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Original Research

Characterization of Balance Control

After Moderate to Severe Traumatic
Brain Injury: A Longitudinal
Recovery Study
Olinda Habib Perez, Robin E. Green, George Mochizuki

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O. Habib Perez, PhD, Rehabilitation
Sciences Institute, University of Toron-
to, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Sun-
Background.  Balance impairments after traumatic brain injury (TBI) are common and
nybrook Research Institute, Toronto,
persist after injury. Postural asymmetries in balance have been reported, but not quanti-
Ontario, Canada; and Toronto Reha- fied, across recovery.
bilitation Institute, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada. Objective.  The objective of this study was to characterize balance recovery after mod-
R.E. Green, PhD, Rehabilitation Scienc- erate to severe TBI, with a focus on postural asymmetry.
es Institute, University of Toronto; De-
partment of Psychiatry, University of
Toronto; and Toronto Rehabilitation
Design.  A secondary analysis of prospectively collected data was used in this study.
G. Mochizuki, PhD, Rehabilitation Methods. Data were from 45 participants with moderate to severe TBI. Participants’
Sciences Institute, University of Toron- balance in 2 bipedal stances and 2 unipedal stances was assessed with force plates at ap-
to; Department of Physical Therapy, proximately 2, 5, and 12 months after injury. Single-visit data from participants who were
University of Toronto; Toronto Reha- matched for age and served as healthy controls were collected for visual comparison using
bilitation Institute; and Sunnybrook 95% confidence intervals. Spatial and temporal center-of-pressure (COP) measures were
Research Institute, 2075 Bayview Ave, calculated from force plates in the anteroposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) directions.
Room M6-178, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada M4N 3M5. Address all corre-
spondence to Dr Mochizuki at: george. Results.  Despite improvements in net ML COP postural sway from 2 to 5 months after injury, there were no changes in AP postural sway across recovery. Postural sway in indi-
[Habib Perez O, Green RE, Mochizuki viduals with TBI was higher than normative values at all time points in both directions. In-
G. Characterization of balance control terlimb synchrony did not change across recovery in either direction. TBI weight-bearing
after moderate to severe traumatic
­ asymmetry was lower than normative values at all time points and did not change across
brain injury: a longitudinal recovery recovery. The characteristics of unipedal stance differed between limbs.
study. Phys Ther. 2018;98:786–795.]
© 2018 American Physical Therapy Limitations.  Sample size was reduced as a result of the inclusion and exclusion crite-
ria; future studies will benefit from a larger sample size.
Published Ahead of Print:
June 6, 2018
Conclusions.  The absence of recovery in ML COP postural sway, interlimb synchrony,
Accepted: June 5, 2018
and weight-bearing symmetry indicated that reduced ML control may contribute to bal-
Submitted: July 28, 2017
ance impairments after TBI. These impairments may extend to dynamic balance tasks and
may also place individuals with TBI at a higher risk for falls.

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786    Physical Therapy  Volume 98  Number 9 September 2018

Balance After Traumatic Brain Injury

raumatic brain injury (TBI) is recovery trajectories in the context of Glasgow Coma Scale score of 12 or less
among the leading causes of asymmetry. (determined at the scene of the accident
disability in North America.1 or in the emergency department on the
Balance control—that is, maintaining Between-limb center-of-pressure (COP) day of injury), posttraumatic amnesia
one’s center of mass within the base of synchronization (the spatial and tem- of 1 day or more, or both conditions;
support—is impaired after TBI.2 These poral relationships between the COP recovered from posttraumatic amnesia
impairments persist years after injury, of both feet) is a sensitive measure of by 6 weeks after injury; between 18
particularly in individuals with more balance control during static standing and 80 years old; able to use at least
­severe TBI.3 Previous studies of balance in healthy adults12,18 and adults after 1 upper extremity; and able to follow
control after moderate to severe TBI stroke.17,19–21 In individuals with stroke, commands in English. Exclusion crite-
characterize balance impairments at synchronization is reduced and tem- ria were as follows: history of TBI or

