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Review Article

Sarcoma Classification: An Update Based on the 2013 World

Health Organization Classification of Tumors of Soft Tissue
and Bone
Leona A. Doyle, MD

The 2013 World Health Organization Classification of Tumors of Soft Tissue and Bone incorporates changes in tumor classification, as
well as new genetic insights into the pathogenesis of many different tumor types that have emerged over the 11 years since the publi-
cation of the prior volume. This article reviews changes in the classification of soft tissue and bone sarcomas as well as tumors of in-
termediate biologic potential in the 2013 World Health Organization volume, new molecular insights into these tumors, and
associated surgical and clinical implications. Cancer 2014;120:1763–74. VC 2014 American Cancer Society.

KEYWORDS: soft tissue, bone, tumor, sarcoma, World Health Organization, tumor classification.

The current 2013 World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumors of Soft Tissue and Bone1 was published
11 years after the prior volume.2 During that period, many changes have taken place in soft tissue and bone tumor classifi-
cation, predominantly based on the identification of new genetic findings in different tumor types. In addition, several
new morphologically distinct tumor types have been described, often along with their novel genetic changes. The advances
in classifying and understanding the pathogenesis of soft tissue and bone tumors based on the correlation of histologic and
genetic findings have been particularly significant in the field of soft tissue and bone oncopathology, perhaps more so than
in many other areas of pathology, with the exception of hematolymphoid neoplasia. Although many interesting molecular
genetic findings have been described in benign soft tissue and bone tumors, this article will focus on changes in the classifi-
cation of soft tissue and bone sarcomas as well as soft tissue and bone tumors of intermediate biologic potential (ie, locally
aggressive or rarely metastasizing tumors), new molecular insights into these tumors, and associated surgical and clinical
implications. The changes are reviewed according to the categorization of tumors in the WHO volume. These changes,
along with those in benign soft tissue and bone tumors, are summarized in Tables 1 and 2.


Adipocytic Tumors
The most notable change in this category of tumors was the deletion of the term “round cell liposarcoma,” which describes a
morphologic appearance present in a subset of high-grade myxoid liposarcoma. Myxoid liposarcoma is graded using a 3-tier
system as low, intermediate, or high grade, based on the degree of cellularity. Transition between different grades may be
observed in a given tumor, and the highest grade should be reported. High-grade myxoid liposarcoma most often demon-
strates spindle cell morphology, but occasionally a round cell appearance predominates, which accounted for the previous
designation of “round cell liposarcoma”; the same genetic findings ie, FUS-DDIT3 [fused in sarcoma-DNA damage–induci-
ble transcript 3] or, less commonly, EWSR1-DDIT3 fusion genes are present in both histologic types. Regardless of round
cell or spindle cell tumor cell morphology, high-grade myxoid liposarcoma carries the same prognostic information, with a
greater frequency of metastasis and worse survival compared with low-grade tumors.3-5
The category of “mixed-type liposarcoma” was removed for the 2013 classification. This category had previously
been reserved for those tumors demonstrating apparently combined histologic features of myxoid and/or well-

Corresponding author: Leona A. Doyle, MD, Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 75 Francis St, Boston, MA 02115; Fax: (617) 264-5118;

Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.

DOI: 10.1002/cncr.28657, Received: January 21, 2014; Accepted: February 10, 2014, Published online March 19, 2014 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.

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TABLE 1. Key Changes and Updates in the 2013 WHO Classification of Tumors of Soft Tissue

