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The greedy dog

Once there lived a dog. He was very greedy. There were many times that he had to pay for
his greed. Each time the dog promised himself, “I have learnt my lesson. Now I will never
be greedy again." But he soon forgot his promises and was as greedy as ever.

One afternoon, the dog was terribly hungry. He decided to go look for something to eat.
Just outside his house, there was a bridge. “I will go and look for food on the other side of
the bridge. The food there is definitely better," he thought to himself.

He walked across the wooden bridge and started sniffing around for food. Suddenly, he
spotted a bone lying at a distance. “Ah, I am in luck. This looks a delicious bone," he said.

Without wasting any time, the hungry dog picked up the bone and was just about to eat it,
when he thought, “Somebody might see here with this bone and then I will have to share it
with them. So, I had better go home and eat it." Holding the bone in his mouth, he ran
towards his house.

While crossing the wooden bridge, the dog looked down into the river. There he saw his own
reflection. The foolish dog mistook it for another dog. “There is another dog in the water
with bone in its mouth," he thought. Greedy, as he was, he thought, “How nice it would be
to snatch that piece of bone as well. Then, I will have two bones."

So, the greedy dog looked at his reflection and growled. The reflection growled back, too.
This made the dog angry. He looked down at his reflection and barked, “Woof! Woof!" As he
opened his mouth, the bone in his mouth fell into the river. It was only when the water
splashed that the greedy dog realized that what he had seen was nothing but his own
reflections and not another dog. But it was too late. He had lost the piece of bone because
of his greed. Now he had to go hungry.

moral of the story: don’t be greedy,always be grateful

Translation to Indonesian

Anjing yang serakah

Suatu hari hiduplah seekor anjing. Dia sangat serakah. Ada banyak kali dia harus
membayar untuk keserakahannya. Setiap kali anjing itu berjanji pada dirinya sendiri, “Saya
telah mempelajari pelajaran saya. Sekarang saya tidak akan serakah lagi. "Tetapi dia
segera melupakan janjinya dan serakah seperti sebelumnya.

Suatu sore, anjing itu sangat lapar. Dia memutuskan untuk pergi mencari sesuatu untuk
dimakan. Tepat di luar rumahnya, ada sebuah jembatan. “Aku akan pergi dan mencari
makanan di seberang jembatan. Makanan di sana pasti lebih baik, "pikirnya dalam hati.

Dia berjalan melintasi jembatan kayu dan mulai mengendus-endus mencari makanan. Tiba-
tiba, dia melihat tulang tergeletak di kejauhan. “Ah, aku beruntung. Ini terlihat seperti
tulang yang lezat, "katanya.

Tanpa membuang waktu, anjing yang lapar mengambil tulang dan baru saja akan
memakannya, ketika dia berpikir, “Seseorang mungkin melihat di sini dengan tulang ini dan
kemudian saya harus berbagi dengan mereka. Jadi, saya lebih baik pulang dan
memakannya. "Sambil memegang tulang di mulutnya, dia berlari menuju rumahnya.

Saat melintasi jembatan kayu, anjing itu melihat ke bawah ke sungai. Di sana dia melihat
bayangannya sendiri. Anjing bodoh mengira itu anjing lain. "Ada anjing lain di dalam air
dengan tulang di mulutnya," pikirnya. Dengan rakus, dia berpikir, "Betapa
menyenangkannya untuk mengambil potongan tulang itu juga. Kemudian, saya akan
memiliki dua tulang. "

Jadi, anjing serakah itu memandangi bayangannya dan menggeram. Refleksi itu
menggeram kembali juga. Ini membuat anjing itu marah. Dia menatap bayangannya dan
menyalak, "Woof! Woof! "Ketika ia membuka mulutnya, tulang di mulutnya jatuh ke sungai.
Hanya ketika air memercikkan anjing serakah menyadari bahwa apa yang telah dilihatnya
hanyalah pantulan dirinya sendiri dan bukan anjing lain. terlambat. Dia telah kehilangan
potongan tulang karena keserakahannya. Sekarang dia harus kelaparan.

Moral dari certa : janganlah rakus,bersyukurlah setiap saat

Active to passive

1. “I have learnt my lesson”

The lesson has been learnt by me

2. “But he soon forgot his promises”

Promises was being forgotten by him

3. “the hungry dog picked up the bone”

The bone was being picked by the dog

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