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different stages of recovery or employ porally offset during standing balance other neurological disorder and history
cross-sectional comparisons of balance tasks.19 Single leg standing may also be of psychotic disorder. For the present
measures to those of healthy controls an indicator of unilateral weakness or study, an additional inclusion criterion
or to normative values. These studies impairment. Because both bipedal and was the completion of all 3 motor as-
report impairments in balance at the unipedal stances are used in functional sessments (ie, at 2, 5, and 12 months
acute and chronic stages after injury.4–9 balance assessments in other neurolog- after injury). Throughout the larger
ic populations across recovery to iden- study, different technologies were used
Longitudinal examinations of balance tify underlying balance deficits,22,23 they to assess balance. Initially, assessments
impairment after injury are sparse. may also identify postural asymmetries were conducted on a single force plate.
One study showed that postural sway after TBI. Later, assessments were conducted on
improved across the first 3 months of dual force plates in order to obtain
injury.9 One longitudinal study exam- The purpose of this study was to char- data from each individual limb. Conse-
ining postural stability over a 2-year acterize the recovery trajectory of bal- quently, an exclusion criterion for the
recovery window reported improve- ance control across the first year of TBI present study was the use of mixed
ment in balance using the Romberg with a focus on measures of postural force plate techniques (ie, single and
test;2 however, no longitudinal studies asymmetry. Given the apparent associa- dual force plates) across different time
employing posturographic outcomes tion between brain injury and postural points for an individual participant. For
to quantitatively measure balance asymmetry, it was hypothesized that in- example, a person assessed with 1 force
have been conducted beyond the first dividuals with TBI would demonstrate plate at 2 months and 2 force plates at
months of injury.9 Thus, it remains postural asymmetry on measures of 5 months, 12 months, or both would be
unclear whether continued balance symmetry, including interlimb synchro- excluded. Another exclusion criterion
recovery might be observed in the lat- ny, stance load symmetry, and postur- was the presence of lower extremity
er stages of injury (ie, after 4 months) al sway and time in unipedal stance. orthopedic injury, as determined by a
when more sensitive outcomes are Because balance has demonstrated re- physical therapist and an occupational
­employed. covery over time using observational therapist.
outcomes, it was also hypothesized that
Typically, posturographic analyses re- net balance measures would improve Instrumented balance assessments
port net measures of control (contri- over the course of recovery and meas- were completed in 97 of 139 partici-
butions of both limbs) as their primary ures of postural asymmetry would im- pants with clinically confirmed TBI in
outcome.4,9,10 Net measures of balance prove across recovery. the larger study. Fifty-one of these indi-
quantify postural sway in the anter- viduals completed all 3 balance assess-
oposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) ments using either a single force plate
Methods or dual force plates. Of these, 6 were
directions, reflecting ankle and hip mo-
Participants with TBI excluded for lower extremity orthope-
tion control, respectively.11 Although
Data were obtained from the database
net postural sway quantifies overall dic injuries. Therefore, 45 individuals
of a larger, ongoing prospective longi-
balance control, it lacks specificity with with TBI were included in the analysis,
tudinal study of cognitive and motor
regard to the individual limb contribu- with 14 and 31 participants completing
recovery in people with moderate to
tions to control.12 This is important con- balance assessments exclusively with a
severe TBI, for which motor (posturo-
sidering evidence that unilateral mo- single force plate and dual force plates,
graphic) assessments were undertaken
tor weakness and asymmetrical stance respectively. Individuals recruited to the
at approximately 2, 5, and 12 months
persist following TBI.13–15 The extent of study received the normal standard of
after injury, in the Toronto Rehab Trau-
asymmetry in balance control has not care. For inpatients, this care includ-
matic Brain Injury Recovery Study.24,25
yet been quantified. Because TBI may ed a combination of physical therapy,
Participants for the larger study were
contribute to asymmetrical balance, occupational therapy, speech therapy,
recruited from an urban acquired brain
which is linked to elevated fall risk in or a combination of these. Following
injury program. Inclusion criteria were
other neurologically injured popula- discharge from the inpatient program,
as follows: diagnosis of moderate to
tions,16,17 it is important to characterize many patients continued to receive clin-
severe TBI on the basis of the lowest
ical services, as per clinical need and

September 2018 Volume 98  Number 9  Physical Therapy    787

Balance After Traumatic Brain Injury

Table 1.
Demographics of Participants With Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Participants Who Served as Healthy Controls (HC)a

