Effective Layout Designs For The Shojinka Control Problem For A TFT-LCD Module Assembly Line

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Effective layout designs for the Shojinka control problem for a TFT-LCD
module assembly line

Article  in  Journal of Manufacturing Systems · July 2017

DOI: 10.1016/j.jmsy.2017.07.004


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Journal of Manufacturing Systems 44 (2017) 255–269

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Full Length Article

Effective layout designs for the Shojinka control problem for a

TFT-LCD module assembly line
Peng-Sen Wang a , Taho Yang b,∗ , Min-Chih Chang b
Department of Industrial Management and Information, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan 710, Taiwan
Institute of Manufacturing Information and Systems, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Attaining flexibility in the number of workers in a workshop to adapt to demand changes is termed
Received 3 February 2017 Shojinka, and this is often combined with cellular layout design configuration. The machine layout for
Received in revised form 24 June 2017 Shojinka must be appropriately designed to enable workers to walk easily between machines within a cell.
Accepted 10 July 2017
This paper analyzes a problem of how to attain Shojinka under the limitations of a process where operators
have restricted movement within a cell. The study is motivated by a practical flow shop problem with
different machine rates among workstations. We first consider the decision of Shojinka to develop the
Cellular layout
cellular layout design under the limitations of a process. Next, we propose a mixed integer programming
Mixed integer programming
formulation to minimize the total number of operators. Taguchi’s signal-to-noise (SN) ratios are used
Toyota production system to compare the robustness of different layouts when the demand changes. The present study uses a
TFT-LCD thin-film-transistor liquid-crystal display (TFT-LCD) module assembly line as a case study to illustrate
the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The results show that the proposed layout can decrease
manpower and labor idle time ratio by 15.02% and 12.48% on average, respectively.
© 2017 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tine. When an improvement has been made, manpower cost can
be reduced by adjusting the number of operators.
Fluctuations in demand are inevitable in a volatile market and For a given cycle time, the demand for products often requires a
the strategy to accommodate this by developing flexibility in the fractional number of workers on a U-shaped line, such as 7.5 people.
number of workers in a workshop to adapt to changes in demand is In this case, eight workers must be assigned to the line. As a result,
referred to as Shojinka. That and Shoninka are two similar Japanese the extra manpower will cause idle time or excess production. In
words, but they have different meanings. Shojinka, as used in the order to eliminate waste, Toyota combines several U-shaped lines
Toyota Production System (TPS), refers to changing the number of into one integrated line to overcome the problem of fractional man-
workers when production demand increases or decreases, which power and achieve Shojinka. Under this layout, the range of jobs
can be attained through multi-skilled workers performing multiple for which each worker is responsible can be easily be expanded or
operations. Toyota trains workers to become multi-skilled through reduced [1].
job rotation. The other term, Shoninka, indicates simply reducing The following example adapted from Monden [1] will illustrate
the number of workers. how the concept is used to achieve Shojinka. Fig. 1 refers to a layout
Cellular layout refers to a type of layout where various machines with five cells in which each digit represents a machine and each
are grouped in a cell. A cell is typically a replica version of a flow cell is manufacturing a different part. According to the customer
shop. The cells contain machines and tools needed to process fam- demand for products, the cycle time of this layout is one minute
ilies of parts with similar processing requirements. In TPS, each per unit. Under this circumstance, seven people are working in the
U-shaped process is a cell in which the products flow one at a time layout and each of their walking routes follows the arrow line.
through each workstation. Shojinka requires that workers be able If customer demand decreases, resulting in the increase of cycle
to respond to changes within a cycle time and an operation rou- time to 1.2 min per unit, all operations in the layout will be redis-
tributed and each worker will have more tasks than before. For
example, in Fig. 2, worker 1’s walking route is enlarged since he
has to do some additional jobs which originally belonged to worker
∗ Corresponding author. 2. Similarly, worker 2 is reallocated to be responsible for parts of
E-mail address: tyang@mail.ncku.edu.tw (T. Yang). worker 3’s jobs. Consequently, expanding the walking route will

0278-6125/© 2017 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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256 P.-S. Wang et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 44 (2017) 255–269

Fig. 1. Allocation of operations among workers (cycle time = 1 min per unit).

Fig. 2. Allocation of operations among workers (cycle time = 1.2 min per unit).

