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Topic Bar Question Suggested Answer Year

I. LEGAL PROFESSION Why is law a profession and Law is a profession and not a 2006
not a trade? trade because its basic idea is
to render public service and
secure justice for those who
seek its aid. The gaining of a
livelihood is only a secondary

Is there a distinction between A practicing lawyer is one 2006

"practicing lawyer" and "trial engaged in the practice of
lawyer"? law, who by license is an
officer of the court and is
empowered to appear,
prosecute and defend a
client’s cause.

A trial lawyer is one who

personally handles cases in
court, administrative
agencies or board sand
engages in actual trial work,
either for the prosecution or
for the defense of cases of
Enumerate the instances 1. Under the Student 2006
when a law student may Practice Rule, a law
appear in court as counsel for student who has
a litigant. successfully
completed his third
year of the regular
four-year prescribed
law curriculum and is
enrolled in a
recognized law
school’s clinical legal
education program
approved by the
Supreme court, may
appear without
compensation in any
civil, criminal or
administrative case
before any trial court,
tribunal, board or
officer, to represent
indigent clients
accepted by the legal
clinic of the law
school, under the
direct supervision and
control of a member of
the Integrated Bar of
the Philippines if he
appears in a Regional
Trial Court, and
without such
supervision if he
appears in an inferior
2. When he appears as an
agent or friend of a
litigant in an inferior
court (Sec. 34, Rule
138, Revised Rules of
3. When he is authorized
by law to appear for
the Government of the
Philippines (Sec. 33,
Rule 138, Revised
Rules of Court);

4. In remote
municipalities where
members of the bar
are not available, the
judge of an inferior
court may appoint a
non-lawyer who is a
resident the province
and of good repute for
probity and ability, to
aid the defendant in
his defense (Sec. 4,
Rule 116, Revised
Rules of Court);

5. A law student may

appear before the
National Labor
Relations Commission
or any Labor Arbiter if
(a) he represents
himself, as a party to
the case, (b) he
represents an
organization or its
members with written
authorization from
them, or he is a duly-
accredited member of
any legal aid office
duly recognized by the
Department of Justice
or the Integrated Bar
of the Philippines in
cases referred to by
the latter (Art. 222,
Labor Code;Kanlaon
Enterprises Co., Inc. v.
NLRC, 279 SCRA 337
[1997]); and

6. Under the Cadastral

Act, a non-lawyer may
represent a claimant
before the Cadastral
Court (Sec. 8, Act

II. Requirements for

Admission to Practice
-Good moral character
-Qualification for Practice
-Prohibition for Practice The Supreme Court I will not authorize him to 2006
suspended indefinitely Atty. appear as a friend of Tony.
Fernandez from the practice The accused in a criminal
of law for gross immorality. case is entitled to be
He asked the Municipal represented by legal counsel,
Circuit Trial Court Judge of and only a lawyer can be
his town if he can be appointed as counsel de
appointed counsel de oficio officio. Atty. Fernandez is a
for Tony, a childhood friend lawyer but under indefinite
who is accused of theft. The suspension. He should not be
judge refused because Atty. allowed to practice law even
Fernandez's name appears in as a counsel de officio.
the Supreme Court's List of
Suspended Lawyers. Atty.
Fernandez then inquired if he
can appear as a friend for
Tony to defend him.
      If you were the judge, will
you authorize him to appear
in your court as a friend for
Atty. Oldie, 80 years old, No. The payment of dues is an 2006
refuses to pay his IBP dues. indispensable and necessary
He argues he is a senior incident of lawyer’s
citizen and semi-retired from membership in the IBP. They
the practice of law. Therefore, are, therefore, subject to the
he should be exempt from all rules prescribed for the
paying IBP dues. governance of Bar, including
the requirement payment of
       1.  Is his argument reasonable annual fee for the
correct? effective discharge of the
purpose of the Bar, and
adherence to a code of
professional ethics or
professional responsibility.

It is the It Section 22 of IBP

by Laws, Retirement;
reinstatement. - Any member
in good standing who shall
have attained the age of
seventy-five years, or who
shall have been forty years as
lawyer shall, by reason of
physical disability or
judicially adjudged mental
incapacity, be unable to
engage in the practice of Law,
may be retired from the
Integrated Bar upon verified
petition to the Board of
Governors. Retired members
shall not practice law or be
required to pay dues.
III. Duties of Lawyer
Provincial Prosecutor 2006
Bonifacio refused to
represent the Municipality of
San Vicente in a case for
collection of taxes. He
explained that he cannot
handle the case with sincerity
and industry because he does
not believe in the position
taken by the municipality.

