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1st week (march 28)

International business and trade


Individual: make a reaction paper on how monetary system affects businesses

around the world and the Philippines to be submitted through Facebook messenger.

Group: For the Business Analysis of an International Business, They need to submit
online a “one-page report on how International Monetary System can affect their
business for a partnership with an International Business.”

Strategic Business Analysis

Individual: 1. create a one-page picture paper of a famous stakeholder around the

world. mention his/her distinct management style. Mention if they approved or not to
this management style and state why. to be submitted through Facebook messenger.
2. create a one-page graphic organizer of their own made requirements gathering
steps individually to be submitted through Facebook messenger.

Group: 1. For the Business Analysis of an International Business, They need to

submit online a “one-page report on their stakeholder analysis from their chosen
International Business.” 2. For the Business Analysis of an International Business,
They need to submit online a report on their requirements gathering based on IIBA
template. Including Culture map

2nd week (March 28)

International business and trade

Individual: The students will create a one-page graphic organizer of the differences
between capital and financial market individually to be submitted through Facebook

Group: For the Business Analysis of an International Business, They need to submit
online a one-page report on how Foreign Exchange can affect their business for a
partnership with an International Business.

Strategic business analysis
Individual: The students will create a one-page graphic organizer of their own made
requirements gathering steps individually to be submitted through Facebook

Group: For the Business Analysis of an International Business, They need to submit
online a report on their requirements gathering based on IIBA template

3rd week (April 4)

International trade & business

Individual: The students will create a one-page picture paper of their chosen imported
product that they wished to be marketed here in the country. They should state the
possible factors why this product is still not available in our local market and why do
we need this now. State at least 3 steps of scenario planning for the entry of this
product to be submitted through Facebook messenger individually.

Group: For the Business Analysis of an International Business, They need to submit
online the SWOT and PEST Analysis and the recommendations they have decided.

Strategic Business analysis

Group: For the Business Analysis of an International Business, They need to submit
online a report on their recommendations and conclusions based on IIBA template

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