Digital Signal Analysis and Processing (CT704)

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Examination Control Division
i Level
i.,....,:--.;-:-.... ,.......--"
i"---:... "_ -- jf.f[l[ff$ is0-
j Programme j ucr i p;;;il;il-i\ii*
2074 Ashwin
i-r'**.lr_q$.__ily/i::_, -- -**r'== .:: *
sllpiect;; Digjtii sisili
A";ir*[ dd p#"ej-i"
to give their answers in their own
,tr*i?'frT:;;?:::d words as rar * pru.tiruu-r..
The figures in the margin indicate Fttil fuIarks.
Assume suitable clata if necurrory.-
1. Define Energy and power type discrete
time signar. check wfiether
x[n] . j(nn/3'r ri 4;
= is periodic or not. If it is periodic, ,tute it. periodic

Find the outpur of LTI system having
impurse response h[n] (r /z),{u[n
and input signal x[n] : = + 2] _ u[n _ 2]]
{2, l, 0.5, -1}. Also check the answer .
J. state and explain the properties 13+21
of a Region of convergence (ROC).
Q--- Find the inverse z-
transform of X(z)= ,rlr-*,
,Xl,l(,*. - r-,)
L 2 l' /\' - i [3+3]
4' Plot the pole-zero in z-plane and Draw
Magnitude Response (not to the
system described by difference equation scale) of the
5' Draw the direct form and Lattice structure of a filter rvirh D+71
H(z) : l+0.72'1+1 .22-2-z-s .
system function

6' why Kaiser window is better than other

fixed windorvs in FIR filter clesign?
six coefficients of impulse response of'a Find out first
iow pu., rm filter having p^r, band
frequencyo:p=0.2n, Stop band ecige fr"qu.r.f edge
,0, =O.Sn and Stop band attenuation
o, = 41dB using any appropriate window function
7 ' what is an optirnum filter? show mathematical
---'- expression me t(e
of the
-"prE.lrulr ur
algorithm for FIR firter design Remez exchange
with flow chart.
8' Design a low
pass discrete IIR filter by Bilinear [r+6J
approximate Butterworth filter having Transformation method to an
specifilations as below:
Pass bandedge frequency (CIp) :0.27 a radians tl5l
Stop bandedge frequency (o,)
= 0.5g n radials
Passband ripple (50) = 0.I I
Stopband ripple (6,) = 0.21, Consider
sarnpling frequency 0.5 Hz.

9. compute the S-point DFT of the sequence

*[*J= Decimarion in
Frequency Fast Fourier Transfonn (DIF-FFT)
10'whatisazeropadding?Ifxr(k)andX2ft)areDFTof 17l
and x2[nl: {1,0, r, r,2} respectivelylir.n sequencexl[n] = {r,2,0,r,-z}
given by X3(k) = Xi(k),
rr.s ilr"i"ql,"n.*
ruqLrs,u' x3[ni;
x:[n]; ",v Ui of x3[n] is
31 TRIBHUVAN Ln Ii VI"IR S f I'Y lB.**: ---'TE""_


Examination Control Division i Programrne i BCT Pass Mnrlis I 32
i:v;iii* iry-l .. ...

2074 Chaitra ",,"" i,?-11ir, "i

Subjgg|; D*igital slenal {rylysis ancl Plocessing (Criaa)

canclidates are required to give their ansrvers in their onn u,crds as far as
Alt e mpt A4 tte s ti o n s.

The:.figures in the rnargin iildicate Full llafb'

Assume suitahle c{atu if necessctr)}.

_t. plot the sequence x[1]=.u[n]-ufn -3]+56[n-4]=nufri-6]. List out the propcxties of
L lI s1'stem [3'r?l

2. Deiemrine whether the f'o11oi,r'ing s,v-stem are: i3*3]

a) y[n] = yln - 4]+ xfrr * 4] is Tirie-invariant or not

b) ylnl = x'[n] is Linear or l{or-linear

in'-'erse Z-
Define a ROLI. What are the properlies of ROC of z*traustbrm? Find the
transibrmof X(z) =(222 +22.)'+32-t-5) l(z'*0.12*-0.2),ROC:lzl<0.+. [1-3+5]
4. The poles of a system are located at: 0.45-0.77i and -2+0.3i. h,'tap the poles and zero
11rs 2-plane and plot the magniiude response of the system.

