5950 2019 Assignment 1 PROCEDURES

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Prepared by:

Prof. Dr Bahaman Abu Samah

Department of Professional Development and Continuing Education
Faculty of Educational Studies
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Q1. Downloaded data set “5950 2019 Assignment DATA
ORI.sav” from WhatsApp

Data: Variable View

Data: Data View
Q2. Recode item PBControl3 into PBControl3_R

Click Transform | Recode into Different Variables

Move PBControl3 to right box. Assign output variable name (PBContro3_R) | Click Change
Click Old and New Values button
Type 1 (old value) and 5 (New value) | Click Add button
Type 2 (old value) and 4 (New value) | Click Add button
Follow the same procedure to recode 3 → 3, 4 → 2 and 5 → 1 | Click Continue button
Click OK button
Result: Execution note is displayed in SPSS Viewer
A new variable (PBControl_R) is created in the last column
Q3a. Reliability test – Attitude

Click Analyze | Scale | Reliability Analysis

Move Attitude1 to Attitude5 to Items box | click Statistics button
Tick Item, Scale and Scale if item deleted options | Click Continue button
Click OK button
Results: Reliability Statistics
Results: Item-Total Statistics
Q3b. Reliability test – Subjective Norm

Click Analyze | Scale | Reliability Analysis

Send back Attitude1 to Attitude5 to left box
Move SNorm1, SNorm2, SNorm3, SNorm5 and SNorm6 to Items box | click OK button
Results: Reliability Statistics
Q3c. Reliability test – Perceived Behavioral Control

Click Analyze | Scale | Reliability Analysis

Send back SNorm1, SNorm2, SNorm3, SNorm5 and SNorm6 to left box & move PBControl1,
PBControl2, PBControl4 and PBControl3_R to Items box | click OK button
Results: Reliability Statistics
Q3d. Reliability test – Environment

Click Analyze | Scale | Reliability Analysis

Send back PBControl1, PBControl2, PBControl4 and PBControl3_R to left box & move Environ1
to Environ6 to Items box | click OK button
Results: Reliability Statistics
Q3e. Reliability test – Participation

Click Analyze | Scale | Reliability Analysis

Send back Environ1 to Environ6 to left box & move Partici1 to Partici5 to Items box | click OK
Results: Reliability Statistics
Q4a. Compute Mean Summated Scores – Attitude

Click Transform | Compute Variable

Type Attitude in Target Variable box & type Mean (Attitude1 to Attitude5) in Numeric
Expression box | Click OK button
Result: A new variable (Attitude) is created in the last column
Q4b. Compute Mean Summated Scores – SNorm

Click Transform | Compute Variable

Type SNorm in Target Variable box & type Mean (SNorm1 to SNorm3, SNorm5, SNorm6) in
Numeric Expression box | Click OK button
Result: A new variable (SNorm) is created in the last column
Q4c. Compute Mean Summated Scores – PBControl

Click Transform | Compute Variable

Type PBControl in Target Variable box & type Mean (PBControl1, PBControl2, PBControl4,
PBControl3_R) | Click OK button
Result: A new variable (PBControl) is created in the last column
Q4d. Compute Mean Summated Scores – Environment

Click Transform | Compute Variable

Type Environment in Target Variable box & type Mean (Environ1 to Environ6) in Numeric
Expression box
Result: A new variable (Environment) is created in the last column
Q4e. Compute Mean Summated Scores – Participation

Click Transform | Compute Variable

Type Participation in Target Variable box & type Mean (Partici1 to Partici5) in Numeric
Expression box | Click OK button
Result: A new variable (Participation) is created in the last column
Q5. Categorize the 5 Computed Variables into 3 Categories

Click Transform | Recode into Different Variables

Move the 5 computed variables to the right box. Click on Attitude → ? and type Attitude_CAT in
Output variable box | Click Change button
Follow the same procedures to output variable name for SNorm, PBControl, Environment and
Participation |Click Old and New Values button
Type 1 and 2.339 in the Old Value range & type 1 in New Value box | Click Add button
Type 2.34 and 3.669 in the Old Value range & type 2 in New Value box | Click Add button
Type 3.67 and 5 in the Old Value range & type 3 in New Value box | Click Add button
Click Continue button
Click OK button
Result: Five new variables (Attitude_CAT, SNorm_CAT, PBControl_CAT, Environment_CAT and
Participation_CAT) in the five last columns
Q6. Normality Test for Participation

Click Analyze | Descriptive Statistics | Explore

Move Participation to Dependent List box | Click Plot button
Tick Normality plot with tests option | Click Continue button
Click OK button
Result: Descriptives
Results: Test of Normality – Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk
Result: Normal Q-Q Plot
Result: Detrended Normal Q-Q Plot
Q7a. Run Frequencies for the 5 Categorized Variables

Click Analyze | Descriptive Statistics | Frequencies

Move the 5 recoded variables to Variable box | Click OK button
Results: Frequencies for the 5 recoded variables
Q7b. Run Descriptives for the 5 Computed Variables

Click Analyze | Descriptive Statistics | Descriptives

Move the 5 computed variables to Variables box| Click Option button
Untick Minimum and Maximum options | Click Continue button
Click OK button
Results: Descriptive Statistics
Q8. Descriptive Statistics for the 5 Computed Variables

Click Analyze | Descriptive Statistics | Descriptives

Move the 5 computed variables to Variable box | Click Options button
Tick Sum, Variance and Range options & untick Minimum and Minimum options | Click
Continue button
Click OK button
Results: Descriptive Statistics
Q9a. Select Cases – Females

Click Data | Select Cases

Click If condition is satisfied option | Click If button
Move Gender to the right box & type = 2 | Click Continue button
Click OK button
Results: Slashes on the corresponding row numbers
Q9b. Frequencies of Participation Scores – Females

Click Analyze | Descriptive Statistics | Frequencies

Move Participation to Variable box | Click OK button
Result: Frequencies for Participation (n = 149)
Q10a. Select Cases – Females & Public Sector

Click Data | Select Cases

Click If button
Continue the criteria and type & Sector = 1 | Click Continue button
Click OK button
Results: Additional slashes on the corresponding row numbers
Q10b. Frequencies of Participation Scores – Females & Public Sector

Click Analyze | Descriptive Statistics | Frequencies

Click OK button
Result: Frequencies for Participation (n = 74)

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