Demographic Participants With TBI Participants Who Served as HC

Sample size (men/women) 45 (36/9) 22 (10/12)
Age, y 43.2 (17.3) 36.6 (13.8)
Years of education 14.5 (3.2)b 17 (3.4)
Mass, kg
T1 74.1 (13.5) 69.6 (12.8)
T2 78.7 (14.3)c

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T3 82.0 (15.9)c,d
FIM score at discharge,e median (range) 119 (91–126)
Severity of TBIf
Moderate 1
Severe 9
Very severe 23
Extremely severe 7
CB&M Scale score,g out of 96, median (range)
T1 65 (15–95)
T2 74 (29–95)c
T3 78 (27–95)c
aData are reported as group means (standard deviations) unless otherwise indicated. CB&M = Community Balance and Mobility; FIM = Functional
­Independence Measure; T1 = 2 months after injury; T2 = 5 months after injury; T3 = 12 months after injury.
bSignificant difference between HC and TBI groups at P < .05.
cSignificant differences from T1 value within individuals with TBI at P < .05.
dSignificant differences from T2 value within individuals with TBI at P < .05.
eData were obtained from 39 of the 45 participants with TBI.
fTBI severity was characterized on the basis of posttraumatic amnesia in 40 of the 45 participants with TBI.
gData were obtained from 44 of the 45 participants with TBI.

availability. An age-matched group of Data Collection and Procedures dual-force-plate arrangements, partici-
22 individuals were recruited from the Posturographic (force plate) and clinical pants stood in 2 bipedal and 2 unipedal
university and local community to serve measures of balance (Community Bal- conditions: standardized position (heel
as healthy controls (HC) and were as- ance and Mobility [CB&M] Scale)26 were centers 0.17 m apart and long axis of
sessed on 1 occasion. All participants assessed at approximately 2 months the foot angled at 14°)27 with eyes open
(or their substitute decision makers) (T1), 5 months (T2), and 12 months (EO) and eyes closed (EC), and uni-
provided informed consent for the orig- (T3) after injury. The CB&M Scale is a pedal stance with the right leg and the
inal study. The present study was ap- 13-item tool (scored out of a total of 96) left leg. For all bipedal conditions, par-
proved by the Research Ethics Board that was specifically developed to eval- ticipants were instructed to stand quiet-
at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute. uate balance and mobility in individuals ly for 45 seconds looking straight ahead
Demographic and injury characteristics with TBI.26 A higher score on the CB&M (with no visual cues). A 45 second peri-
are presented in Table 1. Scale indicates better balance. Data od was used to ensure sample duration
were collected using either a single- reliability28,29 while reducing the risk of
Study Design force-plate (AccuSway) or a dual-force- muscle fatigue and falling. For unipedal
A secondary analysis of prospectively plate (both from Advanced Mechanical stances, participants were instructed to
collected data was used in this study. Technology, Inc, Watertown, Massachu- maintain their balance without touch-
Within-subjects analysis was used to setts) arrangement. ing the ground as best as possible for
characterize recovery over time. The pri- 30 seconds. Rest breaks were provided
mary balance-related outcome measures For single-force-plate assessments, par- between each condition or when need-
included root-mean-square (RMS) of the ticipants placed both feet on 1 force ed. All conditions were assessed in a
net (both feet combined) COP in the AP plate. For dual-force-plate assessments, single session. Ground-reaction forces
and ML directions, cross-correlation of the plates were positioned with the and moments from each plate were
the COP in the AP and ML directions (all y-axes in parallel and separated by sampled at 50 Hz. The sampling rate
in bipedal stance), unipedal stance time, 1 mm. Participants placed 1 foot on each for all assessments was kept consist-
and RMS in unipedal stance. force plate. For both the ­­ single- and ent regardless of whether the single- or

788    Physical Therapy  Volume 98  Number 9 September 2018

Balance After Traumatic Brain Injury

­ ual-force-plate arrangement was used.

