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July 11, 2019

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was held on Thursday, July 11, 2019, at the Hi-Rise Community Room.
Board Members present: Dennis Hample, Mark Leach, Arlene Vee and Steve DeKok. Staff present: Executive
Director, Connie Clausen and Operations Manager, Linda Loewen. Absent was: Commissioner, Albertha Van’t Hul
and City Liaison, Jeff Gay.

The Regular Meeting was called to order at 11:34 am. The consent agenda was approved (Vee/Leach) which
included the agenda, previous minutes, balance report and monthly bills reports.

Unfinished Business Consisted Of:

1. The Executive Director gave an update on the turnover rate. We have an average turn-over rate of 13.06
days. The Executive Director presented the financial report for May.
2. The Executive Director gave an update for the Windom HRA. The HS Parking Lot project is expected to be
completed by October, 2019. We have started a Beautification Project at HS. Maintenance has been doing
some painting on the 2nd and 3rd floors and will continue with the 1st floor after a few things are completed
at the RV building.
3. The Executive Director reported on the Hi-Rise Sewer Pipe Repair project. The project is completed and we
have received a final pay request in the amount of $78,950.00. A motion was made to approve and pay the
request. (Leach/DeKok) This amount will be covered by CFP18 in the amount of $76,450.00 and Operating
Funds in the amount of $2,500.00. The Executive Director also reported that we have had a water leak in
the community room and had to replace a pipe.
4. The Executive Director reported on the hot water heater issue at the Hi-Rise. She plans to have RFP’s out
by the end of the week. She will also look into grants as well as a possible city levy for this project.
5. The Executive Director gave an update on the HUD Monitoring. HUD has reported that they plan on doing a
visit this year as well as have monthly calls with the Executive Director.
6. The Executive Director gave an update on the RAD (Rental Assistance Demonstration) Conversion. She has
been in touch with Executive Director at the Worthington HRA and at this point, they are not interested in
taking us on. She has been informed that she can reach out to other areas who handle voucher programs
since he is not interested.
7. The Executive Director reported that we had MHFA Inspections at the Hi-Rise on June 18th. They inspected
10 apartments and we are compliant.
8. The Executive Director reported on the MN Revenue Recapture Audit. All active claims were removed as of
7/1/2019 until the required corrections are made and approved by MN Revenue Recapture.
9. The board meeting time has been changed to start at 11:30am on a temporary basis. After some
discussion, we will have the August board meeting at the same time and will review after that meeting.

New Business Consisted Of:

1. The Executive Director reviewed the Annual Insurance bids with the board. We received two bids; one
from AHRMA in the amount of $30,358.10 and one from HAIG in the amount of $27,302.00. After some
discussion a motion was made to accept the bid from HAIG. (DeKok/Leach)
2. The Executive Director reported about the elevator repair/update and the quote we received. After some
discussion, a motion was made to table this issue until the water heater issue is resolved. (Leach/DeKok)
3. The Executive Director presented a proposed increase in laundry prices. The machines all have different
prices and have not been changed for at least 10 years. After some discussion, a motion was made to
change all washing machines to $1.50 per load and the dryers to $1.00 per load, effective 9/1/2019.
(DeKok/Leach) The Operations Manager will get notices out to tenants and give a 30 day comment period.
4. Brothers Fire will be at the Hi-Rise on 7/17/2019 for the Annual Fire Alarm & Sprinkler Inspections.
5. The Executive Director reports working on the following HUD & other reports: (W) FYE 3/31/2019 REAC
Submission, (W & J) Environmental Review, (J) FYE 9/30/2018 Audit, Annual Rental Info to the City of
Jackson, FYE 09/30/2019 Year-End docs, proposed budget, etc., MWD HUD 4710 Maintenance Wage
6. The Executive Director reported that she will be taking medical leave on July 15th for up to 2 weeks.
7. The Executive Director asked to change the date of the September board meeting due to MN NAHRO Fall
Conference being 9/11-9/13. After some discussion, a motion was made to change the meeting to
09/19/2019. (DeKok/Leach)
8. HUD Lead-the-Way Training should be done individually at your own pace as of the May board meeting.
9. UPCOMING BOARD MEETINGS: August 8th and September 19th at the Hi-Rise Community Room at the
new time of 11:30 am.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:16pm. (DeKok/Leach)

Dennis Hample, Board Chairman Connie Clausen, Executive Director

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