Training Development at McDonalds

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An Introduction – The Food Industry

The food industry in developing countries is as diverse as its peoples.

Depending on the country and the cuisine in that country, the food industry
covers a wide range of sectors from seafood, fresh produce and traditional
foods, fruits and vegetables, meats (processed and unprocessed), dairy
products, beverages, confectionary, and grains and cereals among others.
The characteristics of the food and the nature of the industry in each
category of food varies by country and by region. It depends on the history,
climate and microclimate, cultural and agricultural practices, the existence of
a significant formal hospitality industry, the existence and level of
development of a formal food service sector [including domestically grown or
transnational quick serve restaurants (QSRs)], and the range and nature of
the exports markets with which trading relationships have been established.
For countries which share a border, the differences in the industry across a
distance of only a few miles, indeed a few meters, can be quite sharp.
Examples of this in different regions include The United States of America
and Mexico in the Americas, India and China in Asia, Haiti and the Dominican
Republic in the Caribbean, Botswana and South Africa in Africa, and
Suriname and Brazil in South America.
Many developing country exports are traditional foods that have continued to
maintain old traditions and practices. A prime example of this is the ackee
(Fig. 1.8), Jamaica’s National Fruit which was discussed in some detail in
Volume I of this series (Gordon, 2015a). The aspect of the food industry that
produces mainly for local consumption, although not export oriented as other
aspects of emerging market food industries tend to be, is no less diverse as
they face, in many cases, relentless pressure from domestic and imported
competition. Depending on the country, the sector may produce a wide
variety of products ranging from the relatively basic to sophisticated.
Regardless of the nature of the food being imported or produced in different
countries, the factors affecting the future development of the sector will be
the same as they are elsewhere. It is important, therefore for both the
producers and exporters, as well as importers in developed countries, to
become aware of the international trends that are driving the development


of the global food industry and equip themselves to meet the demands as
they seek to have their products become leaders in the global marketplace.
Food is an essential part of our lives. The food industry is the basic and
to every nation. It is one of the seventeen national critical sectors of US
It plays a crucial role in public health, food safety, food security,
development, and nutrition. Product quality, health, and sanitation issues
major concerns in the food industry. Figure 1 shows the double pyramid
suggests a virtuous model to promote sustainable food choices for health
and the
environment [1].

The food industry covers diverse activities including food supply,

harvesting, processing, packaging, transportation, distribution, consumption,
disposal. The development of the food industry began in the early 1900s

McDonald’s Training Practices

We chose the Training and Development topic for a company such as

McDonalds because it is an entity that pursues employee and training value
and also has a well developed and efficient training program.
Training is an essential process in every company, especially in
corporate ones. Let’s say you don’t have a great eye for employing or that
some of the fresh employed people do not meet the exact requirements for
the job. And this is where training comes in. Through training and
development, you achieve employee – job compatibility and not only on the
practical level. Beside practical knowledge, training & development also
offers more “humanistic” skills, like teamwork, communication skills, etc.
Training and development encompass three main activities: training,
education, and development. The training activity is both focused upon, and
evaluated against, the job that an individual currently holds. The education
activity focuses upon the jobs that an individual may potentially hold in the
future, and is evaluated against those jobs. The development activity focuses
upon the activities that the organization employing the individual, or that the
individual is part of, may partake in the future, and is almost impossible to


evaluate. Unfortunately, we couldn’t imply talent development in the case
study for obvious reasons.
Being realistic, corporate attitudes and expectations about what 'training'
is and does cannot be changed overnight, and most organizations still see
'training' as being limited to work skills, classrooms and PowerPoint
presentations. However, when you start to imagine and think and talk about
progressive attitudes to developing people - beyond traditional skills training
- for example:
 'enabling learning' (a great example would be the professional
enabling from the House MD1 series)
 'facilitating meaningful personal development'
 'helping people to identify and achieve their own personal potential'
then you will surely begin to help the organization to see and accept these
newer ideas about what types of learning and development really work best
and produces class-leading organizations.
Training and development in an organization requires implementation
to achieve success. Therefore, the strategy will require vision, focus,
direction and an action planning document. A training strategy is a
mechanism that establishes what competencies an organization requires in
the future and a means to achieve it.

In order to bring about the best results for the training strategy, the training
products or services need to be marketed and promoted by manipulating the

 Product/Service - keep the training cutting edge and future focused.

Make sure there is a practical transfer of learning, put a development
support network in place, and ensure alignment to quality standards.
 Promotion - commit to a core training value system. Create a slogan or
tagline to brand your training. Bridge the gap between perception and
reality. Give your training a personality and a brand, and remember
your customers (your employees are customers) want to know,
"What's in it for me".

 Price - cost the training accurately and calculate the value received.

 Place - decide between on-the-job, classroom, distance learning, web-

based and virtual learning. Access, location, and distribution are key to

 People's needs - establish what your customers want and need. Ensure
your customers know the training is meeting their needs and that
these needs provide a base for decisions in all other areas.


 Project Management - Establish roles and responsibilities. Action the
Training and Development Strategic Plan. Monitor and evaluate
progress and make adjustments where necessary.