d Data Analyses and Ministry of Research and Innova-
HC data were collected at 1 time point Statistical analyses were performed tion. O. Habib Perez was supported
for all balance tasks for visual compar- using SPSS v23.0 (IBM SPSS Statistics, by ONF-REPAR and Ontario Student
ison. The order of test conditions was Armonk, New York). To test the hy- Opportunity Trust Funds. The Toron-
the same for all participants (bipedal pothesis that net measures of balance to Rehab Traumatic Brain Injury Re-
EO, EC; unipedal right, left). (net AP and ML COP RMS) would im- covery Study was supported by CIHR
prove across the 3 time points, a series (MOP-86704), PSI (12-43), and NSERC
Data Processing and Analysis of 3  ×  2 two-way analyses of variance (458054). R.E. Green holds a Tier 2 Can-
Ground-reaction forces and moments (ANOVAs) were conducted to assess the ada Research Chair in Traumatic Brain
were filtered with a low-pass filter (10 main effects of time (T1, T2, T3) and Injury and Cognitive Rehabilitation
Hz) using a fourth-order dual-pass But- condition (EO, EC). A 1-way ANOVA Neuroscience. The funders played no

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terworth filter prior to processing. In was used to probe the effect of time on role in the design, conduct, or reporting
bipedal stance, the net COP was calcu- the CB&M Scale. To test the hypothesis of this study.
lated and the RMS of the AP and ML that postural symmetry would improve
COP time series was quantified. Inter- across time points, a series of 3 × 2 two- Results
limb synchrony was measured by cal- way ANOVAs was conducted to analyze Demographic Characteristics
culating the cross-correlation function the effects of time and condition on fea- Demographic information for individ-
between the left and right mean-re- tures of the Rxy(0) in the AP and ML di- uals with TBI and HC are presented
moved AP and ML COP waveforms. rections. Because the Rxy(0) values are in Table 1. Individuals with TBI were
Interlimb synchrony was defined by bounded by values of − 1 and 1, a Fisher ­assessed, on average, at 64.7 (SD = 28.1)
the cross-correlation coefficients at transform was applied. Hypothesis test- days (T1), 156.2 (SD = 36.5) days (T2),
zero phase-lag [Rxy(0)], calculated at ing for improvement in postural sym- and 401.5 (SD  =  60.6) days (T3) after
­incremental phase-shifts defined by the metry over time also included paired injury. There was no significant differ-
sampling rate by iteratively shifting the t tests to determine whether stance ence between individuals with TBI and
right limb COP forward and backward load symmetry was different between HC in age (t51.0 = 1.7; P > .05; d = 0.42)
in time over the entire length of the the left foot and the right foot at each or mass (t65 = 1.3; P > .05; d = 0.34) at
record.20 The magnitude of the coeffi- time point, and a 3 × 2 two-way ANOVA T1. A significant increase in mass with-
cient (range: − 1.0 to 1.0) illustrates the was conducted to analyze the effects of in individuals with TBI across time
strength of correlation of the COP time time and condition on absolute stance (F = 42.6; df = 1.3,61.5; P < .001; partial
series. load symmetry. The final probe of the η2 = 0.49) from T1 to T2 (P < .001) and
hypothesis of improved symmetry over from T2 to T3 (P < .001) was observed.
Weight-bearing symmetry was calcu- time, as measured by unipedal standing The HC group completed more years of
lated using 2 measures. Stance load duration and AP and ML RMS, was a education than did individuals with TBI
symmetry was defined as a ratio of the series of 3 × 2 within-subjects ANOVAs (t64 = − 3.0; P = .004; d = 0.77).
vertical force applied onto 1 force plate, with time and leg as factors.
relative to the sum of the vertical forc- Clinical Measures of Balance
es applied onto both force plates. This Data were log-transformed if the values Analysis of the CB&M Scale identified
was determined for both the left and were not normally distributed. In cases a significant effect of time (F  =  31.8;
right side. Absolute stance load sym- where the assumption of sphericity was df = 1.6,62.0; P < .05; partial η2 = 0.46).
metry was defined as the stance load not met, Greenhouse-Geisser values Bonferroni post hoc tests identified that
symmetry ratio of the less-loaded limb were reported. Statistical significance the improvements in clinical balance
(regardless of whether it was the left or was set at P < .05 with a Bonferroni ad- measures were statistically significant
right side).19 justment in multiple comparisons. only between T1 and T2 (P < .001) and
between T1 and T3 (P  <  .001). There
Unipedal stance time and RMS were Secondary Analyses was no statistically significant differ-
used to characterize asymmetry in To understand the relationships be- ence between T2 and T3 (P > .05).
weakness and postural instability, re- tween interlimb synchrony and postural
spectively. Time in unipedal stance sway and between interlimb synchrony Net Measures of Balance
was calculated as the time from foot and absolute stance load symmetry in
(Bipedal COP RMS)
lift off to the first drop down contact individuals with TBI, Spearman corre-
The 3  ×  2 ANOVA demonstrated that
if the participant could not sustain the lations between Rxy(0) and COP RMS
there were no changes across recov-
full 30 seconds. RMS during unipedal and between Rxy(0) and absolute stance
ery in AP RMS; however, ML RMS de-
stance was only calculated for the du- load symmetry were determined.19
creased across time. There was a sig-
ration over which participants main-
nificant within-subjects reduction in
tained a unipedal standing position. Role of the Funding Source the measure of ML RMS across time
All balance data were processed using Equipment and space were funded with (F = 4.32; df = 1.6,66.7; P = .024; par-
MATLAB R2014a (MathWorks, Natick, grants from the Canada Foundation for tial η2 = 0.10) for individuals with TBI.
Massachusetts). Innovation, Ontario Innovation Trust, Bonferroni ­ adjusted post hoc analysis