5. L)btain the Direct Form I ancj l)irect Fom ll realization of tlie fbllowing sysien"r. 15]

3ylnl + yln - 1] + 21'[n - 4] : 2x[n] i- xfn - 3]

o. Determine the lattice coelficieiits coefficients correspcrniiing to the FIR filter

with the
system function: lJl

I l(z-)=, Ar(z)
--l+-z' *n, "2*1,' 1

i. Design a {igital lor,r-pass filter with the tbllorving specificaiion: [12]

Pass-band magnitude constattt to 0.7 dB L'eiou' the frequency of 0'

ii; Stop-bancl attenuation ai least 14 dB for the frequeneies betrveen
A,6n'io r.
Use Butter worth approximation as a prototype and use iutpulse invariance
method to oirtain the digital filter.
g. Design a F'lR linear phase filter using Kaiser r.r,indott' that rneets the lbllot'ing IQ+3]

lHiei"li <0.01, 0{ lwl < 0.25n

0.9ss lff(ejw)l < t.0s ,0'35x Siwl10'6r
lHlei*;1 ":0.01, 0' 65n
< lwl { r
respoilse anel Kaiser
Also deterrnine the minimum length (M+l) of the impulse
window Parameter B.

g. the DF]T of the foilowing

Why do r,ve need DFT? Draw the bufterfly structure to compute
signatr using Radix-2 DIFFFT algoiithm, and cornpute
x(2) and x(l) onl,v
[3 r7l
x[n] = {1.5,-1,,3,7.7}
10. Define zero padding. Find the linear convolution
through circular convoh:tir-rn with
padding of zeros toritre fbllo*ring sequenoes: xlnl - t1"1"1"U and hlnl{2,3}' il+5]
36 TRIBHUVAN TINIVERSITY Exam. ':;;,l\{ervBaati {1066 &'tatei Bh-tdh) '':
Exarnination Control Division Programme i]CT PassMarks 32

2$73 Shrawan Year / Part rv l1 Time 3 hrs.

Analysis and Processing €f704)

CanrliCates are required to give their answers in their ol, n words as far as practicable.
Attenept AII que stions.
The figwres in the rnargln inrJicate FUE Marks.
Assume suitable data if nec€ssar)).

i. Explain the prncess of calculating tburier series coeffioients" t3l

1 Deternaine thel systetn output y(ni of the fcllowing signals: h(n) = i1,1,1) and
x(n) = {i,i,i,U t6]
DefineaROC. Fin<linverseZ-transl'ormof X(z)=
"lltz-0"4)(r+1"5)'),ROC: lzl<0.+ [i+5]
4. State linear constant coetficient difference equation anci correspcnding system firnction.

Determine the output sequence of the systen: rvith impulse response ir[n] = (1/ 2)" u[n]
11,hen the input signal is x[n] = l$-5sin{xnl2}+ 20cosnn -cD < lt < co. [3+71

5. The systern function of a tilter is H(z) =2+1"82-1-1.62'? +z-t. Draw the Direct Foun
and i,attice Structure implementation of the above filter. [3+7]
5. Expiain in detail zrbout hcrt,recta*gular u4ndow'is useC in FIR filter design. I-iow Gibb's
oscillations arise in this process. t6l
7. Explain about Rernaz exc.ha.nge algarithrn with suitable derivation and florv chart" tel
f,. Using bilinear transformation, design a butleru,orth iovi pass filter which satisfies the
follorr.,ing Magnitude Response. L12l

o.8e12s<iH1.*11<r fbro< a<0.2x

i*(r'* tls o.r:zs: for o.3n 5 ar { n

9. Explain briefly about trilinear translbrmation method of IIR fi1ter ciesign. i3]
10. Why do we need DFT? Find S-point DF-T of sequerioe x["] = {7^--1,2,2,1.1,2,2,1 using Fast
Fourier Transtbixr algorithm. [2l-6]
ll.Irind xr[n] if DFT of x.[n] is given by Xr(k)=Xr&)Xr(k)where X,(k)andXr(k)are
S-pcrint DFT of x,[n] = 11,*2,2,1,4] and xr[n] = {2,1,-3,- l} respectiveiy. i7l
31 TRIBHWAN LINIVERSITY Exam. iifiUl6,I,:','y, fi ,rj$,i1;iil:,il;" ri:


Examination Control Ilivision Frogrammc tsCT Fass Marks

2073 Chaitra Year / Part ff/r Time 3

Subject: - Digital Signal Analysis and Frocessing {Cr704)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as praoticable"
r' Auernpt 4,!!,questions.
{ The figttres in the margin indi*ore {vlt M-arkg.
{ Assurne suitable data if necessary.

