019 JANUARY 15, 2019

Regional order

Strategic developments in Asia-Pacific

t the close of the 20th
century, I was inter-
viewed by Singapore’s
Channel NewsAsia net-
work, and was asked, who was
the most important person that
changed Asia? My answer was
chairman Deng Xiaoping who
opened up China in December
1978, 40 years ago, and made it Jusuf Wanandi
possible for China to become what JAKARTA
it is now, and gave the chance to
Asia (and the world) to develop sea and on land.
peacefully together. It is not meant to supplant the
Now China has become a great existing international order, but
power in its own right and the sec- rather complement it by bringing
ond biggest economy in the world. about new initiatives for global
Domestically, there are popular cooperation. Thus, China is not a
pressures and demands to stand total revisionist power as she has
up to powers that caused suffering benefitted so much from the cur-
from the beginning of the Opium rent order. She could partially be
Wars 180 years ago, to when China considered revisionist.
successfully overcame the painful China is basically still a status
legacy of the past and achieved its quo power as shown by its mem-
current successes as a global pow- bership in trade regimes such as
er. And President Xi Jinping does the World Trade Organization,
understand those pressures. APEC and ASEAN-based regional AFP/Goh Chai Hin

Since the early 1980s, China cooperation. Historic trip: India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives to launch the India-Indonesia kite exhibition
has participated in regional af- There were allegations that at the National Monument in Jakarta during his historic visit to Indonesia at the end of May, last year.
fairs and developments initiated China had been unfair on issues
by ASEAN, such as the ASEAN like intellectual property rights
Regional Forum (ARF), ASEAN (IPRs) and state subsidies, but Ja- promising to open China’s mar- resist the supremacy of China, they knew that the US and Japan
Defence Ministers Meeting Plus pan and other countries had also ket, make foreign investment eas- China also will resist any US at- were behind it. As the decisions
(ADMM+) and East Asia Sum- been accused of similar things be- ier, as well as tighten up and im- tempt to interfere in its domes- were obviously anti-China, and
mit (EAS). Currently, China fore. Nonetheless, China has to prove transparency on IPRs. tic affairs, let alone attempts to can hardly be implemented, the
also has bilateral trade agree- carefully look at the complaints As a member of the interna- change the current system of gov- question is who is going to adhere
ments with each ASEAN member raised by the United States and tional community, China can play ernance into a liberal democracy. to them? Of course the usual sus-
state, as well as one with ASEAN other Western countries regard- by the rules as others do, and it In addition, China will pre- pects, but there is no more excite-
as a whole. ing these issues. has been active in participating vent at all cost efforts by the US ment about its implementation.
In addition, China has been to hamper her goal of improving ASEAN and China now have
an active member of Asia-Pacific her capabilities in high tech in- a second chance to reach a con-
Economic Cooperation (APEC) China is basically still a status quo power as dustries under the Made in China clusion on the Code of Conduct
and the Pacific Economic Coop- 2025 plan. (CoC), hopefully with a time
eration Council, and a member of shown by its membership in trade regimes such On the South China Sea dis- frame and contents that are ac-
the Council on Security Coopera- as the World Trade Organization, APEC putes, China has toughened its ceptable to both sides, slowly but
tion in the Asia-Pacific, a track two position because it needs access to surely. The CoC is important in
regional construct on security. and ASEAN-based regional cooperation. the sea strategically. establishing regional order in the
China came up with a new ini- In defending her interests, South China Sea for both sides as
tiative for Asia by establishing China has been very assertive on well as for others from outside the
the Asian Infrastructure Invest- If these allegations are true, in some United Nations initiated its own instead of taking the dip- subregion.
ment Bank (AIIB) to finance and China should make amends to efforts such as peacekeeping, en- lomatic path as shown by her re- As China has mentioned, it
cooperate in building infrastruc- make itself credible. I believe vironmental programs and the action to the outcome of the UN would like to uphold corrected
ture in the region. At the global China is trying hard to do it, and Millennial/Sustainable Develop- Tribunal on the South China Sea globalization, multilateralism and
level, China created the Belt and reform some of her policies on ment Goals. China strongly resists in 2016. an open economy.
Road Initiative (BRI) to establish trade and investment. And Presi- any attempt by outside powers to However, at the same time I do Those principles are undoubt-
a new venture on global strategic dent Xi Jinping mostly answered interfere in its domestic affairs. agree that China should not be edly most important in keeping an
cooperation in the fields of infra- the questions and challenges that However, there have been cases so assertive and, therefore, cre- international order in place that
structure, finance, trade, social Western countries put to China where compromises were made ate doubts about her peaceful can balance the unilateralism of
and people-to-people cooperation in his opening speech at the Exim possible, such as on specific hu- rise. The Chinese never accept- the US, and at the same time sus-
along the traditional Silk Road at Fair in Shanghai in early October, man rights issues. As the US will ed the tribunal’s results because tain peace and development glob-
JANUARY 15, 2019 OUTLOOK 2019 9

ally and regionally. Pacific” has become popular jar- gion. Quad 2 can be considered which comprises all relevant maker. As the US has for 70 years
Each and every country should gon in the region. It has become the implementation of the NSS: countries in the region, including been the keeper of peace and sta-
do its part in keeping its economy confusing as countries have di- containing China. It is no new India, Russia, the US and China, bility in the Asia-Pacific, it is natu-
open, as well as promote the in- verging views and definitions of it. Cold War however, because there should be the platform of choice ral that she should be welcomed in
tensity of regional cooperation At present, one of the biggest are no two confronting ideolo- for the Indo-Pacific. the region as she wishes, but prob-
to be able to overcome whatever confusions is related to the revival gies. And the two big countries are One big question is on the fu- ably no more as a regional hege-
US President Donald Trump has of the Quadrilateral Security Dia- competing but also cooperating in ture of the role of the US in East mon, because she is against it with
in mind. logue 2 (Quad 2) as announced in many fields, bilaterally such as in- Asia. President Trump is still am- her “America First” principle.
Regional institutions to sup- November 2017 in Manila, during tegrating economic relations, as bivalent in this case. He insists on Others in the region should fill
port are both ASEAN and West- the EAS. Quad 1 has been slowly well as multilaterally as the two his “America first” agenda, and is the vacancy, if the US is not enthu-
ern-initiated ones like APEC, diminishing in the last five years have to cooperate on many issues basically against multilateralism, siastic enough to stay.
BRICS, ARF, ADMM+ as well as because of different interests of before they can be solved. or globalism as he calls it. Keeping this in mind, all coun-
the EAS (or perhaps the Indo-Pa- countries like Australia. Now, the tries in the region must continue
cific in the future), together with US has taken the lead for Quad 2, to cooperate closely and work to
China’s initiatives like the Shang- which is similar to Quad 1, com- One big question is on the future of keep not only our bilateral rela-
hai Cooperation Organization, prising Australia, India, Japan and tions but also multilateral institu-
AIIB and BRI. the US, for security cooperation to
the role of the US in East Asia. tions relevant.
Also important are the Re- constrain China. All these developments are im-
gional Comprehensive Economic The US’ policy is in line with Problems continue to exist, This has raised questions, such portant for the next Indonesian
Partnership and the Comprehen- her declaration of China (and such as on nuclear proliferation as on the worth of the US’ alli- government to consider seriously
sive and Progressive Agreement Russia) as rivals in the 2017 Na- in North Korea (and Iran), as well ance with Japan, South Korea and and make the necessary adjust-
for Trans-Pacific Partnership. tional Security Strategy of the US as in the global economy, environ- Australia. Although his military ments in our own foreign policy,
Most of them should ideally be report. And US Vice President ment and terrorism. This contain- staff and the White House have no matter who wins the elections
complementary, as it is important Mike Pence has put across this no- ment is of course not desirable for claimed that US policy in the Asia- in April 2019.
to keep the economy and politics tion very straight and direct. Indonesia and ASEAN. Pacific remains business as usual,
open in the region and the world. This is serious, and opens up Indonesia has consistently pro- you cannot take it for granted.
Maybe that is for us to take up as a new chapter in China-US re- posed that regional cooperation It is clear that Trump is a uni- The writer is the vice chairman
a challenge. lations, with significant conse- should be open and led by ASEAN. lateralist, and that at the end of of the board of trustees,
Since last year, the term “Indo- quences for the Asia-Pacific re- Thus, with this mindset, the EAS, the day he is the boss and decision CSIS Foundation.

AFP/Roslan Rahman
Big family: Posing for a group photo before the start of the ASEAN-United States summit on the sidelines of the 33 ASEAN summit in Singapore on Nov. 15, 2018, are (from left)
Malaysia’s Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad , Myanmar State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, Vietnam’s Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan
Phuc, US Vice President Mike Pence, Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha, Brunei Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, Cambodian Prime
Minister Hun Sen, Indonesia’s President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and Laos Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith.
10 OUTLOOK 2019 JANUARY 15, 2019

Food policy

Focus on demand also needed

he year 2018 was (HPP), agricultural insurance and food demand, conducted by the nesia play crucial roles. The policy
marked by a number of subsidized credit (KUR) to cope National Development Planning of developing a logistics system is
controversies over the with production risks. Agency (Bappenas), the World as equally important as food pro-
government’s food im- On the demand side, existing Food Program (WFP) and the duction and consumption policy,
port policy. The controversies oc- policies to protect consumers, es- Food and Agricultural Organiza- even determining the inefficien-
curred when the Trade Ministry pecially at the lower end of the in- tion (FAO). cy level or high price disparity
decided to import 500,000 tons of come spectrum, include rice sub- The patterns of food demand between producer and consumer
rice in January, another 500,000 sidies for poor families through and the character of the middle- prices. Massive infrastructure de-
tons of rice in May and 100,000 the Rastra Program, which has class have changed significantly, so velopment in the past few years
tons of corn in November. Bustanul Arifin gradually been replaced with the that future policies should be more should be able to improve the per-
The controversies grew after JAKARTA non-cash food assistance (BPNT), compatible with the changes (The formance of the logistics system.
the Agriculture Ministry said the and price ceiling policies through Jakarta Post, July 26, 2018). The investment policy on trade
imports were not necessary given the highest retail price and some Food trade policy is related to should be developed more com-
the adequate supplies in the do- land area for corn and soybean are flexibility for the State Logistics farm-gate prices, which might not prehensively in order to attain
mestic market, while the Trade not easily available. Agency (Bulog) in procurements be compatible with market mech- some of the Sustainable Develop-
Ministry said it was necessary to Indonesia needs a more com- that are above the reference price. anisms. Farmers are often trapped ment Goals (SDGs), such as zero
anticipate shortages in local pro- prehensive food policy for the Evaluation of existing policies, in a state of high dependence on hunger, zero poverty, reduced in-
duction, especially during non- welfare of farmers and consumers such as the effectiveness of the collector traders (middlemen) be- equality, responsible consump-
harvest periods, Ramadhan and and business certainty, especially two price phenomenon (i.e. mar- cause many of them sell their rice tion and production.
Idul Fitri, when demand for rice in the political year of 2019. The ket prices vs. reference prices), before it is harvested. Indonesia needs investment in
was usually high. food policy should not only focus possible distortions in food assis- This “cash and carry” system modernizing traditional markets,
The Agriculture Ministry also on the supply side, but also on the tance for the poor under special is quite attractive for farmers be- cargo vessels and trains, halal-
said that corn imports were not demand side, from the perspec- circumstances of both hard and cause of the high discount factor food trading and trade financing.
necessary because there would be tives of consumption, trade and soft infrastructure, capacity of hu- in the food economy. Here, the ac- Previous policies on industrial
a surplus of 13 million tons in local investment, which will be exam- man resources, etc. tual market mechanism does not deepening and added value strat-
production. ined in this article. The synchronization of food occur smoothly as the price for- egies on some food commodities
Unfortunately, corn retail The existing food policy on the policies is not adequate if it is only mation depends on the institu- should provide lessons that up-
prices increased significantly and supply side includes special ef- resolved through a supply-side tional arrangements that underlie stream policies on increasing pro-
reached about Rp 6,000 per kilo- forts to increase the production of approach or food production sys- the transaction of products. ductivity and production capaci-
gram, causing a price hike in feed rice, corn and soybean, the provi- tem. The supply dimension is cer- It can be found along the value ties are equally important.
prices despite the surplus claim. sion of subsidies for fertilizer and tainly a necessary condition, but chain of food products, involv- The policy changes for the fu-
Smallholder livestock farmers, seed, machinery, small-scale irri- the demand dimension is a suffi- ing producers, traders, wholesal- ture should focus on the avail-
especially those breeding layers gation and other social assistance cient condition. ers, food industries, retailers and ability of staple food and price
and broilers, cannot afford to buy for farmers and farmer groups. A more credible food con- consumers. stabilization, which eventually
feed. Other supply-side policies are rice sumption policy needs to be es- Given the nature of an archipe- might contribute to the achieve-
The controversies were main- protection in the form of the gov- tablished, according to a recent lagic economy, inter-island logis- ment of some SDGs. Policy deci-
ly triggered by the quality of data ernment purchase price scheme study on the future of Indonesian tics and the trade system in Indo- sion should not be based on the
used by government agencies. supply-side only, but also on the
Academics, the private sector demand-side, price indications,
and society as a whole expect no food stock management and who
further controversy concerning has the most control of such staple
government food policies in 2019. and strategic foods.
Last October Vice President Ju- The policy on food consump-
suf Kalla announced a new esti- tion, trade and investment should
mate for unhusked rice produc- promote specialization, be com-
tion of 56.54 million tons, which patible with regional economic
is 31.88 percent lower than the 83 cooperation, simplify the proce-
million tons projected by the Ag- dures and remove the constraints
riculture Ministry. of goods and services movement
The new estimate was calculat- from the borders to post-borders
ed using a sampling area method and industries.
(KSA), a new method to improve
the objectivity measurement of
harvested rice areas, using spatial The writer is a professor of agri-
and digital technology. cultural economics at University of
In 2019, the KSA method will Lampung (Unila), senior economist
also be applied to improve the JP/Umair Rizaludin at the Institute for Development of
quality of data on corn and soy- Main staple: Workers carry sacks of rice in the Cipinang wholesale rice market in East Jakarta. The gov- Economics and Finance (Indef ) and
bean production, although it has ernment’s decision to import rice often causes controversy because of inaccurate data on the country’s chairman of the Statistical Society
some weaknesses as raw data on rice production. Forum (FMS).
JANUARY 15, 2019 OUTLOOK 2019 11

