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Carefully read the text below, consisting of 12 lines, about<subject>.

The first and last lines are

correct. For the remaining ten lines there is onegrammatical error in each line.

Circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in the space provided.
The correct word you provide must not change the original meaning of the sentence.


I arrived to my destination at 2 p.m. at

Photovoltaic cells are special types of cells that produce electrical energy.

Electricity generation occurs when sunlight hits its surface. They are 1

manufactured by combining selenium with other inert materials and thus could 2

be produced on a mass scale. Solar energy is considered cheap, cost 3

efficient, and an eco-friendly way to meet the global demand for energy. 4

However, there is a significant downside to solar cells as they are costly and 5

difficult to maintain, as it requires constant attention. Solar panels also require 6

large spaces to be installed and are quite difficult to install in cities where 7

space is constrained. This leads to a search for a different alternative source 8

of energy. The one downside is that most solar cells produce very little 9

amount of electricity per area of space and this makes it difficult. Mostly 10

tropical countries do get a fair share of sunlight and could make use of them

with ease. Owing to its cost and reduced effectiveness, it is still a hard

Line Error Answer Explanation

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