Nai Beaga Seachtain 3

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A Thuismitheoirí a chairde,

Seo breise oibre do na páistí i Naíonáin Bheaga. Pioc amach na rudaí a oireann

 Oscail you tube. Scríobh ‘Scéal an Lae’ sa mbosca cuardach. Tá liosta mór
leabhair ann atá oiriúnach do pháistí óga.
Open you tube and write ‘Scéal an Lae’ into the search box. There are
lots of stories appropriate for young children being read out by various
 Cliceáil ‘Áiseanna Eile’. Beidh liosta de na leabhairíní
beaga ar an scáileán. Cliceáil ar cheann chun é a léamh agus a chloisteáil.
Click on ‘Áiseanna Eile’. This will bring up the little books we have been
reading. Click on a title to hear the story and follow the words.
 Tá scata mór de na leabhairíní fuaimeanna ina bhfillteáin ag na páistí.
Déan dul siar orthu go rialta mar beidh an léitheoireacht ag tosadh chomh
luath is a fhillimid ar scoil.
I put as many of the little sounds books as I had time to into the
homework folders. please revise the sounds regularly as reading will have
to begin as soon as we return to school.

 Cleachtaigh na litreacha beaga, scríobh d’ainm. Ceann-litir do thus d’ainm
Practice the lower-case letters, write your name. Please only use a capital
for the first letter of your name.
 Scríobh abairt ar leathanach agus iarr ar do pháiste é a chóipeáil.
Write a sentence on a page and ask your child to copy it (Gaeilge or

 Cliceáil ‘download’ le é a chuir ar siúl. Is féidir libh
é a leanúint trí Ghaeilge, tá sé éasca.
Click ‘download’ to play. The children are used to the Gaeilge version in
school; it is very easy to follow.
 Bígí ag rith, ag léim ar dhá chos/cos amháin, ag rolladh, ag preabadh, ag
imirt le liathróidí, ag scipeáil, ag siúl, ag rothaíocht, ag imirt le húp, srl.
Run, jump on one/two legs, roll, bounce, play with ball, skip, walk, cycle,
hula hoop, etc.

 Cleachtaigh na huimhreacha a scríobh. Comhair rudaí 1-5, aimsigh
cruthanna (cearnóg, ciorcal, dronuilleog, triantán) timpeall an tí. Tomhais
rudaí, cé mhéad spúnóg ar fad é an bord, an cuisneoir, cé mhéad léim
is féidir liom a chaitheamh sa phasáiste, srl.
Write the numbers 1-5. count things 1-5, find shapes (square, circle,
rectangle triangle) around the house. Measure objects with non-standard
items for example how many spoons fit the length of the table, the
fridge, how many jumps can I take from one end of the hall to the other,
 Ainmnigh laethanta na seachtaine agus an aimsir gach lá.
Recite the days of the week and the weather every day.
Rudaí eile
 Déan aithris ar rannta (Gaeilge/Béarla), léigh scéalta traidisiúnta, canaigí
amhráin shimplí sonasach.
Recite nursery rhymes, read traditional stories, sing simple cheerful
 Imir le lego, blocanna, k’nex, boscaí folamh, míreanna mearaí, srl.
Play with construction toys, empty boxes, jigsaw puzzles, etc.
 Cluichí boird ar nós snap, nathracha agus dréimirí, lúdó, monopoly nó pé
cuid atá ar lámh agaibh.
Board games such as snap, snakes and ladders, ludo, monopoly or whatever
ones you have at home – take turns, lose gracefully!
 Gléas suas agus bain úsáid as do shamhlaíocht.
Let them dress up and play make-believe.
 Bácáil/cócaireacht – tomhais na cógais, scoilt na huimheacha, dóirt, measc,
agus glan suas, srl.
Baking /cooking – allow them to do some of the measuring, crack the eggs,
pour, mix, clean up, etc.

Tabhair aire dá chéile agus feicimid a chéile go luath le cúnamh Dé.

Le meas,
Aghna Ní Chonghaile

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