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Crisostomo Ibarra and Maria Clara Confrontation

 Ibarra and Maria Clara get to speak privately in the azotea of Capitan Tiago's house.
This is their first meeting after seven years. They exchanged proof that each
remembered the other one after all this time. When Maria Clara read the only letter
Ibarra wrote to her, he suddenly remembered his dead father. It was nearing All Souls
Day so Ibarra excused himself and told Maria Clara that he will go to San Diego to take
care of his father's grave.
 Later on, Maria Clara accepted Ibarra’s invitation to a picnic in the woods. They went
fishing on the lake and she witnessed the boat’s pilot, Elias, jump into the water to kill a
crocodile they encountered, with Ibarra jumping in soon after to save his life.
 On the eve of the town’s fiesta, Maria Clara encountered a leper while walking with
Ibarra and their friends. She then gave him her locket as an act of generosity.
 After Ibarra fell ill, Maria Clara wrote to him, expressing her worry.
 Afterwards, she fell ill, given confession by Padre Salvi; during this time, he revealed that
Padre Damaso was her real father, threatening to spread the information if she did not
give up Ibarra's farewell letter.
 During the dinner celebrating the founding of Ibarra’s school, Maria Clara intervened as
Ibarra threatened to kill Padre Damaso.
 Ibarra’s excommunication caused Maria Clara betrothed to Padre Damaso relative
Alfonso Linares.
 After Ibarra was implicated in an attack his farewell letter, Maria Clara holed herself up in
her room, saddened by her impending marriage. Exiting to the balcony, she spotted
Ibarra; he then climbed the wall and two said their tearful goodbyes.
 During their conversation, Maria Clara related to Ibarra why she had given up his
farewell letter. Ibarra soon after escaped with Elias.
 Learning that Ibarra had been killed, Maria Clara became distraught. Visited by Padre
Damaso, she begged him to let her become a nun in order to forget Ibarra, threatening
to kill herself. With Padre Damaso reluctantly agreeing, Maria Clara entered the Sta.
Clara convent as a nun. Sometime after, in a fit of apparent insanity, she climbed up on
the roof of the church, spotted by some guards. Thirteen years later, Maria Clara fell ill
and died a few days later.


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