September 2018 Volume 98  Number 9  Physical Therapy    789

Balance After Traumatic Brain Injury

Weight-bearing symmetry.  Paired t

tests within the TBI cohort demons­
trated that there were no stance load
asymmetries between the left and right
limbs (P  >  .05) at each time point.
Absolute stance load symmetry did not
significantly change across recovery
for individuals with TBI (P > .05), and
there were no significant differences
between EO and EC (P > .05). However,
individuals with TBI at all time points

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fell outside the HC ranges in both EO
and EC across their recovery (Fig. 3).

Unipedal stance.  Of the 31 partici­

pants whose data were collected on
dual force plates, 2 participants were
unable to complete unipedal stance at
T1 and were excluded from the within-
subjects ANOVAs. Unipedal stance
duration demonstrated asymmetries
in individuals with TBI (Fig. 4A). A
significant main effect of time (F = 10.1;
df  =  2,56; P  <  .001; partial η2  =  0.27)
and leg (F  =  6.3; df  =  1,28; P  =  .018;
partial η2  =  0.18) was observed. The
left leg maintained a significantly
longer duration in unipedal stance in
comparison to the right leg (P = .018).
Bonferroni adjusted post hoc analysis
demonstrated that individuals with
TBI significantly improved unipedal
stance duration between the first 2
time points (P  <  .001); however, time
Figure 1. in unipedal stance showed a trend
Anteroposterior (AP) (A) and mediolateral (ML) (B) root-mean-square (RMS) group means toward deteriorating at T3 (P  =  .067).
and standard errors for individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) across recovery in eyes- Unipedal stance duration in individuals
open (EO) (black squares) and eyes-closed (EC) (dark gray squares) conditions. Solid and with TBI fell outside the HC range
dashed lines represent means and 95% confidence intervals for center-of-pressure RMS in throughout their recovery. Asymmetries
healthy controls in each condition, respectively. The asterisk denotes a significant difference in individuals with TBI were not
across time (2 months after injury [T1] and 5 months after injury [T2]) for individuals with
identified in unipedal stance RMS. The
TBI at P < .05. T3 = 12 months after injury.
3  ×  2 within-subjects ANOVA revealed
no significant main effects of time
identified a significant reduction for the
across recovery in either the AP or ML or between leg in AP and ML RMS in
ML RMS from T1 to T2 (P = .015). There
direction; there were no significant individuals with TBI (P > .05) (Fig. 4B
was a significant condition effect in AP
effects of time for AP Rxy(0) and ML and C).
RMS, with individuals with TBI produc-
Rxy(0) (Fig. 2A and B) (P  >  .05). A
ing greater RMS with EC than with EOsignificant condition effect was found in Secondary Analyses
(F  =  55.0; df  =  1,42; P  <  .001; partial
AP Rxy(0) (F = 14.9; df = 1,27; P = .001; Secondary analyses revealed moderate
η2  =  0.57). Figure 1 demonstrates the
partial η2  =  0.36), and approaching correlations between AP Rxy(0) and ML
results for individuals with TBI and nor-
significance for ML Rxy(0) (P  =  .058). COP RMS and between ML Rxy(0) and
mative ranges for HC. AP and ML RMS AP Rxy(0) with EC was significantly ML COP RMS. Reduced AP Rxy(0) was
for individuals with TBI fell outside the
higher than that with EO. AP interlimb significantly associated with greater ML
HC ranges at all time points. synchrony in individuals with TBI RMS across all 3 time points, with the
was within the normal range for HC; strongest relationship at T1 (r = − 0.55;
Measures of Asymmetry however, mean ML interlimb synchrony P = .002) (Tab. 2). Increased ML Rxy(0)
Interlimb COP temporal sync­hrony.  in individuals with TBI was outside the was significantly correlated with lower
Interlimb synchrony did not change range for HC with EO. ML RMS at T1 and T2. There were no