1. Define and plot a discrete time unit step signal. Explain its relation with unit impulse
signal. [1+2i
2. Calculate y[n], if x[n] is x[-2] :0.5, x[0] : 1, xpl = A.75, x[3] :0.5 and n[n] is n[0] = l,
n[1] :0.75 and n[2] :0.5 and verify your result. t6l
3. Define a ROC. Find inverse Z-transfonn of X(z) = 12*+222+32+5) I 1*-AJz-A.21,
RoC: lzico.+ [1+5J

Define the difference equation with example. The Poles of a system are located et:-
0.45 + A.77i and 2 * 0.7i and zeros at: L.2 t 0.43r. Plot the magnitude response of this
system. [2+8]
5. Draw the Lattice Structure from the following system flurction: t10]
-1 -r L _,+ 9 _,.i az'-l
!z-1 ir-t

t +!z-, + fiz-. +!z-t + z-*

6. Design a digital Butterworth low pass filter satisfuiag the constraints

faloz<laqei*11 <r 0swsf

I In @i\l < a.z
With T : lsec using bilinear transformation method. Realize the filter using the most
convenient realization forrn. [1X+4]
7. Design an FIR linear phase filtor using Kaiser window to meet the following
specifications: tSl
0,98 s lrlt*l*); 4 L"02,{ar0 z w } 0.9n

qui*)l < o.Of ,;or 0.L4n ( wSn
8. Draw the Howchart of Remez-Exchange theorem and explain it. t7l
9. Why we need FFT? Find 8-point EFT of sequence x[n] : {1, -1, 3,2, l, 1,3, -ZI using
Decimation in frequency Fast Fowier Transform (DIFFFT) algorithrn. [2+6]
10" if DFT of x3[n] is given by &{k) : Xr&) Xz(k) where XrG) and Xzft)
Find x3[n] are
5-pointDFTofxl[n]: {1, -2,5,1,2} andxz[n]: {1,2,-3, -2} respectively. t7l
Exaxnination Contrnl Rivisi*n j Prograrmme i ncT
t-.- .. .-. . ...
........".. ....- -i...... .......... ...
i Fass &{:rrks
2S72 Kartik

Swbiec{: - Digitai Signai Analysis *ncl Proces$;ng ({:t-'ii}4)

Candidates are required to give their ansl,,rers in their own words as far as praeticable.
Attempt All questions.
figures in the wnrgin indicare F'utl
The fi{qrks_.
Assume suitable data i!' neces sar)/.

1. Detlne energy and power signal. Check the signal x[n] = u[n] and x[n] : 6[n] is Energy ar
Pou,rr t5,pe. [2+3]
1 Firrd the ouiput of LTI system having impuise response h[n] = (il3)" {u[n+l]-u[n-2]] and
irrput signal x[n]: {2,1,0.5,3}. i5]
3. State the properties of regi*n of convergence (ROC). Drive the convolution property of
Z-transforrn. [3+3]
4. Find the output of LTtr Systern having impu.lse response h[n] - (1/2)" u[n] and input
signal x[n] = 5Sm/3 for -m < n < oo. t4l
Flot Magnitude Response (not to the scale) of the system descr:ihecl by ditTerence
equation. t5l
y[n]-0.Sy[n- 1 ]+0.3y[n-2] : x[n]+0.7x[n- 1 ]
fi. Deterrnine the Direct Form II realization of the following system l4l
y(n) = -0. ly(n * \ + a.7 Zy(n * 2) + 0. 7x(n) - a.252x{n * 2)

Compute the lattice coefficiertts and drarn'the lattice structure of follovdng FIR sysrem t6]
H(z) = l+22,*1 -32-2 + 4z-3
8. Draw the flowchart of Remez-Exchange theorem and explain it. Design a:r FIR linear
phase filter using Kaiser window to rneet the tbllowing specifications: 16+Sl

