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1. What does "salutary neglect" refer to?

What economic and

political consequence did it lead to?
a. “Salutary neglect” refers to the lack of British authority over the
colonies. Although Mercantilism was the official policy, American
colonists often handled routine matters of trade and commerce
themselves as regulations were not enforced. American shippers
also smuggled goods to avoid British regulations. The colonists
established their own local assemblies and forms of
representative government in colonial legislatures and local town
2. How were Americans so closely involved in British political, religious,
and economic debates, despite being 3000 miles away?
a. Both Northern and Southern colonists viewed themselves as
British subjects and as such retained the rights of Englishmen,
considering themselves equal to those living in the homeland.
The remained connected by following news events and debates
in England.
3. What did Puritans, Quakers, and Baptists have in common?
a. Puritans, Quakers, and Baptists all shared the same desire in
protesting existing authorities for the sake of their religious
4. What does the speaker mean when he mentions the
"dissenting Protestant tradition"? If you don't know, leave this
blank and I'll explain.
a. ??
5. When did Americans first realize they were actually quite different from
those in England? What event did those differences lead to by the end
of the 18th century? 
a. Americans recognized their differences in goals and ambitions as
a colonial community from that of England during the French and
Indian War. These differences led to the American Revolution by
the end of the 18th century.

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