Risk Appetite Back In Emerging Markets

Indonesia will hold presidential and legislative elections in April 2019. Many have regarded 2019 as an economically challenging year. How challenging is
it? How will the 2019 elections have an impact on the economy, particularly on the banking sector? The Jakarta Post recently talked to the CEO of Citibank
Indonesia, Batara Sianturi, who is also the Chairman of the International Banks Association of Indonesia (PERBINA). Here’s an excerpt of the interview.

Question: Indonesia will hold presidential ratio was 22.9 percent and loan grew at around How do you view FinTech companies-
and legislative elections in April of this 13 percent . Citibank Indonesia closed 2018 facilitated Peer to Peer Lending increasingly
year. Tell us first how you view the current with loan growth around 26 percent. preferred by millennials? Is Peer to Peer
global economic landscape prior to providing  We have full confidence in the banking Lending a threat to banking sector? 
some insights into how the elections sector. I think all the regulatory actions done I don’t think Peer to Peer Lending is a
will impact the Indonesian economy. by OJK (the Financial Services Authority) and threat. It only complements what the banking
Answer: Essentially, 2019 will be monetary policy actions done by Bank sector cannot reach. Artificial intelligence
a challenging year as the global growth Indonesia have been spot on. and robotics will also come into play
environment is not at its best condition. We The IDR has started to strengthen. Along globally. A lot of algorithmic trading is now
see the US - China trade tension is beginning with this, the stock and bond markets are already happening. Research can now be
to take a toll on the growth rate of China recovering, signaling a return of confidence done through robust simulations and so I think
and anecdotally also on the growth rate of on the economy. Foreign portfolio inflows are automation will come naturally. Analog will also
the US.  Indonesia thus faces headwinds coming back in.  be a thing of the past. People rely less and less
potentially in the form of slowing export  For what it’s worth, Citibank Indonesia on phone banking because the digital banking
growth.  The silver lining is on the capital flows, was actually one of the first to turn bullish on platform on smartphones is getting better.
since ironically, the expected synchronized the Indonesian equity market back in mid-
slowdown between the US and China as well August last year. At the time valuations fell Referring to China’s multinational companies’
as lower commodity prices bode well for the too far given the still robust fundamentals plan to relocate their companies in emerging
global inflation outlook. This increases global and the prospect of a peaceful election. countries as you said earlier, how should
JP/Arief Suhardiman
risk appetite for emerging market financial Citi upgraded the forecast for the Indonesia Indonesia respond to it?
assets. Thus in terms of short-term capital
Batara Sianturi composite to 6,600 by end of June When all the infrastructure projects are
inflows, we think 2019 will not be as challenging CEO OF CITIBANK INDONESIA 2019. Optimism likely will be extended until completed, what is next should be to accelerate
as 2018. Strong capital inflows will keep the IDR well after the election, as political uncertainty building and rebuilding human capital as
at bay, thus providing liquidity to the market.  subsides. In the past, post-election euphoria competitive as the one in peer countries. The
And now, let’s move to the issue of could last for 1 - 2 months quality of our Indonesian human capital must
How will the global economic the 2019 election. How do you view it when Politics aside, corporate earnings growth is meet global standards, ready to compete
environment have an effect on the Indonesian linked to economy? expected to grow in the double digits and that regionally and globally. At Citi we understand
economy? Looking at the economy in 2019, we will will support the market’s performance. this, many of our talents had overseas working
Indonesia may face potential split that into two phases: In the first half of  Recently our strategist recommended experience and they came back home as better,
slower export growth. We have already the year, January to June, we may see growth positioning for IDR strength as we expect more qualified, more professional and more
seen signs of that happening from supported by various stimulus ahead of the demand for high yielding assets would globally competitive bankers. Globalization is the
the November trade figures. We’ll know election, followed by the festivity season.  likely pick up amidst easing concerns over thing of the future. We are now seeing Indonesian
the next trade figure on Jan. 15, let’s see. However, this would be more challenging to global cost of capital and this shall benefit corporates, some in fintech/e-commerce
The trade tension between the US and China sustain in the second half of the year, after IDR. We have seen also good inflow early expanding beyond Indonesia. So I repeat again,
has led to some multinational companies in the election. Long delayed adjustments to this year into bond market. If you look at it is very important to prepare our human capital
China mulling the possibility of relocating their energy prices may be forthcoming, and inflation of 3 percent last year and 10-year to be as competitive as the one in peer countries.
companies along with their supply chain to there are also export headwinds as discussed bond yield at around 8 percent, Indonesia Otherwise, Indonesia will lag behind. Of course,
other destination countries. Which countries will earlier.  We recently witnessed President is very attractive from real interest rate we continue to improve the ease of doing
benefit from the trade war? ASEAN countries Jokowi officiating the operations of a number point of view. Additionally, Bank Indonesia’s business ranking, first among ASEAN countries
are closest in terms of geographical proximity of trans-Java toll-road sections.  Many responsiveness in maintaining stability and then beyond ASEAN.
to China, followed by India and South Asia. more infrastructure projects will come to should give investors comfort.
Will Indonesia get a piece of the action?  We completion as we head towards the latter part Tell us about Citibank’s plan for 2019?
are hopeful, some companies, for example of the year.  This potentially will create a slack What about foreign perspective, which has a We will continue to focus on target market
in the footwear and electronics sector, have in the economy. Ideally, we could fill up the great influence on the stock market? segments.  In the institutional bank, we will
expressed interest to reallocate here. However slack with a recovery in private investment, Foreign investors compare Indonesia with focus on multinational clients and our local
such decisions will probably take time because thus increasing banking activities as finance other emerging markets, especially the so-called corporate clients. We will support them
relocating a manufacturing base along with their follows economic activities. high yield & high growth emerging markets. through credit growth and solutions like we
supply chain involves various complexities. In this regard, we fare relatively well compared did in 2018. We will bring also new digital
So, with Indonesia completing its infrastruc- How about the economic growth? to many other countries in terms of fiscal and innovations in the institutional banking to
ture projects, I think the game changer will be Indonesia’s economy will grow around 5%. monetary policy credibility. Accordingly, we support our growing clients that are also
to step up the country’s initiatives with regards It can be 5.0%, 5.1% or 5.2%. As a one weren’t the hardest hit during the turbulence. trying to expand beyond Indonesia. Some of
to private investment, and there is plenty of trillion-dollar GDP country, 5 percent And now that appetite for emerging markets is these new Indonesian players in the fintech,
opportunities to do this.  As said earlier, peer growth is equivalent to US$50 billion a year. back, we were one of the quickest to recover. e-commerce companies have regional ambition
countries in the region are courting incoming This is expected to offer other opportunities as as well. And Citi is the perfect partner bank to
FDI from multinational companies seeking to well in the banking sector. That’s why we What lessons learned we can get from the support them in their regional expansion. In
diversify production away from China because are more positive in 2019. previous elections? consumer banking, we continue to focus on
of the Trade War.  We now have the hard infra- Generally political uncertainty creates wealth management business and also on our
structure to compete, but we must also step Could you give some more insights into volatility. The sooner we have a decisive credit card business as we see the opportunities
up the game in soft infrastructure, to create an banking sector and equity/bond markets conclusion of an election, plus clarity over the in the retail segment. Of course, we have our PT
operating environment of efficiency and lesser The banking sector experienced robust future direction, these would generally be CSI (Citi Sekuritas Indonesia) which will continue
regulatory uncertainties.   performance at the end of 2018.  The CAR viewed positively.  to support the equity market as well.
12 OUTLOOK 2019 JANUARY 15, 2019

Monetary policy direction

Synergy for resilience and growth

he past year of 2018 has change market and government government and corporate bond as negotiable certificates of de-
been replete with oner- bond purchases in the second- markets. posit (NCDs) and commercial
ous challenges, beset ary market, especially when for- Recently, Bank Indonesia en- papers (CPs).
by global economic di- eign capital has flowed out of tered into swap arrangements Moving forward, the domestic
vergence and uncertainty. Such the markets. with other central banks to the economic outlook is promising,
dynamics could persist into 2019 Monetary stabilization policy is tune of around $80 billion, in- with stronger growth and main-
and beyond. backed by efforts to accelerate fi- cluding China ($30 billion), Ja- tained stability expected.
Despite inauspicious global nancial market deepening. In the pan ($22.76 billion), South Ko- Despite the flagging glob-
economic dynamics, the domestic foreign exchange market, break- rea (10.7 billion won), Australia al economy, national economic
economy has performed well with Perry Warijyo through policy has been institut- (A$10 billion) and Singapore growth in Indonesia is estimated
stability maintained as growth JAKARTA ed in the form of more efficient ($10 billion). to reach 5 to 5.4 percent in 2019,
momentum endures. foreign exchange swaps and do- Bank Indonesia strengthened backed by strong domestic de-
We projected economic growth mestic non-deliverable forwards. liquidity management flexibility mand, including in spending and
at 5.1 percent in 2018, backed by Bank Indonesia through close The policy aims to support in the banking industry through investment, while the contribu-
strong domestic demand that ex- coordination with the govern- market mechanisms when deter- the macroprudential liquidity tion of net exports is forecast to
panded at 5.5 percent. ment have dampened pressures mining rupiah exchange rates and buffer (MPLB), set at 4 percent improve as exports increase and
Furthermore, household on the rupiah. expand the hedging instruments of deposits in the form of securi- imports moderate.
spending could be maintained Year-to-date (ytd), the rupiah available to domestic and foreign ties holdings that can be repur- Bank Indonesia predicts head-
at a solid growth of 5.2 percent, depreciated by 7 percent as of corporations and investors. chased to Bank Indonesia. line inflation to remain under
buoyed by public purchasing Nov. 19, 2018, which is less se- Seeking to further deepen the Furthermore, Bank Indonesia control in 2019 within the 3.5 ± 1
power and expansion of the gov- vere than that reported in other rupiah money market, Bank In- has maintained the countercy- percent target corridor. The cur-
ernment’s social assistance pro- emerging markets such as In- donesia has issued new rules clical capital buffer at 0 percent rent account deficit will decrease
grams. In real terms, exports rose dia, South Africa, Brazil, Russia concerning rupiah interest rate and strengthened financial sys- to around 2.5 percent of the GDP
by 6.9 percent but imports expe- and Turkey. derivatives, namely the Interest tem surveillance, targeting im- in 2019 as a result of measures
rienced a 12.3 percent growth, Furthermore, the rupiah ex- Rate Swap (IRS) and the Over- portant banks and corporations, to control imports as well as
implying that external demand change rate stability has been night Index Swap (OIS), thus in conjunction with the Finan- stimulate exports and tourism.
has contributed adversely to eco- bolstered by the strong posi- enriching the hedging instru- cial Services Authority (OJK). The bank intermediation func-
nomic growth in 2018. tion of reserve assets, record- ments and facilitating transpar- In addition to the swap trans- tion and economic financing
In line with strong domestic ed at $115.2 billion at the end of ent yield curves for the money actions mentioned earlier, name- through the capital market will
demand, the current account October 2018, equivalent to 6.2 market and bond market. ly DNDFs, the OIS, and the IRS, continue to increase.
deficit was relatively large in months of imports and servicing We believe this policy will Bank Indonesia has also issued Bank Indonesia projects cred-
the third quarter of 2018 at government external debt. strengthen monetary policy several new regulations pertain- it growth in 2019 to reach 10 to
US$8.8 billion (3.37 percent of Low inflation has been main- transmission and deepen the ing to financial instruments such 12 percent, with deposit growth
the GDP) compared to $8 billion tained throughout 2018, which
(3.02 percent of the GDP) in the has helped to increase public
previous period. purchasing power.
The current account deficit As of October, Bank Indone-
increased due to the rise of im- sia estimated year-end inflation
ports to support government in- at 3.2 percent in 2018, which is
frastructure projects, which will below the midpoint of the 3.5 ±1
enhance economic productivity percent target corridor.
moving forward. For 2018, Bank From a BI perspective, we
Indonesia forecast the current ac- are focusing monetary policy on
count deficit to remain within maintaining macroeconomic sta-
a manageable threshold, namely bility, with rupiah exchange rate
below 3 percent of the GDP. stability in particular.
Rupiah exchange rates have Bank Indonesia has already
moved in line with market mech- raised the BI 7-Day Reverse
anisms and support external Repo Rate by 175 basis points
sector rebalancing toward sus- to 6 percent in order to bolster
tainable economic growth. the attractiveness of domestic fi-
Depreciatory pressures on the nancial assets as a preemptive,
rupiah have stemmed from the ahead-of-the-curve response to
strong US dollar and a rever- the current global trend of higher
sal of foreign capital flows as policy rates.
a corollary of global economic The policy to stabilize the
uncertainty. rupiah in line with the curren- JP/Wendra Ajistyatama