0.99 <
l"("*' )l < t.ot,for 0 ) w , 0.19n

l"t*'* )l s o.ot,ror 0.2ln w {

< yr

9. Design a low pass digital fitrter by Bilinear Transformation method to an approxirnate

Butterworth filter, if passbzurd edge frequency is 0.?5 n, radians and maximun-r d.eviation
of I dB below 0 dB gain in the passtrand. The rnaximum gain of -15 dB and frequency is
0.45 n radians in stopband, Consider sampling frequency 1F{2. 115]
10. Find 8-point DFT of sequence x[rr] : {1,1,0,1,0,1,2} using Decimation in Time Fast
Fourier Transform (DITFFT) algoritirm. {7}
11. Why we need DFT? If XlG) and X2ft) are DFT of sequence x1[n] : {1,2,4} and
xz[nl * {^7,2,3,1} respectively, then find the sequence x:[n], if I]FT of x3[n] is given by
xr(k) = Xr(k) Xz(k). [2+6]
TRIBHt]VAN TiI'i}VERSITY Exam. eb'tlfu'1,]:r.: 1',1. ;,.;.,',1 1., {

Examination Control Division Prograrnme BCl' Fass Marks 32

2{72 Chaitra Year / Part wii Tirne 3 hrs.

Suhject: , Digitatr Signal Analysis atrd Processing 1C T'704)

./ Candidates are requireel to give their answers in their own q'ords as far as practicabl*.
/,4ttempl 4t,1.! question-t.
{ The.figures in the ru*rgin indirute {vf!Ma&e
./ As.sume suitohle daia it'-ruecessory.

1. How fbririer series coefficients are calculated? Explain" t4l

2" Find the output of LT'I s3rstem having impulse response h[n] wit]r hL-21 : 1, h[0j:2,
hf ll : 3 ancl input signal x[n] with x[0] : LlZ ,x{21: 2, x[;?j : 3. Also check the answer" [3+2]
3. Explain the preiperlies of Region of Convergence r.vith exarnples" t6l
4. Describe stability and causality char*cteristics of LTI system in terms of trmpuise
Response and ROC of its transfer fbnctior: with sriitable examples. t4l
5. Plot the pole-zero in z-plane and Drarv Magnitude Response {r:ot tr: the scale} of the
system deseribed b,v difTerence equation. [2+4]
:'[n] - 0"'lyln * 1l + {}, 1y[n "- 2] = x[n] + Ll.6xln - 1l

6. Deterrnine th.e Direct Form I and Direct For::r II reaiizalion of the fcllcr.,,ing systerr. is,l
,"(n) = -0.1_v(n * 1) +0.2y(n -. 2) *3:..(n) + 3.6x(n - 2) + 0.6x(n * 2)
7. Compute the lattice coefficieiits and dralv the lartir:e structure of follcrving FIR systera. t.5]

11121= l+22-1 +'z-2

B. Describe horv digital FiR filter can be design by rvindow me thod. W. hli Kaiser r.r,indow. i::
t:etter tharr other fix*d rvinclor,vs in FIR filter design? l5+3 j
9. \1rhat is an optimr.rm frlter? Show mathematioal exprossion of Remez exchange algor:ithm
fcr FIR filter design. [1+6]
10, Explain ab'aut the adr'arrtages oi selecting biiinear transformation rnethod impulse
invariance methr:d (I I M). Ilesigri a <iigital low pass Buftorwcrlh filter using irnpluse
invariani transfbmration with pass band and stop band fiequencies 20AHz and 500I{z
respectively. The pass band and stop band attenuation are -5dB and -l2dB respectiveiy"
'Ihe sampling fieqriency is 5kFIz. 1-ise III\4 method. lri+ ! ?l
i"- '-,1

1 1. Find the FFT of the signal x[n]{1.1,2,4 ,3,1,2,L} using DIT-FFT aigorithrn. I8l
12. Con-rpute Circular Convolution of h(n) : t.|,2,1, -1, 1| and x[n,l : {7,2,3, 1}. 17l
.-. 36 I'RIBI]IjVAN L;i'tlVEllSIl'Y Exam. : NGIU IIOCK TZUOO C:Lllt9r lrzlll;rU,.'

Examination Control Division i P.rg,**me elr :
Pass Marks 32
" 20TL Shawan i Year i P-a{
IV / I 3 hrs.
-- i-I-i*"

,/ Candiclates are requirecl to give their auswers in their orl'tl'uvords as far as practicable'
'/ Attempt All questions.
'/ The figures in the margin indicate Full frfarks'
./ Assume suitable tlato if necess(u'y.