eliminate workers 6 and 7 from the layout, and the fractional man- several fundamental characteristics: U-shaped line, walk-routine
power that might have occurred in a U-shaped line is thus absorbed design, multi-skilled workers, no barriers to operator movement,
in various cells under this layout. operator scheduled to takt time, one-piece production, and contin-
However, the Shojinka decision is not always straightforward. uous improvements of the process. Walk-routine design for flexible
A thin-film-transistor liquid-crystal display (TFT-LCD) module manpower lines were studied by Stockton et al. [2,4]. When a com-
assembly line, for example, is limited by its manufacturing charac- pany does not adopt the U-shaped line layout to attain Shojinka,
teristics (e.g., cleanliness). As a result, the operators are restricted but rather employs a multiple straight assembly line, then there
when walking between machines in a cell, so under such a con- are different parameters, as discussed by Gökçen et al. [5].
straint, it is more difficult to achieve Shojinka. Consequently, the The cellular manufacturing system tries to combine the flexibil-
objective of this study is to minimize the total number of workers ity of a job shop with the productivity of a flow shop; and thereby be
through effective layout designs to achieve Shojinka, considering able to respond quickly to new market requirements. The cellular
the specific process limitations arising from the TFT-LCD module manufacturing system includes both cell formation and a specific
assembly line. layout design [6]. The process of determining component families
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 and machine groups is referred to as the cell formation problem,
reviews the pertinent literature. Section 3 provides details of the and there have been several studies relating to this problem in
proposed methodology. Empirical illustrations are discussed in Sec- the last decade [7,8]. These have suggested a number of solutions
tion 4. Conclusions are presented in the final section. and approaches, such as mathematical programming, heuristic
and metaheuristic methodologies, and artificial intelligence strate-
gies. The layout design includes arranging cells on the shop floor
2. Literature review (inter-cell layout) and arranging the facilities in the cells (intra-
cell layout). A well-designed layout can reduce material handling
Shojinka is sometimes referred to as “flexible manpower line” cost, lead time and throughput time [9]. Although the importance
or “labor linearity.” A flexible manpower line forms an individual of layout design is apparent in the cellular manufacturing system,
cell within a linked-cell manufacturing system. Cells are designed it has not attracted much attention in comparison to cell formation
so that throughput rates can be quickly and efficiently adjusted [2]. [10,11]. In addition to the two technical issues, the benefit of peo-
Typically, cells are manual since manual lines are far better suited to
continual improvement than automatic lines [3]. Shojinka includes
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P.-S. Wang et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 44 (2017) 255–269 257

Fig. 3. (a) A typical linear layout. (b) Conceptual schema for the existing layout of the case problem.

ple issues is often neglected [12]. This paper focuses on achieving

Shojinka through appropriate layout design.
Song et al. [13] noted that although there has been much
research on the issue of assembly line-balancing, few studies con-
sider the role of operators of the assembly lines. Most of the line
balancing research addresses how to assign tasks to workstations
to obtain an optimal solution [14]. For example, in designing paral-
lel assembly lines, Gökçen et al. [15] suggested that in a production
facility, two or more straight assembly lines can be located in paral-
lel so they can be balanced simultaneously. Akpinar and Baykasoglu
[16] developed a method of mixed-integer linear mathematical
programming (MILP) for mixed-model assembly line balancing
Fig. 4. OBC of the case problem.
problems with setups. Other relevant research on the multiple or
parallel assemble line balancing problems is described in Lusa [17].
In the current paper, a TFT-LCD module assembly line is used by stacking small bars representing individual work elements.
to exemplify a typical flow shop problem with a linear layout. When customer demand changes, manpower can be reduced by
This specific application has process limitations due to the spe- redistributing workloads among operators based on the takt time
cific clean-room requirements, which are often found in electronics requirement. Takt time is calculated as:
manufacturing, and for this example, an operator is not allowed
Takt time = (Planned production time)/(Customer demand)
to move between workstations that have different clean-room
classes. This type of problem is important in practice, but we are If a longer takt time is desired when customer demand
not aware of any existing literature that addresses a similar prob- decreases, it is likely that fewer operators will be required, so excess
lem. The present study develops a cellular design using parallel operators can be assigned to other production lines. Conversely,
station layouts arranged to overcome the limitations of process with a shorter takt time, more operators will be required. Using
constraints. OBC can redistribute work elements among operators by making
the amount of work for each operator very close to the takt time.
3. Proposed methodology The OBC provides the management of an area so that expedient
staffing decisions can be made [18].
In a typical linear layout, facilities are arranged in sequence The OBC of the case study is shown in Fig. 4, and is used as an
based on manufacturing operation requirements, so products can illustration to describe Fig. 3b. Each station has one worker. When
flow smoothly through the system. Operator tasks consist of the the takt time is equal to 250 s, this results in idle time. Ideally, the
loading and unloading of parts at machines and inspections at use of multi-skilled workers can achieve Shojinka benefits through
certain production stages. Workers must be able to walk easily the re-distribution of work elements among the workers. However,
between machines to finish tasks (Fig. 3a). One problem associated workers are not allowed to move between stations 3, 4 and 5 due to
with this system is that when machines are arranged in a linear the differing clean-room requirements of those stations. If workers
configuration, each line is independent from other lines. In this are unable to move between stations, we cannot obtain the bene-
situation, the allocation of operations among workers to react to fit of Shojinka by adjusting work elements of operators to react to
demand change for products often requires a fractional number of short-term changes in customer demand. In other words, the pro-
workers. A typical TPS approach combines U-shaped lines to solve duction line cannot run with more or fewer operators to approach
this problem. a specific takt time.
Limited by the process considered, the case study has not A three-phase methodology is here proposed to solve the pro-
adopted a U-shaped layout. The current layout is a linear layout and posed Shojinka problem: (a) redesigning new cellular layouts, (b)
its conceptual schema is shown in Fig. 3b. Due to process limita- determining manpower level, and (c) evaluating and decision-
tions, it is not possible for operators to move between station 3 and making. The details are described as follows:
station 4, nor between station 4 and station 5. In this situation, the
company has more manpower problems (or slack manpower) than 3.1. Redesigning new cellular layouts
a typical linear layout in which operators can move freely between
the different workstations. A workstation is a collection of one or more machines or manual
An operator balance chart (OBC) uses vertical bars to repre- stations that perform identical functions [19]. Two assembly lines
sent the work load for each operator. The vertical bar is developed can be combined by connecting them with one or more common
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258 P.-S. Wang et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 44 (2017) 255–269

Fig. 5. Cellular layout with P1 :P2 :P3 :P4 :P5 = 2:1:2:2:1.