Nonetheless, the monetary cy’s fundamental value has been Disruptive talks: Alibaba Group co-founder Jack Ma (right) and then-World Bank president Jim Yong-kim
policy response and stabiliza- implemented through dual in- talk about digital platforms at the Annual Meetings of the IMF and World Bank Group in Bali in October
tion measures implemented by tervention in the foreign ex- last year.
JANUARY 15, 2019 OUTLOOK 2019 13

expected in the 8 to 10 percent rupiah stability in line with the and investment in the region. ment liquidity, efficiency and ia financial instruments.
range and adequate liquidity currency’s fundamental value. Bank Indonesia will continue market conduct in the interbank We are also actively endors-
could be maintained. Bank Indonesia will maintain accommodative macroprudential money market in terms of form- ing economic financing through
In the medium term, we proj- and expand accommodative pol- policy to stimulate the bank in- ing yield curves for various ten- sukuk issuances, specifically for
ect stronger economic growth at icy with respect to macropruden- termediation function in terms ors. We believe money market infrastructure development as
5.5 to 6.1 percent in 2024. Rapid tial policy, the payment system, of economic financing. deepening will support a prolif- well as the integration of shar-
infrastructure development and financial market deepening as We will periodically review eration of securities issuances and ia social and commercial fi-
deregulation policy will increase well as sharia economics. the macroprudential interme- transactions for economic financ- nance, including productive za-
economic productivity. Bank Indonesia will maintain diation ratio in order to catalyze ing in the long term. kat and waqf.
By accelerating the structural a preemptive, ahead-of-the-curve We plan to expand MSME
reforms, Bank Indonesia expects monetary policy stance in 2019. development programs, with a
economic growth to hit 6.1 per- The policy rate will still be cali- In the medium term, we project stronger focus on controlling inflation
cent in 2024, with the current brated in accordance with do- and reducing the current ac-
account deficit below 2 percent of mestic and global economic de- economic growth at 5.5 to 6.1 percent in 2024. count deficit.
the GDP. We predict income per velopments to ensure inflation Key successes in terms of de-
capita to increase from $3,500 remains under control and ru- veloping MSME clusters to pro-
currently to $4,800 in 2024, thus piah exchange rates are in line credit growth and simultaneous- We will constantly promote duce strategic food commodi-
confirming Indonesia’s status as with the currency’s fundamental ly expand economic funding sharia economics and financial ties in various regions, including
an upper-middle income country. value. Bank Indonesia will strive and financing through offerings development unilaterally through rice, red chilli, shallots, garlic
We will strengthen Bank In- toward rupiah exchange rate sta- of securities. Bank Indonesia programs as well and beef, will be replicated to
donesia’s policy mix in 2018 bility through efficient market Similarly, we will also review as through the programs of the help control inflation.
for 2019. mechanisms while applying dual the macroprudential liquidity National Committee on Sharia To support the policy mix, we
National economic resilience intervention policy as needed. buffer to support flexible liquid- Finance (KNKS). will strengthen Bank Indonesia’s
must be bolstered to confront We will maintain adequate re- ity management in the banking Bank Indonesia will release organizational effectiveness and
the risk of global spillovers. Con- serve assets and cooperate bilat- industry. Bank Indonesia Sukuk (SUKBI) efficiency. All Bank Indonesia’s
sequently, monetary policy will erally with other central banks, Similarly, in the money mar- as a tradeable sharia mon- strategy and policy mix have been
remain focused on stability, par- while strengthening regional fi- ket, Bank Indonesia will increase etary instrument, which will defined in strategic programs
ticularly in terms of controlling nancial arrangements, including transaction volume and expand strengthen liquidity management to achieve its new vision, which is
inflation in the 3.5 ±1 percent tar- cooperation to expand the use of the use of repo instruments and at sharia banks and support the to make concrete contributions
get corridor and maintaining local currencies for bilateral trade interest rate swaps (IRS) to aug- long-term development of shar- to the national economy and to

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14 OUTLOOK 2019 JANUARY 15, 2019

become the best in emerging tion between Bank Indonesia

markets. and Deposit Insurance Corpora-
The organizational refinement tion (LPS).
takes place by prioritizing the end The three institutions also
process, making work process conduct joint research as well as
more effective and efficient. exchange data and information
In addition, we will continue and collate integrated bank re-
to strengthen policy synergy with ports in order to enhance policy
the government, OJK and other effectiveness and alignment.
relevant agencies. The coordination to accelerate
The strong policy is imperative financial market deepening is
not only to support effective task facilitated through the Financial
implementation at Bank Indo- Market Deepening Coordination
nesia, but also to strengthen eco- Forum (FK-PPPK), encompass-
nomic resilience and stimulate ing the Finance Ministry, Bank
economic growth. Indonesia and the OJK, with a
The synergy improves coordi- focus on innovating various in-
nation between Bank Indonesia’s struments for economic financ-
policies and fiscal policies with the ing through the financial mar-
government’s structural reforms kets, infrastructure development
into a cohesive national economic and broadening the investor
policy mix. JP/Dhoni Setiawan base, while ensuring regulatory
In term of controlling inflation, Road to revolution: A worker inspects a newly assembled New Mini Cooper Countryman at a BMW fac- harmony and actively participat-
coordination between the Infla- tory in North Jakarta. Indonesia has experienced a shortage in skilled workers, making it difficult for the ing in international cooperation.
tion Control Team and Regional country to smoothly transition to the fourth industrial revolution aka Industry 4.0.
Inflation Control Team will be fo-
cused on four programs, including To maintain financial system cial System Stability Committee, Bank Indonesia’s macropruden- This article is abridged from
available supply, affordable prices, stability, we have strengthened which meets on a quarterly basis. tial policy with OJK’s micropru- Governor Perry Warjiyo’s address at
smooth distribution, and effective the crisis prevention and reso- Furthermore, bilateral coordi- dential policy is also a priority, the Bank Indonesia Annual Meeting
communication. lution efforts through the Finan- nation to harmonize and align along with similar coordina- with bankers on Nov. 27, 2018.


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JANUARY 15, 2019 OUTLOOK 2019 15

Banking in 2019

Remain resilient in challenging year

he global economic con- pect some reduction of the CAD Not all sectors, however, would export destination.
ditions turned a bit fog- toward 2.5 percent of GDP or low- suffer equally. For instance, the Still, given the “weeding out”
gy approaching the end er in 2019 by virtue of the rupiah’s slowdown in China should de- that the commodity sector went
of 2018 with some sus- depreciation as well as the belated press the prices of raw materials through in the aftermath of the
pecting that the global economic impact of the BI rate hikes. and industrial minerals for which 2014-15 commodity bust, we ex-
cycle might have been somewhat the country is Indonesia’s main pect the remaining debtors to be
at its peak. However, it is fortunate Lending growth
that the United States Federal Re- Sooner or later, however, the
serve (the Fed) is likely to embark adjustment process will impact Chart 2. …but, Indonesian banks have ample equity buffer…
on a less aggressive course in 2019 David E. Sumual loan growth. However, we still
than last year in a bid to anticipate JAKARTA expect that the productive loans
the possible negative impact of a will still be growing at a moderate
protracted trade war. pace — for a few reasons. Firstly,
The ongoing US-China trade and therefore the current account as mentioned before, recent loan
war would seemingly cast a shad- deficit (CAD). growth has been partly boosted
ow over worldwide business con- Bank Indonesia’s moves to ad- by SOEs, whose financing demand
fidence, even if the US and China dress the CAD, especially by rais- may be less rate-sensitive than
have struck a temporary 90-day ing its policy rate by 175 bps year- that of the private sector.
ceasefire to deescalate trade ten- to-date (ytd), should therefore Secondly, some corporates are
sions (Chart 1). help to alleviate this problem still in a cycle of investment, espe-
The trade war issue in addition in 2019. cially in machinery, thanks to the
to the projection of growing US However, the transmission of expectation of maxed-out capac-
fiscal deficit could be two of the this adjustment policy has so far ity in some sectors.
factors that may force the Fed to been relatively slow, far slower on Finally, the rising bond yields, Source: Bloomberg, BCA Research Team

backtrack or slow down its tight- the lending side than on the fund- capriciousness of capital flow in
ening pace in 2019. ing side. the capital market, and rupiah
To counter the the impact of The relatively sluggish adjust- volatility has made other means Chart 3. …and still-strong profitability
the trade war, the People’s Bank ment process may have to do with of financing (bonds, equity, ex-
of China (PBoC) may also contin- the “quasi-fiscal” factor, i.e. the ternal debt) far less appetizing
ue to loosen its monetary policy fact that state-owned enterprises than bank loans.
stance in 2019. China may need a (SOEs) still have to finance their Moreover, we expect banks to
looser monetary policy in order to projects and/or other expenses grow more selective in their loan
maintain a steady 6 percent-plus that have been shifted over from disbursement. While the non-
growth in the upcoming years. the government budget. performing loan (NPL) ratio has
This will hopefully give some The ongoing weakness of com- remained stable, even declining,
support to commodity export- modity prices is also hampering so far, the credit risk is likely to
ing countries such as Indonesia, exports and preventing CAD nor- worsen if the banks do not take a
although in terms of the overall malization. That said, we still ex- more prudent stance.
trend of commodity prices, they
are likely to be lower than in 2018.
Given the aforementioned Chart 1. Risk premium of emerging market countries is rising…
constraints, the only reliable 500 CDS Source: Bloomberg, BCA Research Team

source of growth for Indonesia’s

domestic liquidity in the near fu-
ture might be government and 400
Chart 4. ...but its cost-efficiency could be improved
investment spending.
350 Turkey (374)
Meanwhile, the prospects of
credit growth could be highly un-
equal across sectors. Infrastruc-
ture-related sectors should still be 250
South Africa (227)
driving loan growth, while com-
modity and import-oriented sec- 200

tors should slow down under ex- Indonesia (149)

ternal pressures at least in the first Malaysia (112)
half of 2019. 100
Philippines (95)
Nonetheless, banks should still
50 Thailand (42)
be aware of the liquidity issue in
2019. The projected tightening li- 0
quidity mirrors Indonesia’s wid- Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 Oct-15 Feb-16 Jun-16 Oct-16 Feb-17 Jul-17 Nov-17 Mar-18 Jul-18 Nov-18

ening savings-investment gap — Source: Bloomberg Source: Bloomberg, BCA Research Team
16 OUTLOOK 2019 JANUARY 15, 2019

somewhat healthier overall —

thus lessening the potential in-
crease in NPL.
On the other hand, there are in-
frastructure-related sectors like
utilities, logistics, construction
and real estate, which have shown
the strongest overall loan growth
recently. The growth in these sec-
tors is likely to continue despite
the government’s scaling back and
review of some projects.
The credit risk, however, is also
growing with some companies
recording negative operational
cash flow growth — although the
preeminence of SOEs among the
large contractors might mitigate
the risk to a certain extent.