1 . Find the odd and even part of the foilorving signal: [4+5]

A discrete time LTI system has input signal and impulse response as'

: {f -"ir|";i:
,trl : tl -rL:#;: ana rrtnl Find the output of the svstem using graphical


2. Find the inverse z transform of: t6l

X(21 = 7i+22't +22)/(1+1 .5i1 +a.Szz), lzl

using partial' fraction method.

J. Why do we need ditference equation? State linear constant coefficient diff'erence equation
and corresponding system funition. t2*3+5]
Consider an LTI s)istem with impulse response h[n]:(i/2)" u[n]. Deterrnine,v[n], if the
input is x[nl -- Aein'
4, If a 3 stage lattice filter for all pole poii'nomial has coefficrents' t5]

K, = I. K, = ! rna K,' = L obrain the system function of this filter'*

-t 4'' 2 3 ?
5. What is the impofiance oi quantization in Digital Signal Processing? \lihich one is better
rounding or truncation? Eiplain about limit cycles in recursive system? Define dead
band. [1+1+2+l]
6. Expiain in detail about how rectangular window is used in FIR filter design- How Gibb's
osciilations arise in this process. t6l

7. What is a Remez exchange algorithm? Derive its equation and draw its flow chart. tel
8. Design a low pass digital fiiter by Bilinear Transformation method to an
Butter worth filter it passband frequency is 0.2n radians and maximum deviation of 1 db
beiow 0 dB gain in the pass band. The maximum gain of -15 db and frequency is 0.4t
radians in stop band, consider sampling frequency I Hz' [1 s]

9. A system has input signal x[n]

: U ,2.3,4] and impulse response h[r] : \1,3,5,7 ] and the
DF'i of x[n] is Xtkl and tG DfT of h[n] is H[k]. Find the output of the system y[n] if
Glkl : x[k].Hlkl t7)
10. Find Dff fo, {1, 1, 2, O, 1,2,0,1} using FFT DIT butterfly algorithm an&plot the
spectrum. [6+2]
TRIIJHUVAi\] UN IV]] ft.STIY Exam" llt'uulat'

Examination Control Division Programme BCT Pass Marl$ 32

2071Chattra Year / Part iViI Time 3 hrs.

al Analysis and Processing Qf704)

Candidates are required ta give their answers in their owrr words as far as practicable.
A t t ewpt A.ll questions.
T'he figtnes in the ntargin inclicute {ail-Mqrks.
Assztme ,ruituble dal* if necessat'y.

1. Find the even and odd par"t of signal x[n], t3l

[t for-4<n50
xlni = i
l: fbrl<n-'4
A discrete time L'I'I s,vstem has impulse response h(n)={1,3,2.--l,U for -l Sn { 3.

Determine the s5,'stem output 1,(n) if the inpr:t x(n) is giveir lry x(n) : 26(n) - 6(n-1). t6l
Define ROC. Finc1 inverse Z-transfonn of [1+s]

Xt}: 1l{(z - 0,5)(z a 2)} if ,

i) ROC: 0"5 < lzi < 2
ii) ROC: Izi < tt.s
iii) ROC: lzl > 2

4. T'hepolesofas,vstenrarelocatedr:t: 0.45+0.77i an',i-l*0.3iandzeroesat:1.2:L3i.h'{ap

the poles and zero in the z-plana and plot the niagnitude response of the [2+8
5. L-'olupute Lattice coetTrcients and drarv iaitice structure for given IIR systelr:
I{ (zj: 1/(1-0.012-t *0.232''+0.52-3;. Also checkthe stabiiity of given system, [4+2+ 1]
6. What is limit cycle effect in recursive s,vstem? Describe w'ith one example showing haw it
occurs. i3l
7. Design a low pass FiR fi1ter having Pass band edge frequency {00 = 0"3fi, Stop band edge
frequency c,:, : 0"5 n and Stop band attenuation a, : "10 dB using ,rny appropriaite rvindow
flrnction. i8l
L What is optimum tilter? Shorv rnathematical expression of Rernez exchange algorithm f'or
FIR filter design. il+51
9. What is the advantage of bilinear transfbrn'lation'? Design a lorv pass discrete tirne
Butteru,orth filter appil,.ing bilinear translbrmr.tion having specifications as follo'ws: [2+9"+-4|
Pas-" band tiequency (wp) -= A.25 tr radians
Stcp band frequency (u'r) : 0.55 ;i radians
Fass band ripple (60) : t).1 I
and stop band ripple (651 : 0.21
Consider sampling frequency 0"5 tr{2.
Also, convert the obtainecl digital low-pass filter t"o liigh-pass filter w'ith nerv pass band
ftequency (w'p) : AA5 x using digital domain transforrnation.
tu1. Why do r,ve need Discrete Fourier Transform (DF]) although we have Discrete-tirne
F'ourier Transforir (DTFTX Find circular convclrition betneen x[n]: i1,2] and
y[n] : u[n] -u[n-4]. [2+5]
1i" Ilorv fast is FFT? f)rarv the butterfly diagram and compute ttre vaiue of X(7) using I pt
DIT-F'FT for the tollowing sequences: [2+f,:]
x(n) = {1,0,0,0,0" 0,0,0}
T RIBHLI\'.AN LrNI\/ IrRSll Y Exam. New Back (2066 & Later Batcni