Table 1 ing decisions [20,21]. The mathematical formulation for integer

Normalized workstation number ratio is rounded up to its nearest integer.
programming is a linear programming model with the additional
Workstation number 1 2 3 4 5 restriction that the variables must have integer values. If only some
Process time (s/piece) 190 99 195 225 121 of the variables are required to have integer values, this model is
Normalized stationnumber ratio 2 1 2 2 1
called mixed integer programming (MIP). We can construct the
mixed integer programming formulation to minimize the num-
ber of operators in the proposed cellular manufacturing layout.
workstations. Workers can work in two or more different assembly
The assembly lines operate 21 h per day excluding breaks. Suppose
lines at the same time. These connections may provide an oppor-
there are U cells in the assembly factory. For a given cell: cell j,
tunity to reduce the manpower requirement of the system [5]. This
j = 1, 2, ..., U. In each cell, there is at least one block where operators
case study needs to revise its current layout to increase its flexibil-
can walk between stations, and one block where operators cannot.
ity and reduce its manpower. In this phase, the proposed layout is
Given a set S = {1, 2, ..., s} of s blocks where the operators can move
based on the least integer ratio of processing time for each work-
between stations in a cell, the notations are defined before the MIP
formulation as follows:
We let P k be the processing time of process k,k = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Parameters:
Di = total demand for product i (pcs)
N = number of different products
and P 1 :P 2 :P 3 :P 4 :P 5 = a:b:c:d:e
U = total number of cells in the factory
where the greatest (a, b, c, d, e) = 1, and a, b, c, d, e ∈ positive integer A = available operation time (in seconds)
The above approach can rationalize the workstation require- Mbj = number of stations in block b of cell j
ments prior to the adjusting the required number of operators in Wbj = number of processes in block b of cell j
order to properly balance the throughput capacity among the work- Lij = bottleneck operation time of cell j producing product i (in
stations. Table 1 is an illustrative example for tool requirements in a seconds)
linear layout. The normalized workstation number ratio is rounded Cj = 1, if cell j is utilized; otherwise, Cj = 0
up to its nearest integer. If the normalized workstation-number Pik = processing time for process k producing product i (in sec-
ratio in a factory is 2:1:2:2:1, the cellular layout can be designed as onds)
Fig. 5. Decision variables:
In Fig. 5, the cellular layout is further divided into two blocks Tij = takt time of cell j producing product i (in seconds)
(block 1 and block 2) due to cleanliness limitations according to tij = required production time of cell j producing product i (in
the proposed TFT-LCD assembly line considerations. Block 1 con- seconds)
tains five stations, where workers can walk between the stations, Obj = number of operators in block b of cell j
so the number of workers can be adjusted. Block 2 is a cleanroom Then, the cellular manufacturing manpower problem can be for-
and contains two workstations with three machines. Each machine mulated as the objective function (1), the constraints (2)–(7) and
requires a dedicated operator in attendance due to the considera- the sign restriction (8).
tion of work balance. For instance, if there is only one operator for U B
the two machines of workstation 4, the throughput rate of work- MinZ = Obj × Cj (1)
j=1 b=1
station 4 will be much less than the throughput of workstation 5.
In addition, the limitations on the shifting of manpower between Subject to
workstations 4 and 5 are quite restrictive for the layout. Balancing
the stations in blocks 1 and 2 and then adjusting the number of Tij ≥ Lij for i = 1, 2, ..., N; j = 1, 2, ..., U (2)
operators in block 1 help to achieve the Shojinka benefit which is N
the target of the present study. Fig. 5, which shows the layout con- t
i=1 ij
≤A for j = 1, 2, ...., U (3)
figuration, is used as an example to develop a generic model in the  
next phase to illustrate and analyze the total manpower level. U 1
× tij × A ≥ Di for i = 1, 2, ..., N (4)
3.2. Determining manpower level  N
1, if t
i=1 ij
Mathematical programming can be used to develop cellular Cj = for j = 1, 2, ..., U (5)
manufacturing models that integrate such aspects of manufactur- 0, otherwise
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Wbj “smaller the better” case which is used the present study, suppose
Obj × Tij − P
k=1 ik
≥0 for i = 1, 2, ..., N; j = 1, 2, ..., U; b ∈ S (6)
there are n quality characteristics, so the SN ratio is defined as:

⎪ 0, if Cj = 0 
⎨ 1 2

Obj = Mbj , if b ∈
/S for j = 1, 2, ..., U (7) SN = −10log10 yi (10)

