Talk Outline - The Blessings of Going To The Temple

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The Blessing of Going to the Temple


Isaiah 2:2-3 - Prophecy on the latter-day temples as seen by Isaiah

Isaiah 11:12 - Temple as an ensign

Matthew 17:11 - Elias' Restoration prophesied

D&C 109:1-5 - Dedication of the Kirtland Temple

D&C 110:11-16 - Jesus Christ appeared inside the Kirtland Temple accepting its dedication - Moses, Elias,
and Elijah appeared one at a time after Jesus Christ's appearance to give the keys they hold

=(Rarely Discussed) Blessings of the Temple=

*The Story of Hannah, the Mother of Samuel the Prophet*

1. 1 Samuel 1:6-7 - Adversary

2. 1 Samuel 1:10 - Share bitterness

3. 1 Samuel 1:11 - Make vows

4. 1 Samuel 1:17 - Petition granted

5. 1 Samuel 1:27-28 - Fulfill promises

6. Kirtland and Salt Lake Temple Events - Outpouring of revelation

7. Spiritual Growth

Requirements for entering the Temple -> Moses' Story

End with the Fulfilment of the Prophecy

Who's on the Lord's side? I pray that we can answer the Lord directly with "Lord, I am on Thy Side."

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