790    Physical Therapy  Volume 98  Number 9 September 2018

Balance After Traumatic Brain Injury

after injury. Additionally, functional bal-

ance and mobility (on the CB&M Scale)
improved from T1 to T2 but plateaued
from T2 to T3. Consistent with previous
studies,2,9 the greatest improvements
occurred within the first 5 months af-
ter TBI. Net ML postural sway is con-
trolled by hip abductors/adductors, and
reflects the ability to load and unload
vertical force from 1 limb to another.12
Thus, the central nervous system may

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prioritize the reduction ML RMS to in-
crease stability and reduce fall risk.30
Tightened AP sway resulting from in-
creased ML sway has been reported
after the onset of Parkinson disesase.31
Increased ML sway is also associated
with reduced occipital and cerebellar
brain volume in individuals with right
cerebral artery infarctions.32

These findings differ from studies com-

paring individuals with concussion
to healthy controls, which report in-
creased COP in the AP direction, the
ML direction, or both.33–35 These differ-
ences could be accounted for by differ-
ences in the foot position used across
studies. The present study employed a
standardized foot position based on the
average position for preferred stance in
262 adults.27 In contrast, other studies
have the feet closer together, in paral-
lel, or both.33–35 Both conditions reduce
Figure 2. the size of the base of support and in-
Anteroposterior (AP) (A) and mediolateral (ML) (B) interlimb synchronization [Rxy(0)] group crease postural challenge, resulting in
means and standard errors for individuals with traumatic brain injury across recovery in eyes- increased COP. These differences may
open (EO) (black squares) and eyes-closed (EC) (dark gray squares) conditions. Solid and
also reflect variability based on the
dashed lines represent means and 95% confidence intervals for Rxy(0) in healthy controls in
each condition, respectively. T1 = 2 months after injury; T2 = 5 months after injury; T3 = 12
severity or mechanisms of injury. In-
months after injury. deed, the present study found greater
AP and ML RMS values than Geurts et
al,4 but similar values to that of Brauer
statistically significant relationships TBI. Absolute stance load asymmetry, et al,10 in which there was greater simi-
between AP RMS and either AP or ML ML interlimb synchrony and unipedal larity in TBI severity.
Rxy(0). Absolute stance load symmetry stance time were outside of normative
did not demonstrate any statically signif- data ranges. In contrast to the study Unipedal stance time improved in
icant relationships with AP or ML Rxy(0). hypothesis, postural asymmetry meas- individuals after TBI, increasing by
ures did not improve across recovery. ­approximately 10 seconds from T1 to T2.
Overall, the findings indicate that some This suggests improvements in strength
Discussion and postural steadiness in both limbs.36
This study characterized balance con- balance impairments do improve from
2 to 5 months following moderate to Unipedal stance is commonly included
trol across recovery after TBI with a in clinical balance assessments and is
focus on quantifying postural asymme- severe TBI, though not between 5 and
12 months after injury. associated with increased fall risk.37,38
try. In partial support of the hypothe- Previous studies examining unipedal
sis, improvements were observed from stance duration after moderate to s­ evere
2 to 5 months of injury in the ML direc- Balance Improvement Within the
TBI report reduced duration in patients
tion. However, net measures of balance First 5 Months After TBI
with chronic TBI39 and unipedal stance
in the AP direction did not improve Overall ML balance control (measured
time similar to that of T2 in the ­present
across recovery in individuals with by ML RMS) improved from T1 to T2

September 2018 Volume 98  Number 9  Physical Therapy    791

Balance After Traumatic Brain Injury

study.40 Unipedal stance time is associ-

ated with mobility,39 and thus may be
an important assessment during the
course of recovery.