1, 2, ..., Mbj , if b ∈ S
where yi represents the response value of the i-th quality char-
and acteristic. In yi refers to the i-th value of observation for the two
performance indicators mentioned above.
Tij , tij ≥ 0 for i = 1, 2, ..., N; j = 1, 2, ..., U (8) Stochastic programming is mathematical programming deal-
ing with optimization problems that involve uncertain parameters
The objective function (1) is used to minimize the total num- [24]. Uncertainty is usually characterized by a probability distribu-
ber of operators. The value of B is equal to 2 for the present study. tion of the parameters. Stochastic programming can solve customer
Constraint (2) indicates the takt time is greater than or equal to the stochastic demand; for example, Lin et al. [25] used a stochastic
bottleneck operation time. Constraint (3) indicates that the sum of dynamic programming for multi-site capacity planning in TFT-
production time cannot exceed the available operation time. Con- LCD manufacturing under demand uncertainty. When some of the
straint (4) ensures that total outputs are greater than or equal to parameters are random, then solutions and the optimal objective
demand. In the case study, A = (21 working hours per day × 3600 s value to the optimization problem are themselves random. A dis-
per h)=75,600 s per day. Constraint (5) indicates whether the cell j tribution of optimal decisions generally cannot be implemented.
is used or not. When the production time in a cell is greater than This study mainly stresses comparing robustness between four
zero, it is used for production. In other words, when its production proposed layout designs, rather than finding the best solution. In
time is zero, it is idle. Constraint (6) indicates the idle time is greater addition, complex mathematical modeling is much more difficult
than or equal to zero for each block when the blocks belong to S. It is to implement because it requires more time and effort for firms
calculated by multiplying the number of operators by the takt time to absorb that complex knowledge. Empirically, the current study
and subtracting the total processing time because one operator may uses the SN ratio to evaluate the robustness of layouts.
be in charge of several workstations. Constraint (7) indicates that
when a cell is idle, the number of operators is zero in the cell. And
the number of operators equals the number of stations when the 4. Empirical illustrations
blocks do not belong to S. In contrast, when the blocks belong to S,
the number of operators is at least one, and at most equal to the TFT-LCD applications encompass a variety of consumer elec-
number of stations (see Fig. 5). Restriction (8) is the nonnegativity tronics, including personal digital assistants (PDA), cellular phones,
constraint. digital cameras, computers, notebook computers, flat panel tele-
visions, and others. There are three main production sequences
for TFT-LCD: the TFT array process, the cell process, and module
3.3. Evaluating and decision-making assembly [26]. The TFT fabrication process sequence is a series of
deposition and etching sequences, as in integrated circuit fabrica-
The previous phase has determined the manpower level for var- tion. Both the thin-film-transistor plate and color-filter plate are
ious cell configurations. In this phase, we use two performance joined together in what is called a cell assembly process. The final
indicators, the total number of operators and the labor idle time step is module assembly, integrating the drive integrated circuit
ratio, to evaluate the performance of cells. The former indicator (IC) onto the substrate to drive the display and attach the backlight
can be formulated in the objective function (1), and the latter can (BL) to the module. The display then undergoes a final test to com-
be formulated in Eq. (9). plete the operation. Some relevant research solutions have been
widely used in TFT-LCD manufacturing to enhance the production
Bb=1 Obj × Tij − k=1 Pik /Tij efficiency and reduce production cost [27,28].
Labor idle time ratio = (9) To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches, a case
Bb=1 Obj study was adopted from a TFT-LCD module manufacturing firm in
Tainan, Taiwan. For this case study, detailed module processes and
To find the most robust cellular layouts, it is necessary to make their characteristics are shown in Table 2. In Table 2, most of the
performance measurements to evaluate the functional stability of module processes are manpower operations, and only the aging
the system. Taguchi’s signal-to-noise (SN) ratios were proposed for test is an automated operation. Automation is much less flexible
evaluating this sort of robustness. The SN ratio is a measure used in than manual lines and it is difficult to change. Therefore, the aging
science and engineering that compares the level of a desired signal test and all its following tasks cannot be integrated into the cellular
to the level of background noise [22,23]. Taguchi suggests choos- design. The back bezel cleaning has a very short processing time.
ing an appropriate SN to analyze the variation. These SN ratios are In addition, both the lamp test and the PCB (print circuit board)
derived from the quadratic loss function. Three of them, nominal soldering have a long task time. These three are also not suitable
the best, larger the better and smaller the better, are widely appli- for assignment to the cellular design.
cable. “Nominal the best” is chosen if the objective is to decrease Based on the results above, the cellular design includes five pro-
variability around a specific target. If the system is optimized when cesses: lamp assembly, cable assembly, inspection, BL assembly,
the response is as large as possible, “larger the better” is used; and and LCM (liquid crystal display module) assembly. Two of these,
conversely, “smaller the better” is used when the response should BL and LCM assemblies, cannot allow labor from other stations to
be as small as possible. Factor levels that maximize the appropriate enter due to the requirement for cleanliness.
SN ratio are optimal. The existing company-case layout is illustrated as Fig. 6. The cel-
In this problem, we use “smaller the better” because the objec- lular design consists of the five processes mentioned above, and an
tive is to minimize the total number of operators and the labor operator is assigned to exactly one process. In this situation, the cur-
idle time ratio. SN ratios are expressed on a decibel scale. For this rent layout needs to be improved to reduce manpower and wastage
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260 P.-S. Wang et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 44 (2017) 255–269

Table 2
Production data for the case problem.