Tumor Category Major Changes and Updates

Adipocytic Classification changes “Round cell liposarcoma” removed as a synonym for high-grade myxoid
Mixed-type liposarcoma removed.
New genetics Recurrent translocation t(11;16)(q13;p13) in chondroid lipoma.
Fibroblastic/ Classification changes DFSP and giant cell fibroblastoma included for first time.
myofibroblastic “Hemangiopericytoma” removed as a synonym for SFT.
New genetics MYH9-USP6 fusion gene in nodular fasciitis.
NAB2-STAT6 fusion gene in SFT.
Recognition of molecular and morphologic overlap of LGFMS and SEF; MUC4
overexpression in LGFMS and SEF.
So-called fibrohistiocytic Classification changes “Malignant fibrous histiocytoma” removed from WHO classification.
Smooth muscle Classification changes Angioleiomyoma moved to pericytic category.
Pericytic Classification changes Angioleiomyoma now classified as a pericytic tumor.
Myofibroma now classified as a pericytic tumor, on a spectrum with
New genetics NOTCH2/3 mutations in a subset of glomus tumors.
Skeletal muscle Classification changes Spindle cell/sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma now classified together and
separate from other subtypes.
New genetics Rearrangement of NCOA2 gene in pediatric cases of spindle cell
MYOD1 mutations in a subset of adult spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma.
Vascular Classification changes New entity: pseudomyogenic/epithelioid sarcoma-like hemangioendothelioma,
with recurrent translocation t(7;19) resulting in SERPINE1-FOSB fusion gene.
New genetics Recurrent fusion genes in epithelioid hemangioendothelioma: WWTR1-CAMTA1
and YAP1-TFE3.
Amplification of MYC in postradiation angiosarcoma.
Chondroosseous Classification changes/ None.
new genetics
Gastrointestinal stromal Classification changes GIST included in soft tissue volume for first time.
New genetics Recognition of the clinicopathologically and genetically distinct group of
“succinate dehydrogenase-deficient GIST.”
Nerve sheath Classification changes Peripheral nerve sheath tumors included in soft tissue volume for first time.
Newly described hybrid benign nerve sheath tumors included (eg, hybrid
Tumors of uncertain Classification changes Newly described entities: acral/digital fibromyxoma, hemosiderotic fibrolipoma-
differentiation tous tumor, phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor.
Atypical fibroxanthoma now included in soft tissue volume.
PNET removed as a synonym for Ewing sarcoma.
New genetics EWSR1 gene rearrangement in myoepithelial carcinoma.
PHF1 gene rearrangement in ossifying fibromyxoid tumor.
Undifferentiated/ Classification changes This new category recognizes tumors that cannot be classified into any of the
unclassified sarcoma other categories.
New genetics A subset of undifferentiated round cell (non-Ewing) sarcomas harbor CIC-DUX4
or BCOR-CCNB3 fusion genes.

Abbreviations: BCOR, BCL6 corepressor; CAMTA1, calmodulin-binding transcription activator 1; CCNB3, cyclin B1; CIC, capicua transcriptional repressor;
DFSP, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans; DUX4, double homeobox, 4; EWSR1, EWS RNA-binding protein 1; FOSB, FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene
homolog B; GIST, gastrointestinal stromal tumor; LGFMS, low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma; MUC4, mucin-4; MYH9, myosin, heavy chain 9, non-muscle;
MYOD1, myogenic differentiation 1; NAB2, NGFI-A binding protein 2; NCOA2, nuclear receptor coactivator 2; NOTCH, neurogenic locus notch homolog pro-
tein; PHF1, PHD finger protein 1; PNET, primitive neuroectodermal tumor; SEF, sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma; SERPINE1, serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade
E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1); SFT, solitary fibrous tumor; STAT6; signal transducer and activator of transcription 6; TFE3, transcription factor
binding to IGHM enhancer 3; USP6, ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 6; WHO, World Health Organization; WWTR1, WW domain containing transcription
regulator 1; YAP1, yes-associated protein 1.

differentiated/dedifferentiated and/or pleomorphic lipo- The definition of dedifferentiated liposarcoma has

sarcoma. However, consensus opinion acknowledges that been modified slightly from its prior definition as a
tumors showing such a mixed pattern most likely repre- “nonlipogenic sarcoma” arising in association with well-
sent dedifferentiated liposarcoma. For those rare cases of differentiated liposarcoma/atypical lipomatous tumor, to
liposarcoma that cannot be subclassified, the term recognize that a small subset of cases may in fact demon-
“liposarcoma not otherwise specified” is retained as an strate lipoblastic differentiation within the dedifferenti-
International Classification of Diseases code. ated component (ie, rare cases may be “lipogenic”). This

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TABLE 2. Key Changes and Updates in the 2013 WHO Classification of Tumors of Bone

Tumor Category Major Changes and Updates

Chondrogenic Classification changes New entity: osteochondromyxoma (associated with Carney complex) included.
Atypical cartilaginous tumor introduced as synonym for grade 1
New genetics IDH1/2 mutations in enchondroma, periosteal chondroma and
HEY1-NCOA2 fusion gene in mesenchymal chondrosarcoma.
Osteogenic Classification changes Osteoma separated from osteoid osteoma.
New genetics Amplification of MDM2 and CDK4 in low-grade central and paraosteal osteo-
sarcomas, and less often in conventional osteosarcoma.
Fibrogenic Classification changes Fibrosarcoma strictly defined to exclude cases demonstrating any recognizable
line of differentiation other than fibroblastic.
Fibrohistiocytic Classification changes “Malignant fibrous histiocytoma” removed.
Ewing sarcoma Classification changes PNET removed as a synonym for Ewing sarcoma.
New genetics A subset of undifferentiated round cell (non-Ewing) sarcomas harbor CIC-DUX4
or BCOR-CCNB3 fusion genes.
Osteoclastic giant cell-rich Classification changes Giant cell tumor of bone is separated from giant cell lesion of the small bones.
Notochordal Classification changes Benign notochordal cell tumor added.
New genetics Copy number gain of brachyury in chordoma.
Vascular Classification changes Epithelioid hemangioma added as a new entity and distinguished from
Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma now included.
New genetics Recurrent fusion genes in epithelioid hemangioendothelioma: WWTR1-CAMTA1
and YAP1-TFE3.
Myogenic, lipogenic, Classification changes Leiomyoma and schwannoma removed.
and epithelial
Tumors of undefined Classification changes Chondromesenchymal hamartoma is new designation for tumors previously
neoplastic nature classified as chest wall hamartoma.
New genetics USP6 gene rearrangement in 70% of primary aneurysmal bone cyst, usually
due to t(16;17)(q22;p13), and not present in secondary aneurysmal bone
Undifferentiated high-grade Classification changes This new category recognizes pleomorphic sarcomas that cannot be classified
pleomorphic sarcoma into any of the other categories.

