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Microelectronics Reliability 55 (2015) 2523

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Microelectronics Reliability

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/mr

Guest Editorial

Power electronics packaging

Katsuaki Suganuma a, Jenn-Ming Song b, Yi-Shao Lai c
Institute of Science and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Japan
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc., Taiwan

Power electronics plays one of the key roles in the generation-storage- the Ni–P plating at the cathode, which enhances the growth of a Ni de-
distribution conversion cycle of the electric energy that contributes to the pleted zone while the Ni diffusion at the anode side is depressed. P.
development of the sustainable world. New integration technology for Rajaguru proposed a proposed time dependent damage indicator model
power devices has been rapidly developed to fulfill the demands for for a die-attach structure soldered with Sn–3.5Ag under irregular temper-
high power density, high operation temperature and improved reliability ature change.
at the same time of system miniaturizations. Present-day technologies In the part of interface design for electric/thermal contact, three pa-
and materials are unable to deal with the emerging problems. There are pers are involved from number 7 to 9. M. Fujino reported on the bump-
high expectations for wide band gap (WBG) power semiconductors, shaped vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes bonded to a
such as SiC and GaN devices, because they can be operated in extreme Au substrate by a surface activated bonding. They found that Ar fast
conditions where silicon power devices cannot work anymore — in envi- atom bombardment for 1200 s improves the interconnect resistance
ronments over 200 °C, for example. Bringing out the full potential of WBG by 1/1000 of the original resistance. J. W. Yang proposed a unique meth-
power devices requires completely new approaches covering all relevant od to increase orhmic contact performance by depositing Al2O3 nano-
technologies extending from structural design, electrical design, and particles on AlGaN/GaN before Au metallization which is attributed to
packaging. With respect to packaging technology, innovations in mate- the suppression of excess reaction between the metallization and the
rials, manufacturing techniques and reliability evaluation are inevitable. substrate during annealing process. Y. Xuan reported on graphene
The paper included is divided into four groups, interconnection ma- mixed with epoxy as thermal interface material. They found that the
terials, damaging mechanism of solder interconnects, interface design smallest thermal contact resistance is achieved with 6 wt% graphene
for electric/thermal contact, and Packaging design and performance. primarily influenced by the hardness of the composite.
Nano-Ag sinter joining, which is one of the most emerging materials In the 4th part of the current special issue, packaging design and per-
for die-attach especially for high power applications, was reported by formance, four papers are included from numbers 10 to 13. G. Q. Lu stud-
the first paper on wide band gap devices by X. Li and the second paper ied on the design procedure and experimental verification of a thermal
on power laser by Y. Mei. X. Li studied high temperature stability of characterization system for IGBT modules. They found nano-Ag sinter
nano-Ag sintered joints of Cu and revealed the excellent stability up to die-attach gives 12 % lower Zth (transient thermal impedance) than
250 °C to 960 h in vacuum while serious strength degradation occurred SAC solder. C.-C. Lee proposed an embedded IGBT module for the reduc-
after aging at 250 °C only for 72 h in air. Oxidation of Cu has a key to tion of inductance at the same time of attractive miniaturization. M.-Y.
maintain the interface integrity. Y. Mei studied on a pulse reliability in- Tsai reported on solution for cracking problem of a direct-plated-copper
vestigation of high power single emitter laser modules with nano-Ag aluminum nitride substrate with excellent thermal conductivity. They
paste. Y. Mei compared the life time of a laser diode die-attached with employed warpage measurement combined with FEM analysis. Finally,
nano-Ag sinter joining with In and Au–Sn solderings by experiment J. Li studied on the failure of several types of Si IGBT configurations on a
aided with FEM. He provided a semi-empirical model based on Arrheni- DBC substrate under overcurrent. The configurations are the conventional
us relationship that is established to provide relative reliability assess- Al wire bonding, flexible PCB interconnect and DBC supported flexible
ments for laser modules. R. Mahmudi reported on creep behavior of PCB.
Zn–4Al–3Mg–xSn alloys tested by impression technique and found Thus, the current special issue is intended to stretch our steps into
that increasing Sn content of alloys increased creep rate, which can be the new world of interconnect technology especially for the extreme
attributed to the soft Sn-rich phase and lack of hard Mg–Zn particles. environmental conditions for power devices including Si and wide
Y. H. Chen reported on a new Al–Cu intermetallic metallization for sol- band gap semiconductors. It is our pleasure that many papers have
dering and identified the reaction phases. been submitted to this issue. Among them, 13 excellent papers are in-
Damaging mechanism of solder interconnects were reported by two volved in the current issue. As briefly summarized above, they are rang-
papers, Numbers 5 and 6. T. Kadoguchi reported on electromigration at ing from the individual interconnection materials such as solders and
the interface between Sn–Cu and Ni–P plating at elevated temperature sinter joining, wire bonding, interconnect performance, and reliability
and pointed out that electromigration accelerates the diffusion of Ni in issues such as thermal exposure/cycling, and electromigration. The ed-
itors are hoping that all those new findings in papers will provide some
E-mail addresses: suganuma@sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp (K. Suganuma), samsong@ new insights and ideas to the engineers and scientists working in this
nchu.edu.tw (J.-M. Song), Yishao_Lai@aseglobal.com (Y.-S. Lai). field.

0026-2714/© 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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