In contrast to our hypotheses, meas-

ures of balance control focusing on
postural asymmetry in bipedal stance
did not change across recovery. Though
interlimb synchrony in the AP and ML
direction did not improve after injury,

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the secondary analyses revealed that
AP and ML interlimb synchrony was
linked to ML postural sway. Similar
findings have been noted in individu-
als after stroke.19 In TBI, the relation-
ship between interlimb synchrony and
postural sway suggests that temporal
decoupling of the plantar flexors of the
left and right legs is linked to poor ML
balance control. Additionally, lower in-
terlimb synchronization may be related
to greater corrective motions of proxi-
Figure 3. mal joints rather than distal joints.19
Absolute stance load symmetry (ratio for the less loaded limb), depicted as group means and
standard errors for individuals with traumatic brain injury across recovery in eyes-open (EO) Absolute stance load symmetry did
(black squares) and eyes-closed (EC) (dark gray) conditions. Solid and dashed lines represent not improve. Unlike the previous
means and 95% confidence intervals for the absolute stance load symmetry ratio in healthy study,19 the present study did not identi-
controls in each condition, respectively. T1 = 2 months after injury; T2 = 5 months after
fy a relationship between interlimb syn-
injury; T3 = 12 months after injury.
chrony and weight-bearing asymmetry.
These variables are sensitive to postural
asymmetry in neurological populations
with hemiparesis17 and spasticity;20
however, others also report initial im-
provements in the first 6 months, fol-
lowed by plateau at 12 months and a
subsequent decline by 24 months after
stroke.41 The commonalities between
the present and previous studies sug-
gest that improvements within the first
5 months of recovery in overall balance
and unipedal stance time corresponds
and may be primarily attributed to fea-
tures of inpatient and outpatient reha-
bilitation,9 spontaneous recovery, or

Asymmetry After TBI

This study found that weight-bearing
asymmetry exists after TBI, with the
Figure 4. least vertically loaded foot bearing
(A) Time in unipedal stance in left leg (UL) (black diamonds) and right leg (UR) (dark gray 44% of total body weight. In compari-
diamonds), depicted as group means and standard errors for individuals with traumatic brain son to HC (48%), absolute stance load
injury (TBI) across recovery. (B and C) Anteroposterior (AP) (B) and mediolateral (ML) (C)
symmetry was lower in individuals
root-mean-square (RMS) group means and standard errors for individuals with TBI across
with TBI at all time points, indicating
­recovery in left leg (UL) (black diamonds) and right leg (UR) (dark gray diamonds). The aster-
isk denotes significant differences between T1 (2 months after injury) and T2 (5 months after a subtle but substantial postural asym-
injury) in individuals with TBI. Solid and dashed lines represent means and 95% confidence metry. Importantly, absolute stance load
intervals in healthy controls in each condition, respectively. T3 = 12 months after injury. symmetry is lower in individuals after
stroke ranging from 40% to 45%.17,19,20,41

792    Physical Therapy  Volume 98  Number 9 September 2018

Balance After Traumatic Brain Injury

Table 2. to understand postural steadiness after

Relationship Between Interlimb Synchronization [Rxy(0)] and Standing Balance Measuresa for TBI.
Eyes-Open Conditionb

Parameter AP Rxy(0) ML Rxy(0) Study Limitations

Although this study identified pos-
tural asymmetry and an absence of
T1 0.082 (.67) −0.053 (.79) improvements across recovery after
T2 0.27 (.14) −0.17 (.36) TBI, there are limitations. Sample size
T3 0.14 (.46) −0.19 (.31) was significantly reduced as a result
of the ­inclusion/exclusion criteria and
­future studies will benefit from a great-