Can Prosecutor Bonifacio be

sanctioned administratively?
Prosecutor Coronel entered Atty. Coronel’s explanation is 2006
his appearance on behalf of not tenable. The role of the
the State before a Family State’s lawyer in nullification
Court in a case for declaration of marriage cases is that of
of nullity of marriage, but he protector of the institution of
failed to appear in all the marriage (Art 48, Family
subsequent proceedings. Code). “The task of protecting
When required by the marriage as an inviolable
Department of Justice to social institution requires
explain, he argued that the vigilant and zealous
parties in the case were ably participation and not mere
represented by their pro forma compliance"
respective counsels and that (Malcampo-Sin v. Sin, 355
his time would be better SCRA 285 [2001]). This role
employed in more substantial could not be left to the-
prosecutorial functions, such private counsels who have
as investigations, inquests been engaged to protect the
and appearances in court private interests of the
hearings. Is Atty. Coronel’s parties.
explanation tenable?
In the course of a drinking Simon’s revelation to Atty. 2006
spree with Atty. Holgado who Holgado is not covered by the
has always been his counsel lawyer-client privilege. In the
in business deals, Simon first place, it was not made on
bragged about his recent account of a lawyer-client
sexual adventures with relationship, that is, it was
socialites known for their not made for the purpose of
expensive tastes. When Atty. seeking legal advice. In the
Holgado asked Simon how he second place, it was not made
manages to finance his in confidence (Mercado v.
escapades, the latter Vitriolo, 459 SCRA 1). In the
answered that he has been third place, the attorney-
using the bank deposits of client privilege does not
rich clients of Banco Filipino cover information concerning
where he works as manager. a crime or a fraud being
Is Simon’s revelation to Atty. committed or proposed to be
Holgado covered by the committed
Attorney-client privilege?
IV. Code of Professional
-Canon 8 In his petition for certiorari A lawyer shall not, directly or 2006
filed with the Supreme Court, indirectly, encroach upon
Atty Dizon alleged that Atty the professional employment
.Padilla, a legal researcher in of another lawyer ; however,
the Court of Appeals, drafted it is the right of any lawyer,
the assailed Decision; that he without fear or favor, to give
is ignorant of the applicable proper advice and assistance
laws; and that he should be to those seeking relief against
disbarred. unfaithful or neglectful
counsel. Atty. Dizon can be
Can Atty .Dizon, in castigating held liable for unethical
Atty .Padilla, be held liable for conduct against a colleague.
unethical conduct against the
Court of Appeals
-Canon 11 Why is an attorney Lawyers are “officers of the 2006
considered an officer of the court” because they form part
court? of the machinery of the law
for the administration of
justice (Hilado v. David, 84
Phil. 569). Under Canon 12 of
the Code of Professional
Responsibility, the lawyer
shall exert every effort and
consider it his duty to assist
in the speedy and efficient
administration of justice.
-Canon 20 The contract of attorney's This is a contingent fee 2006
fees entered into by Atty contract which is allowed
.Quintos and his client, Susan, under Canon 20 of the CPR
stipulates that if a judgment and Canon 13 of the CPE. A
is rendered in her favor, he contingent fee agreement
gets 60% of the property does not violate Art. 1491 of
recovered as contingent fee. the Civil Code because the
In turn, he will assume transfer or assignment of the
payment of all expenses of property in litigation takes
the litigation. effect only after the finality of
a favorable judgment and
Is the agreement valid? therefore a valid agreement.

V. Liabilities of a Lawyer

VI. Code of Judicial Conduct

VII. Grounds for Discipline Atty. Perez was admitted as a The disbarment or 2006
member of the New York Bar. suspension of a member of
While in Manhattan, he was the Philippine Bar by a
convicted of estafa and was competent court or other
disbarred. disciplinary agency in a
foreign jurisdiction where he
Does his disbarment in New has also been admitted as an
York a ground for his attorney is a ground for his
automatic disbarment in the disbarment or suspension if
Philippines? the basis of such action
includes any of the acts
hereinabove enumerated.
The judgment, resolution or
order of the foreign court or
disciplinary agency shall be
primafacie evidence of the
ground for disbarment or
suspension (pars. 2 & 3,
Section 27, Rule 138, as
amended by Supreme Court
Resolution, dated February

Thus, the disbarment of Atty.

Perez in New York for estafa
is a ground for his
disbarment in the Philippines.
However, such disbarment in
the Philippines is not
automatic. Atty. Perez is still
entitled to due notice and
hearing (In Re Suspension
from the Practice of Law in
the Territory of Guam of Atty.
Leon G. Maquera, 435 SCRA
417 (2004]).

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