Market volatility
In 2019, we might still see some
episodes of market volatility po-
tentially due to the sustained US-
China trade war drama. As such, JP/Ganug Nugroho Adi

companies should be prudent in Money line: People stand in line in Benteng Vastenburg, Surakarta, to exchange their money for smaller denominations of Rp 5,000, Rp 10,000
managing their foreign currency and Rp 20,000 ahead of Idul Fitri celebrations in July. The small bills are used as Idul Fitri gifts, especially for children.
exposures with more disciplined
hedging policies. including Indonesia. ASEAN peers (Chart 2). As such, ity pressure and potential loan may render much of this invest-
Learning from 2018, the ex- Some export-oriented activi- if the banking sector is still on the slowdown in 2019. Furthermore, ment obsolete, especially in urban
change rate volatility had hit ties where Indonesia tradition- defensive side in 2019, the risk of the biggest banks are also very areas, although this also allows
hard on import-dependent sec- ally excels, such as textiles, foot- a systemic banking crisis remains well provisioned relative to their banks to streamline its operations
tors, including some in trading wear, and paper/wood processing strongly limited. non-performing loan (NPL) ratio, going forward (Chart 4).
and manufacturing in the first and also electronics, may ben- However, the divergence in which minimizes the need for ad- The fintech companies have
half of 2018. But approaching efit from the “investment-diver- performance between larger and justment in accordance with the many advantages compared to
the year end, the market turned sionary” effects of the US-China smaller banks, coupled with in- new IFRS-9 accounting standard the banks, namely that (1) they
around thus benefitting import- trade war. But to what extent this creasing pressures from fintech (PSAK 71). do not have to worry about legacy
ers and portfolio investors. would benefit local supplier com- companies should lead to further Meanwhile, the smaller and procedures; (2) they are more ag-
Nevertheless, the US-China panies — and the banks which fi- consolidation of the banking in- medium-sized banks are see- ile and flexible in implementing
trade war should also be seen as nance them — remains to be seen. dustry in the long-term. ing liquidity growth that has not innovative solutions; (3) they are
an opportunity for the govern- Despite the building clouds of Indonesian banks should also caught up with their accelerating far less regulated regarding capi-
ment to speed up structural re- external threats, the likelihood of be able to sustain the changes im- loan growth — making their LDR tal and liquidity requirement;
forms. The protracted US-China a systemic problem in the Indone- posed by the Basel III regulations climb up rather quickly. Such and (4) they are far more able to
trade war could actually divert sian banking sector remains quite and IFRS-9 accounting standard banks also tend to have a higher attract investment from global
trade and investment from the US remote, thanks to strong capital (both of which would be fully im- NPL ratio and higher operation- tech giants.
and China to ASEAN countries, buffers — especially relative to its plemented in 2019). al costs, courtesy of their relative In the longer run, this trend is
Generally, banks have already inefficiency. likely to lead to even more consol-
held an equity buffer sufficient to Such a performance gap spells idation in the banking sector, and
fulfill the Basel III criteria — in- an opportunity for the smaller thus modest margins compared to
cluding conservation, counter- banks to be acquired by the larger what is enjoyed currently.
cyclical and systemically impor- banks or foreign banks. All in all, the various challenges
tant financial institution (SIFI) With the Indonesian banking of 2019 — macro, micro and tech-
buffer. Bank Indonesia’s recent sector’s ample margins (Chart nological — will put banks un-
introduction of the macropru- 3), as well as the fact that Indo- der tough challenges in terms of
dential liquidity buffer has also nesia is a new frontier for digital liquidity, profitability and asset
allowed banks to better prepare payments, these banks might quality. And while the likelihood
for the liquidity coverage ratio continue to be plum targets for of a systemic problem remains ex-
(LCR) requirement. mergers and acquisitions for the ceptionally limited, the situation
Still, there are notable differ- next few years. favors banks that are either more
ences in performance between The rise of financial technol- selective, with mainly “blue-chip”
the bigger and the smaller banks. ogy (fintech) companies will pose portfolios, or have sufficiently
The very largest banks (BUKU-4 additional challenges to Indone- broad-based clientele to diversify
category) exhibit a relatively low sian banks. Owing to Indonesia’s the risk.
loan to deposit ratio (LDR) and scale and inefficient logistics,
JP/Dhoni Setiawan large net internet margin (NIM), banks have spent an enormous
Cashless payment: A trader receives a payment using a barcode in a in addition to strong loan and amount of resources on physical The writer is the chief economist
coffee shop in front of the Jakarta Smart City Hive (JSC Hive) build- third-party fund growth. infrastructure, such as branches at Bank Central Asia (BCA).
ing, Kuningan, Jakarta. Mobile payments using barcodes are growing These make them the most and ATMs. The views represented in this
in popularity in the capital. well placed to weather the liquid- The rise of digital payment article are personal.
18 OUTLOOK 2019 JANUARY 15, 2019

Macro economy

Coping with global business cycle

ndonesia’s economic
growth recovered after
the global financial crisis
in 2008, reaching its peak
at 6.5 percent in 2011. Since then
it has stayed around 5 percent.
What are the near-and longer-
term prospects? The answer will
revolve around how investment
responds to recent policy changes. Kahlil Rowter
Indonesia is among several JAKARTA
countries that fared well in the
global financial crisis of 2007-
2008. Although growth fell in pressure on emerging markets.
2008, it bounced back owing to ro- For Indonesia, as the current ac-
bust commodity prices. From the count deteriorated, the rupiah be-
demand side, consumption and gan to depreciate.
investments were also strong. But At the beginning, BI intervened
the bounce did not last long. to smooth the currency’s decline.
And, especially after the taper But, in May 2018, the bank began
tantrum in 2013, growth started to to raise rates. The stated intention
suffer. Part of the explanation was was to align domestic rates with
fiscal and monetary policy tight- global realities. The implicit mes-
ening. The other was the fall in sage is to prepare for imported in-
commodity prices. During this pe- flation down the road.
riod consumption was still strong The government also did its
but investments took a hit. Loan share. From last year the message Antara

growth fell from around 25 per- was that of lower budget deficits. Breaking the ground: (From left) Lotte Group chairman Shin Dong Bin, Investment Coordinating Board
cent in 2012 to less than 10 per- This might seem contradictory (BKPM) chairman Thomas Lembong, PT Lotte Chemical Indonesia president Kim Gyo Hyun and Indus-
cent by the end of 2017. to the President’s infrastructure try Minister Airlangga Hartarto take part in the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the
Besides the decline in growth, development initiative. But this Korean business giant’s petrochemical plant in Cilegon, Banten, West Java, in early December, 2018.
the policy rate was also hiked strategy aims at stabilizing the
from 5.25 percent to 7 percent in macroeconomy and to ensure start them later. global growth as well. Is there any- lar will rise as money flows into US
mid-2013 and remained at that budget sustainability. The impact of these policies on thing good to come out of this? assets considered as safe havens.
level until the end of 2016. The budget deficit limit is 3 per- the current account will not be Yes. As global and especially These are factors beyond our
With the decline in inflation, cent of GDP by law. By maintain- instantaneous. That will have to US growth slows down, the Fed control. For now, the Indonesian
Bank Indonesia (BI) started to ing lower deficits, the government wait until they reduce domestic may become less hawkish. In es- authorities have done their best
relax its monetary policy. In two has room to maneuver should rev- demand. The cost is slower eco- sence, this is what the Fed’s chair- given the available information.
years, it cut rates from 7.5 to 4.25 enues underperform. nomic growth, which will take the man, Jerome Powell, said recent- But as circumstances change, we
percent. But investments did not And yet the government deter- wind out of investments’ sails as ly., which is quite an unexpected should be ready to adapt as well.
immediately pick up. mined that these policies were not well. Yet, there might be a silver turn of events. Not immediately. But also, do not
Why? Other considerations enough. To respond to the current lining around the corner. For emerging markets this is wait too long.
besides borrowing cost affect in- account deterioration the gov- Financial markets now worry good news. It means less pressure In the meantime, further relax-
vestment decisions. One was the ernment launched three policies. that the US economy is at the tail on their currencies. ation of investment procedures is
growth outlook itself. Another First was to raise import taxes. end of its expansion. The main Another indicator worth the appropriate response. The re-
was the weakening of the rupiah Second was to increase palm oil cue is coming from the bond mar- watching is oil prices. Forecasting cent launching of a one-stop ser-
— volatile from 2013 onwards. content in biofuel to 20 percent, ket. During normal periods the 10- it is difficult as geo-politics and vice is a good example. Better co-
In 2018, after almost five years and third was to postpone sev- year US Treasury bond yields are speculation dominate price move- ordination among state agencies
of deleveraging, investments eral large infrastructure projects. 1-2 percent higher than that of the ments. But still, falling oil prices and regions is also necessary.
started to rise. This shows up in One policy not yet implemented is two-year notes, but lately this dif- usually precede slowing global While foreign investment slows
loan growth — rising from ear- raising fuel prices. ference has dwindled to around growth. it is also the time to improve reg-
ly 2018. At the same time for- These policies are not without 0.2 percent. But don’t start to smell the ros- ulations. Let’s invoke Sadli’s law.
eign corporate borrowing, which detrimental side effects. Restrict- There are several explanations es yet. There is risk to this sce- Named after the former mining
slowed down from 2014, started to ing imports affects investments, for this, but the critical one is nario. If the US does enter into a minister Sadli — the law says that
rise. But the global situation shift- and has negative long-term the fear factor. That is, the mar- recession the financial contagion “bad times make for good policy.”
ed again. And domestic policies growth consequences. The biofu- kets think that credit risk will could be dire. Fearful investors
were also adjusted in response. el policy increases costs for busi- rise shortly. would shift their positions away
The United States’ Federal Re- nesses, as they have to adjust their Added to this is the aggres- from emerging economies to saf- The writer is a lecturer in the
serve started to hike rates in a machinery, and postponed proj- sive US trade policy. This is slow- er assets. school of economics and business,
steady fashion from 2017. This put ects will incur higher costs to re- ing down global trade and with it That usually means the US dol- University of Indonesia.
20 OUTLOOK 2019 JANUARY 15, 2019