Downloaded from by guest on 18 February 2020

T1 −0.55 (.002) 0.49 (.007)
er sample size. Changes in body weight
T2 −0.40 (.027) 0.49 (.005) may have influenced the quantitative
T3 −0.40 (.026) 0.28 (.13) balance measures.46 However, since
Absolute stance load symmetry
premorbid weight was unknown, it
is u­ nclear whether weight gain was a
T1 0.20 (.30) −0.22 (.25)
­return to premorbid weight or related
T2 0.10 (.58) −0.22 (.25) to inactivity after injury.
T3 0.28 (.13) −0.009 (.96)
aStanding balance measures were center-of-pressure (COP), root-mean-square (RMS), and absolute Clinical Relevance
stance load symmetry. These findings indicate that postural
bData are reported as Spearman correlation coefficients (associated P values). Statistically significant P

values are shown in bold type. AP = anteroposterior; ML = mediolateral; T1 = 2 months after injury;
asymmetry is evident in individuals
T2 = 5 months after injury; T3 = 12 months after injury. with moderate to severe TBI. Balance
improves over time, but the majority of
improvements occur within 5 months
Weight-bearing asymmetry may reduce confidence interval, the range of AP after injury. Postural asymmetry may be
postural stability for dynamic balance interlimb synchrony (−0.024 to 0.99) a mechanism that contributes to asym-
control.43 Though postural asymmetry from individuals with TBI was greater, metrical weight-bearing and a manifes-
has been observed after TBI prior to demonstrating that some participants tation of unilateral motor weakness,
postural perturbations,14 in static bal- with TBI fall outside the normal range which has previously been reported in
ance through a greater lateral COP posi- for HC (0.54 to 0.98). Poor interlimb individuals with TBI.13–15 Thus, exam-
tion,7 and during bimanual lifting,44 the synchrony may be related to motor im- ining asymmetry may be a useful tool
extent of asymmetry after TBI has not pairment and increased falls, as shown for assessing balance ability. In the ab-
been quantified. Postural asymmetry af- in adults after stroke.17 sence of force plates, unipedal stance
ter TBI underscores the balance deficits time may be a simple way of meas-
that exist in this population. The majority of the analyses character- uring asymmetry. Because increased
izing asymmetry in bipedal conditions interlimb synchrony is an indicator of
Cross-correlation analysis [Rxy(0)] did not reveal unilateral weaknesses reduced fall risk in the community in
revealed poor to good interlimb syn-
­ or impairments. In contrast, unipedal other neurological populations,47 indi-
chrony. ML interlimb synchrony in stance time identified a weaker or im- viduals with moderate to severe TBI
individuals with TBI fell outside the
­ paired right limb in comparison to the may benefit from interventions that
HC range, similar to observations in left limb. Additionally, increased uni- target asymmetry in balance control to
individuals after stroke.17,19,20 Arce et pedal stance RMS in the right leg sug- improve the ability to defend against
al44 found poor interlimb vertical force gests that the weaker and impaired right falling. Future studies should specif-
amplitude coupling in the heels and limb in individuals with TBI p ­ roduces ically probe relationships between
fore-feet during bimanual load lifting greater postural sway. Premorbid leg asymmetry and fall risk in individuals
after TBI. The authors suggested that dominance may have influenced these with TBI.
because of an absence of simultaneous findings; however, without determining
weight shifting from the heel to fore- leg dominance for stability tasks,45 it is Conclusion
foot and back in both limbs in individ- unclear whether TBI preferentially af- This study used posturographic meas-
uals with TBI, postural gain control in fected the dominant limb. Initial dynam- ures to examine balance control and
vertical force is impaired after TBI.44 ic force control within the first 5 sec- postural asymmetry longitudinally out
The observed stance load asymmetry onds of unipedal stance increases force to 1 year after TBI. In spite of initial
and poor interlimb synchrony in the variability36 and may have contributed improvements out to 5 months after in-
present study supports the notion that to the reduction in unipedal stance time jury, poorer performance on a number
postural gain control may be impaired in participants with TBI. We suggest of outcomes over time indicates that
after TBI. Although the mean AP inter- that future studies analyze the dynamic postural asymmetry may contribute to
limb synchrony fell outside the HC 95% control from bipedal to unipedal stance ongoing balance impairments.

September 2018 Volume 98  Number 9  Physical Therapy    793

Balance After Traumatic Brain Injury

Author Contributions and 4 Geurts AC, Ribbers GM, Knoop JA, van 19 Mansfield A, Danells CJ, Inness EL, Mo-
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Writing: O. Habib Perez, R.E. Green, G. ald SD, Walker WC, Cifu DX. Objectively roy WE, Mochizuki G. The effect of
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