Fig. 6. Existing layout.

due to idle time. The proposed 3-phase approach is adopted to solve Table 3
Normalized workstation number ratio for the manufacturing of product 1.
the problems.
Product 1 Lamp Cable & inspection BL LCM

4.1. Redesigning cellular layouts for the case problem Process time (s) 99 163 + 60 225 121
The least integer ratio∼
= 1 2 2 1

In Fig. 6, the inspection process has a short processing time. If we

combine the cable assembly process and the inspection process into
a single process, the resulting cellular design will be as described redistributed among operators to adjust workloads according to
in Fig. 7, where the parallel station layouts are divided into two the takt time when customer demand changes.
sides, producing the same or similar parts according to customer To overcome shortcomings of the current cellular layout, differ-
demand. The process contains 12 identical cells and each cell has ent types of cell configurations can be established according to the
four workstations. The ratio of each station within a cell is 1:1:1:1. normalized workstation number ratios for the production of the
Due to the requirement of high cleanliness both in the BL and LCM different product types. The company produces three main prod-
assembly stations, operators from other stations are not permitted ucts, and the resulting normalized workstation number ratios are
to enter these stations. In this situation, work elements cannot be shown in Tables 3–5.
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Fig. 7. Current cellular layout design.

Fig. 8. Proposed cellular layout design for the production of product 1.

Table 4 Table 6
Normalized workstation number ratio for the manufacturing of product 2. Processing time of the different layout configurations for product 1 (seconds).

Product 2 Lamp Cable & inspection BL LCM Layouts Lamp Cable & inspection BL LCM

Process time (s) 89 132 + 58 195 162 1:1:1:1 99 223 225 121
The least integer ratio∼
= 1 2 2 2 1:2:2:1 99 112 113 121
1:2:2:2 99 112 113 61
2:3:3:2 50a 75 75 61
Table 5
Normalized workstation number ratio for the manufacturing of product 3.
4.2. Determining manpower levels for the case problem
Product 3 Lamp Cable & inspection BL LCM

Process time (s) 134 152 + 58 220 153 Let Qij be the quantity of product i inside cell j. In the proposed
The least integer ratio∼
= 2 3 3 2 layouts, the processing time of parallel stations for each process,
the maximum output and the utilization for each cell is:
Processing time = (11)
Number of parallel stations

Considering the size of the company building, we organize the A

Max Qij = (12)
cellular design for the production of products 1, 2 and 3 according Lij
to the normalized workstation number ratios to achieve a balanced
system. The resulting layout designs are illustrated in Figs. 8–10. Utilization = (13)
Max Qij
In Fig. 8, the proposed layout for product 1 has 6 cells and each
cell has 6 stations, each including one lamp station, two cable and Using Eq. (11), the processing time of parallel stations in each
inspection stations, two BL stations, and one LCM station, in that cell for product 1, product 2, and product 3 is summarized in
sequence. In other words, the ratio of parallel stations is 1:2:2:1 in Tables 6, 7, and 8, respectively.
a cell. In Fig. 9, the proposed layout for product 2 has 6 cells and each The company works 21 h a day. Assuming the workers are multi-
cell has 7 stations. The ratio of parallel stations is 1:2:2:2. Finally, skilled, using Eq. (12), the maximum output of each cell for each
in Fig. 10, the proposed layout for product 3 has 4 cells and each product is tabulated in Table 9. The maximum output of each layout
cell has 10 stations. The ratio of parallel stations is 2:3:3:2. for each product is tabulated in Table 10.
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Fig. 9. Proposed cellular layout design for the production of product 2.

Fig. 10. Proposed cellular layout design for the production of product 3.

Table 7 Table 10
Processing time of the different layout configurations for product 2 (seconds). Maximum daily throughput for each layout configuration (pieces).

Layouts Lamp Cable & inspection BL LCM Layouts Product 1 Product 2 Product 3

1:1:1:1 89 190 195 162 1:1:1:1 4032 4644 4116

1:2:2:1 89 95 98 162 1:2:2:1 3744 2796 2964
1:2:2:2 89 95 98 81 1:2:2:2 4014 4626 4122
2:3:3:2 45 64 65 81 2:3:3:2 4032a 3732 3924
1008 × 4 = 4032.

Table 8
Processing time of the different layout configurations for product 3 (seconds).

Layouts Lamp Cable & inspection BL LCM

1:1:1:1 134 210 220 153 are performed using Microsoft Excel since it is readily available on
1:2:2:1 134 105 110 153 the shop-floor of the case company. In Figs. 11 and 12, we used
1:2:2:2 134 105 110 77
a scenario based on a ratio of 1:1:1:1 layout and the demands of
2:3:3:2 67 70 74 77
1190, 1155, and 1320 pieces for products 1, 2, and 3, respectively
to illustrate the performance in Excel. Fig. 11 indicates the objective
These results can be used to determine specific values for the function and constraints formulated by Excel. Fig. 12 is an outcome
mixed integer programming parameters. The proposed approaches output by Excel, including six parts, as follows:

Table 9
Maximum output per day in each cell for each product (pieces).

Layouts Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Number of cell

1:1:1:1 336 387 343 12

1:2:2:1 624 466 494 6
1:2:2:2 669 771 687 6
2:3:3:2 1008a 933 981 4
(21 × 60 × 60)/75 = 1008.
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Fig. 11. Objective function and constraints formulated by Excel.