Oil and gas

Challenges and prospects

here are numerous tory Special Task Force (SKK Mi- sources. what could help Indonesia reduce
challenges that need gas), where they made a commit- Stating that US$2 billion is go- its reliance on coal and oil for its
to be addressed, al- ment to carry out exploration in a ing to be invested in exploration is main source of power. Yet again
though many of them certain way. not an investment by the govern- the country is tied by regulations
were common knowledge dur- There is no leeway for change. ment, it is a commitment by pri- and decision-making to utilize
ing the last election, when many This means that they are not al- vate companies to explore with a technology.
people in the resource industry lowed to use technology, but they high chance of failure, which will Another challenge for the in-
had hoped that there would be are allowed to spend money at not increase the nation’s oil pro- coming president is to ask the
improvements. Sadly, this has high risk as it is a commitment. duction significantly. question, “Why do we say we are
not improved as expected, which George Barber Someone, somewhere came up They need to be allowed to use rich in resources when we do not
has led to the country’s deficit in- JAKARTA with the following “no cure no technology that saves them time, know where they are?
creasing due to the increase of im- pay”, in Indonesia if you are cost and risk that will benefit the I seem to recall, one energy
ports because of the demand for sick and you do not pay, you do country as a whole. and mineral resources minister
oil and gas products. This may be far are changed. not get cured. There is a recent suggestion asking this question to geologists
a sign in some areas of an increase The old ways have proven to Well, Indonesia is sick in the that by simplifying the policy, oil at the Geology Agency. The an-
in productivity. be less effective in selling our oil lack of knowledge of its natural and gas contractors could also col- swer was that we do not have the
The challenges are many. The and gas blocks, therefore we must resources, therefore someone, laborate with survey companies technology pak. Well, the tech-
prospects of the oil and gas indus- find new ways, innovations and somewhere needs to pay to cure to enter the open oil and gas mar- nology is available.
try do not look bright unless the ideas, so what we sell is oil and gas this problem, not the technology ket. In addition, it will also open The whole of Indonesia can
fundamentals of doing business to blocks, not data.” provider. opportunities for seismic survey become explorable instead of
attract investment are improved, There is something wrong with 80 percent being unexplorable,
which is the main challenge. this statement in my view, as he is which will allow companies to de-
The following statement was in a position to make the chang-
The prospects of the oil and gas industry do not velop the nation’s resources in an
made in 2015, “Indonesia will es required. It will be difficult to look bright unless the fundamentals of doing environmentally friendly manner
become the world’s largest oil sell oil and gas blocks without re- at much-reduced risk and cost.
importer by 2019 as the lack of liable data, the risks and costs are
business to attract investment are improved. Other challenges to address
investment hampers efforts to too high for the vast majority of are: Why is the oil and gas sector
boost proven oil reserves as well investors, which is unlikely to be What is the ultimate goal of ex- companies to acquire data. slow in development, so complex
as production, while domestic the major oil and gas companies. ploration? It should be to increase Both survey and seismic com- and segmented?
demand for the commodity in- Instead we should be looking at the production of oil to allow the panies understand the risk in- Why are decision makers not
creases rapidly.” It appears that small- to medium-sized compa- country to become self-proficient volved in exploration, why would making decisions for the benefit
Indonesia is on track to make this nies because they are the future. and not rely on imports, not just they want to become involved of the country? Why do they talk
statement true. Some changes have been made, for one’s own gain. when they know that the risk is about using technology, but when
The challenge for the next such as the “Gross Spilt” regula- If technology is adopted, this very high? a solution is offered to them, they
elected president is still the same tion, but what has not changed then becomes a multiplying fac- At this present time, they are do not respond?
for the natural resource industry with this regulation is the “RISK” tor, other trades such as logistics happy to carry out a survey, be The new president must be able
as it was when the last presiden- that is inherent with exploration, will increase their work, which in paid for the size of area and line to see the real problems in the en-
tial election was held on July 9, which is in the region of 80 per- turn means they will employ more kilometer that they survey. Does it ergy sector, where he must strat-
2014, which was to increase the cent loss, or a 20 percent success people, which in turn allow these matter to them if they discover oil egize to tackle these ingrained
production of the nation’s natural rate if we are lucky. people to spend the money they or gas? The answer is no, therefore problems as it has been there for a
resources that it is blessed with. Technology has long been a key earn, which in turn increases the why would they want to become very long time.
Why is the country importing driver in the success of the oil and gross domestic product (GDP) of involved? Does a drilling company If technology is not adopted for
more than it produces? Indone- gas industry in the past. The use the country. care if they drill a dry or water wet exploration, nothing will change
sia has the human and natural re- of digital technologies to change This is not happening today well? They do not. and we will still be hearing state-
sources to be self-proficient. a business model and provide new as the regulations and the lack of The challenge is also to de- ments by ministers that we need
Although it needs help, this revenue and value-producing op- decision-making is not happen- velop the mature blocks that to explore, we need investment.
does not need to be international portunities is driving the industry ing. These are challenges that can could be like new discoveries if The various government depart-
investment, it should be nation- to a whole new level. and must be met by the incoming the petroleum system was fully ments must come together for
al investment, which is not na- But it is not driving the indus- government. understood. the nation.
tionalistic as Indonesia has the try to new levels in exploration. Technology is not the chal- Another challenge is to develop The infrastructure program
skills. What it is lacking is tech- The challenge is that the new gov- lenge, the challenge is to accept the “giant fields” that are thought can be paid for by increasing the
nology for exploration, which is ernment must allow companies to the technology, just as we accept to exist but need to be confirmed nation’s oil and gas production.
still being carried out as it was in use technology. the technology that drives our and allow companies to do this
the 1960s. Very little has changed Apparently it will for those smartphones, very few companies without being tied by regulations
since then. companies that come under the promote technology if it does not and politics. The writer is an independent
Deputy Energy and Mineral “Gross Split” scheme, although work and is proven worldwide. The geothermal industry for exploration consultant, who consults
Resources Minister Arcandra- this has not been stated clearly in Decreasing the amount of mon- the private sector is not faring for Terra Energy and Resource
Tahar stated recently, “It is my writing. What about the compa- ey that the Geological Agency has any better. The uncertainty of the Technologies, governments and
hope that the procedures and pat- nies that fall under the eagle eye of for exploration is not increasing feed-in tariffs is stopping would- institutions in various countries in
terns of work that we have done so the Upstream Oil and Gas Regula- the knowledge of the nation’s re- be investors from investing in Southeast Asia.
JANUARY 15, 2019 OUTLOOK 2019 21

Industrial revolution

Leverages and risks of i4.0

he pace of economic silience, with emphasis on secur- technologies or applications, inef- noring behavioral issues that may
development and the ing data and systems. ficient allocation of time, money underlie the problems they are
maturity of individ- For the success of these strate- and resources and lack of plan- trying to solve. Our experience
ual ASEAN markets gic measures, it is important that ning or a big vision. However, by indicates that the effort to un-
are varied and so are their levels the Industry 4.0 transformation keeping in mind the four most lock value from Industry 4.0 is 10
of preparedness to compete re- road map is systematically de- fundamental principles concern- percent “hardware”, 30 percent
gionally and globally. However, signed. This involves an in-depth ing Industry 4.0, companies can “software” and 60 percent people
with regional integration efforts orientation and understanding by not only go after long-term value and change management.
and cooperation, fast-develop- the management and senior lead- but also start seeing the benefits So instead of investing in sen-
ing countries such as Indonesia Edwin Utama ers for the need to embark on the of Industry 4.0 now. sors and control systems to moni-
are demonstrating resilience and JAKARTA Industry 4.0 journey and the ex- tor or improve process efficiencies,
a new appetite or potential for pected outcomes or value. Start with problems, not tech- companies can also deploy model-
growth. The planning must involve an nology ing and simulations to better un-
Indonesia has the 11th larg- The new leverage with i4.0 accurate assessment of the current Companies investing in Indus- derstand the basic process, make
est manufacturing sector in the The industry or lead companies state of systems and operations, try 4.0 must remember the Pareto more informed decisions and re-
world, but according to the World are already looking at the poten- supported by tools, methodolo- Principle — and with our clients in duce the need for direct control. As
Economic Forum’s Readiness for tial of Industry 4.0 and how it can gies and mobile applications and Indonesia, we have often seen this a result, companies would be able
the Future of Production Report provide them new leverage to en- use cases from diverse industries. in extreme, that just 10 percent to identify ways to make their pro-
2018 it has room for improve- hance their competitiveness. For It is also important for the leaders of the problems drive more than cesses more efficient, enable their
ment across the key drivers of a start, they are implementing new or drivers of Industry 4.0 to envi- 60 percent of the value. In other people and ultimately extract the
production. emerging technologies to drive sion the future of the organization words, companies should focus full value of the digital solutions of
There is a need to stimu- operational efficiencies and make led by i4.0. This, in itself, would al- on solving the smaller number an Industry 4.0 initiative.
late adoption of new emerging positive business impacts. For in- low them to be cognizant of vari- of problems that offer the lion’s
technologies into production stance, through digitalization of ous risks and opportunities, as share of financial improvement Consider low-tech not just
systems. This would further en- core processes, organizations are well as the resource requirements opportunities. high-tech
hance productivity and enable not only able to improve produc- at each stage of the road map’s im- A better approach is to start In yielding to the pressure and
innovation when supported with tion performance, but also sustain plementation. Leading companies top-down from the biggest pain dazzle of Industry 4.0, companies
the right skill sets, infrastructure, it at a high level. What is important therefore define a bold vision and points and then match it with a may fail to fully appreciate the
institutional frameworks and is to ensure that such technologies establish ambitious, step-change bottom-up approach understand- costs of implementation and fail
governance. or their outcomes are effectively objectives across the organization. ing the technologies available. to explore alternative low-tech so-
The government recognizes addressing specific pain points to- The success of Industry 4.0 or Doing so also establishes the val- lutions that may be inexpensive
the promise of Industry 4.0 (i4.0) ward redefining the production whether companies are able to ful- ue-at-stake and can quickly deter- and more efficient.
toward strengthening its produc- paradigm for better operations, ly benefit from its implementation, mine the amount of investment
tion, as well as accelerating in- processes and performance. depends on the level of sophistica- that could be justified. Conclusion
vestments for building a robust Second, for effective implemen- tion of the approach toward change As the country progresses on
economy. Making Indonesia 4.0 tation of Industry 4.0, companies management, involving many Re-invent, don’t just automate its Industry 4.0 road map, busi-
is a strategic road map, which is need to develop to move away from functions and executions across In the rush to implement, com- nesses need to tap various oppor-
expected to position the country tradition practices and develop a multiple functions or plants. Some panies often simply digitize or au- tunities, identify the levers and
among the top 10 economies in new set of capabilities. These can of the preconditions include adopt- tomate their existing processes. be wary of the hazards associat-
the world by 2030. be integrated with emerging tech- ing Industry 4.0 as a strategic busi- This often leads to automatizing ed with implementing new tech-
With its focus on five industries, nologies for creating new opportu- ness intervention rather than an waste and inefficiencies instead of nologies. These include pursuing
namely food and beverages, tex- nities. The tricky question, howev- IT megaproject, efficiently manag- identifying and resolving the un- small gains while ignoring oppor-
tiles, automobiles, electronics and er, is always how to determine and ing the transformation and coordi- derlying inefficiencies by deploy- tunities for major returns from
chemicals, the road map would prioritize capabilities that should nation activities, striking the right ing technology for a purpose. This more promising targets, digitiz-
trigger exponential change in the be built in-house or externally. balance between central control not only proves expensive but also ing processes without addressing
dynamics of local industries. This should be a decision based and local delegation and deploy- non-value-adding. underlying inefficiencies, disre-
The change could be posi- on the company’s future competi- ing the best budgeting methodol- The best solution is to adopt garding behavioral root causes of
tive in terms of a slow transition tive advantage and whether build- ogies to cover various open inno- technology applications or behav- process problems and not con-
from traditional low-cost labor ing in-house capabilities and gain- vation initiatives and study new ioral solutions that aim to mini- sidering whether simpler alterna-
business models to technology- ing an insider’s perspective can technologies, which can accelerate mize or eliminate the root causes tives would do the job as well or
empowered production systems. help the development of break- the performance of Industry 4.0 of various types of waste. These better for less money.
With such approaches, Indonesia through innovations. deployments. include overproduction and in- Winning companies must navi-
would be able to enhance or dou- Another critical aspect of Indus- ventory, idle and waiting time that gate through the Industry 4.0 pro-
ble output, while managing costs, try 4.0 is the ability to capture the The old risks of transformation causes low productivity, expen- cess keeping these four key prin-
as well as build local innovation benefits of digital technologies. For As more and more companies sive internal transport, over pro- ciples in mind for competitive
capabilities by investing more in this, companies need to manage join the industry 4.0 revolution, cessing and defects. advantages.
research and development. their information architecture by the risks associated with the de-
In the long term, the potential integrating machines, equipment gree of transformation that busi- Don’t forget about the people
value of Industry 4.0 is compelling and plants, migrate to the cloud to nesses experience in the process Companies often focus their The writer is a partner and
and offers exciting opportunities improve flexibility, speed and cost remain numerous. They may in- Industry 4.0 efforts on the tech- managing director of the Boston
for both industry and the nation. of production and build cyber-re- clude premature deployment of nology and machinery while ig- Consulting Group in Jakarta.
22 OUTLOOK 2019 JANUARY 15, 2019

Property market

Good deal or risky bet?