Abbreviations: BCOR, BCL6 corepressor; CAMTA1, calmodulin-binding transcription activator 1; CCNB3, cyclin B1; CDK4; cyclin-dependent kinase 4; CIC,
capicua transcriptional repressor; DUX4, double homeobox, 4; HEY1, hairy/enhancer-of-split related with YRPW motif 1; IDH, isocitrate dehydrogenase;
MDM2, mouse double minute 2 homolog; NCOA2, nuclear receptor coactivator 2; PNET, primitive neuroectodermal tumor; TFE3, transcription factor binding
to IGHM enhancer 3; USP6, ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 6; WHO, World Health Organization; WWTR1, WW domain containing transcription regulator
1; YAP1, yes-associated protein 1.

finding is referred to as dedifferentiated liposarcoma with sive (intermediate) category because it recurs in approxi-
“homologous lipoblastic differentiation” or “pleomorphic mately 50% of cases, but does not metastasize.
liposarcoma-like features”.6,7 The subcategory of “hemangiopericytoma” has been
removed from the classification of “extrapleural solitary fi-
Fibroblastic/Myofibroblastic Tumors brous tumor” (SFT) because it is now well established that
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans and the closely related this outdated term included tumors that represented cellu-
giant cell fibroblastoma were included in the 2013 classifi- lar examples of SFT, as well as other distinct tumor types
cation; they were previously described in the WHO vol- that may histologically resemble SFT. A recurrent intra-
ume on skin tumors. Both these tumors harbor chromosomal rearrangement on chromosome 12q that
rearrangements of chromosomes 17 and 22, which result leads to the formation of a NAB2-STAT6 (NGFI-A bind-
in the formation of the chimeric gene PDGFB-COL1A1 ing protein 2-signal transducer and activator of transcrip-
(platelet-derived growth factor beta polypeptide-collagen,
tion 6) fusion oncogene was identified in SFT (including
type I, alpha 1). Hybrid tumors demonstrating histologic
malignant and dedifferentiated tumors, and tumors at vari-
features of each exist, confirming their shared biologic ori-
gin. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans is categorized as a ous anatomic locations) in 2013, just after the publication
rarely metastasizing (intermediate) tumor, although it of the current WHO volume.8-10 This finding has led to
should be noted that metastatic potential is gained only the recognition that so-called meningeal hemangiopericy-
when a component of fibrosarcomatous change is present. toma is in fact SFT arising in the meninges.11 Nuclear
Giant cell fibroblastoma is classified in the locally aggres- expression of STAT6, a transcription factor and one of the

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metastatic rates of approximately 50%. Multiple recur-

rences of SEF are common and occur in approximately
50% of patients. Metastasis of SEF is frequent, developing
in up to 80% of patients, typically to the lung, bone, and
brain, and usually occurs earlier than in patients with
Finally, although a benign tumor, the recent identi-
fication of a recurrent MYH9-USP6 (myosin, heavy
chain 9, non-muscle–ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hy-
drolase 6) fusion gene in nodular fasciitis due to a trans-
location between chromosomes 17p13 and 22q13.1 is of
particular interest.21 Nodular fasciitis was previously
believed to be a reactive process, but the finding of this
recurrent translocation supports the theory that it is in
Figure 1. Sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma composed of round fact an example of a “self-limiting” neoplasm, given that
tumor cells with minimal cytoplasm embedded within a the natural history of nodular fasciitis is spontaneous
densely sclerotic stroma; dyshesion between tumor cells may
result in a pseudovascular growth pattern.