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264 P.-S. Wang et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 44 (2017) 255–269

Fig. 12. Cell production information and operator balance chart.

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Table 11
Different demand levels for the different product types (pieces). 48
Demand level Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 46
High 3500 3500 4000
Medium 2750 2500 3000 42
Low 2000 1500 2500 40
1) Cell production information calculating interface: an interface 34
for calculating cell production information. 32
2) Operator balance chart drawing interface: an interface for 30
calculating information about OBC and then completing the Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
drawing. Using Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to con-
nect interfaces and by “recording Macros” or writing VBA
Fig. 13. Trend chart for staffing level analysis at the high demand level.
Programming. Parts of the programming codes are shown as






Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7

3) Cell production information diagram: The results of cell produc- Fig. 14. Trend chart for labor idle time ratio analysis at the high demand level.

tion information calculating, including the number of cells used

in a layout, the number of operators in each cell, the total num- Table 12
Different demand rates for the different product types (%).
ber of operators, idle time, labor idle time ratio, takt time, and
others, provide managers with detailed production information. Level Product 1 Product 2 Product 3
4) Cell allocations: A chart showing the types of cell allocation, with 1 30 10 60
the current display of a ratio of 1:1:1:1 layout design. 2 10 30 60
5) Operator balance chart information calculation for product 2: 3 34 33 33
Calculation results include takt time, process time, idle time, 4 60 10 30
5 10 60 30
labor idle time ratio, and others to provide managers with the 6 60 30 10
production situations for each operator. 7 30 60 10
6) Operator balance chart for product 2: The results of OBC infor-
mation calculation form an operator balance chart.
Table 13
Structured experimental design (pieces).
4.3. Evaluating and decision-making for the case problem
Customer demand level

Layout decisions are important since they require substantial Demand rate High Medium Low
investment, involve long-term commitments, and have a signifi- Level 1 (1050:350:2400) (825:250:1800) (600:150:1500)
cant impact on the cost and efficiency of short-term operations. Level 2 (350:1050:2400) (275:750:1800) (250:450:1500)
In order to determine a robust layout design, customer demand Level 3 (1190:1155:1320) (935:825:990) (680:495:825)
levels are classified as high, medium and low for products 1, 2 and Level 4 (2100:350:1200) (1650:250:900) (1200:150:750)
Level 5 (350:2100:1200) (275:1500:900) (200:900:750)
3 in the case company, based on the historical sales data as shown
Level 6 (2100:1050:400) (1650:750:300) (1200:450:250)
in Table 11. Level 7 (1050:2100:400) (825:1500:300) (600:900:250)
Consider each of the three product types with three levels (high,
Note: (product 1:product 2:product 3).
medium, and low). The different product-mix scenarios are found
to construct a structured experimental design with seven replica-
tions: (30, 10, 60), (10, 30, 60), (34, 33, 33), (60, 10, 30), (10, 60, 30) demand changes can be computed, as shown in Tables 14–20 and
(60, 30, 10), (30, 60, 10) as shown in Table 12 which can represent Figs. 13–19. We discuss the respective managerial insights for the
boundary conditions for the possible product-mix scenarios. The three demand levels as follows:
center point is (34, 33, 33).
Table 13 is the multiplication of Tables 11 and 12. For exam- 4.3.1. At the high level
ple, the multiplication of high demands from Table 11, row 1 and In Tables 14 and 15, the cellular layout with a 2:3:3:2 ratio is
Table 12, row 1 is: (3500 × 30%, 3500 × 10%, 4000 × 60%) = (1050, the most robust because it has a maximum SN ratio, which means
350, 2400) which is shown as Table 13, row 1, column 1. the least variance, for the total number of operators and the labor
Using Eqs. (1)–(13) and Table 13, the total number of operators idle time ratio. In contrast, the ratio 1:2:2:1 cannot meet customer
and the labor idle time ratio at the high, medium and low levels demand. Compared with the current layout using a 1:1:1:1 ratio,
for evaluating the manpower performance and the robustness of the proposed layout with a ratio of 2:3:3:2 reduces 6.72 workers on
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266 P.-S. Wang et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 44 (2017) 255–269

Fig. 15. Detailed workers’ assignments for the example problem.

Table 14
Staffing level analysis at the high demand level (persons).
The current and proposed layouts
Demand rate 1:1:1:1 1:2:2:1 1:2:2:2 2:3:3:2
Level 1 48 – 41 38
Level 2 44 – 41 39 15
Level 3 44a – 40 37b
Level 4 44 – 41 36 10
Level 5 40 – 35 36
Level 6 44 – 39 35 5
Level 7 40 – 35 36
Average (persons) 43.43 – 38.86 36.71
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
SN ratio −32.77 – −31.81 −31.30
Refer to Fig. 12.
Refer to Table 16. Fig. 17. Trend chart for labor idle time ratio analysis at the medium demand level.