wo years ago, when I tra has gradually diminished. We Chart 1. Jakarta apartments annual sales and forecast
wrote the outlook for began to see that prices are more units
2017 in this paper, I negotiable today than before.
used the headline, “The As such, if you have spare mon- 17.500

long and winding road (to recov- ey and plan to secure your dream 15.000
ery)”. Contrary to the downbeat property, maybe now is the best 12.500
heading, our view at that time was time. Furthermore, as we antici- 10.000
quite optimistic: expecting a quick pate market activity during the 7.500
rebound on the back of aggressive election year will continue to re-
infrastructure development by Anton Sitorus main modest, we believe any pro-
the government, a series of new JAKARTA spective buyers and investors 2.500
policy packages to support eco- would be greeted with big smiles 0
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018F 2019F 2020F 2021F
nomic and business growth and by everyone in developers’ mar- Source: Savills Research & Consultancy
last but not least, potential out- nesia? For me, it will be naïve to keting offices. They may even
come from the successful tax am- say that the answer is “no”. serve you a nice selection of tea
nesty in late 2016. With a huge population, a ris- and cakes to ensure you leave with in securing a good market share in Apartments:
Unfortunately, it turned out ing middle class, lots of high net a booking order. the future. A supply constraint
that 2017 was a continuation of worth individuals (HNWIs), fast But like any other investment This, combined with the fast- Jakarta is increasingly becom-
the sluggish period that started urbanization and supported by a instruments, the property market changing consumer trends and ing a more expensive place to live
in 2015. prudent government, this status is not without risks. mounting disruption from new when it comes to buying a home.
Fast forward and now we are at will hopefully continue after the Yet, as long as you take proper business models driven by the With scarcity of land and high
the end of 2018. If we look back next election. steps, investing in properties — ei- internet (web 2.0 and later 3.0), prices, getting the desired proper-
at what happened from the be- With better economic policies ther in the primary market or sec- algorithms, artificial intelligence ty could only be achieved by some
ginning of the year through data now in place, the property sector ondary market — would suppos- and blockchain technology, has small prosperous buyers.
and charts for all sectors of the has bright prospects in the short edly be rewarding. slowly influenced property mar- On the other hand, considering
property market in Jakarta in term and also in the long term. On the other side, we think de- kets in advanced economies and its population growth, the size of
particular, we could say that the As such, investing in property velopers should come up with soon after, developing markets wealthy prospective investors
market is yet on a positive trajec- assets even during the sluggish more intriguing yet reasonable like Indonesia. and combined with the backlog
tory mode. period, in my opinion, would con- products in order to secure buy- We are on the brink of a tran- size, demand in the capital city is
That makes me wonder if the tinue to be profitable. I even think ers’ interests in this challenging sitional period. As such, be pre- significant.
headline that I used two years ago that the current market situation environment. pared if changes in the market While landbank owned by de-
could eventually be happening: will benefit investors and pro- In terms of focus segments, landscape occur quicker than velopers in Jakarta is getting lim-
Are we on the long and winding spective buyers to find good deals we are in the view that develop- we expected. In this case, exist- ited, there are ways to generate
road to recovery? in the market. ers should target end-users more ing developers could take part new supplies and developments
Such a pessimistic view is bol- As we all know, developers in rather than their investors, as de- in shaping future growth; If not, in the market.
stered with the prediction that the Indonesia are quite persistent in mand from this segment (such as new players will emerge. One option is utilizing gov-
economy next year would not be their pricing. Very often we hear newlyweds and young families This is already happening in the ernment or state-owned assets,
healthier than this year, instead it that prices continue to increase who mostly fall under the catego- hotel sector, then offices and soon particularly those located near
can be more challenging. on a regular basis — in some cases, ry of millennials) is increasingly the industrial sector. We are quite public transport nodes such as
President Joko “Jokowi” Wido- every Monday — even though the robust and would likely dominate sure that other sectors would in- train stations and bus terminals,
do even warned us that “winter is clock had shifted from the seller’s demand in the future. evitably follow in the future. which can be developed with a
coming” if global economic pow- market to buyer’s market. Understanding the behavior The following is our view on the transit-oriented-development
erhouses continue to compete Now, after several years of a of the millennial generation and Jakarta property market in 2019 (TOD) concept.
selfishly and only think about tough marketing period, the man- their preferences is the first step and beyond by sector: This has been initiated by re-
their own interests.
The trade war between the
United States and China com-
bined with volatile geopolitical Chart 2. Jakarta mall supply, demand, vacancy and forecast Chart 3. Jakarta CBD office supply, demand, vacancy and forecast
tensions remain a threat for the sqm 700.000 40%
300.000 30% New Supply Net Take-up Vacancy
global economy, and Indonesia is New Supply Net Take-up Vacancy 600.000 35%
no exception. 250.000 25%
Based on that scenario, busi- 200.000 20% 25%
ness activities, including the 400.000
150.000 15% 20%
property sector, is seen to experi- 300.000
ence another tough period. Not to 15%
100.000 10% 200.000
mention that 2019 is the election 10%
year, which is historically dubbed 50.000 5% 100.000 5%
a “wait-and-see” period. 0% 0 0%
If so, is the property market still 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018F 2019F 2020F 2021F 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018F 2019F 2020F 2021F
an attractive investment in Indo- Source: Savills Research & Consultancy Source: Savills Research & Consultancy
JANUARY 15, 2019 OUTLOOK 2019 23

lated state-owned enterprises like

railway company PT Kereta Api
Indonesia (KAI), construction
firm PT Pembangunan Perumah-
an (PP), contractor Wijaya Karya
(Wika) and publicly listed con-
struction company Adhi Karya
(Adhi) for the past two years.
However, having learned from
other markets in the region like
Singapore and Hong Kong, we felt
that the pace of development and
the number of TOD projects can
be increased more aggressively
as this concept is believed to have
significant prospects here.
Referring to the apartment
sales chart below, transaction
volumes have continued to de-
crease in the past three years,
which is primarily the result of
constraints in developing land in
the capital city. JP/David Caessarre

This effect can be seen in the LRT city: A miniature mock-up of an apartment complex that is to be built near a light rapid transit (LRT) station in Jakarta is on display at a
sales of apartments in Bogor, De- property expo at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) in September 2018.
pok and Bekasi in West Java, as
well as Tangerang in Banten (Bo- September, vacancy rose by ap- in the retail sector. are millennials — who, accord- isting tenants were mostly reloca-
detabek), which has shown some proximately 70 basis points (bps) As such, not only retailers, mall ing to many surveys, tend to have tions and consolidations.
improvement over the years as to around 13 percent as net de- owners must adapt and integrate different work habits than the Despite the aggressive growth
developers shifted their atten- mand dropped to negative territo- themselves into this ongoing phe- earlier generations — the type of in coworking spaces, the office
tion to decentralized areas out- ry amid a lack of new supply. nomenon in order to survive. workplace is gradually changing. market in both the Central Busi-
side Jakarta. The increasing empty space in With changing consumer pref- That trend is also happening here ness District (CBD) and outside
Until the third quarter of this Jakarta’s malls was contributed erences, malls must reinvent in Jakarta. the CBD area is still overshad-
year, the apartment market in largely by the closures of big for- themselves or lose their custom- The days when offices were owed by high vacancy rates as the
Jakarta had transacted around mat retailers, in particular depart- ers. Malls of the future should just about desks and chairs have result of massive supply over the
2,000 units in the primary seg- ment stores. provide elevated shopping slowly gone. Modern-day en- last four years. By end of Septem-
ment and we expect to close the In addition, a number of mid- experiences. terprises have shifted their em- ber, the vacancy rate in the CBD
year with around 3,000 units, a size players in the fashion and Active interaction between phasis to saving time and mon- area stood at around 25 percent,
big 50 percent drop from sales apparel business also suffered a malls’ managements and retail- ey, while promoting a culture of while outside the CBD, it stood at
in 2017. weak performance, which caused ers is expected as each party’s re- working better together. around 24 percent.
Furthermore, this trend is them to close their outlets. quirements, barriers and goals Inspired by the great success of Looking ahead, available space
likely to continue along with We believe that competition would become more complicated tech companies like Google, Face- in the market is projected to in-
shrinking land availability within from online platforms to this type than before. Malls of the future book, Twitter and more recently crease as we anticipate a number
the city — unless the government of retailers has intensified over should also be innovative and e-commerce companies, we saw of building completions to take
(together with the private sector) the past two years and with the quickly adapt to rapidly changing a tremendous growth of start-up place next year.
is willing to consider and begin convenience as well as value prop- customer behavior. businesses in Indonesia. The rise in vacancies is seen
to look at regeneration or the ur- osition offered by online retailers, They should become places While “conventional” corpora- to put more pressure on rents,
ban renewal concept, starting consumers seem to be choosing where people want to be. That tions like banks, insurance firms which are currently positioned at
from their underutilized or un- the latter. said, developers should also make as well as companies in trading around 10-25 percent lower from
derperforming assets as the main The latest surveys also showed an emotional connection with and commodities sector are strug- the peak in 2014, depending on
priority. that people continue to shift their target market, incorporat- gling with current economic vola- the grade.
their spending from shopping to ing heritage values, special curat- tility, new start-ups continue to Accordingly, this is expected
Malls: The story continues vacationing, as supported by the ed spaces as well as more public grow and gradually influence the to trigger enquiries from exist-
The last two years in the re- growth in budget airlines, and spaces that can invite surround- office market. ing tenants that are looking to
tail market was characterized by also to saving to protect them- ing and/or specific communities. Due to their preference of hav- upgrade their premises or con-
a slower take-up, a rising vacan- selves from uncertain economic Those public spaces can be ing flexible working spaces at af- sidering to relocate to a more
cy rate and tough competition conditions. used for various attractions to fordable rates, the Jakarta office prestigious location at costs that
among mall owners to secure While we anticipate slow de- boost customer engagement, market saw a rise in coworking could be similar to the current
new tenants and retain existing mand growth to continue next which in turn can increase traffic spaces. premises.
ones from leaving (or closing al- year, vacancy rates are expected and revenue. In the period between January Meanwhile, we also expect the
together). That came from the to remain stable in view of limit- and September, our data shows expansion of coworking space op-
fact that many malls in Jakarta ed new supply in the market un- Offices: that new enquiries in the office erators to continue next year and
are always packed with visitors til 2020. A changing environment market in Jakarta were contrib- probably years after, in order for
during the weekend and finding However, the competition The world is changing so fast uted largely by new and expand- them to achieve the targeted eco-
an empty parking space can be a from online platforms, which and the way companies run their ing coworking space operators nomic of scale.
frustrating task. increasingly offer convenience business has also started to trans- such as CocoWork (now called
Based on our survey, mall va- and attractive pricing compared form. As we are now at the begin- Co-Hive), GoWork, WeWork, Ko-
cancy in Jakarta continued to rise to physical stores, like it or not, ning of the 21st century, where lega and Union Space, while other The writer is head of research and
due to limited demand. By end of would shape the future landscape quite a majority of the workforce leasing transactions involving ex- consultancy firm Savills Indonesia.
24 OUTLOOK 2019 JANUARY 15, 2019

Energy policy

Renewables: Dusk or dawn?