So-Called Fibrohistiocytic Tumors

The category of “malignant fibrous histiocytoma” was
deleted from the 2013 WHO classification, reflecting the
fusion gene partners, has proven to be an extremely useful outdated terminology that formerly included many
immunohistochemical marker for SFT.12 tumors that can now be accurately classified as specific sar-
The synonym “atypical myxoinflammatory fibro- coma types. Unclassified/undifferentiated sarcomas are
blastic tumor” was introduced for “myxoinflammatory now classified separately (see below).
fibroblastic sarcoma.” This is to reflect the extremely low
risk of metastasis for this tumor type. Smooth Muscle Tumors
The 2013 WHO classification recognizes the close The only change in this group was the removal of
relationship between “low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma” “angioleiomyoma,” which is now included in the category
(LGFMS) and a subset of “sclerosing epithelioid of pericytic tumors.
fibrosarcoma” (SEF). Both are malignant neoplasms that
demonstrate fibroblastic differentiation and that show Skeletal Muscle Tumors
overlapping immunohistochemical and molecular genetic The category of “spindle cell/sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma”
features. Hybrid tumors that demonstrate histologic fea- was separated from embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, with the
tures of both tumor types exist. The t(7;16)(q33;p11) that recognition that the spindle cell and sclerosing subtypes share
results in a FUS-CREB3L2 (cAMP responsive element a spectrum of morphologic appearances22-24 and lack genetic
binding protein 3-like 2) fusion gene in approximately changes typically observed in either embryonal or alveolar
90% of LGFMS cases is also found in a subset of rhabdomyosarcoma (Fig. 1). Even since the publication of
SEF.13,14 In some cases, EWSR1 acts as an alternate fusion the 2013 WHO classification, new insights into the biology
partner to FUS; this is more common in SEF or hybrid of these tumors has emerged. Rearrangement of the NCOA2
tumors than in pure LGFMS, and CREB3L1 is usually (nuclear receptor coactivator 2) gene has been identified in
the fusion partner with EWSR1 in these cases.15-18 pediatric cases of spindle cell rhabdomyosarcoma, but not in
MUC4 (mucin-4) is a newly described immunohisto- adult cases.25 Mutations in MYOD1 (myogenic differentia-
chemical marker identified through gene expression tion 1), a transcription factor involved in skeletal muscle dif-
profiling that has proven to be highly sensitive and specific ferentiation, have been identified in 40% of adult spindle cell
for LGFMS and SEF.15,19,20 Despite histologic and rhabdomyosarcomas.26 The prognosis of spindle cell rhabdo-
genetic similarities, the clinical course of LGFMS and myosarcoma in adults is worse than in children, and recent
SEF differ somewhat. Early recurrence of LGFMS is insights into the genetics of this tumor suggest that there may
uncommon, and metastasis of LGFMS often occurs many be underlying genetic differences between pediatric and adult
years after the initial diagnosis, with long-term follow-up cases.

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Figure 2. Pseudomyogenic hemangioendothelioma often presents with multiple discontiguous nodules and may involve bone.
(A) This coronal T2 fat-suppressed magnetic resonance image of the left arm shows a T2 hyperintense enhancing lesion in the
distal radius with cortical disruption and a soft tissue component (white arrow); additional lesions are observed in the radial
head and proximal ulna (black arrows). (B) The tumor is composed of spindled-shaped tumor cells with abundant eosinophilic
cytoplasm reminiscent of smooth muscle differentiation. (C) ERG, a marker of endothelial differentiation, is positive in tumor cells.
Magnetic resonance image courtesy of Dr. Jyothi Jagannathan of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts.

Vascular Tumors t(7;19)(q22;q13) is present in this tumor type and results

A newly recognized entity designated “pseudomyogenic in the formation of the very recently recognized fusion
hemangioendothelioma” (and also known as “epithelioid gene SERPINE1-FOSB (serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade
sarcoma-like hemangioendothelioma”) was included in E [nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1]-FBJ
this category.27,28 This tumor is classified as a rarely meta- murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog B).29 The
stasizing endothelial neoplasm. The name reflects the his- clinical course of patients with pseudomyogenic heman-
tologic appearance of spindle-shaped cells with bright gioendothelioma is characterized by repeated local recur-
eosinophilic cytoplasm that appear myoid, but the tumor rences or the development of new tumor nodules within
cells express endothelial markers and are consistently neg- the same anatomical region, but metastasis is very rare.
ative for desmin (Fig. 2). This tumor most commonly The relationship between margin status and risk of disease
arises in young adult males, and often presents as multiple recurrence has not been established, and at this point con-
discontiguous nodules in different tissue planes of a limb, servative management is the treatment of choice.
and may involve the skin as well as deep soft tissues and The classification of angiosarcoma and epithelioid
bone. Pseudomyogenic hemangioendothelioma tends to hemangioendothelioma (EHE) has remained the same.
be highly [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-avid, and However, new insights into the molecular genetics of
therefore positron emission tomography scan is useful for these tumors warrant mention. Recurrent fusion
the detection of deep lesions. A recurrent translocation genes have been identified in EHE, specifically WWTR1-

