UMA004 - Lecture Notes - 10 & 11 - New PDF

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Sn willl be =o CEN N15 —LA simi + J Ros > 2 Gar + 0: siv9 Chom Goffecionte oP Gay sine on bith Sides Wwe get — —2A-o | 2B=2 RSD. = [y= X56 © So Gow adn oP NHDE O is = Yor4p = = (Qesy¥+ Sst wsimn 1-©) ——NV 98 y yirdy = dan —() is giren DE Belve it by Move Qa WDE > yisty=o AE weayso DS me tdi} Roh = ‘yo GSG2a+ SSh2a L @ Now hese AGHY= Iasy , Cea by A Ca) cloes nat Stef cthe MDE on 260) GalLEPS brimmed Prom Gen Stn Cys) of HOE by py ow Nellne As Gy HS = v Ye taken one p> = AGsx + Bsinu 6 = HY AOD = Bacay then we vel hae (Sateen Ypat (A a0 Bs indy) = 5 x Find pe UP anol subsh-hyte Yo yt yin © we ot / BA axa BBs = Sasu + @ Srporing CorlKe d em + @w WW sien on bah icles [ we Get — A~ ay ane| So tet i | Hence GS of DEO — ae = G @2u+ Soe), 6m | | yams P Smr+ Raw Bsn a AP we havertoken by wishke Yor Aan meg ® be wal hove gat th ene er O Gsk+o-Sixv = Lasvt O-sinn a > 9=2 (Cobbacheh) So Prices ey w= Aes ~ yal = awe _ © eee eee = WDE > y= 4 =e Ae whom <0 jm bdo Rooh— WwW, 2 = Yat qgt+se “Loe 2 ee ole eae x Soe (Acqr x Bsinet) + ce™ |-@ : dR moed, LES > You “Thee gun chrice wll be Up =a (Aas Bs ina) 2 y Ell erCe op saat Mca cty fosw in A Gt) Can be_o tained by y by pry a=! =o here Ym de O, LHS b> yes Then @ eee tienen Rsiwn) + Cw ot °8 ‘hy thes wll be = Gem iea NG 6 ili GO? Masna Stiles saieeanal of AE wryso, m— +2 Now yl= —A Si Besn +3 Ce~* coe |= Aen Bsn cen -@) + OG +O mO we gh a a 238 A orn — BStra + Ce~*—C Ashe + Besu @38) 2022) = ow +o" Gan CA-B) +s CBA) = Ger O-Sipn + Oo + 2 * (e+ 2c) Gmpore CRs 4 om, Shes oe" on alk carlos wre a AxrR=—) (E+ Shes ve A-B=0 [aa FP 2c =| C- Hence GS ff NHBE DO & a ade, cere Myst Up ane Apron by O +O: Os mG aars ian > (When Ala) ts of ow RGsby Or _Rsinba op R, esherAysinbn) OL y" + ay! +2y = Gox+sinn | lseMove Jo ina “P Sache Or ye 254 = 50G@ Sx + ZosmSx Os yy! sy = BAlayar: \ Pra = Beat + Xt (Astexn- Gs») a Cy G@rSx+ G Sin SH + DusinSx —SuGssu a G o> pak »% (sm3x- SGs3y) Gre®> When LesGa).n ome pellromiod fr of @) othe fersin— ae Opt wr Owe ane” |—) Th Onoice of Pade semicon Wate CoAT + Aye ar Anh te However Q m NUDE yt Pyle “4m A bs @ ¢ there is no Herre cothining Y Cr @~=o) m ChHs & DE Then chrice of P Sdn \e shaken o— Zs Wee me (Agt Ayn - +Ann™) CY x ye Nire he ee yayle Sy = As vet ’ ae Move Bo woes "-ay'+ Sy =o AE wl dm te S =O “Rech om = 14.9} =o ty = e* [Qq@21+ Ssin du) Le Od St aie Seek i a. quochahe ‘Bryrom val. So: nol (ies a A QY cthere wold have be Aire ABE AID ow ne ge ‘ 3 ; Owe have to Som Find ey suet ear We ob yh | mae ty, oka m O we gee > @ (New iP AG = we woul ae) : UP = Avis Byie GA? Cuatrspye + (2A-284+50) a Soya 1a SH whoring Geffecienl of v8 we Gates “toasm on bath sidex of Wwe ge ae al er > TUAXSB=O. | AAA Besc=l2 Ssring weg A=S5, B=u, C2 aS So Gs of ASO =>. = at de See UG Gs.Iut-S Sin Qn) alae Gry Yate 2) x 3. Bde DES eee Ay) 2, =) : anal Move ees a io yl 