Table 15
Labor idle time ratio analysis at the high demand level (%).
The current and proposed layouts
Demand rate 1:1:1:1 1:2:2:1 1:2:2:2 2:3:3:2
Level 1 27 – 15 8
Level 2 21 – 16 11 22
Level 3 26a – 18 12b
Level 4 25 – 18 9 20
Level 5 20 – 11 11
Level 6 29 – 20 11 18
Level 7 23 – 12 15
Average (%) 24.43 – 15.71 11.00 16
SN ratio −27.82 – −24.09 −20.98 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Refer to Fig. 12.
Refer to Table 16. Fig. 18. Trend chart for staffing analysis at the low demand level.

32 20
30 15
22 0
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7

Fig. 16. Trend chart for staffing level analysis at the medium demand level. Fig. 19. Trend chart for labor idle time ratio analysis at the low demand level.
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P.-S. Wang et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 44 (2017) 255–269 267

Table 17

Staffing level analysis at the medium demand level (persons).



The current and proposed layouts

Product 3

Utilization Idle Time

Demand rate 1:1:1:1 1:2:2:1 1:2:2:2 2:3:3:2

ratio (%)
Level 1 36 32 33 29



Level 2 36 32 33 29

Level 3 32 31 28 28
Product 2

Level 4 36 31 33 28
Level 5 32 30 28 27


Level 6 32 29 28 27


Level 7 32 30 27 26
Average (persons) 33.71 30.71 30.00 27.71
Product 1

Production Idle Time

ratio (%)

SN ratio −30.57 −29.75 −29.58 −28.86




Table 18

Labor idle time ratio analysis at the medium demand level (%).



The current and proposed layouts

Demand rate 1:1:1:1 1:2:2:1 1:2:2:2 2:3:3:2

Level 1 26 17 20 9


Level 2 28 19 22 11

Level 3 23 20 12 12
Product 3

Level 4 30 19 24 10


Level 5 26 13 13 13

Level 6 26 14 15 12

Level 7 29 17 16 13
Production Idle Time

Average (%) 26.86 17.00 17.43 11.43

ratio (%)

SN ratio −28.61 −24.70 −25.08 −21.22



Table 19
Staffing level analysis at the low demand level (persons).
12 %



The current and proposed layouts

4.28 people

Demand level 1:1:1:1 1:2:2:1 1:2:2:2 2:3:3:2

Level 1 27 26 26 25

Level 2 28 26 26 25

Level 3 24 22 21 24
Product 2
Labor idle time ratio for the layout

Level 4 28 22 26 25

Level 5 22 21 20 19

Level 6 24 21 21 19

Level 7 20 20 20 18
Note: Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures.

Average (persons) 24.71 22.57 22.86 22.14

Production Idle Time
Total idle manpower

ratio (%)

SN ratio −27.92 −27.11 −27.24 −26.99



Table 20
Labor idle time ratio analysis at the low demand level (%).




The current and proposed layouts

Required staffing and production information for the example problem.

Demand level 1:1:1:1 1:2:2:1 1:2:2:2 2:3:3:2

Level 1 23 19 20 17



Level 2 29 13 24 21



Level 3 25 15 14 25
Product 1

Level 4 32 11 27 24


Level 5 25 20 18 13

Level 6 30 18 20 12

0.19 × 8.44 + 0.42 × 12.76 + 0.38 × 7.92 = 10.

Level 7 24 18 24 16
Average (%) 26.86 16.29 21.00 18.29
Block 2

SN ratio −28.64 −24.39 −26.60 −25.53

182/1008 + 394/933 + 339/981 = 95.
Total number of operators

Block 1

average, which means the required manpower is reduced by 15.47%

and the labor idle time ratio is decreased by 13.43% on average.

Similarly, comparing the proposed layout with a ratio of 1:2:2:2 to

the current layout, the manpower is reduced by 4.57 workers or

10.52%, and the labor idle time ratio is reduced by 8.72%.




Figs. 13 and 14 show that the proposed layout designs (except


the one with the ratio of 1:2:2:1) consistently generate superior

Table 16

cell 1
cell 2
cell 3
cell 4

improvements in reducing the total number of operators and the


labor idle time ratio to the current layout.

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268 P.-S. Wang et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 44 (2017) 255–269

Table 21
Summary of improvements by the proposed methodology.

The proposed layouts

Demand level 1:1:1:1 1:2:2:1 1:2:2:2 2:3:3:2

High 43.43a , 24.43%b – 38.86, 15.71% 36.71, 11.00%

Medium 33.71, 26.86% 30.71, 17.00% 30.00, 17.43% 27.71, 11.43%
Low 24.71, 26.86% 22.57, 16.29% 22.86, 21.00% 22.14, 18.29%
Average 33.95, 26.05% – 30.57, 18.05% 28.85, 13.57%
Improvement – – 3.38, 8.00% 5.10, 12.48%
Total number of operators.
Labor idle time ratio.