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CAMTA1 (WW domain containing transcription regula-

tor 1–calmodulin-binding transcription activator 1),
which results from a t(1;3)(p36.3;q25) translocation and
is the most common fusion gene in EHE,30,31 and less
commonly YAP1-TFE3 (yes-associated protein 1-
transcription factor binding to IGHM enhancer 3),32
which occurs in tumors from young adults and is associ-
ated with distinctive morphologic findings such as the for-
mation of well-formed vascular channels and voluminous
eosinophilic cytoplasm. Furthermore, by analyzing break-
points in these genes, it has been shown that multifocal
EHE most likely arises as a result of metastatic disease
rather than representing synchronous primary tumors as
previously thought.33
The presence of MYC amplification in post-radiation
angiosarcomas was described within the last few years, and
the detection of MYC overexpression at the protein level
has proved to be a useful immunohistochemical tool for
distinguishing angiosarcoma from atypical postradiation
vascular proliferations, which are negative for MYC.34,35

Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor

For the first time, gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST)
is now included in the WHO soft tissue classification; it
previously was part of the volume of WHO Tumors of
the Digestive System. The most notable change in the
classification of GIST is the recognition of the category of
“succinate dehydrogenase (SDH)-deficient GIST”.
Tumors in this group are wild-type for KIT and PDGFRA
mutations, and demonstrate loss of expression of the
SDH complex, subunit B (SDHB) protein immunohisto-
chemically, which reflects dysfunction of the SDH
enzyme complex of the Krebs cycle.36-38 This dysfunction
may arise due to the presence of mutations in any of the 4
SDH subunit genes (namely SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, and
SDHD) which can be detected by sequencing methods,
but can also occur in the absence of demonstrable muta-
tions due to as yet unknown mechanisms. Mutations in
SDHA appear to be the most common mutation in SDH-
deficient GIST in adults (present in 35% of cases), and
can be confirmed by the additional loss of expression of
SDHA protein by immunohistochemistry.39-42
Clinically, these tumors always arise in the stomach,
Figure 3. (A) Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH)-deficient gas-
trointestinal stromal tumor demonstrating a characteristic
especially the antrum, where they may be multifocal, and
multinodular growth pattern on low power. (B) Tumor cells often spread to lymph nodes, which is an extremely
are usually epithelioid, and lack expression of SDHB, in con-
trast to surrounding normal endothelial cells and lympho-
uncommon pattern of spread in KIT- or PDGFRA-mu-
cytes, which show retained cytoplasmic expression of SDHB tant GIST. Histologically, SDH-deficient GISTs demon-
(C). strate a distinctive multinodular growth pattern and are
usually purely epithelioid or mixed epithelioid and spin-
dle cell type (Fig. 3). The clinical course tends to be

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indolent, even in the presence of metastatic disease. Stand- the same translocation t(1;10)(p22;q24) noted in myx-
ard risk stratification criteria for assessing the malignant oinflammatory fibroblastic sarcoma (MIFS), a rarely
potential of GISTs (ie, evaluation of mitotic activity and metastasizing lesion that is included in the category of
tumor size) do not predict the clinical behavior of this fibroblastic tumors.49-51 Tumors demonstrating hybrid
subtype.37,43,44 It is important to note that SDH- features of both these entities exist, suggesting a close bio-
deficient GISTs are imatinib-resistant, but may respond logical relationship between HFLT and MIFS.
better to second-generation and third-generation tyrosine The second addition to this category is phosphaturic
kinase inhibitors such as sunitinib, sorafenib, nilotinib, mesenchymal tumor (PMT), which is classified as a rarely
and dasatinib.37,45,46 metastasizing lesion. PMT is an extremely rare but clini-
The diagnosis of SDH-deficient GIST is important cally and histologically distinctive tumor. The tumor pro-
not only because of the prognostic and predictive infor- duces fibroblast growth factor 23, a hormone that inhibits
mation mentioned above, but also because of its syn- renal proximal tubule phosphate reuptake, resulting in
dromic associations. While SDH-deficient GISTs may phosphaturia and tumor-induced osteomalacia.52 Clini-
arise sporadically in adults and represent the vast majority cally, elevated serum levels of fibroblast growth factor 23
of pediatric GIST cases, they also occur in the setting of can be demonstrated in the majority of patients with
the Carney triad (GIST, paraganglioma/pheochromocy- PMT. Although most of these lesions are benign, disease
toma, and pulmonary chondroma) and Carney-Stratakis recurrence is common with incomplete excision, and rare
syndrome (GIST and paraganglioma/pheochromocy- malignant cases with metastasis occur.53 Complete exci-
toma). For this reason, it is recommended that all patients sion leads to the resolution of osteomalacia.
with SDH-deficient GIST be referred for genetic counsel- The term “primitive neuroectodermal tumor”
ing. In addition, in many cases, GIST is the sentinel tu- (PNET) has been removed as a synonym for Ewing sar-
mor in these syndromes, and the time interval before the coma. This is to minimize confusion with the histologically
development of a second tumor may be delayed by many and genetically different, but similarly named, PNET of
years; long-term clinical follow-up for the development of the central nervous system and female genital tract.
additional gastric GISTs or other tumor types is therefore
warranted for all patients with SDH-deficient GIST. The Undifferentiated/Unclassified Sarcoma
frequency of SDH-deficient tumors among all gastric This category of tumors is new to the 2013 WHO classi-
GISTs is estimated to be 7.5%.43 fication, and recognizes those tumors that cannot be clas-
sified into any of the other categories due to lack of a
Nerve Sheath Tumors demonstrable line of differentiation or lack of distin-
For the first time, nerve sheath tumors (including both be- guishing histologic, immunohistochemical, or genetic
nign and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors) are features. Tumors in this category may have spindled, epi-
now included in the WHO soft tissue classification. thelioid, pleomorphic, or round cell morphology.54
Although several newly described histological variants of Interestingly, it has been very recently recognized that a
benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors have been subset of otherwise undifferentiated round cell (non-
included, there have been no changes to the classification Ewing) sarcomas harbor CIC-DUX4 or BCOR-CCNB3
of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors. fusion genes, suggesting that some of these undifferenti-
ated/unclassified sarcomas will in time be recognized as
Tumors Of Uncertain Differentiation genetically distinct tumor types. Although the number of
There were 2 new additions to this category. The first is reported cases is small, round cell sarcomas with the
“hemosiderotic fibrolipomatous tumor” (HFLT), a CIC-DUX4 fusion gene are more common in males,
locally aggressive neoplasm that typically arises in middle- demonstrate variable expression of CD99, and arise in
aged women, most commonly around the ankle or wrist. soft tissues more often than in bone (Fig. 4).55-60 Round
HFLT is an unencapsulated lesion composed of adipo- cell sarcomas with the BCOR-CCNB3 fusion gene typi-
cytes, hemosiderin-laden spindle cells, and chronic cally arise in bone, but may also arise in soft tissues and
inflammatory cells, which impart a yellow-brown color also demonstrate variable expression of CD99.61 Data
grossly. These lesions may reach large sizes, and the rate of regarding these tumor types are still emerging, but at this
local recurrence approaches 50% if they are incompletely time it appears that they are best managed with systemic
excised.47,48 With complete excision, the recurrence rate chemotherapy in addition to locoregional treatment,
is low. It is interesting to note that HFLT demonstrates similar to Ewing sarcoma.