ver the past few years, pledged their commitment to this vestor interest remains high, Fi- for investment and put a solid
there has been a sig- notion, the number pursuing this nancier Worldwide magazine not- foundation under the RE sector.
nificant increase in path cannot offset the volume of ed that new greenfield projects in In addition to policy and incen-
awareness on issues coal emission from places like Indonesia were slowing down as tives, operational effectiveness
pertinent to climate change and China, and, therefore, a real global investors adopted a “wait and see” of government and state-owned
the urgency of shifting from the transformation cannot occur fast stance to have greater certainty entities can be a major factor in
world’s fossil fuel “addiction” to enough to avert the adverse cli- in the electricity business invest- investment. It is a general expec-
renewable alternatives. Main- mate change impacts. ment climate. tation that the government is sup-
stream media has published sub- Indonesia was mentioned in Generally speaking, even with posed to serve as a single entity
stantial coverage around these Aretha Aprilia the article as the country that is renewable energy technologies that works collectively to tackle
issues, such as reporting on the and Nuki Agya Utama “digging more coal”, along with becoming increasingly cost-com- the nation’s pressing energy prob-
recent attention-grabbing Spe- JAKARTA other countries such as Vietnam, petitive with fossil fuels, stable lems, rather than working in silos.
cial Report on Global Warming of Japan and India. Reasons for coal government policy remains cru- Coordination among ministries
1.5 °C by the Intergovernmental dependence were due to the still cial to attract investment in re- should, therefore, take place, such
Panel on Climate Change. The re- China plans to adopt clean en- immense supply of coal left to be newables. Policy stability would as among the Energy and Miner-
port presented the pathways for ergy including non-fossil ener- exploited, powerful companies’ help to reduce the regulatory and al Resources Ministry, the Public
limiting global warming to 1.5°C gy and natural gas to replace coal influence on the government in financial risks borne by energy in- Works and Housing Ministry, the
that would require rapid energy as the primary energy source by the form of subsidies and the in- vestors and could increase their Environment and Forestry Min-
transitions, whereby renewables 2030, despite having added 40 expensiveness of coal compared appetite to invest in the capital- istry, the National Development
would need to supply 70 to 85 per- percent of the world’s coal capac- to other fossil fuel energy sources. intensive renewable energy pow- Planning Board (Bappenas), the
cent of electricity by 2050. The ity since 2002, and thus consum- According to the 2012 publi- er generation sector. Finance Ministry, state electricity
current pace of energy transition ing half the world’s coal to date. cation Power Generation Optimi- company PLN and others.
is insufficient to avoid the adverse While in the United Kingdom, zation in ASEAN by 2030 from Incentives Furthermore in an ideal world,
impacts of climate change. coal generation capacity has  fall- Kyoto University, natural gas and Along with creating a general PLN would also serve as a service
Last year was another record- en by one-quarter, and there were renewable energy were suggested sense of policy stability and har- provider of electricity to citizens
breaking period for global re- only six coal-fired plants left in the to form Indonesia’s power gener- monization among the various rather than a profit maker for
newable energy (RE) uptake, UK in 2017. The difference in ap- ation mix considering the project- government institutions, incen- the government and not perceive
according to the Renewable En- proaches between China and the ed high cost of coal by 2030. tives such as zero import tax for electricity merely as a commodity.
ergy Policy Network for the 21st UK to reducing coal usage high- The publication advised In- renewable energy equipment, a PLN is now the sole off-taker,
Century (REN21) in its publica- lights the global nature of the donesia to reduce it coal depen- standard approach many nation- and if oligopoly is not an option,
tion Renewables 2018 Global Sta- problem and efforts being made. dency by nearly half by 2050, and al governments have taken, could then at least PLN should be de-
tus Report. The expansion came If countries continue to pro- to replace it with natural gas and re- provide real financial stimulus tached from any political agenda.
thanks to the largest ever increase mote and expand coal-powered newable energy sources such as so- to accelerate RE penetration in Medium and long-term energy
in renewable power capacity, con- generation, they are putting pol- lar, biomass, geothermal and hydro. the country. targets, strategies and policies
tinued falling costs, increases in luting equipment in place that will Energy policies in Indonesia Indonesia is competing with should be steadier, and avoid any
investment and advances in en- be there, still polluting for decades are in a constant state of change, other growing nations for energy impulsive alterations regardless
abling technologies. to come. and appear to also be heavily reli- investments. Indonesia’s recent of the changes of administration
A recent publication by the ant on the government’s regime. history of frequently changing en- and/or ministerial incumbents.
United Nations Framework Con- Energy transformation PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) ergy policies has put the country Indonesia may well have all the
vention on Climate Change high- In Indonesia, the country’s Na- published the Indonesian Power at a disadvantage with interna- policies and targets in place, but
lighted a central finding that tional Energy Plan aspires to trans- Industry Survey 2018 in which the tional investors looking at mul- in order to move forward we need
climate finance in developing form the energy mix by 2025 to 30 outcomes of a survey on investor tiple country level investment robust enforcement, policy stabil-
countries had increased by 24 percent coal,  23 percent renew- confidence were presented. environments. ity and transparency.
percent in 2015 to US$33 billion able resources, 25 percent natural The majority of respondents Stable regulation and incen- Essentially, Indonesia is getting
and, subsequently, by 14 percent gas and 22 percent oil.  Indonesia, stated that regulatory uncertainty tives focused on investors will lead there, albeit gradually. It is evi-
in 2016 to $38 billion. therefore, is still set to produce its was the major barrier to investing to more RE deployment, however, dent that coal is still at the heart of
However, it also suggests that largest amount of power from coal in new large-scale power genera- there needs to be a true reckon- Indonesia’s electricity generation
while global investment in renew- for the foreseeable future, whereas tion facilities. ing of the external costs indirectly because of economic and develop-
able energy and renewable energy renewables are targeted to account The survey also presented re- borne by both the government and ment reasons. Renewables-wise,
subsides is rising, global invest- for 23 percent of generation — de- spondents’ concerns on the regu- the citizens that comes from fossil we are still at the dawn of the very
ment in fossil fuel and fossil fuel spite many having expressed pes- latory and legal framework in In- fuel-derived grievances on public long days ahead.
subsidies remains considerably simism that this could actually be donesia that were deemed to lack health and the environment.
higher. The persistence of this achieved given the current energy support for private investment. By taking the step to acknowl-
investment imbalance, despite it policy landscape. But it was not all doom and gloom. edge the negative health/environ- Aretha Aprilia is an energy and
now being several decades since The New York Times last month Despite the above-mentioned mental impacts and indirect costs waste management specialist at
renewables became mainstream, published an extensive article on concerns, 65 percent of inves- fossil fuels impose on societies, In- CDM Smith Indonesia. Nuki Agya
is a clear indicator that govern- energy, clearly noting that for a tors surveyed by PwC still plan to donesia could find new justifica- Utama is a former post-doctoral re-
ments and markets are not fo- clean energy transformation, we make an independent power pro- tion for creating fair and balanced searcher and program coordinator
cused enough on removing dirty need to phase out coal immediate- ducer (IPP) investment within power tariffs and focused incen- of Kyoto University’s department of
energy from the market mix. ly. Although some countries have the next 12 months. Although in- tives to help the country compete energy science, Japan.
JANUARY 15, 2019 OUTLOOK 2019 25

EU’s palm oil rule

How should Indonesia respond?

alm oil is Indonesia’s would make it possible for some Biodiesel represents a distinct important? It is a matter of prin-
largest export. It pro- suppliers to be considered either and different demand to food and ciple and it is a critical juncture for
vides more in export high or low risk. other industrial applications. No the future of palm oil in all mar-
revenue than coal, gas It can almost be guaranteed producer would give up on the kets, particularly Western markets.
or oil. It plays a pivotal role in any that compliance would be difficult Chinese market, for example. Both the US and the EU have
trade policy decisions made by the for exporters. This has certainly In August 2018, President Joko long histories of attempting to
national government. been the case for timber exports “Jokowi” Widodo and Energy and keep palm oil out of their mar-
Indonesia’s three largest export from developing countries since Mineral Resources Minister Igna- kets. The US soybean lobby waged
markets are India, the European the introduction of the EU’s due sius Jonan extended the B20 bio- a “tropical oils” health campaign
Union and China. China’s role in Khalil Manaf Hegarty diligence regulations for timber. fuel blending mandate across the in the 1980s and 1990s in an at-
global price pressures is less di- MELBOURNE A complete block on palm oil entire transportation sector. tempt to keep palm oil out of the
rect. China has imposed tariffs for the RED would put Indone- The requirement is expected US market.
on United States soybeans and is sia and Malaysia offside, precisely to effectively double demand for European rapeseed and sun-
sourcing them from other mar- for restrictions on imports of at a time when the EU is trying to biodiesel within Indonesia, ac- flower producers have launched
kets; this has brought the global biodiesel. For example, the EU ink trade and cooperation agree- cording to several estimates. This similar actions against palm oil
price of soybeans down, dragging hit Indonesian and Argentinean ments with both countries. would push domestic demand for — on environmental grounds. If
on palm oil prices. biofuels with anti-dumping tar- Indonesia and Malaysia have biodiesel refining to somewhere palm oil is cut from the RED, it
Indian demand concerns are iffs that were later declared illegal already been particularly aggres- in the vicinity of 6 million tons would send two signals.
relatively straightforward. The by the World Trade Organization sive within the WTO in calling for of CPO annually, an increase of It would give other countries
rupee has fallen significantly this (WTO). details on the revised RED. They about 3 million tons. (e.g. the US) further grounds to
year; this has largely been caused have been joined by other export- In the months that followed, block palm-based biodiesel from
by a spike in oil prices. Environmental campaign ers — such as Colombia — that are Malaysia and Indonesia both in- their markets.
This has placed pressure on In order to qualify for the RED, particularly concerned about the troduced biofuel blending man- It would also encourage policy-
household spending and made fuels must meet a number of envi- impact of the new regulations. dates. These measures would makers to push for tighter regula-
imported oils more expensive. At ronmental criteria. The most im- tions on palm oil use in food and
the same time, the Indian govern- portant of these is that biofuel feed- elsewhere. The EU has already
ment slapped tariffs on imported stocks cannot come from forest signaled that it is seeking to limit
palm oil in a bid to prop up the lo- areas or peat areas that were plant-
Palm oil is also the world’s most efficient oil “imported deforestation”.
cal agriculture sector. ed after 2008. Calls grew to restrict in terms of input and yield and Indonesia and Palm oil is also the world’s most
Chinese and Indian pressures palm oil imports on environmen- efficient oil in terms of input and
for the most part are being driv- tal grounds, arguing that emissions
Malaysia are the most efficient producers. yield and Indonesia and Malaysia
en by other market forces, e.g. oil from oil palm cultivation meant are the most efficient producers.
prices and soybean prices. that there was no greenhouse ben- One commentator has described
Problems in the EU are differ- efit from using palm oil. In the world of trade policy, make some difference to the de- it as a “disruptive technology”.
ent. They are regulatory and po- In 2018, the EU was required these types of regulatory disrup- mand dynamics in ASEAN, as well Antipathy toward it in all markets
litical; they have been driven by a to review the RED. In doing so, it tions are sometimes referred to as in global markets. is not going away any time soon.
number of actors. Palm oil has dis- was to determine which feedstocks as non-tariff measures (NTMs). This would ameliorate any Commitments by successive
placed other vegetable oils in Eu- could be used in the bloc’s renew- They are often accidental, but oc- fall in demand in the European governments toward halting oil
rope since the year 2000. able energy program. This review casionally deliberate. The point biodiesel market, but that is not palm plantation expansion and
Last decade, the EU developed a included the inclusion of the idea isn’t to block trade completely, but necessarily their intention. They the RSPO’s prohibition on defor-
renewable energy strategy. It set out of indirect land use change (ILUC). to disrupt supply, imposing an in- are among broader macroeco- estation are not about to quell this
minimum requirements for renew- The principle is as follows: Demand direct cost on exporters. nomic measures. opposition.
able fuels in transportation under for biofuel crops would mean that These disruptions — if illegal — In one instance they are about Many policymakers in the EU
the Renewable Energy Directive more land must be planted (or for- are often resolved by an increas- shoring up aggregate demand in believe they have a moral case for
(RED). This was partly to reduce est cleared) for food crops. ingly dysfunctional WTO, but res- a time of falling prices and main- banning palm oil. They have little
fossil fuel dependence and green- ILUC cannot be observed di- olution takes time. taining the livelihoods of millions or no regard for Indonesia’s devel-
house emissions; it was also to re- rectly; it is not possible to say Detractors might try to argue of smallholders. opment objectives and do not un-
place payments for European rape- whether land has been cleared as that biofuels aren’t an important In Indonesia, the mandatory derstand Indonesia’s significance
seed farmers as the EU’s Common an indirect result of biofuel poli- market for palm oil, but this is not biofuel blending was a means of regionally or globally.
Agricultural Policy was reformed. cies — it is only possible to mod- the case. reducing crude and petroleum “Beating” a RED ban on palm
The RED was introduced in el it. These models are subjective The global biodiesel market imports as prices spiked, putting oil would go some way to upend-
2009; imported palm-based (from and can therefore be politicized. represents about 12 percent of the pressure on the Indonesian cur- ing this moral attitude.
ASEAN) and soy-based (from Ar- It is highly likely that the EU world vegetable oil trade. By way rency. Malaysia is somewhat insu-
gentina) biodiesel increased their will single out imported oils — in- of comparison, China represents lated from oil prices — it exports
share of this market while de- cluding palm oil from Indonesia — about 10 percent of the global ex- more than it imports. The writer is a trade and sustain-
mand remained flat. Why? The and state they have a “high risk” of port market. The EU is the world’s ability consultant and has worked
EU remains an expensive place to causing ILUC, but the EU would largest biodiesel market and im- Why the RED with palm oil groups in Indonesia,
manufacture biofuels. most likely keep a pathway open ports about 2.4 million tons of However, if this is the case, why Malaysia, Nigeria and Papua New
In response, European oilseed for palm oil. It may, for example, crude palm oil (CPO) for biodiesel is the RED — and countering its Guinea. He is the editor of the Palm
producers and politicians called push a certification regime that production. impact on the palm market — so Oil Monitor.
26 OUTLOOK 2019 JANUARY 15, 2019