To illustrate the detailed calculation of the required staffing level posed layouts with ratios of 1:2:2:1 and 1:2:2:2 to the current one,
and production information, the example of level 3 demand rate, there are reductions in manpower of 2.14 and 1.85 workers, respec-
high demand level and 2:3:3:2 is adopted. For this example, the tively, which means the required manpower is reduced by 8.66%
demands for products 1, 2 and 3 are 1190, 1155 and 1320 pieces, and 7.49%. The labor idle time ratios are reduced by 10.57% and
respectively. Then the required numbers of workers are determined 5.86%, respectively.
by the proposed methodology, with the following results. Figs. 18 and 19 show that the proposed layouts design con-
Cell 1 has 10 workers (5 are in the adjustable zone; 5 are in the sistently generates superior improvements in decreasing the total
fixed zone), and at a takt time of 77 s the output of product 3 is 981 number of operators and the labor idle time ratio to the current
pieces per day. The labor idle time ratio in cell 1 is 7%. Cell 2 has 9 layout.
workers (4 are in the adjustable zone; 5 are in the fixed zone). At a Table 21 is a summary comparing the current and proposed lay-
takt time of 81 s for product 1, its output is 182 pieces in 0.19 day. outs according to the total number of operators and the labor idle
Next, at a takt time of 81 s for product 2, its output is 394 pieces time ratio at the high, medium and low levels.
in 0.42 day. Finally, at a takt time of 86 s, the output of product 3 is Since the layout with the ratio of 1:2:2:1 fails to meet customer
339 pieces in 0.38 day. In total, the labor idle time ratio in cell 2 is demand at the high level, it is not a suitable layout design for the
10%. Cell 3 has 8 workers (3 are in the adjustable zone; 5 are in the case company. Compared with the current layout, the proposed lay-
fixed zone), and at a takt time of 99 s the output of product 2 is 761 out with the ratio of 2:3:3:2 reduces 5.1 workers on average, which
pieces per day. The labor idle time ratio in cell 3 is 20%. Cell 4 has 10 means manpower need is reduced by 15.02% and the labor idle time
workers (5 are in the adjustable zone; 5 are in the fixed zone), and ratio is reduced by 12.48%. Similarly, comparing the proposed lay-
at a takt time of 75 s the output of product 1 is 1008 pieces per day. out with the ratio of 1:2:2:2 to the current one, the proposed layout
The labor idle time ratio is 11% in cell 4. In sum, the total number reduces manpower by 3.38 workers or 9.96%. The labor idle time
of workers in this layout is 37. Its labor idle time ratio is 12% (about ratio is reduced by 8%. Since it is usually difficult to redesign a set-
4.28 people) and the utilization is about 94%. The results are shown tled layout to accommodate the demand fluctuations, it is essential
in Excel form in Table 16, and Fig. 15 shows the detailed worker to select a robust design. If the case company allows only one lay-
assignments. out, the proposed layout designs with the ratio of 2:3:3:2 will be
the preferred choice.
4.3.2. At the medium level
In Tables 17 and 18, a smaller average has a larger SN ratio in
5. Conclusions
various layouts. The most robust cellular layout is 2:3:3:2 because
it has a maximum SN ratio for the total number of operators and
The benefit of Shojinka is well recognized and has been effec-
the labor idle time ratio. At the medium level, we still make respec-
tively implemented in the automobile industry. However, we are
tive comparisons of the total number of operators and the labor idle
not aware of any literature that demonstrating the successful appli-
time ratio between the current and proposed layouts. The proposed
cation of Shojinka in the TFT-LCD industry, which represents a
layout with a ratio of 2:3:3:2 reduces the manpower by 6 work-
cost-intensive industry. The present study proposes a MIP formula-
ers or 17.79% and the labor idle time ratio is reduced by 15.43%
tion to solve a Shojinka problem. A TFT-LCD module manufacturing
on average. Likewise, the other two with the ratios of 1:2:2:1 and
is adopted for the empirical study to illustrate the effectiveness and
1:2:2:2 both reduce manpower by 3 and 3.7 workers, respectively,
efficiency of the proposed methodology. The results are promising.
indicating the improvements in manpower requirements of 8.89%
The empirical results show that, given a variety of demand scenar-
and 11.01%. Their labor idle time ratios are decreased by 9.86% and
ios, this method can reduce the average manpower and the average
9.43%, respectively.
labor idle time ratio by 15.02% and 12.48%, respectively. The result-
Figs. 16 and 17 show that the proposed layout with the ratio
ing layout design is easily implemented and is thus appropriate for
of 2:3:3:2 consistently generates superior improvements in reduc-
practical applications.
ing the total number of operators and the labor idle time ratio in
Since the present study assumes that only one layout design
comparison to other layouts.
is selected as the final design, this constraint may be relaxed to
include more than one design as the final layout design, such as a
4.3.3. At the low level cell with 1:1:1:1 configuration and others with 1:2:2:1 or 1:2:2:2
In Tables 19 and 20, 2:3:3:2 is still the most robust layout for together. In addition, block 2 includes the last two workstations
the total number of operators as it is at the high and medium lev- (BL and LCM) that require a dedicated operator to attend each sta-
els. Moreover, it is also the most robust for the labor idle time ratio tion for the present study. If this constraint can be relaxed due
at the two levels. However, at the low level, 1:2:2:1 becomes the to future technology advancements, floating manpower between
most robust layout. Compared with the current layout, the pro- workstations 4 and 5 may be possible, which can further improve
posed layout with the ratio of 2:3:3:2 reduces 2.57 workers on the benefit of the proposed Shojinka strategy. The present study
average, for a reduction in manpower by 10.4% and a decrease of further assumes that an operator is able to finish his/her own task
8.57% in the labor idle time ratio. Similarly, comparing the pro- independently; however, due to the growing work complexity; an
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P.-S. Wang et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems 44 (2017) 255–269 269

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