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Story line:
For the campaign mode, this game has a good story. To those who have not yet played Warcraft
III: Reign of Chaos, they will still likely to understand the story behind the races of this game. In this
game there are so many races, but the race that has more importance in this Campaign are Night Elves,
Human (or actually the Blood Elves), the Undead and the Orcs. In the first story, it is about the Night
Elves going on pursuit of an exiled character named Illidan Stormrage (the brother of Malfurion
Stormrage). While pursuing Illidan, Maiev Shadowsong (Illidan’s pursuer) discovered that the exile
have joined forces with the Naga (Serpent-like creatures, once were night elves but have been cursed
and had their bodies turn half snakes) that vowed to retake the surface world from the Night Elves.
That story gave a full view of things that needed to be done with something so important like getting a
magic “eye” that they can use to destroy the Lich King. The first story ended with Illidan was pardoned
from all of his actions but still an exile and still ran across places. And Maiev still in pursuit.

In the second story, it follows the life of the Blood Elves which was led by a prince named
Kael’thas. They’re job is to fix watchtowers and defend it. The warlord, Garithos, discovered that
Kael’thas was helped by the Naga and was imprisoned because of what they did. This story gives the
gamer a short background on what happened to Illidan after the first story. It is actually short but also
has a secret mission to explain more about what the Blood Elves are.

In the third story, there are three factions of the undead that you will know of. Two of those
factions are opposed to the dreadlords’ faction which were Arthas and Sylvanas. Also, the player
controls those two factions that are opposed to the dreadlord. About Arthas, he was a human before that
was seeking power and became an undead because of taking the sword, Frostmourne. Now, he is taking
orders directly from the Lich King and still tries to seek more power. Next is Sylvanas trying to still get
revenge to Arthas because of turning her also into an undead. But upon trying to assassinate him, she
failed because she was caught off-guard by one of Arthas’ minions named Kel’Thuzad and she was
driven off.

In the continuation of the story of Sylvanas, she was still trying to free themselves from the
bondage of those that control them from their wills. In the near future of her story, she prevailed from
being controlled from those bond and leads some of her faction to another part of the land. Continuing
the story of Arthas, he and his forces still pursues to go upfront and get there to the Lich King’s Frozen
Throne. But upon their journey, he and his forces was confronted by Illidan’s force and compete for the
entry to the Throne. All of it ended with Arthas and Illidan having a duel, and the outcome was Arthas’
victory. When Arthas got to the Frozen Throne, he shatters the Ice Prison and took the Lich King’s
Crown and they have combined into one powerful being which was the new Lich King.

For the gameplay, Frozen Throne is more of a build-and-destroy type of game. Just like in the
famous game “DOTA” you may accomplish a goal by taking down all of the enemy units and buildings
but the difference is that you can control up to 3 heroes and as many small units as you can. Some of
the objectives in the Campaign is you have to try to kill someone or you have to protect a touchdown
point and are also connected to the story line. You can buy units and control them to destroy other
buildings. You can also build your own fortresses everywhere. One tip, if you want to build a fortress
you should build it near a gold mine so you can have much more support, gold and increase the upkeep.
Campaign Main Characters:
Maiev Shadowsong – the jailor or the jail warden of Illidan Stormrage and has been doing
pursuit when he was released.

Illidan Stormrage – born a Night Elf and the twin brother of Malfurion Stormrage. He is a
Demon Hunter who mastered the arts of it that it turned him into part demon. He was called The
Betrayer because of the horrible acts that he has done with his own kind kind resulting him to be
imprisoned for 10,000 years. But then he was released by another Night Elf, Tyrande Whisperwind, to
aid them in fighting the Legion. After the hard-fought battle, he then joined forces with Kil’Jaeden (a
disciple of Sargeras) which wanted him to find the Frozen Throne and destroy it. He allied himself with
the Naga to aid him for the task. But then fails to destroy it because of his confrontation with Arthas.

Kael’thas Sunstrider – One of the extinct race called the Blood Elves. He is the Prince of
Quel’Thalas and a member of the Kirin Tor in Dalaran. They were held by the humans and made them
labor for their own works.

Sylvanas Windrunner – founder of the Forsaken faction of the undead. They are allied with the
Horde and continues on finding a way of taking revenge to Arthas.

Arthas Menethil – once the prince of Lordaeron and a great paladin. But he then hungered for
power and fame that he took the cursed blade, Frostmourne, and became a Death Knight. As the story
continues, he was directed to the Lich King and merged with it and became the new Lich King, a much
more powerful being in the World of Warcraft.

Created by: Justin Robert Murallon

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