Belt and Road Initiative

Catalyst for green growth

rowth is fundamen- nected through land and mari- combined gross domestic product Indeed, it is these crowding-in
tal to the functioning time infrastructure. (GDP) of the participating econo- effects that we expect the most
of our maturing world mies. It would come as a major re- from infrastructure. They are the
economy. It may be BRI as a living design lief to the 45 developing countries litmus test for the success of in-
needed more pressingly in lower The BRI covers immense land of Asia which, according to the frastructure.
income countries than elsewhere and maritime areas on three con- Asian Development Bank (ADB),
but is universally needed, nev- tinents where more than 50 per- will need to invest around $26 Trade and Investment Program
ertheless. Centuries of experi- cent of the world’s population live trillion. The BRI involves an extreme-
ence have taught us that growth in rising living standards. While huge, the expected BRI- ly complex set of issues of which
can never be taken for granted. It Djisman Simandjuntak It is home to people with very related infrastructure investment many will emerge at later stages.
needs nurturing, occasional game and Jusuf Wanandi different living standards, at vary- falls far short of the $26 trillion in Some issues have already circu-
changers coinciding with major JAKARTA ing stages of technological ad- the period of 15 years from 2016 lated widely in a friendly or hos-
technological innovations or posi- vancement, with different reli- in order to maintain growth mo- tile manner. Let me focus on just
tively disruptive policy overhauls. gions, folklores, political systems mentum, eradicate poverty and a few issues, particularly invest-
We have recently enjoyed buoy- emissions. Given such a commit- and other elements of cultural di- respond to climate change. ment trade issues, growth issues
ant growth in the wake of techno- ment, the world is challenged to versity. Many of the BRI countries Hence, China, the rest of Asia, and governance issues.
logical innovations despite policy squeeze a higher unit of growth are already confronted with divi- the Pacific, Europe, Africa and the As indicated earlier it is the
mistakes that we committed on from a given resource use. sive forces of their own which are world at large share an interest in crowding-in or multiplier effect
an almost regular basis, as we did Answering the challenge is cer- very deeply rooted. making the BRI a success. that will determine the extent to
before the Asian financial crisis of tainly difficult, but the way the Ingenuity will be needed in the Better physical connectivity which the BRI is going to deliver
1997-1998, and the global financial world economy grew in the period design of the BRI to enable it to among the BRI economies will its intended results.
crisis of 2007-2008. after World War II indicates that function as a glue rather than an speed up the movement of goods, Many of the BRI economies
We count on them while we efficiency improvement in re- additional force of division. Or- services, capital and people. Many have had a long experience with
seek to grow faster. However, source use is a feasible target. chestrating the BRI as a connect- goods and services will enjoy an trade and investment liberaliza-
there are downsides to the cur- The Marshall Plan and Europe- ed growth area is a herculean task improving tradability. tion through unilateral, regional,
rent digitally driven innovations. an integration that followed a few to perform. Trade and investment costs plurilateral and multilateral ini-
They tend to be extremely di- years thereafter, the marathon So far the BRI is most popular- will fall. Division of labor or spe- tiatives and have profited from
visive, allowing winners to take of trade liberalization under the ly known for the huge networks of cialization among the BRI econo- those experiences handsomely.
almost all of the sweet fruits as General Agreement on Tariffs and infrastructure that it plans to es- mies, particularly among neigh- Many others in Central Asia, South
demonstrated by flagship compa- Trade (GATT) and later the World tablish with the help of Chinese boring economies will expand and Asia and Africa are yet to integrate
nies of the current globalization. Trade Organization (WTO), the investment. An amount of invest- deepen. With new infrastructure, properly with the rest of the world
What is more, automation eats revolutionary shift of the Repub- ment in the order of US$8 trillion new technologies come along. through trade and investment lib-
up a large number of jobs, includ- lic of Korea, Chinese Taipei, Hong is often mentioned in connection More efficient in resource use, eralization initiatives. Even for the
ing jobs that were considered safe Kong SAR, and Singapore and, with the BRI. the new infrastructure will also “established traders” like China
from automation. How far and most miraculous of all, the New It is a huge investment, repre- be greener. What is more new and ASEAN, renewed efforts are
how fast we can generate replace- Economic Policy of China are ex- senting roughly 2.5 percent of the businesses will be crowded in. needed to keep themselves open to
ments for the lost jobs remains to amples of dramatic policy changes trade and investment.
be seen. This is not to say that the that triggered a strong and lasting Enthusiasm for opening is
world can dispense with techno- economic growth. weakening as reflected in the pro-
logical innovations. The post-war growth is uneven tracted negotiation on Regional
For as long as humans have spatially. As far as Asia and Europe Comprehensive Economic Part-
been creating technology they is concerned it is concentrated nership (RCEP). ASEAN has
have set themselves on their own along the North-West South-East hardly introduced any meaning-
trajectory that they can only par- axis. It basically leaves out the ful initiatives on trade and invest-
tially control. Western provinces of China, cer- ment in recent years.
The important point is that ma- tain parts of South Asia, Central The inward-looking trend that
jor policy initiatives are needed Asia, the Middle East and even erupted in the wake of the world
to balance the disruptive effects East Europe. financial crisis of 2007 and 2008
that come along with the digital- The same happens to Africa has not been reversed. What is
ly driven innovations, which ac- despite its preferential access to more there is room for further
cording to some scientists may the European Union. Connecting trade and investment liberaliza-
even soon arrive at a singular- these areas to the main trade and tion in the BRI economies despite
ity, a situation in which learning investment route is, therefore, a the progress made in the past.
machines exceed human beings in historical opportunity or even a Beyond nondiscrimination
intelligence. historical call to Asia, Europe and China may consider preferential
Depleting natural resourc- the world at large. Antara access to the Chinese market for
es even farther is not a realistic This is what the Belt and Road Chinese technology: This picture taken on Dec. 7, last year shows goods and services originating in
choice. In fact, through the Par- Initiative (BRI) is doing. With the the construction of the 9th and 10th units of the coal-fired power plant the least-developed economies
is Agreement governments have BRI and preexisting initiatives, PLTU Suralaya in Cilegon, Banten. A number of Chinese companies in the BRI, engaging thereby in
agreed to cut greenhouse gas the entire world would be con- have been involved in the construction of power plants in Indonesia. “benefaction” similar to what de-
JANUARY 15, 2019 OUTLOOK 2019 27

veloped economies did 50 years projects to the BRI. On the oth-

ago in response to the demand er hand, the BRI’s lending would
from the developing world. border on redundancy, if it sets ex-
Linking China-financed infra- actly the same conditions as other
structure with an increasing capac- institutions do.
ity to export in the borrowing coun-
tries is imperative to avoid a debt Primus inter-pares
problem arising in the future where In the BRI’s early stage, the
interest payments and debt repay- centrality of China is a necessity.
ments create a balance of payment An initiative as grand as the BRI
problem of crisis proportion. requires a strong champion. In
Needless to say, open trade in- playing its championing role, Chi-
vestment policy can only lead to na will have to win friends in the
better trade preparedness, if com- participating countries.
plemented with capacity building BRI diplomacy is crucial.
and trade and investment facili- Groups of friends similar to BRI
tation. Hence, the design of BRI Scholarship should be formed
must also include a trade and in- and nurtured. China will also
vestment program aimed at en- have to demonstrate a commit-
abling borrowers to earn enough ment to transparency, account-
foreign exchange when the time ability and fairness, or good gov-
arrives for debt servicing. ernance in short.
Whether or not such export The BRI will need to be more
capacity is generated by domes- balanced and comprehensive in
tic or foreign investors, including its issue coverage and more inclu-
Chinese investors, is of second- JP/Arya Dipa sive in its structure. This way al-
ary importance, though political- Sleek lines: Women wearing traditional kebaya blouses take a wefie next to a model of a high-speed train legation and premature worries
ly there is also a limit to foreign during the groundbreaking ceremony for the development of the Jakarta-Bandung high speed railway about China’s hidden intentions
presence that a country can re- project in Cikalong Wetan, West Bandung regency, West Java, on Jan. 21, 2018. An Indonesia-China joint can be demystified gradually.
ceive in good faith. venture, PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China will spend Rp 70 trillion (US$4.8 billion) to build the 142-kil- The world is very lucky these
If one looks back to past de- ometer railway. days to be able to enjoy a rela-
cades, all major policy initiatives tively strong growth of output
were centered round trade and larly wind, solar, and bio energy. cent of GDP. Even under such fis- most transparent and competi- and trade despite the loss of en-
investment policy reforms, which It has also made a lot of prog- cal prudence a government will tive way, that the project is man- thusiasm and trust in multilater-
include greater opening toward ress in water resource conserva- have to be able to generate addi- aged and maintained in the best al and regional trade negotiation
the rest of the word, greater free- tion and recycling as well in de- tional taxation capacity. professional way in the interest and cooperation, the ease with
dom to do business and removal of salination technologies. China will The rate of economic growth of the highest possible produc- which the United States uncou-
distorting policy measures. remain at the top in terms of CO2 in such an economy must rise to tivity. Ways must be found to im- pled from the core international
At a time when many govern- emissions for a long time to come. allow higher tax revenue in due pose such requirements. institutions that it brought to life
ments are turning inward, inter- The sheer size of its population and course of time. While the BRI should maintain over 70 years ago and the ten-
nalizing trade and investment very rapid growth combine to re- Otherwise, debt crisis is already its autonomy in setting its own dency of many governments
measures in BRI design is critical sult in such large-scale emissions. pre-programmed for both sides, standards of development financ- to go the inward-looking way
for its success. China can influ- At the same time, China has the creditor and the debtor, at the ing, there is a lot that it can learn while addressing trade and in-
ence the BRI’s trade and invest- demonstrated a very strong com- time the loan is disbursed. from the practices of other in- vestment issues.
ment agenda by integrating it in mitment and ability to study, de- The costs of such crisis are much frastructure lending institutions However, unchecked this re-
lending terms and conditions, but velop and adopt greener practices heavier than the pecuniary costs. such as the Asian Infrastructure treat from open trade and invest-
also indirectly through its partici- of economic development on both Generating additional growth im- Investment Bank (AIIB), the ADB, ment is going to harm the world
pation in ASEAN, RCEP, the Asia the hard and soft side, with these petus is, therefore, essential for any the World Bank and the European sooner or later and severely so.
Europe Forum and other forums. recent experiences China can also borrower in the BRI. This brings Bank for Reconstruction and De- Through the BRI and other or-
The BRI offers a great opportu- guide the BRI into a green econo- us back to similar issues that were velopment (EBRD). ganizations and forums of which
nity for a greener economy. With- my platform for collective learn- discussed in relation to the build- In times of economic conver- China is member or participant,
in the BRI, China can catalyze an ing by doing. ing of export capacity. gence, sound development lend- China should urge other coun-
institutional setting more condu- Infrastructure is usually not a ing practices also get increasing- tries to re-engage in trade and in-
cive to a green economy, which Growth and preemption of good sector as tax payer. Its ser- ly similar across economies and vestment issues.
it has laid down in recent years debt problems vices are usually subjected to a regions. With the BRI, the world Given what China has accom-
while dealing with pollution prob- The fact that in its early stages wide range of distortions, includ- of development financing is plished through its New Econom-
lems of its own. the BRI is dominated by the loan ing price control. changing. ic Policy over the last 40 years,
Green industries and services relationship between China as Infrastructure is judged not on There is a non-zero probabil- translating the positive experienc-
have grown very fast in China in creditor and the rest of the BRI as its own returns but on the extent ity that in the early stage of its es into a global trade and invest-
recent years. In clean convention- borrowers, necessitates a built-in to which it gives birth to success- development the BRI will pri- ment agenda as a continuation of
al energy such as carbon capture fiscal prudence. ful business enterprises. marily be dealing with borrowers what the world has painstakingly
and sequestration (CCS) China Whether one likes it or not, One can certainly attempt to with poor rating whose access to accumulated in the last 70 years
has made more progress, realiz- governments everywhere are ex- minimize the likelihood of de- the resources of the established or so is greatly opportune.
ing that it will continue to depend posed to continuous scrutiny as fault by assuring that loans are development banks is very lim-
on conventional energy for a long regards its fiscal profile. A prudent directed to infrastructure proj- ited. Countries with better credit
time to come. China has topped government is expected to limit ects with the highest expected re- standing may engage in adverse Djisman Simandjuntak is Pra-
the world in recent years in the its annual borrowing to not more turns, that users are charged with selection, directing good proj- setya Mulya University rector. Jusuf
research, development and adop- than 3 percent of GDP and to con- a price in excess of costs, that ects to institutions with tougher Wanandi is the vice chairman of the
tion of renewable energy, particu- trol debt at not more than 60 per- procurement is conducted in the requirements and less bankable board of trustees, CSIS Foundation.
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