,l INSTITUTE OF ENGINTERiNG Level BE : Full Marks i 80

Examination Control Division
I 2070 Ashad
Year / Part
Marks 32
3 hrs.

Candidates are required to give their ansu,ers in thcir ou,lt u,ords as far o, ,.r",i;;;;.
Atl em p I All q ues t io n.s.
The figures in the ntargin indicate Full Msrks.
Asstrme suitable data if necessary.

1. Find the'even and odd part of signal x[n], t3l

ft for-4<n<0
L r=I
l) fdrl < n.< 4

2. Illustrate the significance of convolution summation in digital signal analysis. Compute

the convolution of the following signals: h(n) = {1,0,i} and x(n) = {7,-2,-2,3,4\ l2+4)
3. Define Region of Convergence. Find inverse Z - transform of
X(z) = zl{(z-l)(z-2)'), Roc: I zl t . [1+5]
4. Given H(z) for a system with the following difference equation:
y(n)=x(n)+x(n-2) L2+6+2)
Plot its poles and zeros in Z plane. Determine its rnagnitude response. Also, determine
whether system is causal and stable.
5. Draw lattice structure for given pole - zero system t6l
H(z) = (0.5 + 2z-t +0.62-2) l(l-0.32 | + O.4z-2)
6. What do you mean by Limit Cycle? How it occurs in recursive system? [1+3]
7. What is the condition satisfied by Linear phase FIR filter? Show that the filter with
h(n) = {-1,0,1} is a linear phase filter. 12+4)
8. Use Hanning window method to design a digital |s\\z-pass FIR filter with pass-band edge
frequency (wp): 0.25tr, stop-band edge frequency (r.vr):0.35n u,here main lobe width of
1S , Hanning window is 8nlM, M is the filter length. tel

9. Why Spectral Transformation is required? 12)

lO.Design a low'pass digital hlter by impulse invariance method to an approximate
Butterworth filter, if passband edge frequency is 0.2 n radians and maximum deviation of
0.5 dB below 0 dB gain in the passband. The maximum gain of -15 dB and frequency is
0.35 r radian in stopband, consider sampling frequency 1Hz. tl3]
1 1. Why do we need Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) although we have Discrete-tiine
Fourier fransform (DTFTX Find circular convolution between 12+51
x[n]= {1,2} and y[n]=u[n]-u[n-4].
i2. I{ow fast is FFT? Draw the butterfly diagram and compute the value of'x(7) using 8 pt
DIT-FFT for the following sequences: 12+6)
. x(n) = {1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
'Examination Control Division Programme BCT PassMarks 32
2070 Chaitra Year / Part IV/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: _ -Digitat
Signal Analysis and Proc--essing grzoQ
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
The.figures in the margin indicate Full Murks.
Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Determine which of the following signals are periodic and compute their fundamental
period: t3l
i) Cos(nn2l8)
ii) Cos(n/2) cos(nnl4)
2. Find output, y(n) when: h(n) : {5,4,3,2} and x(n) : { 1,0,3,2} t6l
J. List out the properlies of Region of Convergence. Find the Z-transform and locate the
ROC of the signal. 12+4)

xrnr = - r ,r-, - ,L
[- +)'uln [f )"
4. Find the output of LTI System having impulse response l4l
h[n] : (1/3)" u[n] and input signal x[n] : 5gnnt2 for -.o (n( co .