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with grade 1 distinguished from cases of grade 2 and grade

3 chondrosarcoma. In addition, the synonym “atypical
cartilaginous tumor” was introduced for “grade 1
chondrosarcoma.” These tumors are locally aggressive but
metastasize only extremely rarely; the 5-year survival rate
is 83%, with death from disease occurring due to uncon-
trollable tumor growth, especially in patients with pelvic
tumors.63,64 Curettage/simple excision alone is consid-
ered adequate treatment. For those tumors that recur,
approximately 10% demonstrate an increase in cellularity
warranting a change in grade. In contrast, grade 2 and 3
chondrosarcomas frequently metastasize and have a 5-year
survival rate of 53%; en bloc resection is recommended
for this group of patients. Tumors should be graded based
on the area of highest histologic grade in cases in which
variable histologic grades exist within the same tumor.
Minor clarifications and expansions to the defini-
tions of chondrosarcoma were as follows: primary central
chondrosarcoma (chondrosarcoma arising centrally in
bone without a benign precursor); secondary central
chondrosarcoma (chondrosarcoma arising centrally in
bone in a preexisting enchondroma); and secondary pe-
ripheral chondrosarcoma (chondrosarcoma arising in
association with the cartilaginous cap of osteochon-
droma). The classification of periosteal, dedifferentiated,
clear cell, and mesenchymal chondrosarcoma remains
The most significant new genetic finding in chondro-
Figure 4. Round cell sarcoma with the CIC-DUX4 fusion gene sarcoma is the recognition of mutations in the isocitrate de-
is composed of round to ovoid tumor cells with amphophilic
cytoplasm and variably prominent nucleoli. (B) CD99 may hydrogenase 1 (IDH1) and isocitrate dehydrogenase 2
demonstrate patchy expression, in contrast to the diffuse (IDH2) genes, which code for the metabolic enzymes
membranous pattern characteristic of Ewing sarcoma. Case
courtesy of Dr. Christopher Fletcher of Brigham and Women’s
IDH1 and IDH2 that are now recognized to play a role in
Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. tumorigenesis. IDH1 and IDH2 mutations are present in
up to 70% of primary central chondrosarcomas, 80% of
secondary central chondrosarcomas, virtually all periosteal
chondrosarcomas, and 50% of dedifferentiated chondro-
BONE TUMORS sarcomas.65,66 These mutations also occur in enchon-
Chondrogenic Tumors droma, both the sporadic type and those associated with
A new addition to this category is osteochondromyxoma, Ollier disease and Maffucci syndrome.67
a benign but locally aggressive tumor that demonstrates A recurrent fusion gene, HEY1-NCOA2 (hairy/
both osteoid and chondroid production.62 This rare tu- enhancer-of-split related with YRPW motif 1-NCOA2),
mor arises in approximately 1% of patients with Carney has been identified in mesenchymal chondrosarcoma.68
complex. Sites of involvement include the tibia and sino- Given the close proximity of these 2 genes on chromo-
nasal bones, and destructive growth with extension into some 8, this fusion most likely results from a small inter-
soft tissue can occur. Disease recurrence is more likely at stitial deletion between these loci.
sites where complete resection is difficult; metastases have
not been reported. Osteogenic Tumors
Chondrosarcoma is now separated into two Interna- The only change in the classification of osteogenic tumors
tional Classification of Diseases codes, which reflects the is the incorporation of secondary osteosarcoma into the
different prognosis of chondrosarcoma based on grade, category of conventional osteosarcoma for descriptive

