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New Venture - Entry 11/23/10 6:15 PM

Over New Venture Businessplancompetitie Mijn Account Info voor starters

Welcome, Glenn Wolters


Your entry for 'Best plan in the universe' in Round 1

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On 2 November 2010 you have uploaded the document named "Businessplan.pdf". With this document you are participating in Round 1.

Days lets you automatically record your day in pictures and share it through a one minute video.

The deadline has been reached.

Jury Rapport

General comments
Jurymember 1:
It is unclear from the idea description what the user of this application really gains: essentially the iphone (to start with) will take pictures and store
these directly in a virtual space. It does not seem to do anything that does not already exist.

Perhaps the film aspect of it should be better explained as this could be something interesting.

Jurymember 2:
Het langdurig verstrekken van aanzienlijke hoeveelheden opslagcapaciteit is een kostbare zaak. Daar moet een goed onderbouwd business
model aan ten grondslag liggen. In welke behoefte wordt voorzien (hetzij in de behoefte van de "loggers", hetzij in de behoefte van de "viewers",
hoeveel mensen gaan "het" bekijken (belangrijk voor advertentie-inkomstenmodellen). Het wordt pas interessant als "celebreties" aan life logging
gaan doen. Hoe krijg je die zover?

Verder voorzie ik privacy problemen met de mensen die ongevraagd in beeld gebracht gaan worden. Is er al een prototype? Is het loggen al
uitgeprobeert? Hoe zien die beelden er uit?

HEt wordt interessant voor viewers als "celebreties" aan life

Prescreen Rapport

Product, service or technology 80%

Innovation 100%

Target Group/Market Description 80%

Revenuemodel 70%

In general 70%

Detailed overview

Product, service or technology

Rating from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)

Is it clear how the product, service or technology functions? 4

Is it clear what the advantages for the customer are? 4


Nice application of basic existing technologies! Page 1 of 2
New Venture - Entry 11/23/10 6:15 PM


Rating from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)

Does the idea fulfill a new need or does it satisfy an existing 5 (very clear)
need in a new way?

Target Group/Market Description

Rating from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)

Has the target group been closely and realistically defined? 4

Are all possible target groups determined? 4

Does the target group profile fit the product, service or 4

Does the product, service or technology have enough
advantages to convince the target group?


Rating from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)

Is it clear who pays for the product, service or technology? 4

Is the estimation of the costs and the turnover realistic? 3


I have questions about market size, but some further research for the business plan should make this clear.

In general

Rating from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest)

Is the idea specific enough? Is there a clear focus? 4

Has the idea description been written from the point of view 3
of an investor?
Does the idea offer a good business opportunity?
Is the lay-out of the idea description clear? 4


This is a promising entry.

An interesting idea that needs to be further developed in round 2.
There is one flaw in the plan, having an auto-recording product on a device that cannot always be on (or is in your pocket) like an Iphone or
other smartphone will not work as they will consume too much energy and cannot be easily worn on your body. You may need to use a
specifically designed camera like the Vicon Revue

How useful is this feedback?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Optional remarks

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