McDonald's Corporation (in its full name) is the world's largest chain of
hamburger fast food restaurants, serving around 60 million people per day.
McDonald's Corporation earns revenue as an investor in properties, a
franchiser of restaurants, and an operator of restaurants. Approximately 15%
of McDonald's restaurants are owned and operated by McDonald's
Corporation directly. The remainder are operated by others through a variety
of franchise agreements and joint ventures.
The reputation of any business ultimately depends on the quality of its
products. High quality products need high quality people to create, design,
produce and deliver them. So if a business is to maintain its reputation it
needs to do well at recruiting high quality employees. For any business
offering a large element of personal service, an ability to recruit, train and
retain high quality staff is particularly vital.
Crew members represent virtually every age group, and almost every
reason for working. Working at McDonald's has helped students finance their
education, provided a flexible schedule for parents raising children and
enhanced the lives of seniors enjoying retirement. Across the world, more
than one million people choose to work at McDonald's every day. For
example, in Canada, hundreds of thousands of people have entered the
Canadian workforce through the Golden Arches and have either stayed with
McDonald's in successful careers or moved on to other careers using their
McDonald's experience as a solid foundation.
Training is an important part of your McDonald's work experience and
starts as soon as you join the McDonald's team. Crew Trainers, Managers and
other employees will work shoulder to shoulder with everyone “to show the
ropes”, and training continues as you advance through the McDonald's
system. McDonalds fosters a positive, coaching environment that will help
employees develop to their full potential.
In addition to gaining skills and knowledge in the foodservice and
hospitality industry, jobs at McDonald's are said to help you learn teamwork,
leadership skills, communication and customer service skills, responsibility
and time management.
For McDonald’s, people are its most important asset. This is because
customer satisfaction begins with the attitudes and abilities of employees
and committed, effective workers are the best route to success. For these
reasons, McDonald’s strives to attract and hire the best, and to provide the
best place to work. All businesses experience staff turnover for various
reasons e.g. career change, leaving the area, returning to education, a new
opportunity elsewhere. Recruiting and training staff is very expensive and
businesses will look to keep staff turnover to a minimum. One way of doing
this is to ‘choose wisely, and treat well’. McDonald’s needs people who want
to excel in delivering outstanding service.

Refs :

^ McDonald's publication. "Corporate FAQ". McDonald's Corporation. Retrieved 2007-11-24.


Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) – Training Practices
Kentucky Fried Chicken was founded in 1932 and nowadays is the
largest fast-food chicken operator, and franchisor in the world. KFC
has been proven to be a successful business enterprise with more
than 11,000 restaurants in 109 countries around the world. HRM is
valued there, as the company knows that its employees are at the
centre of their success.

During the late 1990s, KFC launched a new employee incentive

program as part of a three-million-dollar reorganization of its
corporate field operations. The program was intended to show
general managers that they play an essential role in the success or
failure of the company. The managers were taken to the corporate
headquarters for three days of meetings and seminars. The
company believed that a great way to develop great teams was to
focus on restaurant leaders. The changes stemmed from a survey
that was conducted and revealed that managers wanted more
support from corporate headquarters, “they want to know that they
are valued” (KFC initiates).

At KFC, all employees receive initial training, which covers food

safety, business familiarization and online testing. The training is
web-based in virtual reality classrooms where future employees are
prepared. After commencing employment, team members continue
their training through a program called CHAMPS.

HR PHILOSOPHY of KFC stands on “the CHAMPS program” i.e.


C – Cleanliness

H – Hospitality

A – Accuracy

M – Maintenance

P – Product Quality

S – Speed of Service
By means of structured employee training and effective retention
strategies, the company can deliver a more consistent customer
experience. The training, development, and retention of the right
people are the key ingredients to the secret recipe that result in the
long-term success of KFC.


Starbucks – Training Practices
Starbucks has become a large organization working on a world level in
44 countries with 15000 coffee stores had been opened since 1917.

Committed and highly-motivated employees stand in the core of the

organization’s success and Starbucks had realized this very early. They gave
great importance to the recruitment process in order to select the right
people for jobs and train, and retain them in order to get the sustainable
high performance of the organization. They gave great importance to
dependability, adaptability and ability of the candidate to work as an
effective member of a team.

Starbucks advantage over its competitors is making quality drinks and

the ability to manage their workforce efficiently. All the employees are
considered partners in Starbucks and are provided with training programs for
better understanding of the product and for acquiring the techniques and
skills that they will be required to perform their tasks. They also have the
power to take decisions when needed.

Giving more importance to its employees than products is their

company strategy:

free health care, that also includes vision and dental care facilities;
Extra benefits who work average 20 hours a week: free shift drinks and
a free pound of tea or coffee every week.
Wage increase: semiannually (0% – 5%), based on performance
Providing many non-monetary awards: 30% discounts to the
Evaluations and Promotions are used to motivate their employees as
Starbucks values HRM policies impact on organizational performance.
In 2004 the spend on human resources development exceeded company’s
advertising expenses and equaled to $68.3 million. With these huge
investments in HRM, Starbucks can expect to have strong employee
satisfaction level (HRM, Starbucks).


Human resources management plays an important role for the
aforementioned organizations in managing employees to work efficiently,
and productively to get competitive advantages over their competitors and
achieve the goals and objectives of these organizations. HRM practices help
McDonald’s, KFC and Starbucks to ensure their long-term success,
development, improvement and expansion on the world market, hence the
great amount of time, financial and human resources are mobilized for
maintaining employees and talents.

Prantor Mitra
BBA (4A)


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