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WHO Update of Sarcoma Classification/Doyle

purposes. Conventional osteosarcoma is subclassified Osteoclastic Giant Cell-Rich Tumors

based on histologic features (eg, osteoblastic, chondro- In this category, “giant cell tumor of bone” is now sepa-
blastic), but there remains no relationship between the rated from “giant cell lesion of the small bones.” Giant
subtype of conventional osteosarcoma and treatment and cell lesion of the small bones is a very rare tumor-like
prognosis, in contrast to other types of osteosarcoma. lesion that arises in the small bones of the hands and feet
Amplification of mouse double minute 2 homolog and commonly recurs after initial curettage, but is almost
(MDM2) and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) have always cured after the second excision. Giant cell tumor of
now been well documented in low-grade central osteosar- bone is a locally aggressive neoplasm that may very rarely
coma and paraosteal osteosarcoma, and immunohisto- metastasize or undergo malignant transformation into a
chemistry for these 2 markers can be a helpful tool, high-grade sarcoma, either de novo or after radiotherapy.
especially in those cases that have undergone dedifferenti-
ation to a high-grade osteosarcoma and in which recogni- Notochordal Tumors
tion of the precursor low-grade lesion is difficult clinically Benign notochordal cell tumor was added to this category,
or pathologically.69,70 which previously only included chordoma. This benign
tumor may represent persistent notochord rather than a
Fibrogenic Tumors true neoplastic proliferation; benign notochordal cell tu-
The definition of “fibrosarcoma of bone” is clarified as mor arises at the base of skull, vertebral bodies, and sacro-
an intermediate- to high-grade spindle cell malignant coccygeal bones and is usually an incidental finding.
neoplasm that lacks significant pleomorphism and lacks
any line of differentiation other than fibroblastic. This Vascular Tumors
clarification addresses several issues. First, although his- Hemangioma (a benign tumor composed of capillary-like
torically the classification of fibrosarcoma of bone was blood vessels most commonly involving vertebral bones,
used relatively commonly, it is now recognized that a with a low rate of local recurrence) is separated from epi-
fascicular or “herringbone” pattern of growth may be thelioid hemangioma, a recently characterized locally
observed in many different tumor types that can be clas- aggressive neoplasm composed of small vessels lined by
sified in other specific diagnostic categories.71 Second, epithelioid endothelial cells. Epithelioid hemangioma
this pattern of growth may also be seen in otherwise most often arises in long tubular bones, followed by flat
unclassified high-grade pleomorphic sarcomas, and if bones and vertebrae.72 In contrast to conventional he-
significant pleomorphism is present the tumor is best mangioma, epithelioid hemangioma is locally aggressive:
classified as the latter. Fibrosarcoma of bone is therefore recurrence occurs in approximately 10% of cases. Treat-
a diagnosis of exclusion, and the diagnosis cannot be ment consists primarily of curettage, and less often local
made on limited biopsy samples, because thorough resection. Epithelioid hemangioma should also be distin-
sampling is needed to exclude other lines of differentia- guished from EHE, which is classified separately in this
tion. The incidence of fibrosarcoma is likely much less category. EHE is a malignant neoplasm that demonstrates
than the 5% documented in the prior WHO endothelial differentiation, and the mainstay of treatment
classification. is wide resection. The mortality rate is approximately
20% and histologic features do not predict the develop-
Fibrohistiocytic Tumors ment of metastases. As discussed in the section on soft tis-
Similar to soft tissue tumor classification, the category of sue tumors, very recent work has identified recurrent
“malignant fibrous histiocytoma” of bone has been fusion genes in EHE, namely WWTR1-CAMTA1 and
removed from the 2013 classification of bone tumors. YAP1-TFE3. These fusion genes are not present in angio-
sarcoma or benign vascular tumors. There are no signifi-
Ewing Sarcoma
cant updates to the classification of angiosarcoma of bone.
The term PNET has been removed as a synonym for
Ewing sarcoma, as previously discussed. Of round cell Undifferentiated High-Grade Pleomorphic
sarcomas of bone that do not fulfill criteria for Ewing Sarcoma
sarcoma, 2 genetically distinct groups of tumors have High-grade pleomorphic malignant tumors that lack a
been recognized that harbor CIC-DUX4 (Fig. 4) or specific line of differentiation are classified as
BCOR-CCNB3 fusion genes; these tumors are discussed “undifferentiated high-grade pleomorphic sarcoma.” This
in the section on undifferentiated sarcomas of soft tis- diagnosis is one of exclusion, and thorough sampling is
sues above. needed to exclude osteoid deposition, which would

