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F l.

l Adverbs
of frequency UNI T4
0% -50% -100%
never sometimes often usually always
)r l.t thereis/are...
These adverbsusually come before the main verb.
Shenever goesout on Sundays. Positive
I sometimes work late. 1S a sofa. (singular)
I often eat in a restaurant. There
I usuallygo to bed at about 11.00. afe two bedrooms. (plural)
We always stop work at 6.00.
They come after the verb to be. Negative
She'salways late. isnt a shower. (singular)
I'm never hungry in the morning. There
arent any pictures. (plural)
Sometimesand usually can also come at the beginning or the end
of a sentence.
YeslNo questions Short answers
Sometimes we go out. We go out sometimes.
Usudly I walk to school. I walk to school usually. Yes,there is.
Is a table?
Never and always dorit come at the beginning or the end of a sentence. No, there isnt.
NOT Nsrer*getetHh€atre
Yes,there are.
@inF Are any photos?
No, there aren't.

F 3.3like/love+verb+-int
When like and love are followed by another verb, it is usually the F +.1 Howmony...?
-ing form. How many bathrooms are there?
I like cooking.
Sheloves listening to music.
I dont like studying.
F +.1somelony
There are some pictures. sorne+ plural noun
p Prepositions
From Monday to Friday I work in a bookstore.
There arent any glasses. an7 + plural noun
On SaturdaysI have another job.
I'm a singer with a band. Question
Are there anv books? any + plural noun
I start work at 6.00.
I work until 10.00at night.
I'm at home on Saturdays.
I stay late at work.
F +.ealotof
Shehas a lot of clothes.
On SaturdayeveningsI sing in clubs.
I dont go to bed until 4 otlock in the morning.
Do you relax at weekends? P c.s this/thot/theselthose
We go to Spain or France. I We use thisltheseto talk about people/things that are near to us.
I go skiing in winter. I like this picture. How much are these mugs?
I listen to music.
2 We use thatlthoseto talk about people/things that arent near to us.
My garden is full of flowers.
Can you seethat man? Who are those children outside?
3 We can we thislthatltheselthosewithout a noun.
This is lovely. That's horrible.
Can I have this? These are my favourite
I dont like that. I don t want those.

p Prepositions
The flat is in Queen'sRoad.
It's on the third floor.
The chemist'sis next to a caf6.
There'sa shop below the flat.
There'sa bus stop outside the post office.
It's opposite the park.
My flat is near the town centre.
The bench is under the tree.
What's in your bag?
Theret a window behind the desk.
There'sa fire at the other end.
This is a picture of my sister.

136 Grammar 3.1-4.5


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