5. Plot Magnitude Response (not to the scale) of the system described by difference
equation. y[n] - 0.3 y[n-11+0.225y1n-2]: x[n] + 0.5x[n-1] t6l
6. Determine the Cascade Form realization of the following system. l4l
ylnl -7vtn - 2x[n - 1l = Q
ivln -21-xlnl -
lJ +

7 - Compute the lattice coefficients and draw the lattice structure of following FIR system
H(z)=l+3.12-1 +5.52-2 +4.223 +2.32-a t6]
8. Describe how FIR filter can be designed by window method. Discuss the characteristics
of different type of window function. 14+41
9. What is an optimum filter? Show mathematical expression of Remez exchange algorithm
for FIR filter design. [1+6]
10. Using bilinear transformation method, design a digital filter using Butterworth
approximation which satisfiers the following conditions: I10]
0.8 <
1 for 0<w<0.2n

ln.,*l< o.z for 0.6n(w(zr

11. A digital LPF with cut off frequency w. :0.2575 n is given as H(Z) = 0.1+0.42-l
1- 0.62-t + O.lz-2
Design a digital high pass filter with w'. : 0.3567n. tsl
12. Define Padding zones. Find 8-point DFT of sequence. [1+6]
x[n] : {1,1,0,0,1,1,2} using Decimation in Time Fast Fourier Transform (DIrFFr)
13. why we need DFT? State and prove circular convolution property of DFT. l2+2+41
,. ,3.9 . i I+TBHUVAN UNTVERSTTY ir;
flxamination Control Division Programme Pass Marl<s )1,

2069 Chaitra i -v:lr I Ft1 rVlr Time 3 hrs

,\ultjt,c't - tligi,rt Sig,,.i Analysis and Processing rr t-ttt t

'./ ('itnrl idates are lccluired to give their ansu,crs in therr ou,n u,ords as far as practicable.
'/ .lttt'rtrltt'All,1rtt.rr iun.r.
'/ 'l'ha
/igura.: in the ntargin indicate Full fuIurks.
,,/ ,4,s',suntc ,:uitable data if necessary.

l. Define lJnergl, and Power type signal with suitable example. Check the signal
x[n]:Cos(2nrl5) + Sin(n n/3) is periodic or not. L2+2)
2. Define LTI system. Find the output of LTI system having impuise response
[n] :2u [n] - 2u [n-4] and input signal x [n] : (1/3)' u[n].
). State the properlies of region of convergence (ROC)? Derive the time shifting properly of
Z-transfbrm [3+3]
4. \Vhy do we need Difference Ilquatior-r? Drar,", Pole-zero in Z-Plane and plot magnitude
response (not to the scale) of the system described by difference equation [2+2-6)
y Inl-0.4 y [n-1]+0 2y [n-2] :x[nl + 0.1x [n-l]-0.06x [n-2]
5. Determine the Direct Form II realization of the lollowing system
- -0 ly (n- I) + 0.72y (n-2) + 0.7x(n) - 0.252x (n-2)
y(n) l4l
6 Compute the lattice coefficients and drau, the lattice structure of follou,ing FIR system
H(z) : 1+22-) - 37-z + 4z'3 t6l
7. Design a digrtai FIR filter for the design of the lorv pass filter having
or: : 0.5x, cx., : 40 dB using suitable window function. t8]
8. What is optinium filter? Describe Remez exchange algonthm for FIR frlter design with
r, If flow chart. [1+6]
9. What is the advantage of bilinear transformation? Design a low pass discrete time
Butterworth filttr applying bilinear transformation having specifications as follows: L2+9+41
Pass band frequency (wp) : A.25x radians
Stop band frequency (wr) : 0.55n radians
Pass band ripple(6r) : 0.1 1

And stop band ripple (5,) :0.21 \

Consider sampling frequency 0.5H2

Also, convert the obtained digital lorv-pass filter to high-pass frlter with new pass band
frequency 1rr,,'p) : 0.45;r using digital domain transformation.
10. Why do need FFT? Find S-point DFT of sequence
vu,e x [n] : U,1,2,2,1,1,2,1] using
Decimation in frequency FFT (DIFFT) algorithm [217]
11. Find x3[nl if DF-f of x3[n] is given by X:(k) - Xr(k) Xz(k) rvhere X,(k) and X2(k) are
4-point DFT of xr[n] : {1.2,-2) and x2[n] : {1,2,3.-1} respectively. t6l
*,t *

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