Cancer June 15, 2014 1771

Review Article

necessitate a diagnosis of osteosarcoma, as well as other 7. Marino-Enriquez A, Fletcher CD, Dal Cin P, Hornick JL. Dediffer-
entiated liposarcoma with “homologous” lipoblastic (pleomorphic
histologic features that may suggest a specific diagnosis.71 liposarcoma-like) differentiation: clinicopathologic and molecular
Tumors in this category have a metastatic rate of at least analysis of a series suggesting revised diagnostic criteria. Am J Surg
Pathol. 2010;34:1122-1131.
50%. Treatment generally involves neoadjuvant therapy 8. Robinson DR, Wu YM, Kalyana-Sundaram S, et al. Identification
followed by wide excision for potentially resectable of recurrent NAB2-STAT6 gene fusions in solitary fibrous tumor by
lesions. Similar to osteosarcoma, the degree of tumor ne- integrative sequencing. Nat Genet. 2013;45:180-185.
9. Chmielecki J, Crago AM, Rosenberg M, et al. Whole-exome
crosis after neoadjuvant chemotherapy is an important sequencing identifies a recurrent NAB2-STAT6 fusion in solitary fi-
prognostic factor.73 brous tumors. Nat Genet. 2013;45:131-132.
10. Mohajeri A, Tayebwa J, Collin A, et al. Comprehensive genetic anal-
ysis identifies a pathognomonic NAB2/STAT6 fusion gene, nonran-
Conclusions dom secondary genomic imbalances, and a characteristic gene
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Tumors of Soft Tissue and Bone 11 years ago, new clini- cer. 2013;52:873-886.
11. Schweizer L, Koelsche C, Sahm F, et al. Meningeal hemangiopericy-
copathologic and genetic features of many soft tissue and toma and solitary fibrous tumors carry the NAB2-STAT6 fusion and
bone tumors have been characterized, which has led to can be diagnosed by nuclear expression of STAT6 protein. Acta Neu-
ropathol. 2013;125:651-658.
more reproducible classifications of these tumors and 12. Doyle LA, Vivero M, Fletcher CD, Mertens F, Hornick JL. Nuclear
therefore more effective treatment stratification. This has expression of STAT6 distinguishes solitary fibrous tumor from histo-
also allowed wastebasket diagnostic categories and obso- logic mimics. Mod Pathol. 2014;27:390-395.
13. Guillou L, Benhattar J, Gengler C, et al. Translocation-positive low-
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new entities have been included for the first time in this 1402.
14. Rekhi B, Folpe AL, Deshmukh M, Jambhekar NA. Sclerosing epi-
volume. Huge advances have been made, and continue to thelioid fibrosarcoma-a report of two cases with cytogenetic analysis
be made at an ever-increasing pace, in defining the genetic of FUS gene rearrangement by FISH technique. Pathol Oncol Res.
basis of both benign and malignant mesenchymal tumors; 2011;17:145-148.
15. Doyle LA, Wang WL, Dal Cin P, et al. MUC4 is a sensitive and
these findings and the major classification changes in the extremely useful marker for sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma: asso-
current 2013 WHO classification have been reviewed in ciation with FUS gene rearrangement. Am J Surg Pathol. 2012;36:
this article, along with new genetic data that have emerged 16. Lau PP, Lui PC, Lau GT, Yau DT, Cheung ET, Chan JK.
even since the publication of the current volume. EWSR1-CREB3L1 gene fusion: a novel alternative molecular aberra-
tion of low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma. Am J Surg Pathol. 2013;37:
FUNDING SUPPORT 17. Doyle LA, Hornick JL. EWSR1 rearrangements in sclerosing epithe-
No specific funding was disclosed. lioid fibrosarcoma. Am J Surg Pathol. 2013;37:1630-1631.
18. Arbajian E, Puls F, Magnusson L, et al. Recurrent EWSR1-
CREB3L1 gene fusions in sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma [pub-
CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURES lished online ahead of print January 16, 2014]. Am J Surg Pathol.
The authors made no disclosures. 19. Doyle LA, Moller E, Dal Cin P, Fletcher CD, Mertens F, Hornick
JL. MUC4 is a highly sensitive and specific marker for low-grade
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