0 AE — Wom =o ‘Root m=, 4 Ma rhs AC. CaS as ee S Now % 2 dn)= 2597412 = Wp Wooube he = At 4 But C. Bat since cthene iS no tern of @ om the LW S of DE DO Av ow achull chrice of P-aaln wb Ge SOC =e \o Ox Ws Yr) ye a) wegel > aA? + (oa-gR)* + (2R-u c= ISR Ye, —_@) Swforing Geffeci ents f eas mY GnShast storms ~ on beth Sides we gel > Pees ere heal AB-UC= jg 2 > eye jet > ae : 4 C= slay Ss Wee m CB a" 85121) Nencate Gi Sule A oniese Oi Be: ~ Ya Ye (G+qeta)+x (a5 2 AE apg) Wr > yt+y!=0 A) Wty = 0 | we Cnt = 0. Feel oes —- = G+ Ge a Q — > °S 2G Sen"? Bu = cleft Charice xa Yp will be pratt eh et Tape a Ace arn. aiGaye Wen aa, Gens w& Avast d| Tate expe Ver etiam io etre) = Flo Hhcre te no ters fim ews of © 8d the choice BueC must be mubhplied wih @. ae Hane ye Ane H Gerd 4p = AT we” Goeema [+ 2Burc = Afene*ye"| +2Bure — © up = Ale S oem] +ak = Al ne" 26%) +28 —@) Gr yet gem © we get (atv EY n2) +4 (ESB) eve ae os vel we *[An-24 Aura | + 28a + (28H) = Gy S*-A) + OB + CABEO ~ wr 0 CB) Gopine bath clon ne yet a ae | os AR na res Sst Wis (Gy [oe re Neee' shoe Gy ren YS) p) is aren by) Sie <= are When 2D is ) is_of Cobremal foo eS GL yao a oa Ba ylraytey = ce ioe UE ay OB y+ ay r2y = Gee a 3 —~ ny 0Ge ~Ge Pay [abrait six+ sn] 2) G Rc oes ee, 3 qe hog ae (4-3 InO2 34) +@x+8sin~) [o eo is — ota Then Qa abn > Yg Ys Some , p= Me verte ( 2 axee ee er ye) ee & GxeG When 29) \'s of frre bel"Sinbn ov eed ESI co, Ree Gah fy eo eaten —_— ee oa: Then the. choice of P ln is taken ws— Yee?" (Acabu+ Bsinby) —G) However, if Aon) sahsRos WDE axsate Cy Pyl+ Oy =6) Of Gn he obtamed rove Gr Sdn Cua) of HDE Csreridy os done im Gre) hen choice of P Sao ese we [A Gabar Ssmbw] 3) HH Hoe we ore Greening the @ 4 Gre predluctof Cepnestrad fn and eee, os AGI) — Woo other Grea one D Coduit of Glyn fr wath Se C2 Game +» 42> 4x Ay = Wsinsu DP Orb | GME ook ob 37 Wlrddey = Dyes ack? here AIRS we All only Gngicler “One of — Prclact of Seba: wits ees ine ReMorba or k, sind or Mere L c SO Frd the Gen: She f > Yay + ay oe sien +O Use move do pe WE? yay ray =0 9 ARES yt we = 0 Rook — w= \tt Erect AON oni) AyD Now as 2AGn)= 2% Sinn So om bod baite df P: Sle 18> Yr= eX LAsiee +B gyn] Cy Rat since AGD= e's inn AalisXex the HE @ aaa = ; 2 ib Gx be Gen vinted pom Mg ae @su~ & Sivw) Ge by mtehcing iS = Pass 3S. Srl eS chia choice oP P Salm vADl ve — em whee AarxurBsinv) —@& @r Ye Yeo yr iO) acne andl Grwhane weffecionte ; Gan WoStem wre et r= A=—% + 2-0 Ss aheh pe we (—% Sx) = — me "aan ] = Hence othe Qen sadn Ss = ‘a Ip ee oa [Gewsssmn] — yweasn ©) Fe seme quesben if AOD= elsmn Web OBE iG alias fees ) 4 Cc Sren hen ovr Ohmice of P Salm woul) hove been > & A GIY=e Sinn a Ma = e* (Gasan+gsir) So > a ee] Aca2u+ Bsiv 2») 8S 2 Ge) how net ashy HDE” asso ciated gn! * Ds fy Bustice Cty ypusetf) CMO eS ae — yay =e*%Sine¥ = at, =e Sind: BR yh ray! toy adn ox x \) G+rqe a ie Sint Zot, 2) &* (asm asa) 7 4S a

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